Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 272 [Blood Myrtle]

"Blood girl, you are so kind. The taste of this herbal tea is really novel and unique. After drinking it, the tiredness of half a day will disappear. Why don't you go to my house for dinner? We can't drink the herbal tea you worked so hard to brew for nothing. Bar."

Standing next to the wooden cart is a man with a crew cut, no shoes, a pair of big feet covered with field mud, gray cloth trousers rolled up to his knees, a hoe in one hand, and a big bowl of herbal tea in the other , looking at the girl with a naive face.

Er Niu is a bachelor in our village. He is 30 years old now, but he has not married a wife. In fact, his family is poor and he has an elderly and sick mother. Many girls look down on him, but he is kind-hearted. Never had any complaints.

"Well, that little girl would rather be respectful than obedient, everyone finish drinking quickly."

The girl looked at the surrounding villagers with a smile on her face, her expression was very calm, as if she was relieved.

"Xiaoman, don't drink!"

I rushed over, grabbed the bowl in his hand, and threw it hard on the ground. With a bang, the porcelain bowl shattered, and the herbal tea in it spilled all over the floor. I pulled out a yellow talisman and threw it on the ground. This flame talisman As soon as it touched the ground, it immediately started to burn blazingly.

But what surprised me was that there was nothing strange about the herbal tea that had been burned by the talisman fire, and there was no such blood-red maggots.The talisman fire quickly disappeared.

"Zhong Yuan, what are you doing? The blood girl specially made these herbal teas for us, and you don't mind if you don't appreciate it. Why do you do this? Is this how Ziyun taught the Zhong family's descendants?"

An old man wearing a black round hat and leaning on a pitch-black wooden staff walked out of the crowd with a majestic look, and looked at me with a raised goatee.

"Baye, there are some things you don't know. How can you drink things from strangers? To tell you the truth, these things are very likely to be poisoned by voodoo. Heipang is poisoned by voodoo. Bloody grandma is the enemy of our Zhong family. Yesterday she already let go, saying that everyone in our village will be poisoned, she must be the bloody grandma."

I pointed at the girl and spoke bluntly.

"If she is really the bloody grandma you are talking about, then we have been poisoned a long time ago. Why are you okay now? And she is not a stranger, her name is Xuewei, and she is a villager in Ganzi Village."

Ba Ye glared at me, and struck the ground with the cane in his hand.

I glanced at this girl named Xuewei again, her eyes were a little red, she bit her lip and dared not look directly at me.

"Well, I'll also ask for a night of herbal tea. Sister Xuewei won't refuse, right? What happened just now is so offending."

I walked over, looked at the wooden barrel of herbal tea next to me, and said with a blank expression.

At the same time, I also took the opportunity to smell the smell of these herbal teas, there was a hint of dark fragrance, not the smell of blood as I imagined.

"Well, yes, this time I made herbal tea. I originally planned to let your family drink it. How many people are there in your family? In this village, you should be the only one who didn't drink it. You can take this herbal tea home. Bar."

Xuewei rubbed her eyes, reached out and grabbed the big wooden bucket and lifted it off the wooden cart. After a closer look, she turned out to be a single hand-held bucket, and the big wooden bucket was very big, and there was more than half of herbal tea in it. The girl who has no power to restrain the chicken can lift it up easily.

"Well, I was so offended just now, thank you sister Xuewei."

I smiled, and regardless of the angry eyes around me, I glared at Zhong Xiaoman next to me, and then went to the house with the wooden barrel, Zhong Xiaoman obediently followed behind me.

"Xiao Man, you can't just take things from strangers, let alone drinks."

When I got to the yard, I put down the barrel and said.

Zhong Xiaoman stared at me with some grievances, raised his mouth, and said, "Didn't Grandpa Eight say that she is Xuewei from Ganzi Village? She is not a stranger, and I heard that this is not the first time she has come here. She has been here for many years." I've been here before."

"Come here many years ago?"

I frowned, at this time Jiang He had already walked out of the hall, with an apron around his waist, looking disheartened.

"Jiang He, come and check to see if this herbal tea is poisonous, no, it's Gu poison."

I waved at him, and said, Jiang He has a way to force out these poisonous poisons, and logically, he can also check them out.

"If it's really poisonous, I can test it out with a silver needle, but Gu poison is different from real poison. You can burn it with a flame talisman, and you'll know."

Jiang He walked to my side, squatted down, glanced at the herbal tea inside, then reached out and took out a silver needle to soak in the herbal tea.

I took out a flame talisman and waited quietly.

After a while, Jiang He took out the silver needle and looked at it carefully. There was no change in the silver needle. He said, "The herbal tea is not poisonous. Try your flame talisman."

I nodded, and the yellow talisman in my hand fell down, instantly burning a blue flame, but it was gone in a blink of an eye, and there was no reaction at all. Putting the herbal tea into his mouth, he smashed his mouth at the same time, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Huh? This herbal tea is a bit weird!"

Jiang He was slightly startled, and stood up with bright eyes.

"How weird? Isn't it the blood spirit poison? Is it another kind of poison?"

I was startled, squeezed my fist, and asked, am I still being cheated?Or is it that the villagers in our village have been fooled by this old woman?

"No, this herbal tea not only has the functions of removing dampness and promoting body fluid, clearing fire, improving eyesight, dispelling stagnation, reducing swelling, etc., but also can cure red eyes, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, boils, swollen toxins and high blood pressure. Of course, these are the effects of ordinary herbal teas. It is effective, but in fact there is another thing in it, although it is very weak, but I still notice it, the smell of wine!"

Jiang He said with a grin.

"You said that wine was added to this herbal tea? What is this for?"

I'm a little puzzled, why is wine added to the herbal tea?But the amount should be very small, otherwise I can't smell it.

"This is no ordinary wine, it is realgar wine from the Dragon Boat Festival. This kind of wine has the effect of warding off evil spirits and can also detoxify. However, this kind of medicine is usually used to smear the body. In addition to these things, there is a little bit in this herbal tea. Pomegranate peel, but the decoction of pomegranate peel is used to relieve the golden silkworm Gu, and there are a few secret herbs that I can't find out for the time being, but the weight of these things is very small, and it will not be harmful to the human body. Hei Pang drank this herbal tea yesterday, and I don’t need to spend a lot of time to force out the poison with the purest method of benzene. By the way, where is the person who made this herbal tea? I want to go and meet him.”

Jiang He stared at me excitedly.

I was a little stunned, listening to his tone, these herbal teas seem to be used to detoxify the poison, am I wrong?

It can't be wrong, because I saw Grandma Xue last night, her head was also wrapped in a red cloth scarf, and now this Xuewei is also dressed in the same way, no, I have to go to Brother Erniu's house to find out.

"Xiaoman, if they ask where we have been, you can say that we went to Uncle Er Niu's house, you know."

I patted Xiaoman on the shoulder, and I winked at Jiang He. Jiang He immediately wiped his face, took off his apron, and followed me happily.

Erniu's house is not very far from our home, and we arrived in a short while. This is a simple hut. There are a few more livestock sheds in the yard, but there are faint quarrels inside, and more and more It was intense, but it disappeared all of a sudden, and then there was the sound of breaking the door, and the sound of a person falling heavily to the ground.

Without the slightest hesitation, I rushed in. Er Niu was lying at the door, foaming at the mouth, trembling all over, his stomach was slightly distended, and he kept rolling his eyes.

"Jiang He, save someone! The damn witch, she actually did something to Brother Er Niu!"

Seeing the figure standing by the window, I didn't hesitate, and slapped it hard with my palm. The figure dodged, and I slapped on the window, and the wooden window sill was smashed by me.

"You...you misunderstood, it's not me!"

With tears still on Xuewei's face, she gritted her teeth and said.

"Isn't it you? Could it be that I can't do it? The witch, you know that you have something wrong in your heart, and you want to deceive us?"

I drew out the Demon Subduing Sword and glared at Xuewei.

She glanced at Er Niu lying on the ground, and frowned, but when she saw me pull out the Demon-Suppressing Sword, her face changed slightly, her cuffs trembled, and a ball of white powder was sprinkled on me, the figure flickered, and she went to the door Yes, a faint voice came over:

"He's got the Yin Snake Gu!"

This white powder stained my whole body, I quickly shook my body, wiped it vigorously, and at the same time shouted at Jiang He: "Jiang He, have I been poisoned, what are these!"

Jiang He walked up to me, sniffed it, then stretched out his finger and scraped my face. His finger was stained with a little white powder, and he put it in his mouth. He looked at me strangely, and said: " It’s just flour, what are you fussing about? Er Niu is the most dangerous.”

"What? Flour? These things are flour?"

I glanced at Jiang He in disbelief. I don't believe that a vicious old woman would use flour as a hidden weapon. It's absolutely impossible.

"Of course, if you don't believe me, you can try it yourself. By the way, Er Niu has been infected with the Yin Snake Gu. Too bad, this is what our ghost doctor lineage is not good at."

Jiang He frowned and gritted his teeth. He stretched out his hand and pressed Erniu's swollen belly. He didn't know what to do for a while. After a while, he said to me: "Go find some Realgar wine, preferably realgar wine from the Dragon Boat Festival."

"Brother, where can I get realgar wine for the Dragon Boat Festival at this time? Even if there is, the villagers have already drank it all. Well, I will try to find it. You must save Brother Erniu's life."

Before leaving, I spoke to Jiang He.

"Don't worry, the Yin Snake Gu is vicious, but it's not enough to be fatal in a short time."

Jiang He raised his head and said with firm eyes.

Xuewei ran all the way to the outside of the village, the tears in her eyes slipped from the sockets, and she ran not far from the village, she stopped suddenly, because there was a man in black standing under a big tree not far away. The old woman in the same dress also wore a red scarf that was exactly the same as Xuewei.

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