Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 285 [Caught and Prisoner]

Time didn't allow me to think more, especially as the cracks on Jiang He's body became more and more serious, he began to struggle, and his consciousness began to be in a trance.

"Zhong... Zhong Yuan, let go of me, I can't hold on any longer, if we do this again, we both will die here!"

Jiang He gritted his teeth, a weak voice came over, and he struggled hard, trying to get rid of me.

"No, I can't let you die. We agreed to fight side by side. The black mountain devil on my cousin hasn't been driven away. How can you rest assured? I use the Zhong family's secret technique Li Daitao to stiffen. I am the body of fire virtue. I will bear your pressure."

He is going to die, how is it possible?We have long been good brothers who live together and die together, whether we die or live together!

I stretched out my hand to bite through it, and stretched out my hand to draw a blood talisman on the arm that was connected to Jiang He. My current ring of faith is no longer what it used to be, so I can't easily borrow it. Now I can only use my own Zhong family The bloodline was used as an introduction, and after drawing the blood talisman, the words began to be muttered in his mouth:

"Zhong Kui borrowed the law, using blood as a guide, Li Daitao froze, order!"

The place where my arm and Jiang He's arm are connected is flashing red, booming, another huge pressure is added to my body, I bend slightly, and I can hear the sound of bones breaking, damn it, my shoulder blades are afraid of being crushed When the pressure was broken, the skin all over the body became hotter and hotter, and the whole body felt like it was about to be torn apart.

"Jong Yuan, your arm!"

After I endured Jiang He's pressure, he has become safe and sound, and gradually recovered.

Glancing at my arm, there were dense cracks on my arm, and blood flowed faintly from these cracks. Compared with the cracks on Jiang He's body, it was nothing at all. Seeing this scene, I felt I was surprised and delighted.

Surprisingly, this tearing force is so huge. I am a body of fire virtue, a type of body of the five elements. I practice every day, absorbing the power of fire from the Vulcan ring to strengthen my body , but did not expect to be so vulnerable in the face of such a terrifying force.

The good news is that I can barely hold on to this pressure. Although my body is injured, the power of ghost hunting in my body can be used to recover, which can relieve me a lot of pressure.

However, the consumption of the power of hunting ghosts is also an astonishing one. The three rings of faith disappeared little by little, and they were finally accumulated. It is estimated that it will take three days. If it is all consumed now, it will be covered with bruises in the spirit world. How should we face the many dangers at that time?

Now I can't control so much, keeping my own life is the most important thing.

Time passed slowly, in this wonderful space, it was very tormented, I don't know how long, the pressure on my body suddenly loosened, I seemed to bump into something, there was a faint quarrel in my ears, but Soon I was clouded.

When I woke up, the surrounding was dark and damp, and my body was in excruciating pain.

My hands were locked by iron rings, and my toes fell to the ground. I didn't look over my head and glanced at the surrounding environment. This place should be similar to a cave, with a few torches planted around it, and they were burning fiercely. Besides, There are many instruments of torture hanging on the wall, besides me, Jiang He is also locked up.

Damn it, I just came here, and I was arrested for no reason, but to be honest, the energy of heaven and earth here is more than ten times stronger than that of our previous interface. I am overjoyed, and immediately absorb these energy to restore myself The ring of faith, maybe in less than a day, I will be able to restore it.

Oops!I feel a force that seals the source of my belief and prevents me from functioning!There seemed to be something stuck on the forehead. I turned my eyes and saw that it seemed to be a yellow talisman.

We were actually restrained by the power of talismans. It seems that the people who imprisoned us are not ordinary people, so we are in trouble now.

My luggage was gone. I raised my hand and looked between my fingers. When I saw the Vulcan ring, I was relieved immediately, because all my things were in the Vulcan ring, and the Vulcan ring had already recognized its owner. Can't take it away.

"Cough cough..."

A dull cough came from above me. I looked up and saw a tall man was hanging in the air. This man looked about my age, with long hair and looked very strong. His facial features are erect, his face is bloodstained, and his cheeks are a little baby fat. He is only wearing a pair of gray cloth pants, and his upper body is covered with welts. He looks like he is dying. It is he who is coughing at this moment, and it is precisely because of the coughing sound. , Jiang He slowly regained consciousness.

"Zhong Yuan, where are we?"

After looking at the surrounding environment, Jiang He spoke to me.

"I don't know where this is, but I know that the person who captured us is not an ordinary character, damn it, he actually sealed my power with a talisman!"

I opened my mouth angrily, these chains are very thick, with my current strength, I can't break free at all.

"Don't struggle, if you attract the attention of those devils, we will suffer again!"

A weak voice came from above, with a hint of magnetism.

I stopped struggling and asked, "Brother, where is this place? Who are you? How did you get arrested?"

The man pondered for a while, then slowly said: "I am a disciple of a certain sect. I came out to practice. Unfortunately, I was caught by the remnants of the Demon Sect and bumped into something I shouldn't have seen. My name is Su Xiaoxiao. Who are you?"

"Ma Luomen? What did you bump into? I am Zhong Yuan, and he is Jiang He. We were also caught inadvertently."

I thought about it, and it is still inconvenient to say some things, so as not to leak out, after all, we are outsiders.

"These demon cubs don't know where they started, but they used sacrifices to summon demons from other worlds to break into the spirit world. Many orthodox sects didn't know about this matter, and even the law enforcement elders in the spirit world were concealed from it. Over the years, their power has become unimaginably strong, and we have all been deceived, this time I must return to the sect alive and report the news."

Su Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth, and her voice was a little louder, but just after she finished speaking, she seemed to have touched the wound, and started to cough violently again.

Fragmentary footsteps came from outside the cave, and after a while, an old man with a face full of surroundings came in. This old man had no trace of vitality on his body, and was wrapped in black cloth, like a mummy with clothes on it, looking very scary.

He went directly to the side of the cave wall and took down a long silver whip. I looked at it carefully, and I was shocked when I saw the appearance of this long whip.

This is not a whip, but a long silver snake more than ten meters thick as a thumb, which is being taken down by the old man at this moment. The silver snake spit out scarlet snake letters, looking very scary.

I closed my eyes and felt him walking towards me with a cold snort in my ear.

"Boy, who are you, dare to break into the range of our Morromen, are you with this kid?"


My chest was slapped hard, and the violent tearing sensation came from my chest, which made me have to open my eyes.

"Old man, the first time I came to this place, I don't even know what Moramon is. Why did you want to arrest me?"

I looked at the old man speechlessly, and was arrested for no reason. Looking at his posture, isn't this torture!

The old man narrowed his eyes slightly, and grinned slightly, showing his yellow teeth. He reached out and pinched my chin, and said with a smile, "You don't know where this is? A joke! I can feel the fluctuation of mana in your body." , and your physique is very unusual, you must have practiced the secret arts related to the fire attribute, ordinary people, how could you come here? If you are not ordinary people, why don’t you know about Morromon? Tell me! How many secrets do you know about us? , which sect's disciple are you!"

"Old man, I really don't know what you're talking about, and I don't know your secrets!"

I am really speechless.

"If you don't say yes, then I will let you suffer first!"

The old man smiled ferociously, then walked to the side, took out a black porcelain pot in his hand, walked slowly to my side, looked at me, and suddenly reached out to grab the inside of the pot, and took out a stream of sticky brown The yellow liquid immediately touched my body.

A faint fragrance penetrated into my nose, I was slightly startled, and said vigilantly: "You put honey on me? What do you want to do?"

"Of course it's to lure Ghost Peak over. We'll see if you recruit or not. It seems that your companions are doing the same thing. Come too!"

After the old man smeared honey on my body, he walked over to Jiang He, and walked away from the cave after both of us were covered with honey.

"It's too bad for you. This ghost bee is extremely poisonous. Once you get stung, you will be unconscious for several days. You have so much honey on your body, I'm afraid..."

After seeing the old man leave, Su Xiaoxiao spoke softly.

"Zhong Yuan, you really have no way to escape?"

Jiang He pursed his lips, stared at me and asked.

"Of course there is, but I don't know the situation outside. If I go out rashly, the consequences will be disastrous."

I thought about it, and I really have a way to go out. I have a forbidden spirit talisman on my head. As long as it is removed, I can display my ability. What's more, I can still communicate with the Vulcan Ring. Both Zhu Rong and Gu Anan can help me.

"Can you really escape? I know what's going on outside. As long as you save me, you can all leave here safely!"

When Su Xiaoxiao heard the words, she opened her mouth in surprise.

I looked up at him, and there were many welts on his body, but judging from the strength of his upper body muscles, this guy is definitely a dangerous person, otherwise the old man just now would not have taken special care of him.

Seemingly aware of my doubts, Su Xiaoxiao thought for a while, and said again: "Don't worry, I am a disciple of the Demon Catch Sect. I am definitely not a bad person. I was arrested because I accidentally fell into their trap. As long as I can Come down, make sure the old man can't eat and walk around. He is just a guard puppet. This is a place where Morromon detains prisoners. There are only two or three disciples outside. There are many caves like this. , they are simply too busy."

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