Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 275 [Arrest]

"Are you sure your elixir will work? It's the first time I've heard of this kind of elixir. The elixir for dispelling Gu is somewhat reliable, but this..."

Jiang He walked over, wanting to take a closer look at this dark pill, but Xue Wei quickly put it away, and said with a sorry smile: "I also follow the patriarch's wishes, this pill was also given by the patriarch, he The position in our black Gu lineage is very important, and he is a good patriarch admired by our clan. I believe he will not lie to me, otherwise, how can I bring the second grandma back to the clan? He also told me, this The elixir cannot be obtained by anyone, so please keep it carefully."

"Okay, since that's the case, that's easy to do. We just need to trap her, and we're afraid that she won't take this pill obediently?"

I nodded, since Xuewei is so confident, and this pill was given to her personally by the patriarch of the black gu lineage, there must be nothing wrong, the most important thing now is to trap Grandma Xue here, As for how to trap, that has to find a way.

Grandma Blood is agile and not easy to catch, and she carries Gu poison with her, which is very dangerous.

"How about we set up a lost circle?"

Xiaoqing's eyes rolled, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, revealing a weird smile.

"If it's a lost formation, even if Grandma Xue is trapped, if we want to enter, we will also be confused by the formation. It will definitely not work. It's a pity that we don't have anyone who is proficient in the Five Elements Secret Art here, because among them Wood-type secret arts have many trapping secrets."

I sighed, if only the little girl from the Wu family, my partner in the past, was here. In order to avoid the black mountain devil, she used secret techniques to directly let us blend into the big tree.

"How do you know that I can't do it? Although I major in swordsmanship, I still know a lot about magic arts. Although I am not very proficient, I can succeed if I have auxiliary things. I can use the seeds of thorns and vines to cast spells." , I’m going out to find something now, and then I’ll set up a magic circle, and I’m sure I’ll be able to trap her, just wait.”

Li Nianbai stood up, smiled and ran out of the yard, and soon disappeared.

He is not proficient in the secret arts of the five elements, but he can still use his mana to perform them. However, I think he is still unreliable, and he must think of another way to prevent accidents.

Seemingly aware of my intentions, Jiang He smiled slightly and said, "Leave this to me. I can create some smoke and stun her."

"Well, that would be the best, let's catch big fish tonight! Sister Xuewei, look around, logically Grandma Xue wouldn't dare to come over during the day."

I stood up again, planning to go back to the room to check on my cousin.

"I'll be back before dinner. Now I want to go to Er Niu's house. If I leave this time, I don't know if I will have a chance to come here again in the future."

Xuewei glanced at me, smiled shyly, and worried in her eyes.

"Well, that's fine."

I nodded, went to the room where my cousin was, pushed open the door, I was stunned, my cousin was not in the room!

"Xiaoman, where has your brother gone! Didn't I tell you before that I want you to take good care of your brother."

I ran into the yard, stared at Zhong Xiaoman and asked, because I had told him to keep an eye on his brother, and if there was any accident, report it immediately.

"Isn't he sleeping in the room? I didn't see him come out."

Zhong Xiaoman stared at me aggrievedly, with tears in his eyes.

My heart softened, I patted him on the shoulder, and said, "I'm sorry, my cousin was a little louder just now, but I'm worried that your brother is lost, okay, I'll go find him now, you stay here obediently, Practice your skills well."

"Brother is back."

Zhong Xiaoman pointed out the yard. My cousin was rushing home, opened the yard door, and walked in. Seeing us staring at him, he stopped, rolled his eyes a few times, grinned, and said, "How do you feel today?" OK, let's go for a walk."

"If you have nothing to do, just stay in the room. We will leave for the spirit world in the next few days. I don't want anything to happen. You should know what I mean very well."

I glanced at him very speechlessly, and now his eyes have completely changed, unlike the cousin I am familiar with, even I couldn't help but want to expose him, forcing him out of my cousin's body with the Dao pattern in my palm.

But I know the power of the Dao pattern in the palm, the Dao talisman formed by the condensed sixteen Dao patterns can not only seriously injure Hei Shan, but also kill my cousin.

"Well, well, don't make trouble for my dear cousin, I'll go back and lie down first, and recharge my batteries."

He walked up to me, grinned, and hurried into the house.

"Brother Yuan, can the devil on my brother really be exorcised? He looks so different from before. I can't accept it."

Seeing his cousin walking away, Zhong Xiaoman spoke softly.

"Don't worry, this devil will definitely be driven away. I won't let your brother have an accident. We are all one family. We all have to live well. In this world, the prerequisite for survival is to become stronger. Born in the family of ghost hunters, we cannot escape our fate. We are born different from others. If the ghosts and ghosts that exist in this world do evil, then we have to destroy and subdue them, and they will not let us go, because we The spirit and flesh of a ghost hunter are very nourishing for these demons and ghosts, so you must become stronger, when we return from the spirit world, I hope you will be different."

I gave Zhong Xiaoman an encouraging look. To be honest, I don’t know how strong his talent is. Although everyone envies his lightning ability, it is very difficult to master, and the consequences of backlash are very serious. If I can't master the huge lightning ability, it's like I can't master the powerful Dao pattern in the palm, hurting others and hurting myself.

"I will definitely practice hard and make myself stronger. Don't worry, Brother Yuan."

Zhong Xiaoman nodded seriously, then puffed up his cheeks, and started to practice by himself, working very hard.

In the evening, Er Niu brought Xuewei over, and then reluctantly left. For him, Xuewei was the only one who would not mind his identity, but Xuewei said that she did not belong here.

In addition, before dinner, Li Nianbai rushed back in disgrace, but with a smile on his face, and brought out a small cloth bag, which seemed to have found what he wanted to find, but Jiang He took it out. A few beer bottles came out, with white mist gas inside, and the mouth of the bottle was sealed with a soft cloth stopper so that the gas inside would not overflow.

"Huh? What are these things?"

After Li Nianbai sat down, he watched curiously as Jiang He put the beer bottles away, and wanted to reach out to get them, but Jiang He pushed them away.

"This is smoke, be careful, otherwise you will be stunned."

Jiang He smiled slightly, glanced at the dishes on the table, froze for a moment, looked curiously at Xiao Qing who came from the kitchen and said, "You made all these dishes by yourself? But, these seem to be Zhong Yuan likes to eat, Xiao Qing, did you forget that there are people like us?"

Xiao Qing gave Jiang He a blank look, and raised her mouth, saying, "What do you want to eat, you don't know how to make it yourself, come on, Zhong Yuan, hurry up and try the braised pork with potatoes."

With the bowl in his hand, Xiaoqing picked up a piece of braised pork with chopsticks and sent it to my bowl, but just as he put it down, two fingers suddenly stuck in and snatched the pork away. Li Nianbai opened his mouth and chewed Bian said: "I've been tired for most of the day today, and I'm going to start."

"Hurry up, Zhong Yuan, hurry up and eat, or it will be gone!"

Seeing Li Nianbai's greedy eyes, coupled with the ferocious eating speed, Xiao Qing broke out in a layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

After dinner, neither father nor Zi Luo came back, and my uncle finally couldn't stand my torture, and finally said that they went to the town, and they probably won't be able to come back until tomorrow. It seems that we are the only ones to deal with grandma blood tonight.

After nightfall, Li Nianbai smiled, grabbed his cloth bag, grabbed a lot of seeds from it, put them in his hands, and sprinkled them evenly in the yard.

The next step is to wait for grandma Xue to come over. Zhong Xiaoman has already gone back to sleep obediently, but my uncle has not, because his awakening may be related to his feet. If grandma blood wants to escape, I think my uncle should have a way to do it. caught.

After eleven o'clock in the evening, a faint shadow appeared at the gate of our yard.

The door of the main room was tightly closed, Li Nianbai hid on the big tree in the yard, the dense leaves covered his figure, and he practiced martial arts, he was able to control his breath well, we are different, all of us are different. Hiding in the main room, there was only a thin crack left on the big wooden door.

A faint smell of blood wafted in. There was a large water tank in the yard. We usually drink water from this water tank. The bloody grandma gently opened the courtyard door and went straight to the water tank. She wanted to drink water in the water tank. There is a Gu inside, tomorrow when we get up, as long as we use water, we will be caught by the Gu without anyone noticing.

But as soon as she came to the water tank, a yellow talisman flew down from the big tree next to it, and stuck directly to the center of the yard. A faint spell sounded, and suddenly the surrounding ground began to change. It grows out of the ground and wraps around her body.

Grandma Xue's complexion changed slightly, and she retreated decisively towards the gate of the courtyard.


With a soft sound, Li Nianbai jumped down from the tree and blocked the gate of the yard. At the same time, he began to direct these tentacle-like vines to wrap around Grandma Blood. As she walked, none of the vines could entangle her. Of course, she couldn't get out of the vines, because there were too many of them.

"Jiang He, it's up to you!"

I stared at Jiang He and said.

Jiang He had already prepared two beer bottles in his hand, I suddenly opened the door, and Jiang He threw his hands out.


Two shattering sounds sounded, the beer bottle shattered under Grandma Blood's feet, and the white mist inside rose up, covering Granny Blood very quickly. She forcibly broke through the fog, but just took a few steps, her body tilted, and then Being entangled by these vines, I can no longer move.

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