Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 294 [Worry]

"Little fairy boy, where is your master?"

Above the nine heavens, in front of a huge palace, surrounded by fairy mist, stood two people, one big and one small.

This tall man was wearing a golden robe and a golden mask, with long hair flying back, and his eyes were focused on the little fairy boy at the entrance of the hall.

The little fairy boy has delicate features, is he playing with an ancient glazed lamp in his hand? He frowned slightly, and said, "I'm not a little fairy boy, I'm Tiandu, master has gone out, you should be the emperor in charge of the heaven Well, only you can easily come to the Taiqing Palace, the master said, the doom is set, and you will go down to the realm, and it will not help. The old Styx in the sea of ​​blood is not something you can deal with. Sending Jizo to suppress the blood sea monster."

"If the heavens don't change their owners, then I will still be the owner of this place. The five righteous gods in 360 have almost fallen. Your master should be discussing the matter of conferring gods with the rest of the saints."

Huangtian's eyes were a little sad, and Youyou spoke. He sent a lot of righteous gods to the Nether Blood Sea, but they were all swallowed up by that guy Styx, and he was already furious.

Tian Du nodded, and continued: "Yes, master and two foreign masters have gone to Tianwaitian, discussing with Empress Nuwa about conferring gods, the general trend of the demon clan is over, Emperor Tian, ​​I know your body is the Golden Crow, Moreover, Empress Nuwa is the ancestor of your demon clan, I think she has already warned you, you should not be like your elder brother, and, I will reveal a piece of news to you, the ancestor of Styx in the Nether Blood Sea It is not so easy to destroy, as long as the sea of ​​blood is not destroyed, he will not die, unless he is sealed to another world and consumes his strength."

"Thank God for letting me know."

Huang Tian nodded. Originally, he wanted to borrow the Taiqing Jade Vase to directly collect the sea of ​​blood into the bottle. At that time, the strength of the ancestor Minghe would be weakened, but it seems that there is no other way now. , it is impossible for the Taiqing sage to let him leave his side.


The severe pain in my arms made me wake up from my memory. Li Mubai grabbed my shoulder blades with his vigorous and powerful hands, twisted them lightly, raised his brows, and said, "It seems that it's not just dislocation. The physical body is still relatively strong, and it is estimated that these arms will be completely shattered, and even if there is a panacea, it is impossible to recover."

"Uncle Fox! No, Grandpa Fox! Aren't you guarding Kunlun? Why did you appear here and seriously hurt my friend?"

Li Nianbai came to Kong Konger angrily, and questioned loudly, for Kong Konger who is a dragon and fox, he had no fear at all.

Hearing Li Nianbai call himself Grandpa Fox, Kong Konger's face was extremely embarrassed, he touched his face, showing a trace of helplessness, then glared at Kong Huahua who was snickering next to him, and said: "Because she, this girl, is actually with someone else After signing the contract, it must not be as simple as I imagined, saying, what else are you hiding, why do you resist returning to Qingqiu country."

"I know this, she is to save her husband, because her husband is about to lose his soul, and he begged Zhong Yuan to seal Li Qiusheng's soul, so he signed the contract with Zhong Yuan! What's so hard to understand? "

Li Nianbai said, he didn't notice that Kong Huahua next to him was winking and jumping angrily.

"What? Your husband?"

Kong Kong'er's face became extremely gloomy again, and he looked at his sister in disbelief, and his voice became a little louder.

Not only him, Kong Ling'er next to him was also stunned, and after regaining his senses, he said, "Sister Hua, what he said is true? Now I finally know why you refuse to return to Qingqiu Country, you are afraid that the elders will Punishment?"

"No, I'm not afraid of the elders' punishment, I'm afraid that if I return to Qingqiu country, I won't be able to come back."

When Kong Huahua saw Li Nianbai slipping his tongue, she spoke up very helplessly.

"We'll talk about this matter when we get back to the Monster Catch Sect. Xiao Yuanyuan still needs to take care of it now. My father will help him take the Nine-Turn Great Returning Pill. This place is close to the Demon Gate. Grandpa Fox, you just tear the void. Take us back to the Demon Hunting Sect."

Li Nianbai remembered the business and spoke with a serious face.


Kong Kong'er began to gather everyone together, this place is not far away from the Demon Catch Sect, the reason why Li Nianbai came here was because his father used his great magic power to come here, now Li Mubai healed my wound with one hand, that's why he came here Think of Kong Kong'er's supernatural power to tear apart the void.

"Xiaobai, is there a person named Su Xiaoxiao in your Demon Catch Sect, who mistook me for a member of the Demon Sect and took Jiang He away."

Except for Li Nianbai, my cousin stood next to me, with a hint of worry in his eyes, although I don't understand why the Black Mountain Devil would do this.

"I guess I've already returned to the Monster Catch Sect. Let's talk about it when I go to the sect. You should adjust your breathing well. When you get back there, you will have to take the Nine-Turn Great Returning Pill."

Li Mubai spoke softly.

Immediately after Kong Kong'er swiped in the air with one hand, a long cyan crack appeared in front of us. There was chaos in the cyan crack, and we couldn't see the specific situation inside. Under Li Mubai's low shout, everyone sank into the crack In the middle, I was picked up by him and went inside.

When I regained my composure, I was already on the top of a certain mountain, and there was a huge building here. I looked up at the plaque on the door frame, and saw the words Catch the Monster Sect. It was vigorous and powerful, and the door was open. There was no guard disciple, after leading us in, Li Nianbai was taken away by his mother, and before leaving, he still put the Jiuzhuan Dahuandan in my hand, while Kong Konger brought his younger sister , went to a side room to preach, and soon, only Li Mubai, me, and my cousin were left.

"Go and visit yourself first, I'm going to take your cousin to heal now."

Li Mubai stared at his cousin with a smile on his face, and said aloud.

The cousin shook his head and pushed the bridge of his nose habitually, but when he found that the glasses were gone, he was a little annoyed and said, "I'm worried about my cousin, so I'll follow you."

The tone was as cold as ever, and I felt a little joy in my heart, and said, "Are you really my cousin? Didn't you lie to me?"

My cousin walked up to me and put his hand on my forehead. I could feel the warmth of his palm. He continued: "Listen to them, Black Mountain attached to me and injured Li Nianbai, yes He drove the Black Mountain Devil out of my body, so you don't have to worry about me anymore."

"Tiandu, thank you."

I glanced at Li Mubai gratefully, the flash of memory that surfaced before, although the fairy boy was very small, the ancient lamp he was playing with was exactly the same as the ancient lamp he is holding in his hand now, I would not admit it wrong.

Li Mubai looked at me with some surprise, nodded with a slight smile, and I continued: "Well... that, that, did you bring the Taiqing jade bottle down?"

He was stunned, staring at me very helplessly, and said: "The Taiqing jade bottle is the treasure of the master, it is very special, and it is worn close to the body, how could I get it? Are you still thinking about the jade bottle? Isn't the ancestor of Minghe?" Is it sealed in the Great World of Maha by you, and now the blood sea is guarded by two divine beasts, so nothing will go wrong."

I shook my head. This enemy is so dangerous and cunning that no one can match him. Even if he is blocked by me, he will find a way out. At that time, as long as he escapes back to the sea of ​​blood, he will be able to recover his strength quickly. It is not him at all. The reason why he cares so much about the Taiqing jade bottle is that I just want to use the jade bottle to take away all the sea of ​​blood. At that time, he will not be able to restore the strength of his heyday.

"I hope so. Anyway, my current strength is not as good as before, and I can't remember a lot of memories. Meeting this guy Styx is also a dead end. Since you are also in the lower realm, then you don't care about this matter, right, for the sake of blood. Hai only has to listen to the divine beast to suppress it, didn’t it be agreed that Di Zang would come and take over, what about the others?”

I was slightly taken aback. Li Mubai said that the blood sea can only be suppressed by the gods and beasts now. I don't know how many reincarnations I have experienced before I awakened my true memory in this life. So I don't know about these things, but he, But there is still a lot to know.

Li Mubai sighed, and said slowly: "Ksitigarbha has also reincarnated, but now he has almost recovered his strength, he did not return to the blood sea, he is now also a member of the Monster Catch Sect, and he also entered the Great World of Maha along with him. Observe the situation, it won't be long before you will come back."

"It's impossible for the Western Buddhist world not to interfere with such a major event!"

I was shocked again.

"The two sages in the west have already made an agreement with our sages in the east not to interfere with each other. In fact, Ksitigarbha is not a pure Buddhist. In fact, he has also practiced Taoism. His existence is very special. This kind of thing How could the West intervene? I wish we would be in chaos. As you can imagine, their Buddhist culture has been greatly affected in our east. If Styx came out to make trouble, then our side would definitely be busy, and now the fairy world and us The interface connection is very weak, it is almost impossible for the heavenly soldiers to descend to the mortal world, even those powerful immortals will lose their strength."

Li Mubai's face became more serious, the cousin next to him frowned and looked at me worriedly.

"It seems that we can only rely on us. I'm surprised. How could Taiqing easily let you go to the lower realm, and even marry and have children? It turns out that he has already figured it out. I have time to destroy Styx together with the Ksitigarbha Society, and in that battle, I fell, and this is my doom, but this time I won’t, with you and Ksitigarbha, let’s see how he does when I recover my strength!"

When I uttered this sentence, I was stunned, and I said it completely casually. Styx is a person who has attained the Tao thousands of years ago. I am just a small shrimp now. I guess he can sneeze. kill me.

I broke out in a cold sweat secretly, then Li Mubai looked at me with some inexplicable information, and said: "Okay, hurry up, I have to take the Nine Turns Great Returning Pill, this medicine is not an ordinary healing pill , which contains pure mana, you should be able to break through, although I don't know how you cultivate, but I want to tell you, after taking it, you will suffer the pain of being reborn, if you don't want to, It can be recuperated slowly."

"You think I'm scared? Let's go."

I shrugged, I have endured the transformation of the body of fire virtue, so what if it hurts again?

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