Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 268 [Embarrassment]

The golden flame completely covered the magic source bead, the violent shaking became smaller and smaller, the astrolabe did not shatter as imagined, and the magic source bead was not completely burned by the golden flames, instead, the magic source bead rose and rose. The special flame, originally the second-level Promise Purple Flame, now the flame has turned into a purple-gold color.

This purple-gold fire seemed to emerge from the inside of the magic source bead, burning blazingly. The magic source bead inside was faintly visible, while the astrolabe below was still circulating, exuding more powerful magic energy than before.

The third level of True Demon Shadow probably will take some time to cultivate successfully, so it will simply be gone, and the second level of Wuji Ziyan has just been cultivated, and the third level is not so easy.

Gradually opened his eyes, Zi Luo was still wiping sweat with a towel in his hand, and when he saw me wake up, he immediately showed joy, and said: "Yuan'er, I really can't see that apart from condensing into a magic source, there is actually a The second level of Promise Ziyan has been successfully cultivated. I thought it would take you a few days to refine the power of true magic left in your body, but I didn't expect..."

"I'm not bad at talent. By the way, what is this smell? It smells so bad! Open the window."

After sniffing her nose, the stench in the house became stronger and stronger. Could it be that something in her box was knocked over?I started to stare at the box carefully and it started to smell.

"You don't have to look for it. It's on you. When I gave you the empowerment just now, I forced out some impurities and toxins in your body. Now you should go and wash it."

Zi Luo pointed at me and said with a smile.

I looked down and saw that my body was sticky and the clothes were pitch black. It seemed that the clothes were scrapped. Are there so many discarded impurities in my body?But speaking of it, my body is much lighter, as if I can jump very high with just a random jump, and I have a lot of strength, especially the strength of my physical body. I guess I will not lose to Jiang He when I compare strength with him now. This Wuji Ziyan should be stronger than internal force.

Without thinking too much, I walked quickly to the door, and suddenly remembered something, and said, "Then I'll wash it first, thank you."

"I need to thank you for helping my son? I won't be happy to say this again in the future."

Zi Luo pursed her lips and smiled, and said.

I scratched my head, feeling a little embarrassed, turned around and tried to unlock the door lock, but couldn't move it. I knocked hard on the door a few times, but there was no response at all. Only then did I know that it was my father who used the sealing talisman before, and there was no such thing at all. The reaction suddenly became depressed again.

"I'm coming, Wei Qiang, open the door!"

Zi Luo threw the towel in his hand, walked to the door in a few steps, fisted in his hand, and hammered hard on the door panel, but it didn't have much effect.

I walked around impatiently, my body was sticky, and there was a foul smell coming from my body.

"Yuan'er, don't worry, your father is probably asleep, let me come, how to say, I also let you wash this body, you get out of the way, I will open the door."

Zi Luo waved her hand at me and smiled kindly. I always felt that she was smiling a little dangerously, so I retreated instinctively.

"Break it for me!"

She raised her arm, and a layer of purple flames appeared in the center of her palm. She slapped the door panel hard with one palm, and with a loud bang, the entire door panel was directly pierced, the seal was completely disintegrated, and the power covering the entire room also disappeared. One dispersed.

"What's wrong? There are thieves?!"

The father, who was dozing outside the door, was awakened by the sound. Through the hole, he saw Zi Luo's angry face. Only then did he realize that he had made a mistake, and hurriedly opened the door.

Hearing the sound, everyone came out one after another. As soon as I walked out the door, I heard a terrible voice:

"Xiao Yuanyuan, did you fall into the cesspit?! The stench in my body immediately made me completely give up my plan to eat late at night, and I am not allowed to play in the latrine from now on."

"Li Nianbai, haven't you experienced refining the impurities in your body? I don't believe it, your whole family fell into the latrine!"

Glancing at the energetic Li Nianbai, I gritted my teeth and gave him a hard look.

"That's right, everyone will go through this stage, Zhong Yuan, I'm going to boil the water, just wait, there will be hot water for bathing soon."

Xiaoqing pushed away Li Nianbai who was holding his nose, walked towards me, grabbed my clothes and walked to the kitchen, I glanced, but found no trace of my cousin, could it be that he is still in the room?Immediately I thought of yesterday, his whole body was icy cold, like a dead body, it should be Hei Shan doing it, wanting to completely take over his cousin’s body, that’s why he reacted like this, because although Hei Shan now occupies his cousin’s physical body, but Some powerful secret techniques cannot be used, after all, his current identity is only the host, not the cousin himself.

There is no bathtub in the country, so I can only rinse like this. After rinsing off the dark and sticky stuff on my body, I find that I have become different. Some dull things in my body skin have been removed. I found that my arm was stronger than before. Not only that, but my gaze was much farther than before. In addition, my hearing was much stronger than before, and I could even hear Xiaoqing's walking outside the door. hear.

"Clang clang..."

The door was pushed open, and Wei Xiaoqing walked in with a bucket of hot water in his hand.

"Water... Just put the water outside the door, there is no need to come in!"

Although I heard her footsteps, I didn't expect Xiaoqing to come in directly.

"Hey, I can't see that my body is quite strong. Why are you covering it? Everyone is an adult, so let's relax."

Xiaoqing glanced at me and put down the bucket with a smile.

"Are you sure you want to see it?"

I glanced at Xiaoqing, and found that her eyes were a little evasive, and she didn't dare to look directly at my body. I immediately wanted to tease her. Although the bottom was covered by a towel, I held the towel with my left and right hands and shook it. Shaking, slowly walked towards her.

Obviously, she didn't expect me to say that. Under the dim light, I found that her face was a little flushed, her head was slightly lowered, and she had a kind of tranquil beauty.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Wei Xiaoqing faltered and spoke, his voice was much softer, at the same time he reached out to rub his dress and bit his red lips.

"Naturally... oops!"

Suddenly I stepped on a slippery piece of soap, and fell backwards with an unstable center of gravity. Hearing my scream, Wei Xiaoqing suddenly raised his head, reached out and grabbed my wrist, but still fell on the ground. I fell to the ground and lay heavily on my chest, and suddenly I felt that my chest was being pressed by two soft things, she twisted her body, slowly raised her head, and asked anxiously: "Zhong Yuan, are you okay. "

"It should be all right, your hands are not hurt."

I raised my arm and took a closer look, except for some minor scratches, it wasn't serious.

"Ah... your towel!"

Xiaoqing suddenly screamed again, the hot water around her wetted her clothes, and her clothes were exquisite, accompanied by a faint fragrance, which penetrated into my nose.

"Uh... accidentally dropped it, I... I just don't look at it."

Seeing her distressed face, I quickly covered my face with a wet towel, and Xiaoqing was relieved, and slowly got up, but just halfway up, he suddenly said again: "Zhong Yuan, You...that thing of yours...resisted me!"

I was shocked all over, and I also noticed that I was strange, and began to adjust myself as much as possible. I found that after practicing this real magic appearance, my body became very different, and I began to forcibly suppress the raging heat wave burning in my abdomen.

"You... get up quickly!"

I felt Xiaoqing wriggling on my body, and I couldn't concentrate on concentrating on my thoughts. Instead, the hotness in my stomach became more and more intense. I have never felt this kind of feeling before. Could it be because I practiced this magic skill, and then In addition, Xiaoqing also practiced magic skills, so why did she react abnormally?

After a while, Xiaoqing left my body and ran out in a hurry. After a while, I suppressed the heat in my stomach, stood up again, rubbed off the impurities on my body, and changed into clean clothes. Cool.

Walking out of the courtyard gate, I found a figure standing there. I saw a wooden sword on the back of this figure, and I immediately knew that this person was Li Nianbai.

"It's so late, I haven't slept yet, what are you thinking?"

I walked over, patted him on the shoulder, and asked, after all, we have fought side by side many times, and we still need to know more about our companions.

Li Nianbai turned around, there was no usual smile on his face, instead there was an indescribable reluctance, his eyes were moist.

I frowned, my heart shook slightly, what's wrong?How could Li Nianbai, a heartless boy, become so sad?

"I have a very strong hunch that those ghost messengers you sent should be very likely to find the map. I...I might really have to leave here."

Li Nianbai sighed deeply, looking very reluctant.

"Don't scare me, listen to what you mean, can we never leave the spirit world again?"

I was slightly startled, if that was the case, what else would I do?

"No, of course you can leave, but I'm different. My parents will definitely not let me leave there again. They took action, and no one can interfere with their choice. Moreover, my mother did not approve of me leaving there, let alone I lost contact with them here and they are probably in a panic now."

Li Nianbai shook his head and sighed again.

"Don't worry, is there any parent in the world who doesn't love their son? If your choice can convince them, I don't think they will interfere with you too much... Who, who is there!"

Seeing a black shadow outside the yard, I immediately chased it out, but the black shadow was very fast, like a gust of wind, and disappeared in an instant. When I reached the direction where the black shadow disappeared, my face darkened.

It wasn't someone else's house that Hei Ying went to, but Heipang's house.

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