Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 262 [The person my uncle is afraid of]

"What's wrong with my cousin? Visiting the portrait of the ancestor is something that our children of the Zhong family must do every day. Is the portrait damaged?"

I snickered, then walked behind him, and without his permission, directly took off the large luggage bag, unzipped it and took out a painting scroll from it, because this luggage bag was taken care of by my real cousin, and some things inside He also put it in himself, besides the patriarch scroll, there are other things, but why is the Black Mountain devil so resentful towards Patriarch Zhong Kui?

I took out the painting scroll, unfolded it, and I lifted it up and shook it at my cousin, saying: "Cousin, this portrait is in good condition, there is no damage."

Cousin glanced at the scroll, saw the figure in the portrait, frowned tightly, turned his head away, and said, "I'll go in first."

Wei Xiaoqing smiled mischievously, seeing his figure gradually disappearing into the room, said softly: "This guy should have a relationship with Zhong Kui, otherwise he wouldn't hate him so much, why don't you just ask your ancestors to come and help us, and get the Black Mountain devil from Exorcize Zhong Li from his body, Zhong Kui is a great general who subdues demons and eliminates demons, so there must be a way."

I nodded, but I had some doubts in my heart. After all, if I want to invite my ancestors, I have to go to Huangquan Road to try my luck. Last time, I provoked the ninth-rank ghost messenger and broke up his Yin body. Although there is a third-rank ghost messenger Youyue It's under surveillance, but it's definitely not that simple. The backstage of the ninth-rank ghost messenger is very big in the underworld, as powerful as the ancestor Zhong Kui.

"I will carefully consider this matter. If the map to the spirit world can be retrieved, then there is no need to bother the ancestor. If the ancestor leaves the underworld, then the guy who confronted the ancestor is bound to cause trouble. Xiaoqing, go and clean up Let me take you to meet one of my classmates."

I pointed to the package on her body and said.

I don't know how Gu An'an is now, whether her limbs are still stiff, I hope Xu Wanzhou can take good care of her.

"Hey, could it be that girl Luo Shui'er?"

Wei Xiaoqing's expression turned cold, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, his eyes were like a deep pool of water, and he couldn't see the bottom.

"No, her name is Gu An'an. She died because of Wei Wuya, but now she has become a zombie. Fortunately, she sealed her soul in her body, so she did not lose her humanity when she became a zombie, but she just couldn't adapt to it. .”

I thought for a while, and said, there is no need to hide anything.

Wei Xiaoqing was stunned for a moment, and his deep eyes lit up again, but he said in surprise: "Is it imprisoning my soul in the body? This girl is too courageous, and even if this is the case, at the very least At most, it is just a living corpse, the body will slowly rot, it is not so easy to become a zombie, can a girl endure her own body rot? If it is me, it is unacceptable."

"The hatred she bears is far from what you imagined. The Gu family is controlled by your Blood Soul Sect, and her biological brother Gu Pingping died in the hands of Wei Wuya. Now she is the only one left in the entire Gu family with a housekeeper. I don't have the ability to turn her into a zombie, so naturally that kid helped."

I pointed to Li Nianbai who was pointing behind Zhong Xiaoman and spoke.

Wei Xiaoqing nodded suddenly, and with the portrait in my hand, I went into the main room, found a nail and a hammer, nailed the nail into the wall, and then unfolded the portrait of the patriarch and hung it up.

The Soul Cultivation Cauldron is still placed on top, and there is a bamboo rice bucket in front, with a few burnt sandalwood sticks inserted in it. I reached out and took three sandalwood sticks, then lit them with a match next to them and inserted them into the bamboo tube. Fog poured into the Soul Cultivation Cauldron.

"My dear brother, you came back safe and sound? Where's your father?"

The little devil's head Zhong Haotian's voice sounded, looking forward to it, but it's daytime, it's inconvenient for him to show up, and it will damage his yin energy.

"I'm back, but now we have to go out. I know you are capable. Don't let my cousin get into trouble. I will keep Xiaobai. Of course, the most important thing for you is to protect Xiaoman, understand."

I knocked on the Soul Cultivating Cauldron and said.

"Okay, okay, I still don't know, don't worry, Zhong Yuan, this is your girlfriend? Why don't you introduce it to me?"

The immature voice sounded without concealment. Hearing this voice, I almost fell to the ground, but Xiaoqing looked at ease, stretched out her slender fingers with a smile on her mouth and pinched three sandalwoods, and said:

"Since you are Zhong Yuan's elder brother, then my younger siblings should also offer incense, so as not to lose courtesy."

"Xiaoqing, are you fooling around with him too?!"

I squeezed my cold sweat secretly, and said.

Xiaoqing turned around, stared at me with a smile on her face, with a little evil on her face, and said, "Why, you don't want to? Or, you already have someone in your heart? Could it be that girl Luo Shui'er?"

"You're thinking too much. Now that so many things have happened, how can you have time to talk about love?"

I put my luggage next to me, went to the yard, and told Li Nianbai some precautions, maybe because I was afraid that everyone would see him through, the cousin who was possessed by the black mountain did not come out, but stayed in the room all the time.

"Xiao Yuanyuan, I really want to see this girl Gu An'an, after all, I turned her into a zombie."

Seeing that I wanted him to stay here, Li Nianbai suddenly became unhappy, his mouth was raised high, like a child who has been robbed of candy.

"If we all go, who will take care of here? My cousin is still there. If Montenegro changes his mind, or use some secret technique to control his cousin."

I was extremely determined and refused to waver, so Li Nianbai stuck out his tongue at me and returned to Zhong Xiaoman's side.

Wei Xiaoqing came out soon, and she was wearing relatively thin clothes. It is late spring, and everywhere is green, especially in our village, there are pieces of rapeseed fields, which are yellow and misty, and the faint fragrance of green grass diffuses throughout the village.

As soon as I got out of the yard, I saw my uncle walking towards us in a hurry, as if he had encountered something terrible.

Of course, he does have a terrible date, but not a thing, but a person.

"Uncle, why do you look so nervous? Is there anyone in the village that scares you?"

I stopped my uncle and asked with a smile.

When my uncle saw that it was me, he managed to regain his composure, coughed a few times, and said, "Of course it was sister-in-law. When she sent you over, she would visit you every few days, but she didn't dare to directly Come to Zhong's house, but through me, if I don't agree, she will beat me, and she won't let me go until I promise her to take you out, although so many years have passed, her temperament has not changed a bit. "

I stared at my uncle speechlessly, Wei Xiaoqing's eyes showed a little pity, and said: "My master is such a person, she is very kind, has a strong temper, and is very protective, especially for my relatives, my flesh and blood."

After speaking, he took a special look at me.

The uncle stared at Wei Xiaoqing helplessly, his eyes were very resentful, as if he was saying, as if I am not the elder brother and the younger brother, so I am here to torture the uncle?After taking a look at us, he went home. He was still worried about his son being possessed by the Black Mountain devil, and he was even more anxious.

It only took us half an hour to go to Yanshan Mountain. When we got to the entrance of the cave again, the surroundings changed drastically. At least I heard the screaming of cattle and sheep around me.

In a blink of an eye, all the trees within tens of meters around here have been cut down. There are two new wooden houses next to the cave, and there are several simple sheds for raising livestock. It came out, walked over, and saw a figure busy.

"Sister-in-law Amu?"

Seeing a familiar figure, I couldn't help asking, why is she here?Moreover, so many livestock are raised here, what happened to the Gu family's old house?

"Huh? Mr. Zhong Yuan is here, come in and sit down quickly."

Mrs. Amu is still the same as before, with a long ponytail, a smile on her old-fashioned face, and indescribable stiffness. She put down the wooden barrel in her hand, and went to a well in front of the wooden house very quickly. Scooped some clean water from a large water tank next to him and washed his hands clean.

Anyway, they are all here, and they are not in a hurry, and the sun has not yet set, so Gu An'an probably hasn't woken up yet, and even if he wakes up, it is not convenient to walk under the sun.

When I arrived at the house, the layout inside was very simple, but it was very clean.

Mrs. Amu made tea for us, then sat down, stared at me with gratitude and said, "Thank you Mr. Zhong Yuan and Mr. Li for your help, my young lady was able to come out of the shadows slowly, And the situation is much better, after turning into a zombie, the body has not rotted, and the injured part has also recovered like this, but unfortunately the broken arm cannot be reattached."

"Sister-in-law Amu doesn't have to worry. In fact, even if An An loses an arm, it is not difficult for her at all, and it is impossible for zombies to perform any secret techniques. By the way, why don't you see Xu Wanzhou? He went back to his family ?”

I smiled and said.

Mrs. Amu felt reasonable, nodded, and replied: "Well, Mr. Jiang He left here with him and went to Xu's house. It seems to be about Mr. Zhong Yuan's cousin. I am just a servant, and I don't know much about it. many."

"Oh, I see. By the way, this place is different from before. What happened?"

I asked again.

"Because my home is too far away from here, and my young lady can't practice without blood, so with the help of Mr. Xu, I built a livestock shed here, and then raised a lot of livestock for my young lady to practice."

Mrs. Amu didn't hide anything, she spoke.

We walked around for a while, the yin energy here is much less than before, and there are even some formations around to exorcise ghosts. I think it should be Xu Wanzhou's masterpiece. After all, Yanshan Mountain is not an ordinary mountain. The mountain is very large and has many ghosts, even ordinary ghosts and ghosts will not set foot in it, unless it is an eighth-rank ghost.

The eighth-rank ghost messenger is different from the ninth-rank ghost messenger. The latter is responsible for hooking the souls of people who are about to die, while the eighth-rank ghost messenger is also called a parade ghost messenger. If some souls with lingering grievances are found to be doing evil, they will deal with them.

As the sun was setting, Wei Xiaoqing couldn't wait any longer, and before I could speak, he tied his head tightly to the cave in this dark place.

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