Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 277 [Depart from the map]

Xuewei's crying came intermittently from the house, at this time Li Nianbai had already walked to me, staring at the dark wind rising in the yard, raised his brows, and said: "Huh? It's strange, this dark wind doesn't look like a ghost, It looks like a ghost messenger from the underworld, didn't he just leave, is it possible that someone is going to die again?"

"Bah, Crow's Mouth, who is going to die?!"

I glared at Li Nianbai, this guy can't spit ivory out of his mouth.

A moment later, a black mist rose in the yard, and several ghost figures emerged one after another in the haze. These ghosts had the imprint of Mingyinpei printed on their foreheads. Seeing this scene, I was immediately relieved. Surprised and delighted in my heart, I stared nervously at these ghost messengers, and asked aloud:

"Have you found the map?"

One of the ghost messengers floated towards me, full of sinister energy, but a pale arm stretched out from the black cloak, holding a bundled ancient sheepskin scroll in the palm, I took it and threw it to Li Nianbai, Li Nianbai's face paled Overjoyed, he nodded repeatedly and said, "That's right, it's this scroll."

"Thank you guys very much."

I grinned and spoke.

"Master Yuan, the Mijiang Mountain Range is not a peaceful place. We brothers went to look for the map together. There are many vicious ghosts there, you have to be careful."

After the ghost messenger withdrew his hand, a cold voice came out, with a little concern.

"Well, don't worry, we'll be fine."

After I finished speaking, I waved my hand, and the imprints of the dark pendants on the foreheads of these ghosts disappeared, while they turned into streaks of dark wind and scattered around, and soon disappeared.

"Am I going to keep the map, or are you going to keep it? If it's in your place, it's definitely not safe. If it's lost, what should I do?"

I stared at Li Nianbai, and said helplessly, this guy lost everything, if the map is lost again, it will not be so easy to find, and I can't force them to look for the map, if this map falls into someone with evil intentions Isn't it troublesome in the hands of people?

"Xiao Mian, are you still talking about me? Are you sure that this map will not be lost?"

Li Nianbai glared at me, very unconvinced.

"Of course there is a way, and no one can get it without my permission. Let me show you the power of my Vulcan ring. Now that I have mastered half of the power of the Vulcan ring, it can be used as a storage ring."

I reached out and grabbed the map, and the other hand stretched out, revealing the Vulcan ring on the middle finger. The ring shone slightly, and suddenly a vortex appeared above the ring. I was about to stuff the map into it. An old man's head stuck out.

Li Nianbai had been staring at me all the time, when he saw the sudden appearance of the head, he almost smashed it directly.

"Damn old man, what are you doing out here?"

I glanced at Zhu Rong with some depression, maybe he wanted to use this opportunity to escape.

"Master, I just came out to take a breath. No, you want to put something in the Vulcan ring again? This Vulcan ring has become your storage room. If the previous creator found out, he might be furious. "

Zhu Rong stared at me with puffy eyeballs, and then glanced at the map in my hand, feeling very helpless.

In order to go to the spirit world, I did prepare a lot of things and put them in the Vulcan ring. The power of the fire element inside has been controlled and will not burn things, so it is much more convenient to carry.

"Yo? You still accuse me of coming, and you don't want me to throw something in? Are you sure?"

I shook the map in my hand, and opened my mouth pretending to be fierce.

"Okay, no problem, you can put as much as you want, come on, I'll help you."

Zhu Rong reached out and grabbed the map helplessly, then disappeared into the vortex. I reached out and patted on the vortex, and the vortex disappeared immediately.

Li Nianbai's eyes never left my fingers, staring stupidly, I said in a deep voice: "Xiaobai, I want to ask you a favor, I promise Gu An'an to take her into the spirit world, you know this, tomorrow Let's set off for the Miyun Mountains, so she must be here today."

"Traveling during the day? Although I heard you say that she is already a green-eyed zombie, if she walks during the day, she won't last long."

Li Nianbai came back to his senses and said seriously.

"Hehe, you forgot my Vulcan ring? Although it can only store inanimate objects, Gu Anan is a zombie, so it is reasonable to be in it. Go, we have to deal with the funeral of the bloody grandma .”

Patting Li Nianbai on the shoulder, I sighed and looked into the main room again.

Xiaoqing had already helped Xuewei up, and said with a serious face: "Girl, you can't be resurrected after death. If you cry again, your second grandma won't wake up. You should think about how to take care of the funeral and what to do in the future." manage!"

Xuewei wiped away her tears, and said with gritted teeth: "Second Grandma is my closest person, I must go back to the Black Gu branch to ask the patriarch for an explanation. After the death of our Black Gu family members, the corpses must be cremated. I I plan to cremate Second Grandma, she has always been thinking about Senior Zhong, and I want to scatter Second Grandma's ashes on Senior Zhong's grave."

"You can't go back to the black gu lineage. If you want to go back to seek justice, at least wait until we come back from the spirit world, and you go to the black Gu lineage alone. Do you think you can still come back? Your second grandma has entrusted me with this before she left. You can stay here for a while."

I walked in and said in a low voice.

Xuewei froze for a moment, then nodded.

Next, we cremated Grandma Xue, my uncle took Xuewei to scatter the ashes in front of grandpa's grave, Wei Xiaoqing also washed up and went back to bed, I didn't tell her that I was going to leave tomorrow, otherwise she would have to haunt me all night.

This incident was told to Jiang He, and without further ado, Jiang He went to prepare medicinal materials, many of which were stored in the Vulcan Ring.

I stood at the gate of the courtyard and waited for Li Nianbai and Gu Anan. This kid has been gone for so long and hasn’t come back. Something must have happened. I shook my head and narrowed my eyes slightly. There was a slight sound of footsteps coming from the place, and the speed was very fast. I opened my eyes and looked towards the entrance of the village. It seems that there is still a person on his back.

"what happened?"

After seeing Gu An'an stopped, I stretched out my hand to help Li Nianbai, and began to check his body, and found that he was not injured, but passed out without injury, which seemed a little unreasonable.

Gu An'an glanced at Li Nianbai with a stiff face, touched the remaining blood at the corner of his mouth, and said, "I don't know, I was drinking blood at the time, how did I know that he passed out as soon as he saw the blood."

"Okay, I know, he's dizzy, by the way, why are you here now?"

I found that besides carrying Li Nianbai, Gu Anan also had a big package. I reached out to lift it, it was very heavy, and when I opened it, it was all bottled blood.

"Wan Zhou said he wanted to have a chat, and then prepare these blood foods to eat on the road. If I walk in the sun for too long, I must supplement with these things, otherwise I will be burned by the sun."

Gu Anan explained.

"Don't bother too much. From today onwards, you will temporarily live in the Vulcan Ring. Apart from being able to practice, it is also very safe. If you have anything to do, you can call me loudly. I can sense it, or the ring between you and the Vulcan Ring It's the same with Senior Ling Zhurong's discussion, now, come in."

I stretched out my hand, and the vortex appeared again. Gu Anan didn't hesitate at all. Although she didn't understand it very well, she believed in me, just as I believed in her. She just put her arm on the vortex, and suddenly there was a huge burst of noise. Suction, Gu An'an disappeared together with her backpack.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, my father and Zi Luo returned home together, and called me to their room again, and chatted all night.

The next day, I, Li Nianbai, my cousin who was possessed by the Black Mountain, and Jiang He set off for the Miyun Mountains together. Wei Xiaoqing pouted and stared at me sullenly.

"Xiaoqing, I rely on you to take care of my family. Don't worry, I will bring back special products from the spirit world."

I waved at her, and after listening to what I said, Xiaoqing showed a smile, while Li Nianbai stared at me with black lines all over his head, feeling very depressed, feeling that we are going on a trip.

In Li Nianbai's serious memories, we learned that when he came down from the Miyun Mountains, it was a small county called Ningde County. We had to go to Ningde County, and then look for the entrance to the spirit world from the Miyun Mountains around the county. .

Ningde County belongs to a small county under Ningde City. It is in the south of Huaxia Kingdom, and it is not very far from Jiuhuang City. It is a provincial capital between Jiuhuang City and Yonghe City. It can be fully reached by car for a day. The capital of Ningde Province, and then rest for one night, the next morning take a bus to Ningde County, and then enter the Mijiang Mountains from there.

We went to Hongli Town to take a ride, then passed through the county seat, and then transferred from the county seat to the provincial capital of Ningde.

Nothing happened along the way. In the evening, we arrived at the station in the provincial capital of Ningde, and then looked for hotels around.

"We spent too much during this period, and we didn't ask our parents for money. I only have a few dozen on me. Jiang He, how much do you have?"

I touched my pocket, took out a few crumpled coins, and opened my mouth in embarrassment.

Jiang He was slightly taken aback, touched his body, then grinned and said: "All my money is used to buy medicinal materials, you know that some medicinal materials cost tens of thousands at every turn, and I didn't keep any of my salary as a security guard , Even the ones brought from the family are used up, see if your cousin and Nian Bai have any."

Hearing this, Li Nianbai spread his hands speechlessly, staring at his cousin again, he was a little stunned, and said: "Is it necessary to pay for a place to live? I don't have any."

That's right, he is now possessed by the Black Mountain devil, how would he know that he would have money?Even if you have a bank card on your body, you don't know the password.

"Xiao Yuanyuan, don't scare me, are we going to sleep on the street today?! My young master hasn't finished eating yet."

Li Nianbai stared at me pitifully.

"Hey, it's been a long time since I took on the task. Let's do a big one. Take a look at that hotel."

I pointed to a hotel not far away. This hotel has a gorgeous appearance, but there is a strange green air lingering above the hotel. You don't need to use the yin and yang eyes to see it.

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