Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 293 [Serious Injury Again]

The huge palm force and raging power directly blasted away the purple gold flame above my body.

It was impossible to take care of his back, so he moved forward with one hand to block the extremely fierce palm.


The sound of bone shattering sounded again, followed by a heavy blow to the back, my body staggered, and I was thrown forward. At this moment, my whole body was burning with fighting spirit, and these phantom clones only had the power of one blow. After injuring me, it turned into a white light and disappeared at the same time.

The throat was a little fishy and sweet, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

Kong Huahua's complexion changed drastically, and he no longer cared about his brother, he ran over and supported me. At this moment, the magic flame on my body had been absorbed into my body, my ears were buzzing, and even my vision became extremely blurred.

Facing my ancient monster-slaying talisman, Kong Konger's palm turned into a golden palm, but even though this palm looked extremely thick, it was directly split by the golden knife transformed by the monster-slaying talisman. Kong Konger revealed a dignified expression.

Suddenly he clasped his hands together, muttering words, and a faint chanting sounded. At the same time, under the white robe, there were strips of extremely white fox tails that contained a faint golden light. These fox tails fluttered behind him. , coupled with his peerless appearance, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a fox fairy.

"Such a powerful Buddhist power, I can't feel the evil spirit on him at all, little fox, why is the evil spirit on your body so heavy, and why can't your brother feel the slightest bit?"

I saw a purple scar appearing between Kong Konger's eyebrows, and purple scales covered his forehead, but it didn't destroy the beauty at all, but added a bit of mysterious and powerful atmosphere.

"Because my brother's father is a purple gold dragon, he is no longer a pure nine-tailed fox, but a dragon fox!"

Kong Huahua stared at her brother enviously, and said, because of Kong Kong'er's bloodline, talent is also much higher than those of the foxes in Qingqiu country, and she is very powerful.

I was a little shocked in my heart, and said again: "Aren't these things that can only exist in the mountain and sea world? Could it be that these powerful beasts have all gone to the spirit world? Or, the entrance to the mountain and sea world is in the spirit world? "

Kong Huahua shook his head, expressing that he didn't know, then his eyes fell on Kong Kong'er again, after the demon-slaying golden knife cut through the golden palm, his strength had stepped up to the level it was before, I thought Kong Kong'er would use some powerful trick, Unexpectedly, the opponent's eyes suddenly opened wide, and he struck out with the palm of his hand. The Buddha's light shone on the palm of his hand, and he actually caught this powerful blow.

Watching the Demon Slaying Golden Knife disappear little by little in the Buddha's light, I felt cramping pain in my chest, I couldn't support it anymore, and collapsed on Kong Huahua's body.

"Zhong Yuan, wake up, don't fall asleep!"

Kong Huahua gritted her teeth, suddenly held my head, opened her lips, a mouthful of pure fragrance came towards me, I opened my eyes slightly, and saw subtle changes began to take place on Kong Huahua's beautiful face. The ears began to become sharper, and even the fangs in the mouth grew out. This fragrance turned into a light green breath and entered my mouth.

Immediately, I felt that this pure breath was slowly repairing my damaged internal organs.

"Huahua, you're crazy! To actually use your demonic energy to kill a mortal will damage your morality and bring you back to your original form!"

Kong Konger withdrew her tail, turned her head slightly, stared at her sister who was saving the demon yuan for me, her expression became even uglier, and she stepped directly beside us to stop her.

"No, I must save him, Zhong Yuan, you can't die, you promised me!"

Kong Huahua tried to open her brother's wrist, but there was no sign of breaking free.


A familiar voice came from a distance, I turned my head slightly, and there were many people walking not far away, including Li Nianbai, my cousin, and a fairy-like couple, the last one was wearing a blue gauze The innocent little girl in the skirt looks somewhat similar to Kong Huahua, so she should be her younger sister, Kong Linger.

"Uncle Little Fox, you are too harsh, he is my good brother!"

Li Nianbai rushed over with a stride, stretched out his hand to grab me, and gave Kong Konger a hard look, Kong Konger was slightly startled, then touched his nose helplessly, looked away, and stared at Li Mubai and his wife.

"Mom, Nine-turn Great Repayment Pill, hurry up!"

Li Nianbai yelled at the purple-clothed woman, it was the first time I saw him so anxious, but my consciousness started to go into a trance, Longhu, as expected of Longhu, is far stronger than ordinary Qingqiu country The fox still has the power of a dragon on his body, so he must be merciful in this attack, otherwise I would have died long ago.

"Nian'er, I have refined three pills in total. Your Uncle Bai Han was injured and took one pill. Now there are only two pills left. Anyway, here you are, who told you that you are my precious son, but this pill It’s not something ordinary mortals can bear, the Nine Turns Great Returning Pill is equivalent to an elixir, after mortals take it, they can’t bear the enormous power, and they will explode and die.”

Na Shengsu flipped his hands over and took out a sandalwood box, then came to our side and opened the box.

"Where is Auntie Ruchu, call him quickly, Dad, help me quickly, I know you will be able to save him, even if Uncle Bai Han was injured by Jiuxiao Leijie back then, you were able to remove the Hualei Water, His little injury is naturally nothing to worry about!"

Li Nianbai grabbed the Nine-Turn Great Repayment Pill with one hand, but he didn't dare to let me accept it like this. He is very clear about the power of the Nine-Turn Big Reward Pill.

"Of course there is no problem, but you have to promise me one condition."

Li Mubai frowned slightly looking at his son, and said softly.

"We still need to discuss conditions? Dad, what are your conditions?"

Li Nianbai gave his father a helpless look, and said indignantly that nothing good would happen if his father negotiated terms with him.

"You are not allowed to leave the spirit world in the future, let alone approach this person, how about it?"

Li Mubai stared at me solemnly, as if I was a completely dangerous person, but there was an undetectable look in his eyes.

"No, we are good brothers who live and die together. Dad, how could you say such a thing? Would you abandon Uncle Lu Fei, Uncle Su Ming, and Uncle Wu Yu who walked with you back then? What!"

Li Nianbai looked at his father angrily, bit it, and said again: "I don't care, since you are not willing to save him, then I will go to Auntie Ruchu, if Auntie Ruchu can't, then I will go to Mo'er, Susu The two grandmothers, relying on their medical skills, can't be cured! I will never return to the spirit world!"

After finishing speaking, he picked me up and ran away into the distance. On his shoulders, I didn't have the slightest bit of bumps, but just after running far, Li Mubai appeared in front of us, and blocked Li Nianbai's way with his hand. He glanced at his precious son with a complicated expression, squeezed his fist, and said:

"You know your impermanence, what did the two grandfathers of Qingming go to, and your uncle Bai Han, they went to the Maha World, do you know what kind of place the Maha World is? , and, he, he has a great relationship with the Maha Great World!"

"Could it be that just because Zhong Yuan has practiced magic skills, you also mistook him for a disciple of the magic sect? You are not such a person."

Li Nianbai stopped and looked at his father angrily, he didn't believe his father was such a person.

Li Mubai shook his head, pondered for a while, and said slowly: "It's not because of this reason, but because of the Dao pattern in his palm. Do you know why the Maha Great World was stripped out? It's because of him!"

After finishing speaking, Li Mubai pointed to me, his face was very calm, revealing a complicated light.

"Things are far from being so simple. There is no one other than Huangtian who can display the dao pattern in the palm, and Huangtian was reincarnated many years ago. I think this good brother of yours should be Huangtian's reincarnation. There is a guy who existed in ancient times sealed in the Maha Great World, this guy is from the same period as my master, the reason why I want you to leave him, I don’t want you to have an accident, don’t you understand?”

Li Mubai looked at his son quietly. For the first time, he gave in. He had no choice but to love his son. When he came down from the fairy world, his precious son was already six or seven years old. At that time, he was afraid She ran away, and kept lying on him, not letting herself leave him for a moment.

"Impossible, Dad, how old is Grandpa Wuchang?"

Li Nianbai spoke with some puzzlement.

Li Mubai sighed, and said slowly: "It's not Master Wuchang, but my master in the fairy world, Taiqing, Taiqing sage!"

"Xiaobai, you still listen to your father. He is right. My memory has begun to recover. The enemy I have to face is very powerful. I can't even protect myself, and I can't drag you down."

I patted his trembling shoulder lightly, and spoke in a very uncomfortable way, Li Mubai seemed to know everything, in front of him, he knew all my secrets.

"No, I want to save you. It was agreed at the beginning! We share weal and woe! Otherwise, why would I bring you here to catch the demon sect? You are already a member of the demon catcher sect, and I am the future head of the demon catcher sect. If I say you are not allowed to die, you are not allowed to die!"

After saying this, Li Nianbai bent his knees slightly, knelt down on the ground, his face became extremely gloomy, and said: "Father, I beg you, save my good buddy!"

Immediately afterwards, he put me on the ground next to me, and knocked my head heavily on the ground. Soon, my forehead became red and swollen. I wanted to raise my hand to stop him, but unfortunately my arm was broken and I couldn’t lift it up at all. .

And Li Mubai's handsome eyebrows were tightly frowned, he clenched his fists, he didn't speak, he neither agreed nor refused. I could see that he was struggling in his heart, and I could understand that my parents treat their children , has always been a selfless dedication.

"Nian'er, what are you doing! The man has gold under his knees, Li Mubai, I really can't stand it anymore. It was you who said at the beginning that you want the child to train hard. This is also an opportunity. Why don't you let the child have a good time? See Come on, you dote on my son more than I do, son, get up, if he doesn’t save me, I’ll save him, this kid is quite to my taste, Kong Kong’er is so much stronger than him, yet he dared to agree to take a move from him, you can see his strength heart."

The voice of Sheng came from afar.

"Yeah, this kid is very good, Mu Bai, you can save him, I saw him displaying magic skills, I thought he was a disciple of the magic sect, so I acted harder."

Kong Konger came over, and the two younger sisters held his hands respectively and shook them vigorously.

"Well, actually, I didn't plan not to save him, Nian'er, just now I just wanted to see how far your relationship has gone. If you really agreed to my conditions just now, I might not save him, and I might even punish you severely. Yes, between companions, the most important thing is trust. Only in this way can we grow and have valuable things. Bai Han and the others went to the Maha World to investigate the situation, and they will return soon. Now I have found Huangtian How could the reincarnated body miss this opportunity? Emperor Tian, ​​long time no see."

Li Mubai rolled up his sleeves, and a soft breeze rolled me up. Seeing Li Mubai's smile, I was slightly taken aback, as if something was torn apart in my mind, memories flooded out.

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