Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 279 [Hu Huahua]

Yan Mingzi trembled all over, gritted his teeth and looked at Li Nianbai, his eyes were full of resentment, but finally nodded solemnly: "Okay, I'll give in a step, if I subdue this monster, how about giving half of it to you?"

He couldn't wait to know the news, because it was very important to him.

"No, he said he was short of money, and 15 was not enough at all. I am very picky about what I eat, and, according to Tai Qingzong's seniority, you must listen to me. I only need 30, which is considered worthy of you. "

Li Nianbai pointed at me resolutely, pouted and said, there was no compromise on his face.

Yan Mingzi's cold gaze swept over to where I was, and I felt chills all over, what a great hatred!

"Why? Didn't you catch the demon sect? Why did you get involved with the Taiqing sect again? I don't seem to have heard of this Taiqing sect. Could it be related to your Taiqing swordsmanship?"

I walked up to Li Nianbai and whispered in his ear.

"Boy, don't push me too far. I'm not easy to provoke. If you offend me, I will search your soul at worst!"

Yan Mingzi's chest heaved violently, and there was a hint of sternness in his eyes. In order to know the news of his sect, he didn't care too much, even though the sect master had issued an order not to do such heinous things.

"Oh? Then you can try it and see who is stronger!"

Li Nianbai snorted coldly, and also drew out the ebony sword behind him, a faint silver light radiated from the blade.

Seeing the ebony sword, Yan Mingzi was stunned, and then took another careful look at Li Nianbai, and finally his mouth grew so large that his eyes were about to pop out, he stammered and said, "How...how is it possible?! No Possibly! So similar, I... I know!"

"Old Yan, what's wrong?"

Bing Yun stared at Yan Mingzi in surprise. This Yan Mingzi is not a ghost hunter, but he is a master of secret arts. He is much stronger than ordinary ghost hunters. The reason why he is invited to collect demons is the most important thing. The other point is that she does not want to invite people from the Ghost Hunter Alliance, or a disciple of the Ghost Hunter Family, because she was also a member of the Blood Soul Sect. If she is recognized, she will definitely involve unnecessary things. trouble.

After meeting Li Nianbai, the very stable Yan Lao showed such a groggy expression, what is going on?

But at this time, many tourists came in from the outside, intending to stay in the hotel, Bingyun winked at the auntie, and the auntie walked out of the front desk knowingly, blocking these hotel guests.

"What's impossible? Do you really want to do something to me? I don't have to fight back, you can try what kind of consequences you will bear!"

Li Nianbai stepped forward, exuding a huge aura on his body.

"The disciples dare not."

Yan Mingzi suddenly knelt down, sweating profusely.

I staggered and almost lost my footing, disciple?This old man is Li Nianbai's disciple?It's too bizarre, not to mention the age, the seniority is not too high.

As if aware of my doubts, Li Nianbai said proudly: "My father is the founding patriarch of the Taiqing Sect. What do you think, although my father is now catching the Demon Sect, the Taiqing Sect will never deceive the master?" Exterminate the ancestors."

"My disciple doesn't dare. You can take the money. If it's not enough, I still have it here. My disciple just asked for one thing. When the spirit world disappeared, I practiced in the world of mortals, and I didn't make it to the sect in time. When I returned to the sect, they had all disappeared. Except for our Taiqing Sect, the rest of the Wuliang Temple, Qingxin Temple and other sects also disappeared. Only now did I learn that it turned out that the patriarch joined hands with several seniors to seal the spirit. Realm, if you want to enter, you have to find the correct entrance, Yan Mingzi wants to return to Taiqingzong with you."

Yan Mingzi spoke respectfully, with tears streaming down his face at the same time, he has been away from his sect for nearly twenty years, and he doesn't know what happened to his senior brothers, now that he has the opportunity to go back, how could he give up?

"Zhong Yuan, what do you think?"

Li Nianbai couldn't decide to pay attention for a while, so he asked me.

"Let him go back, he belongs to the Taiqing Sect anyway, and if he goes back, the patrolling elders won't say anything, right? One more thing, he is also a strong man in the Golden Core realm, and he is on the way back to catch the Demon Sect , can also act as a bodyguard, why not do it?"

I grinned, having a strong man in the Golden Core realm as a bodyguard, and it's free, it's worth it anyway.

"Okay, you get up first, anyway, you are also a disciple of the Taiqing Sect, how can this be proper, Sister Bingyun, the 30 will be directly transferred to the Zhongyuan card, and we will get rid of the demon for you now, I don't know if you understand this The origin of the monster?"

Li Nianbai looked at Yan Mingzi who was trembling in front of him, waved his hand, then turned around and spoke to Bingyun.

"Thank you little Patriarch."

Yan Mingzi stepped aside respectfully, his face was full of excitement, he guessed right, such a handsome face was almost carved out of the same mold as the patriarch, even though he was still very immature.

"This incident happened a week ago. I only knew that the other party came to look for someone. I had to say that her husband-in-law was here, but he couldn't find it. After that, she stayed here and didn't leave. She thought there were outsiders here, so she used it." This weird body odor suffocates the guests and makes us very embarrassed, I told you, I fought her, she is very powerful, if she was not just chasing people, I would have died a long time ago."

After Bing Yun finished speaking, there was still an expression of lingering fear on his face.

"Monsters who can transform into human form have a certain romantic relationship, so they will not do stupid things or commit murder. It seems that this time we have to find a way to help her find her husband. Khan, this idea is still useful. Xianggong’s words? Could it be that this demon fox has practiced for hundreds of years?”

I stuck out my tongue, feeling the seriousness here.

"It should have been practiced for more than 300 years, and the fox family has already disturbed the magic of illusion. She is now in room [-] on the third floor, is she going to go now?"

Bing Yun glanced at us and said.

"Of course, we are in a hurry, let's go."

Li Nianbai strode towards the direction of the elevator, I followed closely behind, Yan Mingzi also grabbed his magic weapon and followed.

The hotel is full of evil spirits, and the smell is very unpleasant. Immediately, I felt dizzy and nauseated. It is no wonder that those people left the hotel one after another. smell.

Although this fox demon occupied the hotel, none of the power supply and water supply inside was interrupted. In order to cooperate with this operation, Bingyun deliberately turned on all the lights in the hotel, and it was brightly lit. After reaching the third floor, we set foot on the On top of the dark red carpet, seeing that the corridor is also covered with carpet, I can't help sighing a little, it's luxurious.

Room No. [-] was tightly closed. When we reached the door, we stopped.

"Little girl, last time I spared your life, I was very polite. Why, this time, you brought a helper?"

A charming woman's voice came from inside the room, with a trace of impatience faintly.

"Sister Hu, our hotel also needs to open its doors for business. If you do this, it will make me look very ugly. Now our hotel is in debt every day, and it won't be long before it goes bankrupt."

Bing Yun touched his shoulder, and spoke very helplessly.

"I said, I'm just waiting for my husband-in-law here, and I don't want people who are not related to disturb me. I also told you before that it is your good fortune to stay in your hotel temporarily."

The voice inside was a little louder, and then the door twisted and opened.

Standing at the door was a woman with a voluptuous figure, protruding forward and backward, wearing a long pink dress, with a melon-shaped face, her hair was coiled up, and the hair on both sides may hang down, a pair of peach blossom eyes, with a little charm in them and angry.

Seeing the fox demon coming out, Bingyun retreated instinctively. The moment she opened the door, a gust of fragrant wind came towards her, which was completely different from the body odor outside. Such a big difference.

"Young man, are you a dog? If you are so unreasonable again, be careful, grandma, and I will pull your nose off."

Yaohu put one hand by the door, and squeezed my nose with the other hand.

"Who is your husband-in-law? Why are you sure he will appear here?"

I think that if the other party finds her husband-in-law, he will definitely leave here.

Yaohu gave me a cold look, and said angrily: "Of course he will be here, because this place used to be our home. I didn't expect that this time when I came to Ningde, there will be such a big change, and there will be so many strange things. Things, I have only been away for more than 100 years, and now my husband is gone, and even our original home has become like this, she still has the nerve to drive me away, don't you know that I was originally the hostess here? "

"One... More than 100 years... Big sister, do you know how much change can occur in human society in more than 100 years? According to what you said, your husband should also be a mortal. In 100 years, he is probably dead, even if he is not dead, now You are too old, how could you be here?"

I stared at this fox demon elder sister speechlessly, I really don't know if she is stupid or persistent.

"You boy, curse my husband to die?! Let me teach you a little lesson!"

The fox demon suddenly stretched out his hand to pat me, a gust of fragrant wind swept over with the strong wind of the palm, and I vaguely saw her pale fingers began to change, and the inch-long nails went straight to my face come.


Yan Mingzi snorted coldly, took the initiative to attack, took out a yellow talisman and stuck it on the Peach Sword, the yellow talisman turned into a ray of fire and lingered on it, and immediately slashed at the fox demon's arm.

"Smelly Taoist priest, do you think I, Hu Huahua, are afraid of you?"

Flipping the palm of his hand, he grasped the Peach God Sword, and a green demonic aura emerged from his palm, which was very powerful, and these flames were faintly suppressed.

"Little Patriarch, hurry up and help!"

Yan Mingzi was a little flustered, this Hu Huahua's strength is actually so tyrannical, Tao Shenjian has a powerful lethality against ordinary wandering ghosts, even if he doesn't use his own mana, he can drive them away. To deal with this monster, he kept driving However, he was caught by the opponent, and his heart sank. It seems that this monster is not as easy to deal with as he imagined.

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