Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 273 [Yin Snake Gu]

"Why, after so many years, you are still obsessed with your obsession. You really don't want to go back to the same line as the black gu with me, Second Mistress!"

Xuewei wiped away the tears from her face, and stared at Grandma Xue with her lips pursed, feeling very helpless.

"Girl Wei, what are you doing in that crappy place? I know you were ordered to arrest me, but you have repeatedly sabotaged my good deeds, and this time is the same. Do you think you can solve it completely with your little herbal tea? Impossible! "

Grandma Xue smiled coldly, and with her hands behind her back, she slowly walked towards Xuewei, like strolling in a courtyard.

"I know, but at least it can be prevented. Er Niu is a good person, why do you want to trick him!"

Seeing Grandma Xue walking towards her, Xue Wei was not afraid, but her voice was a little louder.

"Hmph, an ordinary person also wants to covet our clansmen of the Black Gu lineage. I didn't kill him directly. It's good luck. Now let him have enough time to arrange his own funeral. What's wrong? If You still know that I am your second grandma, so you can either obediently return to the black gu lineage, or do something big with me, you know, no matter how talented you are, you don’t have as much experience as me, you are so kind , why don't you join the White Gu branch?"

Grandma Xue walked up to Xuewei, raised her hand, and wanted to pat her on the shoulder, but Xuewei stepped back decisively.

"It's not a little wary."

Grandma Blood was taken aback for a moment, then snorted coldly.

"Second Mistress, I don't want to fight with you. How many enemies have you provoked here in the past few years? You are still feuding with others. The other party is a ghost hunter. You have to think clearly that the other party's strength is not something we can fight against. The other party has already suspected me, and will find you soon."

Xuewei pursed her lips and said.

"So what? Do you really think I only have blood spirit Gu poison? You know about our black Gu lineage. Hehe, when I have enough time, I'll let them be poisoned by the Gu poison without anyone noticing it, okay?" Now, I have finished what I want to tell you, you can decide for yourself, go or not! If you don’t go, then we will break up completely. "

Seeing Xuewei's unusual firmness, Grandma Xue became impatient, and at the same time frequently looked in the direction of the village entrance.

"No, I won't go. If I want to go, then I must go with you, so..."

Before Xuewei finished speaking, she suddenly felt a little itchy all over her body, and it became more and more intense.

"You've already been hit by the Wind Gu, let's think about how to break it. Let me spare your life today. You'd better not go to this village now. Hehe, that villager has already been hit by the Yin Snake Gu, and you were there at the time, they absolutely I won't let you go, so do it for yourself! Next time, it won't be Wind Gu!"

After the blood grandma finished speaking, she turned her head and left, very fast, within a few breaths, she disappeared.

Xuewei gritted her teeth, resisting the severe discomfort on her body, and quickly took out a cloth bag from her waist, took out a pill from it and took it.


Where can I get realgar wine for the Dragon Boat Festival? !

From the beginning of the village to the end of the village, every household walked through it. There was wine, but there was no realgar wine, and finally arrived at home.

"Xiao Yuan, what are you doing in a hurry? Didn't Xiaoman say you're going to Er Niu's house?"

The uncle came out of the main room, with a cigarette in his mouth, and asked curiously.

"Er Niu has been infected by the Yin Snake Gu. Jiang He said that he must find realgar wine for the Dragon Boat Festival. There are a lot of wine, and realgar wine is also available at Ergou's and Heipang's, but the realgar wine for the Dragon Boat Festival can't be found. I don't understand. Curing Gu, this Yin Snake Gu is very vicious, Jiang He told me that the most important thing is to find this Dragon Boat Festival realgar wine."

Touching the beads of sweat on my forehead, I spoke impatiently.

After thinking about it, the uncle suddenly slapped his head and said loudly, "Dragon Boat Festival realgar wine? The old man used to like to get these things the most. Go to the cellar, maybe you can find them. Wait for me, I'll get the flashlight."

I heard it, and went directly to the entrance of our cellar. In fact, I have never been in the cellar, because there are not some vegetables in it, but some sundries, and it is locked. The main reason is that grandpa is afraid of me. Go inside and mess around.

The cellar is in the vegetable soil in the backyard of our house. A round cover is covered with plastic, and a water tank is pressed on it, but the inside of the water tank is already dry. I lifted the heavy water tank, and now I His arm strength was so effortless, my uncle hurried over.

Unlock the lock, and go down a wooden staircase. Maybe no one has gone in for a long time. Uncle told me to wait for the stale air inside to dissipate before going in. The inside is well sealed, and it is likely that there is a lack of oxygen. .

After waiting for a while, Uncle Tang took out a yellow talisman and threw it in. A flame burned in the darkness, and the flame slowly extinguished, so he nodded and went down together.

The smell inside is very weird, hold a flashlight, most of them are water tanks, and there are also some small bottles and jars placed on the wooden shelves in the cellar, but there are words on them.

"Ten years of rooster comb blood!"

“Aged glutinous rice!”

"Tanabata peach petals!"

"Black dog blood!"


I was stunned when so many things that dazzled me appeared in front of me. These things are very useful, whether they are used as talismans or to ward off evil spirits. I didn't expect Grandpa to hide so many treasures.

"I found it. The Dragon Boat Festival realgar wine is quite a lot."

Uncle’s voice came from behind me, and the flashlight shone on a wooden shelf. There were several jars of wine jars on the bottom of the wooden shelf, and they all wrote Dragon Boat Festival Realgar Wine.

"Then I'll take it to save people first."

I held one of the cans, came up from the wooden stairs, and rushed straight to Erniu's house.

Brother Er Niu is already lying on the bed. His mother has been bedridden all year round, and she doesn't know that Er Niu has been infected by a Gu.

When we got to the bedside, Erniu brother's belly was swollen, and there was a protruding sarcoid on it. The sarcoma was several inches long, but the surrounding area was sealed by Jiang He's silver needle. I walked over and saw the sarcoma on the Wei Wei is wriggling, terrified in her heart, what the hell is this?

"You're finally here. This Yin Snake Gu doesn't seem to be an ordinary poisonous Gu. Go find a porcelain basin."

Jiang He gritted his teeth, took the Dragon Boat Festival realgar wine jug from my hand, and said, while he himself found a big bowl, opened the wine jar, and poured out a whole big bowl, the rich aroma of the wine wafted away. The sarcoma on Brother Niu's stomach seemed to be wriggling more frequently, and he started to break free from the silver needle, and walked to a hidden place. Pale blue flames blocked the tumor's path as it moved down.

At this time, I have already brought the porcelain basin, put it beside the bed, and stared at Brother Erniu carefully.

He was still spitting out white foam, and his body trembled more frequently. Jiang He seemed to be unable to suppress it, because the sarcoma was moving too fast, wandering around Erniu brother's body, but I couldn't help it. Soon he discovered a strange phenomenon, the sarcoma in the area wiped by the realgar wine would never go away at all, and Jiang He seemed to be planning to drive the sarcoid towards his mouth.

I secretly broke out in a cold sweat, this Yin Snake Gu, probably spit out a snake.

"Don't stand still, quickly pour the wine into the porcelain basin."

Jiang He opened his mouth and ordered.

I picked up the wine jar and poured realgar wine into the porcelain basin, and the light yellow wine was poured into the porcelain basin.

"That's enough, now you support him, I will use my internal force to cooperate with the alcohol, and force out the Yin snake Gu. Be careful, and try to make his mouth point at the porcelain basin. If you let this Gu escape, it will be a disaster." Trouble."

As Jiang He said, his hands dipped some wine in the bowl again, and a white air flow suddenly emerged from his hands.

I supported Brother Er Niu and let his mouth rest on the top of the porcelain basin. It was strange to say that when he got on the realgar wine, his mouth suddenly closed tightly.

"Open your mouth, Brother Er Niu, just spit it out."

I patted his back and spoke anxiously, because the weird sarcoma had already reached his throat.

But Brother Erniu didn't seem to hear me at all, his mouth was still tightly shut.

"Okay, he won't open his mouth, he must use force, because the Yin Snake Gu is very afraid of realgar wine, so it won't come out."

Jiang He explained.

"Could it be that this Gu still has spiritual intelligence?"

I asked in surprise.

"Of course the newly formed Gu has no intelligence, but the poison of this Gu was planted by someone, and naturally someone is controlling it, so the person who released the Gu can control Er Niu for a short time, telling him not to open his mouth, not to talk so much After all, the realgar wine I wiped on his body will soon volatilize, and at that time it will lose its effect. Even if we use realgar again, the Yin Snake Gu will not let us find it so easily. It will choose to lie dormant and let me force him to speak , you are steady!"

Jiang He let go of his hand, jumped directly onto the bed, took a deep breath, and suddenly slapped Er Niu brother hard on the back, Er Niu brother leaned forward, his whole face was almost submerged in the porcelain basin, but Jiang He One trick worked, because Brother Er Niu opened his mouth, and a blood-red worm fell into the porcelain basin filled with realgar wine.


I breathed a sigh of relief, but my eyes did not leave the porcelain basin. After the tumor-like thing fell into it, it began to swim crazily, but I still couldn't leave the porcelain basin, and as the tumor moved, the dim yellow wine Circles of light red blood began to appear in the chest, and the sarcoma began to become less and less, and finally disappeared.

"Finally done!"

I wiped off my sweat, Er Niu didn't spit foam in his mouth, and his bulging stomach slowly shriveled up. When I was relieved, footsteps suddenly came from the door, and the footsteps gradually faded away.

"Jiang He, take care of Brother Erniu, I want to see who it is!"

I took out the demon-subduing sword from my pocket, and I chased it out. A woman ran out of the yard. When I saw that figure from behind, I immediately recognized it as Xuewei, and I couldn't let her go this time no matter what.

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