Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 276 [Capture and Death]

"Success, great!"

I pushed open the door and was about to go out, but unexpectedly, Jiang He stretched out his hand to hold me, and said in a solemn tone:

"The misty smoke hasn't dissipated yet, do you want to be tricked too?"

I froze for a moment, and saw the mist in the courtyard dissipate around. Because Li Nianbai was so close, he staggered before taking a few steps, supporting his body with the ebony sword, but it only took a few breaths. His body softened and he fell to the ground.

"Little Jiangzi, it's alright, your mist has even stunned Li Nianbai, what's the formula? Tell me."

Wei Xiaoqing spoke with a smile, and at the same time gave me a vague look, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and a deep light appeared in her eyes, what does this girl want to do? !I instinctively hugged my shoulders.

"No, this is unique to our ghost doctor lineage, let's not talk about it, Zhong Yuan, this pill will be taken by Nian Bai later, and he will wake up within 3 minutes."

Jiang He handed me a pill, then stared at Xue Wei and said, "Are you ready?"

With the hemp rope in her hand, Xuewei hesitated, but still nodded.

After a few minutes, when the fog cleared completely, we left the main room. The vines in the yard also fluctuated with green light at the moment Li Nianbai fainted, and turned into tiny seeds, but these seeds were no longer there. It is impossible to germinate, because Li Nianbai used secret techniques to urge them to grow in advance, and their vitality has been consumed.

I fed Li Nianbai the antidote, then helped him go into the main room, Xue Wei searched out the poisonous poison carried by Grandma Xue, and my uncle brought out an iron basin, and then these pots containing the poisonous poison Put all the utensils inside, and after cleaning everything, Xiaoqing walked to the iron basin with a smile, flicked her slender fingers, and a purple flame flew into the basin and began to burn blazingly.

The scorching fire wave made my steps stop, I turned my head and saw that the iron brazier was burned extremely red, and there were faint signs of melting, and the huge power of fire was transmitted from there.

Xiao Qing's Promise Purple Flame has reached such a level, if it gets on a human body, wouldn't it be burnt to death in an instant?

For this kind of huge fire element power, because I am the body of fire virtue, and I have practiced the fire control technique, I can't help stretching out my palm to grab the brazier, and the traces of pure fire element power quickly The flames gradually disappeared into my palm, and Xiaoqing stared at me motionlessly with her beautiful eyes, as if she was looking at a monster.

"Zhong Yuan, don't just stand there, hurry up and help me!"

Jiang He's voice came from the main room, I withdrew my palm and patted Li Nianbai's cheek, he woke up slowly, and after he opened his eyes and woke up, I let go of him and ran into the room.

Grandma Xue was tied up, her hands were tied, and even her feet were tied to the legs of the chair.

"How long will it take for her to wake up?"

I opened my mouth and asked, waiting now is not an option. If the effect of the smoke is too strong and I have to wait until tomorrow to wake up, what should I do?

"According to the individual's physique, but the premise is at least three hours, and the antidote I refined has also been eaten by Nian Bai..."

Jiang He stared at me helplessly, a little annoyed.

"let me!"

At some point, Xiaoqing took a basin of cold water and poured it directly from Grandma Xue's head. After being stimulated, Grandma Xue slowly opened her eyes, but her face was unusually calm. On the posthumous photo in the main room, he was immediately stunned.

"No...impossible, I must be dazzled!... He will definitely not die so easily!"

Grandma Blood started talking to herself, but her eyes never left the portrait of her grandfather.

"Second Grandma, this is the elixir bestowed by the patriarch, it can temporarily restrain you from using Gu, we all have our own natal Gu, and many powerful methods must use natal Gu as an aid, so we can only use this The worst policy, I still want to take you back, offended!"

Xuewei took out the elixir, flicked her fingers, and the elixir fell into Grandma Xue's mouth. She opened her mouth, wanting to vomit out, but the elixir quickly melted and penetrated into her belly.

"Miss Wei, you are crazy! You can believe what that old guy says!"

Grandma Xue's face changed drastically when she heard the patriarch, but soon, she began to tremble all over, her face, which had been well maintained, began to turn gray, with deep wrinkles all over her face, even her black hair Also began to change, a little bit gray.

Seeing this scene, we were all stunned, and Xuewei was also there.

Grandma Xue was so angry that she smiled bitterly and said, "Unexpectedly, I still couldn't escape from his clutches in the end. His scheming is really vicious, and he even used my relatives to deal with me..."

"Second Mistress, what's going on, the patriarch clearly said that this will only suppress your natal Gu, it will not harm your body, how did you become like this!"

Xuewei gritted her teeth, and suddenly knelt down in front of Grandma Xue, with tears welling in her eyes, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Forget it, it's time to tell you, lest you still be fooled, I'm going to die soon anyway, I originally planned to come to see Ziyun, but unexpectedly he took a step ahead of me, we have been fighting for so many years, hey , In fact, there is a reason for the second grandma to leave the black voodoo lineage. The second grandma made a mistake by using her voodoo technique to amass money, but she did not commit any killings. I treat those villagers who have no money and have been infected by the voodoo. I need a lot of money, and I want to start a business outside, so that you can have a good home after leaving the black Gu lineage. The patriarch is a pious guy, and he has done many bad things secretly. I just found out that he used He sent people to hunt and kill me because our clansman refined living Gu, and besides you, there are other clansmen."

Having said this, Grandma Xue's gaze has already begun to turn gray.

"The elixir he gave you is not to suppress our natal Gu, but to kill our natal Gu. You should be very clear about how important our natal Gu is to us. We are all prosperous, and we are all damaged. The natal Gu is dead, and I won't live long, girl, listen to me, don't go back to the black Gu lineage, do you think that what I have said to you for so many years is just a joke? I have carefully thought about it."

When Grandma Xue said this, she suddenly smiled, and the sinister look in her eyes was swept away.

"Second Grandma, I'm sorry, I'm the one who hurt you! I know, on weekdays you often inject some poisons to train me. I also know that these poisons can't kill people at all. Once I was poisoned by the poison. , can’t be lifted, you secretly sent the antidote.”

Xuewei's crying became louder, her body trembled and her head was buried on Grandma Xue's body.

I winked at Jiang He, and he immediately went to help Grandma Xue untie the rope.

"Ziyun is really dead?"

Grandma Xue stared at me and asked.

"Well, grandpa is really dead, but he was killed by a demon."

I didn't hesitate, now that Grandma Blood is exhausted, her natal Gu has died, and she won't live long.

"No wonder, no wonder he didn't look for me for so long. We made an appointment at the beginning. If he didn't show up, I would play a Gu and force him to show up. Unexpectedly, he died."

Speaking of this, the blood overflowed from the corner of Grandma Xue's mouth, her eyes were slightly closed, and muddy tears flowed out.

"Girl Wei, promise me, stay... stay here, no... don't go back!"

Grandma Xue stretched out her hand and patted Xuewei's back lightly, and said.

"Well, I won't go back, I won't go back, Second Mistress don't die, don't die!"

Xuewei nodded desperately, and said loudly.

"Well, good, good boy, give grandma a hand, grandma is going to burn incense sticks for her old friend."

Grandma Xue couldn't stand up anymore, she had to rely on Xuewei's support to barely walk in front of the portrait.

At this moment, the dark yin pendant on my chest was already slightly warming up, and I instinctively looked towards the door, and a ghost messenger appeared, surrounded by iron chains, who was about to seduce the soul, I walked over and said:

"Give me a little more time, after burning the incense, I will take her away."

"Master Yuan, please don't make things difficult for me. If there is a delay, Lord Zhong Kui will punish you."

The ghost messenger paused for a moment, and instead of fascinating his soul immediately, he spoke to me with respect in his words.

"If he punishes you, just tell him to come to me, but now you are in the world, do you want me to drive the Mingyin pendant?"

I glared at this Ninth-Rank Ecstasy Ghost, the yin around me suddenly dissipated, and the chains sank into his cloak one after another, and a faint voice came out again: "Since Mr. Yuan said it, let's wait for her to finish it." Smell it, I hope Master Yuan will not stop me, if it really takes too much time, Lord Yan will punish Master Zhong Kui."

Grandma Xue raised her hands with difficulty, holding the sandalwood, looked up at the photo with her head up, and said, "Ziyun, I can come to you now, I hope you haven't been reincarnated yet, we haven't finished the competition yet."

Then the sandalwood was inserted into the censer, and with the support of Xuewei, she returned to her seat, her eyes became more and more gray, and finally her eyelids closed slowly.

The soul-hunting ghost moved, and the soul-hunting chain in his hand sank into her body without a sound. With a slight tug, the soul of the bloody grandma was pulled out, because the soul of the bloody grandma was almost the same as that of ordinary people, so The yin qi emitted is so weak that ordinary people can't detect it at all. Even ghost hunters can only feel this yin qi, but cannot see it. Only me, Li Nianbai and Wei Xiaoqing found out.

"Zhong Yuan, I know the temperament of this girl Xuewei, she will not let it go, no one in the black gu line knows better than me, no matter what, I can't go back now, the patriarch will not spare her if I go back now, Also, someone from your Zhong family came to me and asked me the address to go to the Black Gu lineage, you have to be careful of this person."

Before Grandma Blood left, she stared at me pleadingly and spoke. I thought for a while, then nodded.

The Zhong family she mentioned, I think it is undoubtedly my cousin, he left the house during the day, and finally came back in a hurry, saying that he just went out to relax, but how could I believe it?

Just after the bloody grandma was taken away, another gust of wind blew up in the yard. This wind was very strong, and the imprint of the Yin Yin pendant on my chest became faintly hot again.

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