Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 291 [Brother and Sister Fox]

Without any hesitation, Kong Huahua passed through the golden light, and then grabbed my hand and left the cave.

"Now let's leave here quickly. My brother is a nine-tailed fox, and his strength is unimaginably powerful. Sister Ling'er won't be able to delay for long."

Kong Huahua's face was full of panic, she no longer had the calm expression she had before, she looked in one direction, couldn't help me to say something, pulled me and ran away.


"Ling'er, why do we have to walk? You tell me the location, and I can get there by tearing apart the void. Where is Wuchang?"

In the dense forest, a handsome boy with full head of blond hair and wearing a white robe cast excited eyes around him, and behind him was a girl in a blue robe. The girl was also gentle and beautiful, but But there was a lack of charm and a little more innocence. At this moment, she secretly broke into a cold sweat. After finally seeing her sister Huahua, her brother wanted to take her to Qingqiu country.

But she didn't know what happened to her sister, and she didn't want to return home. In addition, their relationship was very good a hundred years ago, and they often played together. This time, she didn't regret helping Sister Huahua.

"I just saw Wuchang and them around here, and... I'm not very sure."

Where has Kong Linger seen impermanence?It's just that she picked it up casually, three of the giants in the spiritual world have gone to the Great World of Maha, and Bai Wuchang is one of them, so how could they appear here?

The blond man seemed to have noticed something, turned around suddenly, stared at his sister, frowned handsomely, and said, "Ling'er, you lied to me?"

"I... I just don't want you to bring Sister Hua back, and she doesn't want to, brother, why did you do this? Didn't you love Sister Hua very much before, even though she is your cousin. "

Kong Ling'er pursed her mouth, looking at her brother carefully.

Kong Konger sighed, his blond hair was dancing with the wind, and a trace of memory appeared on his handsome face. After a while, he came back to his senses and said:

"Actually, he is the only family member left by my uncle. You have never met our uncle, but I heard from my mother that my uncle's qualifications are the most powerful in our Qingqiu country. It is a pity that he died young. Back then he After leading a group of elite clansmen from the Qingqiu Kingdom to crusade against the Great World of Maha, they never came back, probably because they died there. Her mother has always been thinking about Huahua, shed tears every day, so of course I want to take her back. Qingqiu country, of course, there is another point, I found the power of the contract in Huahua."

"The power of a contract? Could it be that Sister Huahua signed a contract with someone else? Impossible, how could the fox clan of our Qingqiu country sign a contract with someone?!"

Kong Ling'er was slightly startled, her skills were similar to Kong Huahua's, she was also Sanwei, but her brother was different, although he was a little bit older than the two of them, but his strength was the strongest Jiuwei in the whole Qingqiu country Fox, so Huahua possesses the power of contract, which cannot be hidden from his eyes.

"Yes, so I have to find a way to get rid of the power of the contract on her. I don't know what she has experienced, but it is absolutely impossible for the foxes in our Qingqiu country to be sent by others at will. I only felt my sister's power not long ago. Because Kunlun is too far away, the person who signed the contract with my sister is also here, but I can't find it for the time being. If I find it, he forced my sister to sign the contract. I have to take off his skin! "

Kong Kong'er flicked his sleeves angrily, the foxes in Qingqiu country are extremely noble, no matter what kind of existence they are, he will not forgive them lightly.

"Since this is the case, let's rush back. It's all because I was confused for a while and didn't ask clearly."

Kong Ling'er stuck out her tongue, and at the same time glanced at her brother strangely. Didn't her brother also sign a contract with the human Bai Wuchang at the beginning? Why is the reaction so strong now?

Kong Kong'er nodded, waved his sleeves, and a crack appeared in front of him, and the two of them got in separately.

In the next second, a blue crack appeared in the sky around the cave, and the brother and sister got out of the crack.

After Kong Kong'er landed, she frowned slightly, and instead of walking in in time, she stared in another direction, Kong Ling'er asked with some doubts, "What's wrong?"

"The space barrier I set up was broken by someone. This person should be Huahua's owner. Hmph, if I knew it, I would have set up the space barrier with all my strength. Let's chase after me and take my sister away under my nose. Impossible!"

After Kong Kong'er finished speaking, it turned into a golden ray of light, pierced through the air, and Kong Ling'er followed closely behind.


"Little fox, where are you taking me? Huh? This place, no, I can't go any further. I just came out from the front. If I go any further, it will be within the sphere of influence of Morromon."

Seeing that Kong Huahua kept pulling me forward, and the surrounding scene became more and more familiar, I was stunned, and stopped immediately, and finally escaped from the sphere of influence of Moramon, and now the sheep has entered again. jaws of death?Impossible, impossible.

"I know, but my brother is very powerful, and he will catch up soon. I hope to use the power of Morromon to make my brother afraid, and make a dangerous move!"

Kong Huahua has a decisive face.

"He is also your elder brother anyway, he won't kill us, as long as we explain it clearly to him, does your Qingqiu country have any special regulations?"

I stared at Kong Huahua speechlessly, I would rather face this fox from Qingqiu than Morromon.

"Since you are going to die, then I will fulfill you!"

An angry voice came from far and near, before I could react, a golden palm swept towards my chest!

"The Promise Purple Flame!"

Before I had time to think about it, I immediately activated Wuji Ziyan and struck out with a palm. This golden palm is extremely powerful. What's more terrible is that the light contained in this palm actually contains the power of Buddhism. This is terrible, I The real magic technique and the Buddhist technique restrain each other, and the strength of the other party is far stronger than mine, and directly smashed my protective Ziyan, and the huge force swept in. My whole arm went numb, and I felt tight. Then came a sharp pain.


Cracking bones, oops, broken bones.

"Little fox, run away!"

After the palm knocked me into the air, it didn't put it away, but patted my chest again.

Such a powerful force, this force is absolutely oppressive, among all the people I met, probably only Teng Qing could fight against the owner of the golden hand, and I didn't have time to wipe the blood from the corner of my mouth, and the other hand drew When the golden bone hand was released, the remaining ghost-hunting power surged in, and at the same time, he slashed fiercely at the golden palm, and a space crack appeared in the middle immediately.

Kong Huahua was stunned, until she saw that I was injured, she helped me up with a serious face, and said with gratitude in her eyes: "We are also masters and servants after all, how could I leave you alone?"

The five fingers of the golden palm bent slightly, and the crack in the space was directly scratched. A handsome man with blond hair and wearing a white robe appeared in front of me. It is simply impossible for a mortal to have.

"Huahua, is this the power of the contract that this person signed with you? If I kill him, the contract will also be terminated!"

The man snorted coldly, tipped his toes, and came in front of us, his big hand was about to clap again.

"Brother! If you kill him, I will die too. You would never have imagined that I have already made a contract with him, and this contract is very equal. It is also the most powerful and ancient contract in our Qingqiu country. All are prosperous and all are damaged. , and, this is also my willingness, he did not force."

When I said this, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of Kong Huahua's mouth. Apart from my arm being broken, my internal organs were also affected by the palm force, so I vomited blood, but Kong Huahua was not injured, and she also vomited blood. Is it really like her said?

No, the contract was forced by her before. It should not be an equal contract. This kind of contract can only work if both agree.

Since this is not the case, then it should be her little trick, she should have bitten the tip of her own tongue. Thinking of this, I was moved a lot.

Seeing blood overflowing from the corner of her sister's mouth, Kong Kong'er said in surprise and anger: "You...you are so confused! Do you know what he used just now?! This is a magic skill, and it is a high-level magic skill. You Don't worry, brother has the ability to set you free, boy, report your name!"

"Zhong Yuan, do you have to be a disciple of the Demon Sect if you practice Demon Art?"

I looked at Kong Konger coldly, the reason I knew his name was because on the way to escape, Kong Huahua told me everything he knew.

The corner of Kong Kong'er's mouth curled up, and he snorted coldly: "Even if he is not a disciple of the Demon Sect, he has a lot to do with the Demon Sect."

"Yes, my mother is a disciple of the Demon Sect, so what, your strength is indeed very strong, but it does not mean that I will not surpass you in the future, and now I am injured by you, and I have no complaints. The contract signed with me is not an equal contract, so if I die, she will be fine."

I took a deep breath and said in a cold voice.

"Boy, the tone is not small, and you have a backbone. Since you have a backbone, why use my bones as a weapon?"

Kong Konger glanced at the golden bone hand in my hand, and said with a blank expression.

"Impossible. When one of my elders gave it to me, he said it was a skeleton, but you appeared in front of me. How can you prove it? If you say it is the corpse of a fox from your Qingqiu country, I have no objection." .”

I stared at Kong Konger, and saw the look of memory in his eyes. I thought it was bad, he probably wouldn't lie to me, and there was no need to lie to me, but there are many doubts about this matter, isn't it bones?

"This is the skeleton of my own body when I died. The situation was too urgent and my grandfather didn't have time to deal with my body. Could it be that I can't even recognize my own body? The me you see now is naturally reborn My boy, I know you were injured, I can help you recover now, as long as you can take my trick, you will understand the grievances between us? I will not pursue the origin of the bones anymore, and I will I respect my sister's wishes, but she must return to Qingqiu country, she has been away from my aunt for too long, and my aunt is very sad."

Kong Konger stared at me, and said with a bit of a face.

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