Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 289 [Parents take action]

Seeing that the mountain where the Monster Catch Sect is located was already in his line of sight, Li Nianbai couldn't calm down when he thought that he could see his parents and friends in the sect. Suddenly he felt a chill on his back, and the cold palm wind came towards him, his face darkened, he turned around and slashed with the same palm, just hitting the opponent's palm.

Although this palm was struck out in a hurry, it was also quite powerful. Zhong Li slid a certain distance back from his body before dissipating the power of the palm, but the corner of his mouth was already overflowing with blood. He didn't use much strength in this palm, because he The purpose is not to defeat Li Nianbai with this palm.

Li Nianbai withdrew his palm like lightning, there was a short black needle in the palm, half of which was submerged in the palm, the whole palm was covered with black marks, and the palm suddenly lost consciousness, these black marks were still slowly spreading upwards, Passing the arm to the shoulder, Li Nianbai used the other hand to count on the arm in shock and anger, trying to seal the spread of the toxin, but it seems that there is not much use at all, and the toxin is still slowly expanding Then, eroding his skin little by little.

"Zhongli! What are you doing?! What poison did you poison me?!"

Li Nianbai spoke angrily.

"Zhongli? I think it's better for you to call me Black Mountain. Do you think I don't know the purpose of bringing me here? Originally, I wanted to come to the spirit world for a long time. This time, with you leading the way, it went very smoothly. As for the one among you Poison is a poison I have refined and researched many times. It will not kill you, but it will make you unconscious. Your physical body is far stronger than the physical body I am attached to now, and your identity is not simple. You discuss with Zhong Yuan. You just want to drive me out of this body, now I can make Zhongli free, as you wish."

Hei Shan smiled grimly, and took a few steps forward. Li Nianbai's palm didn't hurt him at all, but in fact it hurt Zhongli's body, and it didn't have the slightest effect on Hei Shan itself.

Seeing that Li Nianbai gradually became in a trance, the smile on his face became even more proud.

"You...you know?...it's impossible!"

Li Nianbai held an ebony sword and supported it on the ground with one hand. His face was already extremely pale. So close, but now there's nothing you can do.

Heishan has been looking for a body that suits him. If he refines it, he can think of an incarnation of himself. Even if he dies, the body will not disappear. Zhongli's body is not very suitable for him, because Zhong Yuan's soul is very powerful. I can't destroy it myself, and Zhong Yuan's physical body is not strong, it can even be said to be fragile, only Li Nianbai, Li Nianbai's body is undoubtedly the best choice, this time Li Nianbai took him to catch the demon sect alone, not Let's do it, when will we wait?

"How many years have I lived in Montenegro without knowing this? I can see that Zhong Yuan cares about his cousin. Well, you should have no resistance now, so let me seize the house. Zhongli's physical body will slowly wake up, and he will definitely look for Zhong Yuan when the time comes, don't worry."

The Black Mountain devil approached Li Nianbai step by step, Li Nianbai shook his head, trying to stay awake, and tried to push Black Mountain away, but he couldn't lift his arms, or even stand firmly.

"You...I warn you, my dad is the suzerain of the Demon Catch Sect, you dare to hurt me?!"

Li Nianbai had no choice but to move his father out, hoping to deter Montenegro and make him retreat.

"Your father is a god, and he can't shake my decision now, haha, as long as I win you, I can catch up with the other four familiars."

Heishan pinched Li Nianbai's neck with his big hands, moved his face closer, and spoke sternly.

Li Nianbai's thoughts are all hopeless, all the mana in his body is suppressed by this strange toxin, and what's worse, Heishan didn't use any deadly means to threaten him, otherwise he could stimulate some treasures in his body and let them protect the Lord .

"Oh? Really, you, a little low-level devil, also want to get involved with my son? But with my consent? Tell me, how do you want to die!"

A dull and angry voice came from the distant sky. The muffled sound was like thunder. Heishan was slightly startled. He raised his eyes to look at the sky, and there were two figures flying quickly in the void far away. With a blink of an eye, the two figures became somewhat clear, and with a blink of an eye again, a man and a woman stood in the sky above them.

One is a young man with a handsome face and wearing a Taoist robe. The man's face is gloomy, and his clothes are fluttering, like a fairy descending to the earth. Next to him is a woman in purple. The woman has exquisite features, but there is a faint evil spirit between her eyebrows, especially Seeing Li Nianbai being caught by Heishan, he stared at him, his eyes swelled, like two sharp knives ready to go.

Seven-colored clouds emerged under their feet, rolling and surging, like a couple of gods and gods.

"It seems that the Demon Catch Sect still has some skills. We just entered the scope of the Demon Catch Sect, and you discovered it. What, you want to take your son from me? If you make another move, I don't want this one." Flesh body, let him die directly."

Heishan stretched out his hand to pinch Li Nianbai's neck, and said with a gloomy face.

"Do you dare to threaten our couple?"

The woman in purple was extremely furious. She raised her hands, and her body was surrounded by purple light. These purple lights turned into long swords and appeared densely on top of the woman's head. It was so strong that even the surrounding space became hazy for a while.

"Sheng'er, don't get angry, Nian'er is still in his hands, let me do it, this method is not enough, and I am not worthy to be the suzerain of the Demon Catch Sect."

Li Mubai reached out and patted Na Sheng on the shoulder, trying to calm her down. With tears in her eyes, Sheng glared at Li Mubai, and said viciously: "Hmph, I have already said that you must not let your son go out. It’s not good for him to hone and stay with us? Isn’t he your own son in love? "

"Sheng'er, what are you talking about? I just want him to go out and hone his skills, so what? Now is not the time to talk about this... want to leave?!"

Li Mubai turned around to explain something to Sheng, but found that Heishan had already turned around and ran away with Li Nianbai in his arms. Restrained by strength, and then let go of his hands, Li Nianbai fell to the ground. He wanted to use any secret technique, but it was already impossible. His whole body was frozen in midair uncontrollably, which was very strange. Not only that, he I don't even have the right to speak.


Seeing his precious son fell to the ground, Sheng didn't care about anything anymore, his body flickered, and turned into an afterimage that fell from mid-air, and arrived at Li Nianbai's side.

"Old... mother!"

Li Nianbai burst into tears when he saw someone he was familiar with.

"Don't talk, damn it, you dare to poison my precious son, let mom help you get rid of the toxin, you take the detoxification pill first, I will cut him into pieces!"

Na Sheng took out a elixir and stuffed it into Li Nianbai's mouth, then swept his eyes, grabbed his palm, saw the short black needle on the wound on the palm of his son, burst into anger, his baby He is reluctant to beat his son, but now that he is in this state, how can she not be distressed as a mother?

"No, this is my friend, but he is possessed by a demon, don't kill him, just get rid of the demon on him!"

Li Nianbai Ziwu's complexion improved a lot. This elixir is indeed very effective. As long as the poisonous blood is released, Li Mubai will be safe and sound. Li Mubai stood beside his son, frowning slightly and staring at his son. Seeing his appearance, It's really distressing and speechless. How can I say that my son is one of the best in aptitude. If I didn't seal his ability because I was afraid that his realm would be unstable, otherwise, why is it only in the Golden Core realm?I'm afraid he is already at a higher level. If he didn't have the ability to seal him, he wouldn't be hurt by a low-level demon possessing a human body!

What was speechless was that his precious son hadn't the slightest precaution. If he hadn't seen this scene in the mirror of heaven's punishment, his precious son would have been murdered long ago.

Thinking of this, Li Mubai's heart ached, but he did not show it. After all, his son is still alive, so he must have the majesty of a father.

After Na Sheng helped him force out the poisonous needle, Li Nianbai fully recovered and became energetic. After he stood up, Na Sheng hugged him tightly and never let go.

"Mom, let go of me first, I haven't seen my dad yet."

Li Nianbai struggled, but his strength was not as strong as his mother's. After a while, Na Sheng let go of him, squeezed his face, arms, and body and said with emotion: "Nian'er, you have lost weight. , I must have suffered a lot outside, this time I can't leave us again."

"Mom, first solve my friend's possession. I have experienced many things in that interface. This time I came back to help my friend get rid of the demon. Father, please Uncle Li."

Li Nianbai touched the cold sweat on his forehead, seeing his father's stern gaze, his voice became much softer, like a child who has made a mistake.

"It's okay to get rid of the devil, what are you going to do with it?"

Li Mubai said with a gloomy face.

"Is there any way to turn him into an ordinary ghost? It's still useful for us to keep this demon. He came out of the Great World of Maha. Besides him, there are four familiar demons. We need to know about this demon. The whereabouts of the four familiars, and then destroy them."

Li Nianbai heaved a sigh of relief seeing his father speak.

"Li Li, get this monster out, remember not to hurt the original soul in this body, how to deal with this monster, you have heard what you said, and do as he said."

Li Mubai stretched out his hand and tore off the ancient lamp on his chest, and when he threw it away, the blue light shone, and the ancient lamp immediately turned into a very alluring monk wearing a white monk's robe.

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