Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 274 [The Choice of Xuewei]

Now that the Yin Snake Gu in Brother Erniu's body has been forced out, and Jiang He is taking care of him, I don't have any worries.

Xuewei is really not an ordinary person, her running speed is far faster than ordinary people, but as soon as she left the village gate, she went straight to the nearby woods, wanting to use this big tree to cover her figure, or to Use the complexity of the terrain here to get rid of me.

This is impossible, because I have lived in the village for more than ten years, so I am not familiar with it?

Furthermore, when running in the woods, the speed will slow down, she is like this, but I have the Seven Star Step, which is very suitable for this terrain, and I will catch up to her in a short while.

"Why didn't you escape?!"

I rushed her forward to stop him, and glanced at Xuewei, I was a little stunned, there were some tiny red rashes on her face, besides, there were also on her exposed arms, it looked a little weird, she didn't see it in her eyes Any panic, calm down, and said:

"How is Erniu brother's Yin Snake Gu? I sneaked into the village this time just to untangle him, but seeing that you have successfully undone the Gu, I have nothing to stay. Do you really think it is My trick?"

"At that time, there were only the two of you in the room, and your turban was the same as that of the bloody grandma, not to mention that your herbal tea has the effect of dispelling Gu, but based on the previous two points, it can be concluded that you are not an ordinary person, even though they say you are a pole The villagers of the village, but I think you should be from the ancient Miao branch, the black Gu branch, what is the relationship between you and the blood grandma?"

I stared at Xuewei coldly. Before she lifted the big wooden bucket with one hand, and she escaped from my hand at Brother Erniu's house, I already concluded that she is not an ordinary person.

Xuewei gritted her teeth, closed her eyes slightly, and finally opened her eyes, as if she had made a great determination, and then said: "You guessed right, I am indeed from the black Gu lineage, and Grandma Xue is also My second grandma, she left our black Gu clan without authorization, and the patriarch sent me to catch her back, but the second grandma was very cunning, she escaped her again and again, and then I settled in Ganzi Village, because the second grandma was always there The generation nearby made money, and this time, I also knew that he wanted to attack this village, so I brewed herbal tea with an antidote."

"Is the Yin Snake Gu in Erniu brother also what Grandma Xue said? What's the matter with the red rash on your body?"

I put away the Fumo Sword, and then looked at her carefully. Although both of their heads were wrapped in red cloth scarves, Xuewei seemed to be much taller than Grandma Xue, and the expression in her eyes was not like Grandma Xue. As fierce as that, the eyes are the windows to the soul, there's no hiding that.

Xuewei raised her arm, looked at the red rash on it, smiled wryly, and said, "This is the Wind Gu that Second Mistress gave me, she gave me two choices, first, or to make money with her, second Two, I will return to the Black Gu branch alone, and I will sever ties from now on."

"It seems that you have already chosen the second one. The bloody grandma is vicious and will not hesitate to make money at any cost. Back then, it was because my grandfather ruined her plan to make money that she regarded our Zhong family as an enemy. She even wanted to use the name of the village to call her Threats are delusional, our Zhong family will not stand still, what are your plans now? Do you know where Grandma Xue lives?"

Now I am not so wary of Xuewei, since they all belong to the same lineage of black Gu, with her help, it should be a lot smoother.

"Do you want to go to her residence? There are poisonous poisons everywhere. Maybe you got infected before you got close. Without her permission, even if I go in, it's the same. It's different, without anyone noticing, even ghost hunters are not immune."

When Xuewei heard what I said, she couldn't help exclaiming, with a look of panic on her face.

Her words should not be false, a black Gu master has made many enemies, he will definitely plant poisonous Gu around his residence, if he enters rashly, he will definitely be tricked, after thinking for a while, I opened my mouth again and said: " Then what are you going to do? How can you prevent her from releasing Gu? Since you are here to catch her back, why don't we cooperate and get what we need."

Xuewei nodded, and said: "This needs to be considered in the long run. I know the character of Second Mistress very well. Since she has identified her as an enemy, she will definitely not let it go. If she didn't succeed today, she will definitely come to your house to sneak attack tonight."

"In this case, sister Xuewei will go back to Zhong's house with me, and discuss how to deal with your second grandma?"

I smiled and said.

"Well, yes, but please don't hurt her life. After all, there are not many people in our black Gu branch, and the second mistress is a relatively high-ranking person. I will fully cooperate with you."

Xuewei nodded, then followed me and walked towards the village.

But I didn't expect that there were two figures standing at the entrance of the village, and upon closer inspection, they were Jiang He and Brother Erniu.

"Miss Xuewei, what's on your face? Where's your second grandma?"

Brother Erniu has recovered. Apart from his pale face, he doesn't feel any discomfort. Moreover, he passed out during the period of being infected. I don't know how things are going. Having met Grandma Xue, of course, I completely let go of my guard against Xuewei, and felt a little ashamed that I was still too reckless.

"I'm just allergic to the skin. There's nothing serious about it. Second Mistress has already gone back."

Xuewei smiled slightly, showing her snow-white teeth, and her smile was very simple.

Brother Erniu nodded, hesitant, but he still spoke: "Miss Xuewei, the reception at noon is not good, so come to our house for dinner in the evening?"

"Don't bother, I'll go to their house tonight."

After finishing speaking, Xuewei pointed at me, said softly, and stopped looking at Brother Er Niu. She couldn't bear it, because she had already had good intentions for Er Niu, but after all, she was a member of the black Gu branch, so it was impossible for her to be outside After staying for such a long time, this encounter is destined to be a coincidence. Thinking of this, Xue Wei quickened her pace a little, and felt depressed for a while.

Seeing Xuewei walking away slowly, Brother Er Niu showed a deeply disappointed look, and finally returned to his home with his head down.

Jiang He glanced at Er Niu, sighed, patted my shoulder and said, "Zhong Yuan, which one would you choose between Luo Shui'er and Wei Xiaoqing?"

I froze for a moment, glanced at him strangely, and began to think about this question. To be honest, I have a crush on both of them, especially Luo Shui'er, who always has an unusually familiar feeling, which is born with him. , no one can erase it, I think she feels the same way about me, and Xiaoqing treats me very well, and I also have feelings for her, when I think of what happened in the bath at night, I feel like my ears A little hot.

"If I really have to choose, I don't know which one to choose. They are all good. If I choose one of them and hurt the other, I would rather not choose."

I said my answer and quickened my pace.

"Zhong Yuan, your personality is very similar to your grandfather's. You should know Senior Lan and Senior Luo. You are following your grandfather's old path."

Jiang He laughed lightly, I gave him a blank look, and stopped talking.

When I got home, I didn't see my father and Zi Luo, but Zhong Xiaoman was still practicing boxing and kicking in the yard. Li Nianbai leaned against the big tree, exhaling and pointing.

"Xiao Yuan, is the matter settled? Huh? Who is this?"

The uncle came over from the backyard, still holding a jug of wine in his hand, and when he saw Xuewei, he opened his mouth in surprise.

I didn't hide it, and said directly: "She is the blood of the ancient temple's black Gu lineage."

"Black Gu lineage? Zhong Yuan, have you lost your mind? You actually brought the enemies of your Zhong family home! Forget it, I'll clean it up for you!"

Li Nianbai who had been dozing off again and again suddenly woke up, and directly pulled out the ebony sword on his back.

"Stop! You're mistaken. It's her second grandma, Grandma Blood, who has a grudge against our Zhong family, not her. This time, she wants to bring Grandma Blood back to the Black Gu branch, so for now, we are allies. , Now let’s talk about how we design to lure her second mistress out, by the way, uncle, where are my parents?”

I glanced around and found no sign of the two of them. I asked curiously, where would they go at this time?

"I went on a trip to the mountains and rivers, let's discuss it ourselves."

The uncle coughed a few times, and spoke with an unnatural expression.

"This needs to be discussed. When the old woman comes, I will just slash with my sword, or I will set up a sword array in the yard to ensure that she will be smashed to pieces by the sword energy when she comes! Zhong Yuan, you are my good brother. I won’t let you have any accidents, I’ve agreed, I’ll take you to catch the Demon Sect, and I’ll cover you from now on, understand, you don’t even need to come forward for such a trivial matter.”

Li Nianbai put away the ebony sword, and walked over with a vicious expression on his face.

I squeezed a cold sweat secretly, and said, "Be careful, don't kill too much, be careful of your inner demons, if you are attacked by your inner demons when you break through in the future, you will be in trouble."

"Okay, everything is up to you, Xiaoman, come on, let's compete, you have been practicing for so long."

After finishing speaking, Li Nianbai ran to Zhong Xiaoman's very heartlessly. The two fought, and then there were screams. Of course, it was Xiaoman who was abused.

Although Xuewei didn't say a word, she was observing us carefully, seeing each other's weird personalities, with embarrassment on their faces.

"Actually, when I came out this time, the patriarch gave me something that can restrain the second grandma, at least prevent him from using Gu poison. This thing is a pill, and the antidote must go back to the black Gu branch. Will give it to me, logically, as long as the second grandmother takes this pill, then I can take her out of here, but we can't get close to the second grandmother at all, because the second grandmother is very flexible, we Although the black Gu lineage is not good at secret techniques and martial arts, but they can cast Gu on themselves, and they can also exert this effect."

Finding a chair to sit down, Xuewei spoke with a cloudy expression. At the same time, she took out a small box from her arms and opened it. Inside was a black elixir the size of a fava bean.

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