Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 271 [Ancient Miao]

"I'm fine. Grandma Blood seems to be tracking down Grandpa's whereabouts. She doesn't know that Grandpa is dead. No wonder she saw the Demon-Destroying Sword in my hand at a glance and determined that I was from the Zhong family. It turned out that I was from the same family as Grandpa." I had a grievance with my predecessors, and I think she laid a voodoo on me to lure grandpa out, so I think she will come again, what's the use if you don't let it go now? She has run away. "

I glanced at Zi Luo with a gloomy face, and said helplessly.

Zi Luo was taken aback for a moment, and immediately put on a smile and said: "Listen to my son, do whatever you say, and do whatever you want."

"Master, you..."

Wei Xiaoqing was a little surprised to see his master change his attitude so quickly, and couldn't get used to it.

"Xiaoqing, you go back to my room, I have to get up and make breakfast tomorrow."

Zi Luo glared at Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing stuck out her tongue, then stared at me with a worried expression on her face, I shook my head to indicate that nothing was wrong, and she reluctantly left.

"Wei Qiang, tell me about the origin of this bloody grandma."

Zi Luo found a stool, and then spoke in the tone of a high-ranking person. Seeing her father staring at her strangely, she smiled awkwardly, like a bird clinging to someone.

"Then let me talk about the cause of this incident. It happened more than ten years ago. At that time, the old man went to Ganzi Village, because it seemed that there was a plague there, and many people escaped. The old man would be a little superficial. Medical skills, I know that these are not plagues, but someone who specially injects Gu poison. At this time, there is a simple tea shed at the entrance of the village. There is a person in the tea shed who is treating Gu poison, and the fee is not low. It's Grandma Blood, but the old man destroyed her to collect money and got rid of these Gu poisons, so he formed a grudge against her. , who specializes in making money by harming people, is a black Gu master among the ancient seedlings."

After the father finished speaking, he sighed, and there was a slight worry between his brows.

"The ancient Miao clan? Why haven't I heard of it? Where did it come from?"

I stared at my father curiously, and at the same time glanced at Jiang He who was administering the needles. There was an iron basin on the ground, with a black and fat arm hanging down, and black blood rolled down drop by drop from the fingertips.

"I'm quite clear about this. The ancient Miao clan has many branches, and the black Gu master is one of them. This branch is sinister and vicious, and it must be punished. The ancient Miao clan has long been hidden in the world, and rarely appears in the world of ordinary people. , You don’t know that’s what it should be, even in the ghost hunter family, only people of a certain age in the family know.”

Zi Luo stood up, patted her father's shoulder, her face was serious, maybe she didn't expect that the enemy was the black Gu master of Gumiao clan.

"Father, seeing your frowning look, you should be afraid of being investigated by the ancient Miao clan."

Seeing my father frowning, he should be worried that we will deal with the bloody grandma, and the ancient Miao clan will come to investigate. The ancient Miao clan is an ancient race and has been hidden for a long time. With the current strength of our Zhong family, it is impossible to resist.

"Hehe, since you are afraid, then I will handle this matter. Besides, the branch of the black Gu master is not compatible with the other branches of the ancient Miao people. In short, don't worry, if you really want to go to war because of the matter of Grandma Blood, Then I will definitely gather the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect to fight again."

Zi Luo's face was calm, and what he said was calm.

"Now that we know the identity of the other party, it will be much easier to handle. The other party threatens to lay a spell on the entire village. If so, he will definitely act at night. How about this? Let us take turns guarding the entrance of the village today, and when the villagers wake up tomorrow morning activity, we will return."

After thinking about it, I think this method is the best, because we are not ordinary people, and now that we know that the other party is using voodoo, we have means to deal with it, such as secret arts such as flames.

"Yeah, that's fine, patrol in groups of two, I have to call out the little green girl."

Zi Luo nodded in agreement, and was about to move around, when suddenly the voice of Haotian Xiaoguitou rang out from the Soul Cultivation Cauldron.

"Why bother? I'm the one to come at night, but you guys forgot about me. Really... I'm also from the Zhong family."

"Well, Haotian can, I agree."

Father glanced at the Soul-Cultivating Cauldron with a complicated expression, his eyes hurt a little, but he still nodded.

Immediately afterwards, a trace of white mist emerged from the soul-cultivating cauldron. The white mist floated out and hovered in front of us. There was a gust of chilly wind all around, and the white mist slowly gathered, turning into a seven or eight-year-old child, who was about to It's the little ghost I haven't seen for a long time.

But he kept a distance from us. I remember he told me before that because ghosts are Yin bodies, they will harm us.

As soon as he came out, he looked at me curiously, and said with a face full of surprise: "Brother, the pure yang power in your body is so huge, if it weren't for the fact that I am not an ordinary ghost, I wouldn't even be able to approach you within a radius of five feet. It's a long shot."

"Okay, don't be naughty, go quickly."

I looked at him with black lines all over my head.

Next, they all started to rest, leaving only me, Jiang He, and Heipang.

"Finally forced out all these poisons, I'm exhausted, Zhong Yuan, I leave this to you, and the poison in the iron basin must be completely wiped out, I don't want to talk about this point Right, by the way, remember to supervise the Black Mountain Devil tonight."

Jiang He looked at me profusely with sweat, then staggered towards the room.

Hei Pang looked much better, his fingers were no longer black blood, but bright red, he grinned at me, and said: "My good brother, your friend's ability is quite high, now my hand It doesn't itch at all, I have to go to the mountains tomorrow, so I'll go back to sleep first."

"Well, you go, if you wake up tomorrow, remember to tell your parents to beware of that old woman."

I said.

"Well, okay, I'm leaving, Zhong Yuan, you should go to bed earlier."

Hei Pang shook his arm, trembling and trembling towards the door of his house.

Just after he left, my eyes fell on the iron basin again, which was full of black and red blood, but after a while, the black and red blood suddenly began to change, turning into blood beads the size of broad beans , Then the beads shattered and turned into worms, densely packed and began to climb up the edge of the iron basin.

"Hmph, want to leave? It's not that easy, let you all taste the power of Wuji Ziyan!"

I stretched out my hand and flicked it, and a group of purple-gold flames fell into the iron basin, and immediately began to burn blazingly. This purple-gold flame is not on the same level as that rune fire, but a real magic fire. Mutated, both good and evil, I don't know if it is the real magic fire or what.

These blood-colored bugs were almost wiped out in the blink of an eye, and were evaporated in an instant, and a stench rolled out, which quickly dissipated and was inaudible.

After a brief cleaning, I went to my cousin's room. There seemed to be no noise in the room, but when I opened the door, I found him sitting on the bed with his legs crossed.

"Cousin, are you still practicing exercises so late? I have something to tell you. We are going to send Li Nianbai home. You should go with us."

When I walked to the bed, he immediately retracted his palms, stretched his legs, and stared at me with a smile on his face. When he saw me speak, he replied without thinking, "Of course, he is our good brother, so naturally he will send me off." He went home, by the way, where is his home? I don't remember clearly."

"A paradise, it is helpful for practice, you will know when you go, I promise you will not let you down, it should be a few days to set off, by the way, if you have nothing to do tomorrow, don't go out, our Zhong family Here comes the enemy, a black Gu master, we are not proficient in Gu poison, so you should stay in the room."

I don't think there is anything to hide about this matter, so I reminded him that I actually have another intention, which is to prevent him from making trouble.

"Black Gu masters? There are still black Gu masters in this world? Could it be that the Gu Miao clan hasn't disappeared yet?"

He was slightly startled, and his voice was a little louder.

"Huh? Cousin, you know?"

I narrowed my eyes slightly and stared at him, and sneered in my heart. Now, I must have slipped my tongue, but why does the Black Mountain devil even know about the Gu Miao clan?Will there be some conspiracy?Or is this ancient Miao clan connected with the Maha Great World?

Seeing me staring at him strangely, he suddenly realized, his eyes flashed a few times, and he returned to his natural way: "It's nothing strange, I've read books about the ancient Miao clan before, by the way, since they are the enemies of our Zhong family , then how do we deal with it? Not going out?"

"Don't worry, Sect Master Zi Luo is not a vegetarian. It's fine if she comes forward. You can sleep at ease. Also, you are not allowed to practice at night, you have to sleep. Let me see how your body is doing."

After finishing speaking, I stretched out my hand to grab his wrist, but unexpectedly he put his hand back and dodged it, saying: "It's nothing serious, don't worry, go to sleep."

He pulled up the quilt, shrunk his body inside, and soon seemed to have fallen asleep.

Without any hesitation, I lay down, put my hand on his shoulder, and found that his body temperature was slowly rising.

Damn guy, while I'm not around, he's practicing some kind of magic technique. Could it be that he can't completely suppress his cousin's soul?It seems that one must rush to the spirit world as soon as possible, otherwise things will change later.


"Herbal tea, free herbal tea, free herbal tea..."

A slightly familiar voice floated in from the window. Listening carefully to the voice, it became more and more strange, as if it had been heard somewhere.

Looking at the sky again, it was already bright. I glanced at the clock, and it was already past eleven o'clock in the morning. I sat up suddenly and found that my cousin was still sleeping next to me, snoring slightly.

I hurriedly got dressed and went straight into the lobby, seeing that none of them were there, I ran out immediately.

I saw a small cart on the road not far away, and there were many villagers beside the cart, including Zhong Xiaoman. Standing beside the cart was a girl who seemed to be in her 20s. The smile is very sweet, the mouth is full of white teeth, and he is helping the villagers pour herbal tea while chatting about something, all this seems normal.

But this time has not entered the summer, just drink herbal tea?Also, why is the red cloth scarf wrapped around her head so familiar?

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