Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 281 [Identity and Soul Sealing]

When we arrived at the nursing home, it was already nine o'clock in the evening, and most of the elderly were already asleep.

This place touches the edge of Ningde City, the location is very remote, and there are very few pedestrians, and there are no people at night, like a forest of ghosts, the surrounding environment is very quiet, even a bit weird, because the place is lifeless and the air There seems to be a smell of decay and death in it.

Hu Huahua next to me also felt that this place was abnormal, but she just frowned and stared at the nursing home in front of her again.

It is a red and white building, but most of the wall paint has peeled off, revealing the taupe wall. The gate is a rusty iron gate, and there is a guard room next to it. There is a dim light in the guard room, which is hard to see. , I don’t know if there is anyone, besides, the old man’s cry was vaguely heard inside, like a child wanting to go home, crying very sadly.

Walking in front of the iron gate, the imprint of the yin pendant on my chest suddenly became hot, and a gust of wind blew out from it. Immediately afterwards, an old man with dull eyes was led out by a ghostly messenger. This scene was very strange.

The body of the ghost messenger is suspended in the mid-air, a black chain extends from the cloak, and the other end locks the old man's neck. Two ghosts pass through the iron gate and come towards us.

I felt Hu Huahua's body shaking slightly, and she suddenly spoke softly:

"Sir, is that you?"

The old man suddenly stopped moving, with surprise in his cloudy eyes, he turned his head excitedly and glanced at Hu Huahua, but he quickly regained his composure, his face was a little dignified, at the same time, the ghost messenger also stopped , Floating in mid-air like this, as if wanting to merge into the boundless darkness, the old man took a few steps again, but the ghost messenger remained motionless, the old man sighed, as if he had made a great determination, and said:

"Messenger, why did you stop?"

"Yaoqi, this woman is a monster, Master Zhong Yuan, why are you with a monster?"

A refreshing voice came out of the mouth of the seducer. It was a female voice, somewhat familiar.

"Huh? Could it be that you are the female ghost messenger who snatched away Xiaobao's soul in Yonghe City? With her, I just came to find a centenarian named Li Qiusheng."

I opened my mouth and said, I didn't expect to meet such an acquaintance here.

"It turns out that he is Li Qiusheng, who just passed away."

The ghost almost nodded, turned around, and spoke to the old man.

"Master Messenger, I am not Li Qiusheng, and I don't know them, take me away."

After seeing Hu Huahua for the first time, the old man opened his mouth expressionlessly, looking very heavy, but Hu Huahua was different, crying all squatted on the ground, and an intermittent voice came from her mouth: "Qiu... Qiusheng, even if you turn into ashes, I...I know you, you...you always despise me as a demon, you despise me! You forgot our oath, you forgot! "

The voice was a little shrill, and I felt my nose a little sore.

The old man pursed his lips, stared at the ghost officer and said, "Master Messenger, what are you doing? I remember you said that you must take me to the underworld in time, and if I delay here, I'm not afraid of being punished by the superiors?"

He really wanted to leave here, and he didn't dare to look at Hu Huahua squatting on the ground again. The old man's back was slightly arched, his hair was gray, and there were many age spots and deep wrinkles on his face. Even though he was old, he could also imagine that he was considered a good-looking person back then.

"In Yangjian, Master Zhong Yuan is my boss, Li Qiusheng, why don't you admit your identity? Is there something wrong with my seduction?"

The ghost girl let out a cold snort.

"Zhong Yuan, let's go."

A moment later, Hu Huahua stood up, and at this moment, her face was expressionless, except for the tears that were faintly visible at the corners of her eyes.

In an instant, Hu Huahua became extremely calm, as if she had changed into a different person. I even felt that the evil spirit in her body was very unstable, and there were faint signs of madness, but monsters also have madness?This is very rare and the mood swings are too great.

"Let's go? You finally found him. You said go? Don't you forget that you once said that you cut off contact with the fox tribe in the Mijiang Mountains because of him. Now that we meet, you want to go?"

I asked without understanding, and to be honest, I suddenly felt a little sympathetic to this big sister Hu, even though she was a monster who had fought with us.

Hu Huahua stared at me, I felt a little creepy, she was in a very bad mood now, I secretly took precautions, reached out to remove the demon sword in my pocket, unexpectedly she said sadly: "No one recognizes me anymore, I have another Why don't you have the face to stay here? It's better to go with you and leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible, Ningde, I will never come back again!"

These words are very ruthless!The old man trembled slightly, turned around slowly, and said:

"You are still young, and it is right to seek your own place early."

"Finally admit that you are Li Qiusheng?"

Hu Huahua suddenly smiled ferociously, and went straight to the old man. A green demonic aura emerged from the palm of her hand. She grabbed the old man's neck with her big hand, and the old man's soul began to flicker.

"what are you doing!"

The ghost was slightly startled, the monster actually shot under her hand and wounded the lead soul, and immediately the cloak flew open, and several chains of wandering souls protruded from it, dancing in the air like spirit snakes, and hit Hu Huahua hard. body up.

Hu Huahua suddenly had a huge green demonic aura, but these demonic auras were whipped by the ecstasy lock, and soon began to be unable to sustain it. A light green figure was about to be struck out from the body. The ecstasy lock was originally Even Hu Huahua's soul was going to be shot out, but she still didn't resist, she glared at Li Qiusheng angrily, and at the same time gritted her teeth and persisted.

He couldn't bear it, and suddenly his body blurred, he broke away from Hu Huahua's hand, and stood behind her, with his arms open, the ecstasy locks hit him behind him, and his yin body became even more blurred, as if It will collapse at any time. Seeing this, the ghost messenger immediately put away the ecstasy lock, and looked at this ghost with some puzzlement. Originally, his soul body was relatively weak, so how could he withstand the whip of the ecstasy chain?

Hu Huahua was stunned, her eyes began to moist again, she pursed her lips, and said, "Since you are so heartless, why did you put on these ecstasy locks for me? It would be easier to let these chains beat me back to my original shape. "

"Fool, don't you understand? Look at me now, I can't wait any longer, and my body doesn't allow me to wait any longer. I'm very happy to see you before reincarnation , I am satisfied just by looking at you, you are still in your prime, but I am an old ghost, so you should understand why I pretend not to know you."

Li Qiusheng smiled warmly, as if he had become younger all of a sudden, and the yin energy on his body began to dissipate slowly, his stooped back gradually straightened, his white hair gradually turned into black hair, and even the surroundings of his face were darkened. Started to disappear one by one.

"Sister, although I am a demon, a demon is also a person with love, righteousness, and flesh and blood. No matter how old you become, you are still my husband. I don't want you to leave me, don't..."

Hu Huahua's tears burst completely, and she wanted to reach out to hug Li Qiusheng, but Li Qiusheng's soul became weaker and weaker.

"I'm about to lose my mind, Huahua, promise me to practice hard. After you left, I investigated a lot of things about monster cultivation. Apart from that, you don't want to kill. Focus on cultivation and achieve positive results as soon as possible."

The smile on Li Qiusheng's face did not change, at this moment he was no longer an old man, but a handsome young man in a blue shirt.

"Zhong Yuan, save him. I know you are unusual. You have something to do with ghosts in the underworld. You will definitely be able to save my husband. Please, as long as you don't let my husband die, I, Hu Huahua, will, no, I will." Kong Huahua is willing to swear by the ancestors of the Fox Clan in Qingqiu to follow you forever!"

She suddenly walked up to me, without saying a word, stretched out her hand to swipe at her palm, and suddenly stretched out three snow-white and beautiful fox tails from behind her graceful body, which were particularly eye-catching in the night sky. Each of them transformed into an ancient sigil in the air. When I hadn't expected it, this sigil suddenly entered the center of my eyebrows.

Suddenly, there was a connection between me and her, similar to the connection with Bingdie Yuanqing, but the power of this contract seems to be even stronger, and the initiative is completely in my hands.

I looked at this fox demon with some dumbfounding, and at the same time I was taken aback. When I used the contract just now, I must have used my real name. Unexpectedly, her surname is Kong, and she is also a fox from Qingqiu country. This is terrible. The reason is not Others, but I have a magic weapon made of bones, the golden bone hand, and when I use it in the future, if she finds out, won't she want to fight me desperately?

"I'm not the one you're begging for. I can only seal his remnant soul with the dark pendant now. The one you're really begging for is Li Nianbai, no, it's his father. When he was chatting with me before, he said his father There is a soul-calling lamp that can condense souls."

I didn't hide it, I spoke truthfully, I don't have the ability to re-condense the soul that is about to collapse, I can only seal his remnant soul with the resistance of the Ming Yin Pei.

"Of course, Master, please hurry up now, otherwise he may really be lost!"

Kong Huahua's legs directly knelt on the ground, and Li Qiusheng's body became more and more blurred.

"Let's do it, Master Yuan."

The female ghost officer next to her also spoke.

"The power of Yin Yin, seal the soul, order!"

I stretched out my hand towards Li Qiusheng, and the imprint of the Netherworld Pendant on my chest boiled completely, a crimson light gushed out, covering Li Qiusheng directly, Li Qiusheng's body was hazy for a while, and then followed the red light and sank into me again Suddenly, I felt a chill in my chest, and the chill invaded my lungs.

"Master Yuan, in the future, this kind of soul-sealing should be done less. After all, it is harmful to the body. Well, this time I have failed, and I can only find another soul, so that I can accumulate enough merit and be promoted to the eighth rank." There will be a time later, Mr. Yuan, for the tour of ghosts."

After the ghost messenger finished speaking, he turned into a gust of wind and disappeared, as if he had never been there, while Kong Huahua kept staring at my chest, his eyes were almost close together.

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