Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 280 [Help the Fox Demon Find People]

Hearing this, Li Nianbai calmly took out a yellow talisman from his bosom, grinned at the corner of his mouth, and said:

"Everything in the universe, subduing demons and killing demons, exorcising evil spirits, is as urgent as a law!"

With the sound of the incantation, the yellow talisman in his hand suddenly glowed with a golden and bewitching light. He stretched out his hand and waved it. The yellow talisman landed on Hu Huahua's arm. Hu Huahua let out an exclamation, and his fingers had already started to burn. .

"Damn humans, I will not spare you lightly!"

Hu Huahua backed away abruptly, and suddenly closed the door. After entering, she opened her bright red lips and blew towards her arm. A blue mist spewed out from her mouth, and the golden flame on her arm began to slowly disappear. But even if it disappeared, there were burnt marks on her snow-white arms. Hu Huahua didn't lose her mind when she was frightened and angry. Instead, she took out a bamboo flute from her waist and played it softly.

"The flute?"

I was slightly surprised, how could this Hu Huahua play the flute for no reason?No, I began to feel that my sanity was a little fuzzy, and I shook my head before I managed to wake up. These ecstasy flute sounds don't have a great impact on us ghost hunters. As long as I exercise my ghost hunting power a little, It will return to normal, but why does she want to play?Is it like using this flute to deal with us?

"No, I forgot to tell you that although there are no guests in the Hongfu Hotel, there are still many cleaning ladies and some staff here. These flute sounds may not be of much use to us, but they are ordinary people!"

Sister Bingyun suddenly remembered something and spoke loudly.

"Let's go back to the top of the building first. Even if the sound of Hu Huahua's flute can travel so far, its power will be weakened. Let's think of a way then."

After finishing speaking, he ran towards the elevator door, but before he ran halfway, several aunts in cleaning clothes appeared on the opposite side, and came towards us aggressively holding tools. We don't know what we are doing, and we can't hurt them, we can only avoid them.

"walk the stair!"

On the other side, Bing Yun opened the door and spoke loudly.

A few of us rushed over, just in time to see an uncle in electrician uniform being suppressed by Sister Bingyun, lying on the ground with his hands clasped, but he let out a low growl, listen carefully, It's a bit like the roar of a beast.

After rushing from the third floor to the top of the building, the sound of the flute disappeared. The top floor is very spacious, there are many employees' clothes hanging here, and a bright moon hangs high in the sky.

"The monster also has a magic weapon in its hand?"

I asked suspiciously, this place must not be an ordinary flute, and the flute itself must be unique to melodies that can confuse people.

"Monsters are different from those ghosts. Ghosts can only use ghost weapons. Monsters don't use orthodox magic weapons, but monster weapons. Well, let's not say so much, this demon fox can control these ordinary monsters with the sound of flute. People are attacking us, but we have nothing to do with them. By taking advantage of our weakness, she can be unscrupulous. The most important thing now is to let these cleaning aunts and staff leave the hotel as soon as possible. It is best not to have a single person , in this way, we can forcibly..."

Before Li Nianbai could finish speaking, the low voice came again, and the voice became louder and louder. Aunt Cleaning and the rest of the staff came out of the door of the top floor one after another.

"I didn't expect you guys to be quite smart. Well, I won't deal with the previous matter. That kid hurt me with an exorcism talisman. I'll forget it. If we continue to fight, we will all lose. I said , I am really just waiting here for my husband, I believe he is not dead, if he is dead, he will definitely come to me, from now on, I will not drive away any guests, how?"

Hu Huahua came out from the crowd, holding a bamboo flute in her hand, and there were burnt marks on her arm.

It seems that the fox family is quite smart. If the opponent really wants to fight, she may not be our opponent. She has at most 300 years of Taoism.

"Sister Hu, why are you so persistent? I think it's not easy for you to transform into a human figure. If you want to get rid of your animal nature, you have to go through the calamity of thunder and punishment before you can succeed. Moreover, it is against the law of heaven to marry humans and demons together. , it’s not good for you or your husband.”

I thought about it, and said, I didn't mean to scare her, because it is impossible for people and demons, people and ghosts to be together. If they are together, they will be affected by the evil energy, reduce the yang energy, and will not live long. Of course, it is not ruled out that Hu Huahua rescues his husband, and if he wants to save her husband, he must use his own energy to save him. After a long time, she herself will not be able to bear it, and she will slowly change into her original form. It is estimated that her departure this time is also related to the loss of her essence power.

Hu Huahua heard the words, smiled wryly, stared at us, and said sadly: "You are right, our fox clan would not do this in the first place, and it is very troublesome to be with a mortal, so we must always be careful of ourselves, be careful I showed the whereabouts of a monster, and my husband is a real mortal, and he doesn't know how to practice. He is a scholar and weak. I was with him, and the monster made him seriously ill. I used my own The power of essence rescued him, but unfortunately, soon after, I couldn't maintain my original shape, so I hid in the mountains to practice, and this time I came out to find him. I know that it has been a hundred years in the world, but I am still not reconciled. "

Li Nianbai already showed a hint of astonishment, and looked at Hu Huahua in disbelief, while Yan Mingzi stared at her expressionlessly, but Bing Yun's eyes glistened with tears. Seeing me staring at her, she immediately reached out and touched her. .

"If you are not willing, so what? Ordinary people simply cannot withstand the six reincarnations, and there will always be a day when they will die. Not to mention mortals, even you monsters are the same."

I sighed and tried to persuade her, hoping that she could get out of the haze.

Hu Huahua shook her head, and continued: "You don't understand at all. A hundred years ago, if it wasn't for my husband, I would have died long ago. I still remember that night of heavy rain, when I transformed into a human form, I encountered a thunder disaster. Without the protection of the elders of my clan, I was seriously injured, but Lei Jie didn't stop at all. It was my husband-in-law who saved me. At that time, I was going to spend the rest of my life with him. Really caught in it, I can feel that he is not dead, he will definitely come to me."

Li Nianbai rolled his eyes, leaned closer to my ear, and whispered: "What blood, I've seen this kind of plot on TV."

"You kid, do you think I'm lying to you?!"

Hu Huahua's ears are very good. Hearing Li Nianbai's words, she suddenly became angry. Her ordinary black eyes instantly turned green, her mouth opened, revealing two sharp canine teeth, and said fiercely:

"I really regret it. If my Taoism is more advanced and I can suppress my evil spirit, I will not be separated from my husband. This time I came out of the Mijiang Mountains. Do you think I feel good? The only one in this Mijiang Those fox sisters that Shan Shan knew have completely severed their ties with me, and now I only have my husband!"

"There are still fox demons in the Mijiang Mountains?"

I was slightly surprised that this Hu Huahua came from the Mijiang Mountains.

"Of course, the Mijiang Mountains are so vast, stretching for tens of thousands of miles, and there are many unknown things in it, do you know? The matter has come to this point, believe it or not, all of you will fight with my five senses. If you want to fight, I will accompany you! At worst, it will become a reality. body, and die with you!"

Hu Huahua snorted coldly and stared at us unkindly.

I thought for a while, then continued: "Since you feel that your husband is still alive, why do you have to wait here? Why don't you go find him?"

"No, what should I do if I leave here and he comes to the door?"

As soon as her husband-in-law was mentioned, the fierce look on Hu Huahua's face receded, and she became extremely gentle.

"Don't forget that the lifespan of human beings is limited. It is not easy for ordinary people to live a hundred years. If he really loves you and insists on living, he will definitely not be able to walk now. Besides, Since you believe him so much, then he must have never married a wife, is alone, an old man over a hundred years old, and has difficulty walking, so I conclude that he should be in a nursing home in Ningde City."

After thinking about it, only this is the most likely.

Hearing my words, Hu Huahua hesitated, she must have agreed with my words, he can't walk anymore, he can't look for her anymore, so now she is looking for her husband.

"Well, that's good, but you have to go with me to find my husband-in-law. If you deceive me, I will..."

Hu Huahua pinched the palm of her hand, showing sharp nails between her five fingers, and said again: "I'll take them!"

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the group of cleaning aunts behind him, his eyes flickering fiercely.

"Sister Bingyun, it seems that you already have a certain status in Ningde City. Do me a favor and find out how many nursing homes are there in Ningde City. By the way, Sister Hu, what is your husband's name?"

I looked at Hu Huahua again, she was stunned for a while, then recovered, and said slowly: "Li Qiusheng."

Next, Sister Bingyun used her own strength to start a row of nursing homes in Ningde City one by one, and finally found that there were two homes in which Li Qiusheng lived at the same time. The strangest thing was that both of them were elderly people who were over a hundred years old.

"Nianbai, you and senior Yan Mingzi went to the Qiufeng Nursing Home for inspection, and Hu Huahua and I went to another nursing home. Regardless of the outcome, we will meet at the Hongfu Hotel."

I patted Li Nianbai's shoulder and said.

"Well, okay, I hope this matter can be resolved smoothly tonight. In this way, there will be enough money to buy delicious food. You won't deny it."

Li Nianbai hooked my neck and said with a smile.

"Little Patriarch, Pindao can buy food for you, you can eat whatever you want."

Yan Mingzi spoke respectfully from the side, but Li Nianbai glared at him, and said fiercely: "I talked to you? How can the things you buy, such a bad old man, taste as good as Xiao Yuanyuan's?"

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