Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 269 [Bewitched by Gu]

"Zhong Yuan, what the hell is this? I didn't notice it! I can't even feel the breath."

Standing behind me, Li Nianbai stared at the phantom gradually disappearing into the room, and said in surprise.

"You really don't know? I don't know what this thing is, but I'm sure it's not a human being, and there's a faint smell of blood in the air."

Sniffing around, I found that besides the smell of earth and grass, there was also a faint smell of blood, but this smell dissipated quickly.

"Then what should we do now? This family is asleep, will it be dangerous?"

Li Nianbai's eyes became clear, he stared at the dark yard, and said, I glanced at the gate of the yard, it was made of wooden door, and beside it was a bamboo fence as tall as a person, that The shadow did run inside, but the door didn't break open, and there was no movement around, not even the big yellow dog from Hei Pang's house barking, which is strange.

"We'll find out when we go in and take a look."

I took out the Demon Demon Sword from my pocket, gently pushed open the door, walked into the yard, and made a "woo woo..." sound in a corner of the main room. I looked down and saw a pair of green eyes staring at me, scared I almost slashed over with a sword, but I found that the owner of these eyes was very short, so I suddenly became suspicious, could it be?


I called softly, and sure enough, the owner of the green eyes came out. It was the big yellow dog of the Heipang family, but it was very scared with its tail between its legs. When it saw me, it immediately ran to me and rubbed its head my feet.

"What is it that makes a dog so afraid? Even if it is a wandering ghost, this dog will bark. No matter how bad it is, this dog can also make a sound when it encounters a vicious ghost. Rhubarb, don't be afraid , I'll go find your master."

I patted it on the head, and Rhubarb seemed to understand what I meant, and bit my trouser leg with its mouth and dragged it to the black and fat house.

When I arrived at Hei Pang’s door, I knocked lightly a few times, but there was no sound from inside, and Hei Pang’s snoring sound disappeared. When Hei Pang and I took a nap at school, he often snored. I winked at Li Nianbai, telling him to be careful, if there is any problem inside, then I will just break into the door.

I knocked a few more times, but there was still no response from inside, but there was a thin sound from inside, as if scratching my arm. I became impatient and walked to the door of his room, intending to knock the lock open with my palm.

At this moment, the dim light came on, and I froze for a moment. The figure in the window swayed and walked towards the door.

The door opened, Hei Pang opened his eyes sleepily, rubbed them, and stared at me curiously: "Zhong Yuan, what are you doing looking for me so late? I heard from my mother that you are back, we are neighbors, you It’s too embarrassing to come to see me, we are still buddies!”

"Because there are some things to deal with. I just came home not long ago. Just now I saw... I saw someone came to your house. Are you okay?"

His face was a little confused, so I walked around him and walked into his room.

There was a strange smell inside, which was unspeakably unpleasant, so I walked up to Hei Pang again, frowned and said, "When did you become so unclean? How long has it been since the room was cleaned? How long has it been since?" Take a shower?"

Then I walked to the bed and took a look at the quilt on the bed, the color of the quilt was quite conspicuous, the red and white coat, huh?It's a little strange, the quilt doesn't seem to be dirty, I grabbed it and smelled it, and found that there was no strange smell on the quilt.

Where did that smell come from?Soon, I found that Fatty Hei was scratching myself non-stop. He was wearing short sleeves, and I had scratched bloodstains on his arms. concentrated.

I made a mistake, I always thought that the room was not clean, so naturally his body would not be very clean, so he was contaminated with this weird smell, but unexpectedly this smell came from him, and his whole body People are the source of this strange smell.

"Heipang, stop scratching, stand under the light."

I stretched out my hand and waved at him. The wattage of this light bulb is not large, so I want to take a closer look at his scratches.

"Zhong Yuan, be careful, it might be some kind of plague."

Li Nianbai who was standing at the door frowned slightly, his tone became gloomy.

"Is it itchy?"

I smiled and asked again. At the same time, I grabbed his hand and began to examine the wound carefully. Obviously, the wound was scratched out with my fingernails. There were bloodstains. I sniffed it. The smell of blood is actually the same as the smell of blood I smelled before. Could it be that Heipang is possessed by some evil spirit?

No, if he is possessed, he will not have his own consciousness, let alone know me. Is it really the same as what Li Nianbai said, Heipang is sick?

Just when I was in a trance, Hei Pang withdrew his arm, grinned and said, "Damn it, it tickled me to death. That old woman is really vicious. Did you look at her things recently and curse me?"

After finishing speaking, he grabbed his arm again and scratched it. The whole arm was extremely red, and there were tiny drops of blood overflowing faintly.

"I told you not to scratch!"

I grabbed Hei Pang's wrist, and said in a deep voice, but Hei Pang twisted his hand, trying to break free, and shouted in his mouth: "I'm itching to death, Zhong Yuan, if you are still a good buddy, let's Let me scratch."

Looking at the blood on her arm, it was extremely scary, and I didn't know what to do. These blood beads began to roll down.

"Zhong Yuan, be careful, get out of the way!"

Li Nianbai rushed in suddenly, pushed me away forcefully, took a yellow talisman in his hand, and slapped his black and fat hands, the yellow talisman shone with crimson light, covering his entire arm in an instant, suddenly something happened A scene that terrifies me.

The sound of crackling and exploding suddenly came from the fat black arm, and these blood beads turned into weird little insects, swimming in the crimson flames, but before climbing far, they burst into flames one after another. It turned into puddles of blood, and there were densely packed holes on Hei Pang's thick arms, and these bugs seemed to crawl out of the holes.

Seeing this scene, my scalp felt numb, the hairs all over my body stood on end, and my scalp was even more itchy, but I enjoyed seeing the fat man.

"He's got a Gu! Don't get close to him. These bloods are Gu worms. It's just that under normal circumstances, they won't show their true form. I used talisman fire to force them out of their original form. If you touch these blood worms, they will burrow into them." In your skin, parasites begin."

Li Nianbai turned his back to me, and stretched out his hands to stop me from getting closer.

When I think of the densely packed holes, I get goosebumps all over the floor. I originally wanted to wipe the blood on his hands, but now I won’t get close to him if I’m killed. Forgive me, black fat.

The flames gradually disappeared, and the bloodstains of Hei Pang's injury miraculously disappeared. The only difference was that there were still blood holes the size of broad beans on his arms, but no blood flowed out, which looked extremely terrifying.

"Have you broken this Gu?"

I poked my head out and asked softly.

Li Nianbai shook his head solemnly, and said slowly: "How can it be so easy to break? I don't even know what kind of Gu it is, but it is very useful against these ordinary people, but these bloodworms enter our body Afterwards, we can detect it and find ways to get rid of it, but these ordinary people are different, they have no way at all, even if they go to the hospital, they can't detect that it is poisoned by Gu, just now I burned it with fire It’s only part of it, you should ask your friends, what’s going on?”

Hei Pang opened his eyes and saw that his arm was riddled with holes, he was so frightened that he almost screamed.

"Be quiet, if you don't want to die, tell me what happened!"

I stood up again, trying not to keep my gaze on his arm.

Hei Pang thought carefully for a while, his face was full of fear, and at the same time, there was a hint of memory in his eyes, and he said: "When I went to the neighboring village to visit my classmates the day before yesterday, I came across a tea stall on the road, and the stall owner was a black man. The old woman in clothes, I have never seen this person before. She stopped me and asked me about the situation at home. I didn’t know her, so I naturally wouldn’t tell her. I didn’t know how to provoke her. It fell on my arm, and I was scalded at the time, and I was on fire immediately, and directly overturned her tea shed, she... she cursed me, saying that I would be covered with bugs."

When I got home, I didn’t feel anything, but when I was in a daze just now, I seemed to hear something, and there was a strange smell coming over, and then my body started to itch. The next thing, you also knew.

"Aside from itching, what other discomforts do you have?"

Li Nianbai looked at Hei Pang with disdain, and asked again.

"No, it's just an itchy arm, and... vomit... vomit..."

The black, fat and pale face suddenly began to change violently, the huge body bent over, and a large amount of blood was spit out from the mouth. The stench spread, coupled with the sound of his vomiting, even I wanted to vomit.

"Get out of the way!"

Li Nianbai pushed me away, took out another yellow talisman in his hand, muttered something, and threw it on the ground, a ball of red flames appeared on the bloody water again, and began to burn blazingly. In the flames, the bloody water It turned into tiny worms, like the white maggots in the toilet, no, they were red, but when these blood-colored worms came into contact with the flame, they were burned and burst open.

"I didn't expect this Gu poison to be so powerful. I don't know where the Gu Yuan is, and I don't know the habits of these Gu insects. Otherwise, they can be drawn out and wiped out in one fell swoop."

Li Nianbai sighed and said.

It was the first time I encountered this kind of thing, and I was already confused, so I asked quickly:

"Then what should Heipang do now? He won't really die, right?"

Looking at the black, fat and pale appearance, my heart hangs again.

"I can't die yet. This kind of Gu worm doesn't have any strong aggressiveness. Now there is only one way. Senior Zi Luo is well-informed, maybe she can solve it, so let him go back with us now. "

Li Nianbai glanced at me with pale lips, and smiled lightly.

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