Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 270 [Grandma Blood]

"It seems that this is the only way, Heipang, can you still go?"

I patted his back and asked aloud.

"Well, it's okay, Zhong Yuan, you must save me, I'm your good brother, we played together since we were young, we grew up wearing the same underpants, now..."

Heipang stood up very weakly, chattering, and followed us home.

"Xiaobai, help him to my house first, I have something to do."

After leaving the courtyard of Heipang's house, I gave Li Nianbai a wink. He looked at the courtyard of Heipang's house instinctively, hesitated for a while, and didn't say anything.

The night is not very good, the moon in the sky is hazy, I hide under a big tree, this big tree is not very far from Heipang’s house, and I can see their yard very clearly, thanks to my cultivation After practicing the real magic phase skill, one's eyesight can be enhanced and one can see farther.

About 15 minutes later, when I was about to leave, a hazy shadow appeared at the gate of the yard and walked leisurely towards the entrance of the village. This shadow looked very thin, it should be a woman, and when I listened carefully, there were footsteps, Although very faint, it does exist.

I quietly followed behind, holding the demon-subduing sword tightly in my hand. When I saw this black figure, I thought she was the old woman in the tea shed that Fatty Hei said. I tried to keep a distance of twenty feet away from her. .

After leaving the village, she kept walking towards the main road. After about half an hour, she stopped suddenly, and then turned around suddenly. Fortunately, there was a big tree next to me to cover her, and she tried to adjust her breath. After a while, She turned around and walked forward again. I breathed a sigh of relief and continued to follow her, but just as I walked out, I stepped on a dead branch.


The dead branches under my feet were crushed by me, and I was stunned. The figure turned around, and it turned out to be an old lady in black. This old lady had a red cloth scarf wrapped around her head. She had a ruddy face, but no eyebrows. , staring at me calmly, said:

"Sure enough, someone is following me, young man, you can follow me, it seems that you are not an ordinary person."

The sound was like a knife and fork scraping across the plate, sharp and piercing, the sound was weird, it seemed to be deliberately changed, and it didn't speak to me with a real voice.

"You are not an ordinary person, grandma, the Gu on my friend must have been laid by you."

I dare not relax at all, because this old woman does not look simple, especially she is proficient in Gu art, but I know nothing about it, now I have to treat each other with courtesy, if she can go back and detoxify me, That would be the best.

"Do you still know that this is a Gu? Who are you? Which disciple?"

There was a flash of surprise in the old woman's eyes, but it became gloomy in an instant, with a look of guard, and even a trace of fierceness flashed in her eyes.

"I am not a member of any sect, I am a ghost hunter, a disciple of the ghost hunter alliance."

I sneered, I have long since disliked the Ghost Hunters Alliance, if the other party wants to pursue it, they must also look for the Ghost Hunters Alliance.

"It turned out to be a ghost hunter. I'm not a ghost. Why did you follow me?"

The old woman's tone was obviously not friendly, she walked towards me instead of retreating, her mouth was open, showing her snow-white teeth, and she smiled very serenely.

Huh?There seemed to be something wrong, how could an old woman have such white teeth?It seems that the teeth are still very healthy. No matter how well she maintains them, it is absolutely impossible. This is a violation of biological science!

"I asked the question knowingly, I have said it all, you put a voodoo on my friend, and asked the old man to come with me and help my friend get rid of the voodoo poison."

I didn't move, but my wrist shook, the first layer of rune circle on the Fumo Sword was instantly opened, and a layer of faint silver light flowed on the sword body.

Seeing the demon-subduing sword in my hand, the old woman was startled again, and said in shock: "You are from the Zhong family?!"

"So what? Who are you?"

I was shocked, the other party actually knew my identity, could it be that she is also a ghost hunter?No, if she was a ghost hunter, she wouldn't talk to me in that tone, and I haven't heard of a family that is proficient in Gu skills in the ghost hunter family. This is simply impossible, because The job of a ghost hunter is to subdue demons and eliminate demons, and hunt and kill the evil things in the world. No matter how powerful the Gu technique is, it can only be applied to living things, and it is basically ineffective against ghosts.

"It seems that I have found the right place. That guy Zhong Ziyun should be your grandfather, haha, he is very capable, why don't you ask him to detoxify him? Hehe, that fat boy should be from your village, okay? , I'll let this old guy try my tricks, plant the blood spirit poison on the whole village, and see what he can do to solve it!"

The old woman laughed suddenly, her voice was very sharp and piercing.

"Could it be that our Zhong family has something to do with you? Why did you use this blood spirit poison to frame the villagers? Even so, it should be directed at our Zhong family."

I gritted my teeth and gave her a cold look.

"Oh? If that's the case, let's work on you."

The old woman pursed her lips and opened her mouth to spit out. A ball of blood spewed out from her mouth, and came straight to me. I didn't think much about it, so I lifted the demon sword in my hand and slashed forward, striking on the blood , Unexpectedly, the blood light didn't respond at all, instead it split into two and fell on my face. I couldn't hide it if I wanted to hide. I absolutely can't let these weird things get on my face. own arm.

It seemed to be scalded by something, and the sleeves were corroded, exposing the flesh inside. When I saw the blood on it, I quickly wiped it with my hands, but the blood disappeared into my skin immediately.

When I looked up, the old woman had disappeared, and there was still a faint smell of blood in the air.

I had completely lost track of her and couldn't find her, so I had to turn around and go back.

Along the way, I was feeling my arm, which was hot inside, as if scalded by boiling water. When I walked to the entrance of the village, this feeling disappeared, but there seemed to be something conceived in my arm, and there was a slight Heat rushed over my shoulders.

Oops, these poisonous poisons have to move their positions, no, they must be suppressed.

Thinking of what Li Nianbai said before, I felt even more horrified, and my footsteps became faster. If I want to get rid of the poison on my body, I must use magic skills, but outside the house, I am afraid of attracting others' attention, so I still have to rush to myself as soon as possible. home.

Entering the yard, the main room was brightly lit, Heipang was sitting inside, Jiang He was checking on him, father, Zi Luo, uncle, Xiaoqing, Li Nianbai stood there, cousin still didn't show up.

"Don't bother me, I've been poisoned by the blood spirit Gu, I have to use my skills to force it out."

I felt an itching on my arm, and as soon as I stepped into the room, I sat down cross-legged, mobilized the magic energy in the dantian, and directly activated the second level of the magic power, the infinite purple flame. I want to use this purple flame to burn the inside of my flesh and blood. Gu worms.

Purple-golden flames rose from my body. Under my special control, my clothes were spared, but the blood spirit poison in my hand was not so lucky. I could feel the flames coming from my own arms. There was a slight crackling sound, and the heat spreading to the arm was also suppressed.

Controlling Wuji Ziyan and starting to burn these evil things completely, because Wuji Ziyan was cultivated by myself, so it can't cause harm to me, but it's different for others, and it is for this reason that I Hei Pang didn't use Wuji Ziyan to contact this Gu poison.

This blood spirit Gu poison does not seem to be an ordinary Gu poison, otherwise how could Li Nianbai's talisman fire take effect?The talisman fire only burns filthy things, and cannot harm human beings. This is just because Hei Pang scratched his arm, and these blood spirit bugs ran out before being burned to death. If it wasn't for this reason, these talisman fires would be It can't penetrate the black and fat skin and can't hurt them.

About 10 minutes later, the arm has gradually returned to normal. I slowly opened my eyes, and a clear voice came to my ears.

"Yuan'er, what's the matter?"

Zi Luo's anxious face appeared in front of me, and when she saw that I was awake, she stepped back a little.

"It shouldn't be a serious problem, I have used the Promise Purple Flame to refine the Blood Spirit Poison Gu in my body."

I stood up, frowned and said, if I had used Wuji Ziyan directly from the beginning when I fought against that old woman, then these blood spirit poisons would not be able to get close to me at all. After all, it was because I was too careless .

"What's going on, how did you and Chunsheng get poisoned by the blood spirit poison? This blood spirit poison is the unique secret Gu of grandma blood!"

My father came over and looked at me worriedly. He had a cigarette in his hand and was smoking it.

"That old woman is Grandma Xue? Could it be that she really has a grudge against our Zhong family? I was in the yard with Xiaobai before, and I noticed a person nearby, so I chased after him. How did I know that this figure disappeared strangely, and The place where it disappeared was Heipang’s home, so Xiaobai and I went to investigate together, and found that Heipang had been poisoned by Gu poison. Later, I asked Xiaobai to send Heipang to my house, and I stayed at the gate of his yard. Waiting, sure enough, the old woman appeared, I followed her all the time, and I was accidentally discovered and fought her, but she directly opened her mouth and sprayed a bloody light at me. God's time, she's gone."

I told everyone what had happened, but no one spoke.

After a long time, the father said slowly: "It seems that the enemy has come to the door. This bloody grandma did have a grievance with our Zhong family, but you were still young at that time, and the cause of this incident was also because of your grandpa. The enmity with the blood grandma for saving people."

"No matter what enmity she has with your Zhong family, it's not that simple to lay a poisonous spell on my son. Let her escape today, and I won't let it go."

Zi Luo glanced at her father with a gloomy face, and snorted coldly.

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