Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 286 [Ghost Bee, Bone Penetrating Nail]

Hearing his words, I was a little hesitant. Although I couldn't judge whether his words were correct, but since he was also imprisoned here, then we are at least on the same front, and he said that he is a disciple of the Demon Catch Sect, and Regardless of whether it is true or not, it is just to cooperate with him for the time being. After all, this is the spirit world. If he leads the way, it will be much better than me and Jiang He. Can fight this time.

Seeing that I haven't spoken for a long time, Su Xiaoxiao became anxious, and her deep voice sounded again: "Don't worry, I came out to practice this time, I came out with sister Wu Huang'er, and she must be looking for me now, if I can talk to her If we meet, we will be saved, the devil here is no match for sister Wuhuang'er, trust me."

"An'an, come out!"

I roared in a low voice, a vortex suddenly appeared above the Vulcan ring, and an unusually pale arm stretched out from it, and then the figure flickered, and Gu An'an in a white dress appeared in front of me, the vortex gradually disappeared, Gu Anan An An glanced around with her eyes, but there was no change on her face. When she saw the forbidden spirit talisman on my forehead, she raised her hand and grabbed it. She caught the forbidden spirit talisman in her hand, and it immediately burned and disappeared soon.

"Zhong Yuan, why are you and Jiang He like this? We have already reached the spirit world?"

Gu Anan asked calmly.

"Don't ask so much, get us down, can you unscrew the chain?"

I struggled a bit, the chain was very heavy, and I didn't know if Gu An'an could open it.

"Don't bother. These chains are made of cold iron. Unless you have a key, you can't open them at all. If they are on the wall, huh? Is this woman a one-armed zombie?"

Su Xiaoxiao, who was hoisted in mid-air, let out a low cry.

"What about zombies?"

Gu Anan glanced at Su Xiaoxiao coldly, then his eyes fell on the cave wall, and he quickly found the key. The old man never expected that we could get the key. Let me ask, a man who was handcuffed all over his body How can a person get the key a few meters away?So he was not on guard.

Just as Gu Anan unlocked the lock for me, there was a humming sound outside the entrance of the cave, and the sound became louder and louder.

"Oops, the ghost bee has already smelled the honey, and now it's flying here. We are in a terrible situation. I'm afraid that except for this zombie, we will not be spared!"

Su Xiaoxiao frowned, worried.

"Are ghost bees afraid of fire?"

After I took out the true blue cauldron from the Vulcan ring, I held it with one hand and asked.

"Of course, ghost bees are living beings after all, and they are not ghosts, otherwise they wouldn't be interested in honey."

When Su Xiaoxiao saw the fire cauldron in my hand, she spoke in a little surprise, with hope regained on her face.

"That's easy, An'an, help them open the lock, and I will resist these ghost bees."

My remaining ghost-hunting power poured into the True Blue Fire Cauldron, the blue light flickered on the top cover, and then the blue flame burst out, the blue faint flame grew taller, and the sound outside became more and more Large, dark clouds surged from the entrance of the cave. If you look carefully, they are all composed of black ghost bees with the size of a thumb. These ghost bees are covered with gray hairs and hard thorns around their bodies, and there is a sharp spear at the end of the ghost bees. The bee needles glowed with a cold light.

Seeing that the ghost bees were about to swarm in, I immediately stretched out my hand and waved them. These true blue flames rushed out immediately, turned into a disc of fire to block the hole, and rotated slightly. The true blue fire was very powerful, far surpassing Of all the strange fires, these ghost bees are more poisonous than ordinary wasps, but they are also afraid of flames.

However, regarding the smell of honey, they were desperate, like moths to a flame, submerging into the true blue flame without hesitation, but they were immediately burned to the point that there was not even dross left.

"Hurry up, I won't last long!"

Although the true blue fire can't consume much of my ghost hunting power, the forbidden spirit talisman was removed when I came here, and it was too late to recover. Moreover, the consumption of such a huge flame power is naturally amazing, and moreover What's important is that although these ghost bees took the form of self-destruction, the true blue fire I released also began to weaken slowly.

Jiang He's shackles have been removed, and because of the wounds on his body, he is a little unstable.

"Zombie girl, and me."

Su Xiaoxiao was hung in the air at a height of one person, and when she saw that Jiang He and I were released, she immediately yelled.

"Jiang He, go and help him unlock it, it's inconvenient for me to open it with one hand."

Gu Anan supported Jiang He, got under Su Xiaoxiao, handed the key to Jiang He, grabbed his foot with one hand, and lifted Jiang He up. The ghost bee in it was also burned to ashes by the true blue fire.

"I will lead the way, and you follow me. Although the old man just now is just a puppet under the demon gate, his strength should not be underestimated. He has the strength of the early stage of Jindan, and besides this old man, there are two other people of the same realm. My puppet disciple is not easy to deal with... Hey, zombie girl, don't even try to hit me with blood on my body!"

Just as Su Xiaoxiao was halfway through her words, she suddenly realized that Gu Anan had been staring at him. He hadn't smeared honey on his body, and the blood seeping out of the wound began to irritate Gu Anan.

I immediately opened the Vulcan ring, asked Zhu Rong to help me take out a bottle of blood from it, and twisted it open, then handed it to Gu Anan, who sniffed the blood in the bottle, then sighed, and began to drink the blood in the bottle, The blood is the blood of livestock, so it is naturally not as good as human blood. Fortunately, she is very sensible now and can restrain herself.

"My current combat power is already scumbag, Jiang He, what about you."

Although the source of faith now has a lot of ghost hunting power, it is basically impossible to quickly restore my original strength, and I can only look at Jiang He.

Jiang He stared at me with a wry smile, and said, "My situation is not much better than yours. If it weren't for my internal strength, I would have been torn to pieces by that terrifying force. Unable to fight."

"Okay, there's no other way. You two just don't get close to those demon disciples. I'll deal with two demon disciples and leave the other one to this zombie girl. How about that?"

Su Xiaoxiao moved his arm, and suddenly grinned and frowned, his arm couldn't be raised normally, he just raised it a little, and then he felt a heart-rending pain.

"You wait."

Jiang He walked up to Su Xiaoxiao, brushed away the long hair on his shoulders, revealing his strong shoulders, but there was a bloody thing on both shoulders, faintly revealing white traces.

"Bone-penetrating nails! You're crazy! You still want to do something when you're sealed by these bone-penetrating nails?"

After Jiang He pressed the button, he exclaimed.

"Bone-penetrating nails? What the hell?"

After taking out the Subduing Demon Sword, I asked.

Jiang He settled down, pondered for a while, and said, "Bone-penetrating nails are a very evil thing. They are designed to deal with powerful people. As long as they are nailed by these bone-penetrating nails, they will not be able to move easily. Even if they take a step, all the bones in their bodies will be damaged." It will slowly crack, and it will be painful."

"It's no wonder that the stellar energy in my body can't function anymore, but this thing is not as scary as you said, at least for a powerful person like me."

The corners of Su Xiaoxiao's mouth curled up slightly, showing a bit of confidence.

"Gang Qi?! Are you a martial artist? I should have thought about it a long time ago. Your bones are very strong. Let me help you pull out the bone-penetrating nail, but you have to hold back."

Jiang He was slightly startled, and after thinking for a while, he opened his mouth, because with such a powerful being recovering its strength, our chances of surviving will increase a lot, even though there are risks.

Now I can barely sense that Konghuahua is in the northern region where we are, and she didn't come towards me, but stood there motionless. It seems that we must go north if we want to leave the sphere of influence of Morromon .

"Okay, come on."

Su Xiaoxiao sat cross-legged, and then Jiang He asked me to take out his medical kit, and then I helped him, and he skillfully opened his silver needle cloth bag, and said: "There is no anesthetic now, I can only use The silver needle temporarily seals your pain-sensing nerves, Zhong Yuan, please help me stock up on disinfectant alcohol, as well as cotton wool and gold sore medicine."

I nodded, rummaging through his medicine box, and found what he wanted after a while.

Jiang He used silver needles to seal several important points on Su Xiaoxiao's body, and then took out a sharp pair of pliers. I don't know how long the bone-piercing nail is, but the diameter of the nail cap is about the thickness of a thumb. Finally, Jiang He pulled back hard, the speed was extremely fast, the bone penetrating nail was just pulled out, the wound was blocked by Jiang He's prepared cotton wool, immediately disinfected the wound, and then sprinkled his Jiang family's secret formula After that, I was responsible for bandaging the wound, and he continued to put the penetrating nail on the other shoulder.

These two bone-penetrating needles were all as long as a palm, almost piercing through his shoulders. The material of the needles was unknown, and the needles were as thick as a little finger and white.

After the treatment, Jiang He pulled out his silver needle, touched the sweat on his forehead, and just sent the needle through the bone, but he used his internal strength.

I put away these bone-penetrating needles, because they might come in handy in the future, Su Xiaoxiao made a fuss for a while, became energetic, her eyes were bright, and she looked at Jiang He very gratefully.

"Okay, now we're going to break out. Let me deal with these three guys alone. I have to beat them into meat paste. Zombie girl, you are responsible for protecting them. We have to solve them as soon as possible, and then find a place with water , wash off the honey on their bodies, because in Morromon's sphere of influence, these ghost bees are very common. Of course, apart from honey, they also like the smell of blood, so our wounds must be bandaged, otherwise even There are hundreds of disciples guarding the cave, and we cannot escape their comfort."

Su Xiaoxiao stood up, moved his neck, squeezed his palms, and there was a crackling sound, like the sound of beans bursting, and with these sounds, his body seemed to be several inches taller than before. , Even the muscles on the body have become more obvious.

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