Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 288 [Jiang He is Seriously Injured]

"We have to leave now, the other party has sent a signal, and it won't be long before the demon disciples from the other strongholds will rush over."

Su Xiaoxiao walked to me with a stern expression, and a bloody smell came towards me. Killing the man with the sword just now should have touched his wound, tearing the scabbed scar open.

Jiang He is still unconscious now, and the power of hunting ghosts in my body is almost exhausted. It is impossible to maintain it for a long time. By the way, Su Xiaoxiao is also a martial artist, and he has also cultivated a power that is more powerful than internal power. Qi, maybe he can slowly heal Jiang He, as long as my ghost hunting power recovers, I can use the Dao pattern in my palm to cast a healing talisman to heal the injury.

"Brother Su, my friend is seriously injured. You and him are both martial practitioners. Help me stabilize his breath first. When I recover my abilities, I will save him myself. Please."

I supported Jiang He to stand up and looked at Su Xiaoxiao expectantly, at least Jiang He saved his life.

"Hmph, you actually have the Wuji Yin Thunder Bead, which belongs to the Demon Sect, and ordinary Demon Sect disciples can't have it at all. Let me see your body!"

Su Xiaoxiao bullied me with a blank face, and pressed her palm directly on my dantian. I was completely destroyed. Even if I survived by chance, it is impossible to practice this kind of exercise from now on.

A huge force poured into my dantian, and after a while, he let go of his hand in shock, stared at me in disbelief, and said angrily: "You are a disciple of the inner sect of the demon sect?! How can you practice such a pure demon?" Gong, I was almost deceived by you, because you saved my life, now we are even, the next time we meet, we will be enemies! You should be very clear that the righteous way and your evil sect are incompatible, I hope you can do it yourself!"

"No...you save him. It's a coincidence that I practice magic skills. Jiang He is a doctor. You must save him. I'll go. Can I go? You must save him, and then take him to catch the demon sect." .”

Now I really can't clean it up by jumping into the Yellow River. If it is the Wuji Yin Leizhu, it can be explained, but how can I explain the magic energy in my body?The other party obviously didn't believe what he said just now. If it wasn't for the fact that Nian put him down before, he would probably have fought with us long ago.

"Catching the Monster Sect, is it possible for a devil like you to enter?"

Su Xiaoxiao snorted coldly and stared at me, but when she stared at Jiang He, there was a trace of tenderness in her eyes, and her expression was struggling, because Jiang He was also a martial artist and a doctor who removed the penetrating nail for him. wrap the wound.

I gritted my teeth and said again: "I'm already the person who catches the demon sect, and this time I came to the spirit world to catch the demon sect. Nianbai has already promised me. Li Nianbai said that he is also the one who catches the demon sect." A member of the sect can be the master, since you are also a disciple of the Yaocatch sect, you must also know Nian Bai."

Su Xiaoxiao's face changed drastically when she heard the words, and at the same time she stared at me vigilantly, shook her fist and said, "How do you know that kid Nianbai? Didn't he leave this interface? You kidnapped him?"

"I don't want to say anything more to you. In short, when you see Nian Bai, you will believe that we are not members of the Demon Sect. Now, as you said, the disciples of the Demon Sect here have sent a signal, and someone will come soon. Come here, we must leave here as soon as possible, I just want to ask you if you are willing to help Jiang He, don't mother-in-law, in a word, save or not!"

I looked at Su Xiaoxiao coldly, trying to suppress my emotions, Jiang He's life is in his hands, now is not the time to attack.

Su Xiaoxiao nodded and said: "Okay, I will bring him into the Demon Catch Sect, and I will make a decision after I report this matter to the Sect Master and make a thorough investigation. The gates are not at odds. If it were normal, I would have killed you long ago when you practiced magic arts. This time, it was all because you saved me. If you go east, you will soon leave the power of the Demon Gate range, Sister Huang'er has already sensed my existence, so she will come to rescue me immediately, so she can do it herself."

I handed Jiang He over, glanced at him with some reluctance, and then said to Gu An'an in the distance:

"An'an, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, he ran towards the woods to the east. Gu Anan still opened the body of the woman in the red skirt and followed me closely. Just as we were not in the woods, I saw a silver figure flying past in the distance. Clearing the figure, I was stunned for a moment, forgetting to run away.

This appearance is estimated to be comparable only to Luo Shui'er and Wei Xiaoqing. She is dressed in a long silver dress, with long fluttering hair, snow-white skin, and flying black hair. She turned her head and glanced at me, her eyes were icy cold, even though they were far away, they seemed to be able to freeze the whole person, but he was in a hurry, so he just glanced at me, and then moved forward again, The destination is the place where we fought with those demon disciples before.

After her figure gradually disappeared into the void, the huge pressure completely dissipated.

"What a powerful character, I don't think I can last a few tricks under her hands."

Gu An'an licked the blood at the corner of his mouth, narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"How is it possible? The other party's age is about the same as ours, no, just now she is a volley flying speed, and she has a very strong icy aura on her body. Could it be that she is a snow mountain girl like Luo Yue'er?"

Even though she just flitted across the air just now, the power of ice emanating from her body is absolutely unmistakable. I have seen this from Luo Shui'er and the others, and she can easily fly through the air , without any external force, except for Luo Shui'er who I have seen before, I have not seen anyone else can do it. Although Li Nianbai can do it, but it is with the help of an ebony sword.

"It shouldn't be Snow Mountain Girl, she is flesh and blood, and her blood should be very fragrant... Zhong Yuan, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing me stop suddenly, Gu An'an glanced at me, and stretched out her hand to tear off my coat. The wound inside had burst open, and blood flowed out. She looked away with some difficulty, and said, "What happened? If this continues, I don't guarantee whether I can restrain myself, I'd better go back to the Vulcan ring first, if I bite you, my conscience will be disturbed."

"...An'an, it's night now, you are suitable for action, and we have to get out of here as soon as possible, you are already a green-eyed zombie, and I know you drank human blood before, and you drank the blood of the woman in the red skirt Come on, don't say anything, the power of hunting ghosts in my whole body can no longer allow me to display the Dao pattern in the palm, An'an, you are so strong, carry me on your back, so that I can recover my power of hunting ghosts easily, and it is useless Just to the north, we will definitely meet her, as long as she is by my side, you can return to the Vulcan ring!"

I smiled and stared at Gu Anan, she glanced at me with a gloomy face, and said, "Okay!"

Gu An'an carried me on his back, and rushed towards the seal at an extremely fast speed, almost turning into an afterimage.


The silver group girl fell down after seeing the figure below, a smile appeared on her cold face, and her whole temperament changed.

"Little brother, you're fine, that's great, let's hurry back to the sect, huh? Is there an outsider here?"

When the girl saw that Su Xiaoxiao was using his kung fu to save Jiang He's life, she immediately asked curiously.

Seeing the girl coming, Su Xiaoxiao was overjoyed, and said, "Sister Huang'er, quickly take out the elixir, all my things have been taken away by these devil bastards, bring the life extension elixir."

Wu Huang'er did not hesitate, turned her palm slightly, and a small milky white porcelain bottle appeared in her hand, and then poured out a green pill. Once the pill was poured out, it exuded a strong vitality and the fragrance of the pill. Gently squeezed Jiang He's mouth open and stuffed it in.

"Little brother, seeing that you have consumed a lot and are covered in scars, let my sister come and help me protect the law."

Wu Huang'er walked to Su Xiaoxiao's side with a sweet smile, and pressed her white and tender slender palms on Jiang He's back. Su Xiaoxiao didn't refuse, Wu Huang'er's strength was far higher than him, and Wu Huang'er With Huang'er helping out, Jiang He should be able to recover soon.


Before the sun rose, we finally left the sphere of influence of Morromon, and Gu Anan found a small stream and left me here, and returned directly to the Vulcan ring. My ring of faith has already disappeared. After recovering one, I can cast a healing talisman once. As long as my body recovers, even without the power of hunting ghosts, I can still fight against the enemy with my true magic skills. Moreover, Kong Huahua is getting closer and closer to me, and it won't take long. to be able to meet with me.

In the midst of the stream, I stretched out my palm, and the golden light shone in my palm. The six patterns gradually condensed and changed in my palm, and finally turned into a golden talisman:

"Great Healing Talisman!"

I stretched out my hand to pat my forehead, and suddenly a cool breath enveloped my whole body, and the wound on my body healed quickly.


On a certain cloud-shrouded hill, in a secret room sat cross-legged a man wearing a blue Taoist robe, with his hair tied up in a bun, and a thumb-sized lamp hanging on his chest. This was a young man, very handsome, Taking a closer look, there are some similarities with Li Nianbai, but his body has a bit of dusty aura, like a descendant of the immortal, he suddenly opened his eyes slightly, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, followed by his body For a while, the blue light shone and disappeared.

When he appeared again, he was already on top of the mountain, and as soon as he appeared, a surprised voice came from behind him.

"Mubai, good news, our precious son is finally back."

A woman in a purple skirt came forward, holding a precious mirror in her hand. Her facial features were exquisite, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, but there was some evil spirit between her brows, and a picture appeared on the precious mirror in her hand.

Inside were Li Nianbai and Zhongli, walking one behind the other, and they were not far from the Demon Catch Sect. Zhongli was walking behind Li Nianbai, suddenly his face sank, the corners of his mouth curled up, and there was a hint of sternness in his eyes , the palm even more silently slapped Li Nianbai.

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