Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 292 [1 Strike and Breakthrough]

"No, brother, you are the body of Nine Tails, how could Zhong Yuan bear your blow? I firmly disagree!"

After listening to Kong Konger's words, Kong Huahua's face changed drastically. Others may not know his brother's strength, but she knows it clearly. Although she avoided the disaster that happened in the human world, she was able to inquire about it. It's clear, especially my brother's monster hunting company in the human world. Which one of the people in the company is not an indomitable figure?It is impossible for them to match any shot, and now their brother actually made such a feeble request.

"It's okay, don't forget, he will help me recover my strength."

Looking at Kong Huahua's worried face, I felt a little warm in my heart, no matter what, I will definitely help his husband-in-law Li Qiusheng gather his soul.

"Yes, here is the elixir to restore your strength, take it quickly and refine it."

Kong Kong'er stretched out his hand and flicked it, a white almost transparent pill flew towards me, I grabbed it with my hand, put it on the tip of my nose and sniffed it, the pill was very fragrant and radiated pure power, compared to what Li Nianbai gave before The elixir I took is many times stronger.

Swallowing it in one gulp, I sat cross-legged on the spot, and when I regained my ring of faith and cast the dao pattern in my palm, I should be able to catch one move.

The source of faith seems to have taken a big tonic pill, and it has grown a lot vaguely, and the power of hunting ghosts exuded is even greater. In addition, the energy of the world here is more than ten times that of the original world, The three rings of belief have begun to recover, and the third ring of belief is much more solidified than before, approaching saturation.

No wonder the disciples of the Demon Sect here have such a high level of cultivation. It must be because the aura here is suitable for cultivation. If I have been in this world for a long time, I may be able to break through the third ring of faith early and reach the fourth. At that time, it will be a leap. It's a pity that this is a bottleneck, and it is not so easy to break through. It must be honed in the process of displaying and constantly breaking through yourself before it is possible to reach a new level.

Perhaps, this battle with Kong Kong'er is an opportunity for me to break through.

The third ring of faith is close to saturation, and the source of faith has also slowed down.

"Huh? Are you a ghost hunter? At the beginning, the big families of ghost hunters were unknown and never appeared. They are no different from ordinary people. Why are they growing so fast now?"

Kong Kong'er spoke thoughtfully, seeing me slowly open my eyes, my heart was even slightly shocked.

"Okay, let's start."

I stretched out my left hand, and the golden light in my palm was flowing. I planned to use the ancient demon-slaying talisman. Although he was a fox from Qingqiu country, he was a demon after all, and he would be afraid of the demon-slaying talisman.

A total of sixteen Dao patterns emerged in the palm of the hand, condensed, and exuded a huge momentum. Seeing this scene, Kong Huahua was surprised, but there was a light of excitement in his eyes, and his body retreated suddenly, fearing that he would be caught by this talisman. It was affected because she felt that the powerful power contained in this talisman was beyond her ability to contend.

"Tao Talisman? Demon Slaying Talisman? Kid, how could you possibly have a lost Talisman from ancient times? Condensed Dao Talisman in your palm, you have such great power? Can your physical body bear it?"

Kong Konger's pupils shrank slightly, but his face was still very calm.

"Guess, since you know it's a demon-slaying talisman, you should be careful."

I was overjoyed, the other party was really afraid of the ancient monster-slaying talisman, I suppressed the discomfort in my palm, because this ancient monster-slaying talisman consumes a lot of dao patterns, I guess this is still the original form, because the talisman uses a wonderful combination to communicate with the universe The energy in it, if you want stronger power, then you need more dao patterns. To put it simply, this dao pattern is actually a medium, a medium to communicate the energy of the world, but it depends on my physical body to carry it. This can also explain why the more dao patterns I cast, the cracks will appear in my body and I cannot bear it, because it is impossible for a mortal body to withstand the powerful energy of heaven and earth unless my body becomes more powerful. powerful.

"Okay, although your realm seems to be very low, but the power of talent is good, then try the power of the fox fairy of our Qingqiu country!"

The corners of Kong Kong'er's mouth curled up, he smiled coldly, and swiped his palm forward, a crack was split open by him, his figure flickered, and he disappeared into it.

It's broken, the opponent knows the space shuttle technique, and with his control over this power, he can appear anywhere around me at any time, and then launch an attack, and the Dao pattern in my palm is only powerful in one blow, so I can't waste any chance .

"Ziyan body protection!"

The purple-golden flames formed a flame defense around my body, hoping to effectively resist attacks. Even if he breaks my layer of flames, it should give me enough time. This elixir can only restore my ghost-hunting power , it’s not healing pills, my other arm is useless now, my internal organs are suffering from colic, and fine beads of sweat are already appearing on my forehead. Even so, what can I do?Why not give it a go and take this opportunity to fight him.

Facing Kong Kong'er, my nerves were tense. This is a monster, and it is a powerful and terrifying monster. I still have lingering fears about the previous palm.

There is no fluctuation in the surrounding space, I am highly nervous, the other party is good at space, and because I have a certain understanding of the golden bone hand, I also have a certain understanding of space, and can even easily perceive the fluctuation of space, and As soon as the space fluctuates, Kong Kong'er will definitely emerge from it.

Kong Huahua stood not far away, his hands were stirring, and his face was full of worry.

The ancient monster-slaying talisman has been formed in my palm, and the golden light is floating above my palm. The ancient monster-slaying talisman and the ancient ghost-slaying talisman are of the same level. Last time, when I used the ghost-slaying talisman, my whole body was split and seriously injured. Now , It's just that the palm of my hand is cracked, but the situation has changed a lot. As long as I break through the third ring of faith, I can cast more than twenty talismans.

A slight space fluctuation suddenly came from my left side, and I immediately turned around, pointing my palm at the strong space fluctuation, and was secretly delighted when the other three directions also sent space fluctuations.

Oops, what's going on here, could it be... A bad feeling spread from the bottom of my heart.

Sure enough, in the next second, around me, including in front of me, there were four identical Kong Konger, exactly the same, and the breath was also similar, but only one must be real. It would be great if my cousin was here. Can see through the truth.

"Brother, you are stupid! I protest!"

Kong Huahua clenched her fists and spoke in a very dissatisfied manner.

"I'm not rambunctious, this is indeed within the scope of my move."

Four identical Kong Kongers spoke, and at the same time, I felt a very powerful aura rolling towards me. This was the coercion of the superiors. Under the cover of this coercion, I felt that my body had become abnormal. Dull, not even daring to look up at him.

Sometimes, aura is very important. When the two sides are fighting, the first thing to do is to compete with aura. If one side is suppressed, then the heart will be timid and the combat power will be greatly weakened. It is like two people with equal combat effectiveness. If the aura is suppressed, then the battle The results speak for themselves.

This is basically the situation for me now. The opponent's strength is almost completely suppressing me, and now he is using aura to suppress me, but this huge aura is much lighter than what he received when he traveled through the space before.

No, no matter what it is for, I will work hard in this battle.

I started to crazily use the power of hunting ghosts in my body, the magic source in the dantian also began to burst out with powerful power, the purple gold flame on the magic source pearl began to produce subtle changes, and even began to change its shape.

In the end, the purple gold flame suddenly turned into a fire bird and appeared above the magic source bead, flying around the magic source bead. You can see that the fire bird is golden, but it is surrounded by a layer of purple flame strangely.

The third layer, the shadow of the true devil!

I remember that Zi Luo told me that the shadow of the true demon can strengthen my body and increase my aura. I never thought that I would break through under the pressure of Kong Konger's aura.

With a shake of my body, this golden firebird appeared on my back, flapping its wings, and the coercion above my body was instantly released.

But Wei Xiaoqing's True Demon Shadow is a human figure, why is mine a bird?She said that this shadow of true magic is the original form of true magic form in the future. Could it be that this bird will be my true magic form in the future?

Seeing my breakthrough, Kong Kong'er's eyes flashed a look of surprise, and after seeing the Firebird behind me, he said in a little surprise: "Huh? That's strange, isn't this the Sun Golden Crow, no wonder it can resist me Who are you? Do you have the blood of the Golden Crow in your body? Why can't I feel it?"

The Kong Konger on my right made a sound, and finally saw the main body. This is an excellent opportunity, I can't miss it. I didn't answer him, and raised the demon-slaying talisman in my palm high, and looked in his direction. hack!

The golden talisman flew into the void, and countless runes condensed and turned into a golden knife, slashing at Kong Kong'er's body head-on.


Kong Kong'er snorted coldly, and slapped his palm towards the void, and the other three Kong Kong'er raised their palms and slapped me.

"Shadow of True Demon, Possession!"

With a loud shout, this flying bird sank into my body, and I immediately felt my body start to be exposed a little bit, and my whole body was filled with endless power, and even my fire body was much more pure than before, able to hold More fire power.

The six palm prints came towards me, I turned around and dealt with them one by one, my fists slammed out, one of Kong Konger's clones was directly crushed by my fists, but when I wanted to deal with the other two But it was too late, two of the four palm prints were printed on my back, and two were patted on my chest.

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