Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 263 [My Zombie Classmate]

After entering, the inside was extremely cold, and it was a different world from the outside, but the cave at the entrance was obviously expanded a lot, and it was supported by wooden sticks and other objects.

After walking a short distance, the inside suddenly opened up. The walls of the cave, which were not so smooth, were all smoothed out at this moment, and wallpapers with black background and silver patterns were pasted on them. Wooden boards were nailed to these walls, and kerosene was placed on them. In addition to the lamp, there is actually a wooden bed next to it, although there is no bedding or anything.

In addition to these, there are some decorations, how does this look like a lifeless and gloomy place?In addition to the fact that the yin energy inside is very real, it is completely different from the previous yin and evil land. It seems that Xu Wanzhou is quite emotional.

But the most noticeable thing is that there is a pitch-black coffin parked in the middle. The coffin is not very big, but it is black and shiny. A trace of faint mist overflows from the dark ground and seeps into the coffin, exuding a strange breath.

Wei Xiaoqing chuckled at me, his face suddenly sank, walked over, reached out and knocked on the coffin lid, before he could withdraw his hand, suddenly there was a soft "creak", and then a pale arm came out of the coffin Stretched out, the palm was white, but the nails were black and hard, and it grabbed Wei Xiaoqing's wrist at a strange speed. The ghost needle was not pierced, but there was a crisp sound the moment the palm touched the ghost needle.

Xiaoqing withdrew the ghost-eating needle in her hand, and put her white palm back into the coffin. Xiaoqing frowned slightly, and was about to use some means when suddenly, a strange voice sounded.


The lid of the coffin was pushed open, and a one-armed girl in a white dress sat up, her face was stiff, her eyes were cold, her mouth was slightly opened, revealing two sharp canine teeth, and a faint yellow-green light radiated from her eyes , looks very scary.

"Yellow-eyed general zombie? No, it should be about to evolve into a green-eyed zombie!"

Xiaoqing glanced in surprise, but quickly recovered her composure, her face was calm, a layer of lavender flames appeared on her body, exactly the same as the Ziluo I saw back then, except that the purple flames on Xiaoqing's body couldn't match She is comparable, but much weaker.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoqing also practiced this kind of magic kung fu, and it was a magic technique handed down from one of the ten real demons in the Maha Great World.

"Zhong Yuan?!"

Gu An'an, who was about to attack Wei Xiaoqing, turned his head and stared at me, his expression changed slightly, and the stern look in his eyes suddenly disappeared.

"Long time no see, old classmate, how are you doing these days? But I see you look pretty good now."

I glanced around and opened my mouth with a slight smile.

"this is?"

Gu An'an stared at Wei Xiaoqing coldly, with a look of displeasure in his eyes, and his voice lowered a little.

"Who am I? Wei Xiaoqing, a member of the Blood Soul Sect."

Wei Xiaoqing still looked at Gu An'an with a smile on her face, but as soon as she finished speaking, Gu An'an's originally stiff and little-changed face showed anger, and his mouth was slightly opened, revealing a trace of white corpse. The coffin lid flew out, and her whole body jumped out from inside, her five fingers were straight, cutting Wei Xiaoqing's neck like a sharp knife, while shouting angrily:

"Blood Soul Sect?! I want to kill you, avenge my brother, and my Gu family!"

"Xiao Qing, get out of the way!"

I know that Gu Anan is already angry now, and her strength is improving very fast now. At least I know that the level of zombies is similar to that of flames. Zombies activated from wisdom are also divided into seven levels, red, orange , yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple, but they are distinguished by the color of their eyes. The higher the level, the deeper the strength. It is said that purple-eyed zombies can fly into the sky and escape from the ground, omnipotent, just like ordinary people. Now Gu Anan It is already the pinnacle of yellow-level zombies, and as long as it goes one step further, it will be green-eyed zombies, which have long been invulnerable.

Of course, these yellow-level zombies are similar to the third ring of faith of our ghost hunters, but if we really want to do it, it is estimated that the ghost hunters will suffer. Generally, the ghost hunters in the early stage are not very powerful. There are very few people who practice physical skills, but zombies are different. Although the limbs of zombies in the early stage are stiff and only have brute force, they are amazing in the later stage. They are extremely fast and powerful. Some ghost hunters of the same level even If you haven't had time to cast the secret technique, you may be defeated by these zombies.

Therefore, among the ghost hunters, there is only talent that does not need to wait for time. Basically, it can be used as it pleases, but this kind of talent requires proficiency. I dare not say that the Dao pattern in my palm can take effect immediately.

"Zhong Yuan, you don't think I'm really afraid of her, do you? It's none of my business that the Gu family is under the control of the Blood Soul Sect. These things are done by the elders of the department. I follow the master. These things don't matter at all. You know, the place here is small, if you want to fight with me, then go outside and compete to see how capable this old classmate, whom this idiot never forgets, is capable of."

Wei Xiaoqing avoided the claw and went straight to the entrance of the cave.

Gu An'an's eyes became more stern, she lowered her arms, bent her knees slightly, then flicked slightly, and disappeared in an instant.

I rubbed the cold sweat on my forehead. I was just talking about Gu Anan casually. I admit that I had a crush on her when I was in school, but now I completely treat her as my younger sister. I didn’t know Xiaoqing well before. Now that she has shown her Promise True Demon Art, it is even more difficult to see through. Moreover, it is also the first time I have met Gu Anan who is about to be promoted to a green-eyed zombie. I am a little worried, so I hurried out of this evil place.

Xiaoqing is very smart, knowing that fighting Gu An'an in the evil place will not get any benefits, so she went directly outside.

As soon as I came out, I heard a voice that almost made me faint, it was from the mouth of Xiaoqing.

"Zhong Yuan can only belong to me alone, and no one can have any wrong thoughts about him. Although you are a zombie and his old classmate, I can tell from the inside of your eyes that you love him." Interesting, you should understand a woman's mind."

"The tone is not small, Zhong Yuan is my classmate, how can I let him be with you, a demon girl from the Blood Soul Sect?"

Gu An'an looked at him coldly. At this moment, the sky and the earth have completely darkened, only the sunset glow in the west, and the lights in the wooden house.

"Oh? Let's do it."

The corner of Wei Xiaoqing's mouth raised slightly, the ghost-eating needle in his hand glowed blood-red, it seemed to be much bigger than before, it was already about a foot long, and the needle was much thicker than before, unknown There are many runes engraved on the ghost-eating needle made of material. Seeing this scene, I exclaimed:

"Magic artifact! An'an, be careful!"

This ghost-eating needle is actually the same as Fumojian, which also means that this ghost-eating needle also has a rune array, as long as it is turned on, it will have incredible power, so he exclaimed to remind Gu Anan.

Gu Anan turned his head, nodded at me, his eyes were firm, but Wei Xiaoqing was different, his eyes were about to burst into anger, and said:

"Zhong Yuan, you little bastard, what did you just say? You have to force my old lady to teach you a lesson, don't you?"

"You too be careful!"

I squeezed a cold sweat, did I say something wrong just now?It seems that the fierce battle between these two women is unavoidable. I hope that the two sides will not be really cruel. What is the real strength.

"Forget that I didn't hurt you in vain! Hmph!"

Wei Xiaoqing rolled his eyes, and regained his evil smile. I felt a chill down my spine. Miss Xiaoqing was so fierce. I suddenly thought that she was Zi Luo's direct disciple, and my uncle's bitter face The expression, I understand it, I really understand it.

With Xiaoqing's aura, it seems that she plans to become a female devil in the future. I wiped off my cold sweat again.

"What nonsense?! Even if my brother has nothing to do with you, Wei Wuya is still your senior brother."

Gu An'an still said coldly, there was a wind on the mountain at night, which made her white dress flutter, but two sharp fangs appeared at the corners of her mouth, and with her snow-white face, she looked a little scary.

On the other hand, Wei Xiaoqing, her hair fluttering gently with the wind, her eyes were extremely bright, she raised her lips, and said slowly: "Wei Wuya? Hmph, I have nothing to do with him, this time, I'm fighting for Zhong Yuan, don't mention anything else to me, I want to see what his zombie classmate is capable of."

"Okay, I'll let you learn, but since you are Zhong Yuan's friend, I won't really hurt you. Of course, the premise is that you obediently admit defeat."

Gu Anan raised his right arm slightly.

"Wuji Liangyi Needle, the second rune formation is activated, and Wuji Needle Qi!"

Wei Xiaoqing raised his arm in the same way, and the ghost-eating needle in his hand shone brightly, and he swung it forward fiercely. The dense red needle-shaped sword aura came straight to Gu An'an. There were hundreds of needle-shaped sword auras, which was extremely astonishing.

The real name of this Ghost Eater Needle is Wuji Liangyi Needle?Is this a complete set of instruments?Interesting, this is the first time I've seen it, but can Gu An'an resist it? These needle-shaped sword qi seem to be very destructive.

Gu Anan's body suddenly became blurred, and he kept dodging left and right. I rubbed my eyes, but I could only see afterimages. This... this is too fast, this is the strength of the yellow-eyed zombie ?Gu An'an, who was still worried about his body stiffness, has become so fast now, it's really unbelievable, it's almost the same as my escape speed when casting a thousand-mile talisman.

These Wuji needles were actually dodged. The needles landed in the soil behind, and there was a burst of crackling sound, the soil splashed everywhere, and densely packed pits emerged, even where I was. When it got involved, I quickly stepped aside and watched it again.

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