Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 296 [The person who catches the demon sect]

The power of this punch was very strong, before I even got close to me, I felt the wind of this punch coming towards me, and it made my face ache.

That's right, this is also the practice room of the Demon Catch Sect, so how could the puppets inside be weak?

Feeling the powerful aura emanating from this puppet, I took a deep breath. Now that I have cultivated the bone of a real demon, the strength of my physical body has long been no small matter. In order to prove my current strength, I did not dodge, and also punched hard. Slamming it forward, the fist is covered with a purple-gold flame, which is extremely hot and can melt steel.


Powerful energy came towards me, fists collided, I felt my fist go numb, and this puppet took several steps back before standing still, this punch, he didn't break my purple gold Zhihuo, his strength is weaker than Kong Konger's by not just a little bit.

This punch gave me a lot of relief. I have absorbed too much strength and I need to vent it, and this puppet has become the best thing to vent it.

All of a sudden, there was a loud roar in the practice room. Using the Seven-Star Step, I punched the puppet. Now that the Seven-Star Step is being used, it is already instinctive. The hard body of the puppet was blasted out of the pits by me. Some runes were directly shattered. I was dissatisfied at first, and opened three more puppets. After a period of time, these three puppets were also defeated by me. There are a total of one hundred puppets in the whole practice room, and I opened them all at once.

Dense fists bombarded me. Although my physical body is extremely powerful now, I am still a mortal body, and I can't take care of my back. I immediately suffered a few punches, which made my blood flow. Of course, these attacks can no longer be used. Really hurt me, even if it hurts, it's just flesh and blood. My bones are extremely strong now.

Time passed by, and when I got rid of these puppets, I collapsed on the ground from exhaustion, and only after I regained my strength did I walk out of the practice room again.

Outside the practice room is a small martial arts arena, on one side are many wooden stakes, and on the other is a weapon rack, complete with knives, guns, swords and sticks.

This is a place similar to a courtyard, and the training room I am in should be the main room. When I walked out of the room, I saw two people fighting in the training ground. I am very familiar with these two people, and one of them is Jiang He, he has changed into a gray exercise suit, showing his body perfectly, his injuries have all healed, and Jiang He's opponent is Su Xiaoxiao.

Both of them were fighting in close quarters, and Su Xiaoxiao's strength was obviously superior to Jiang He's. Jiang He used his internal strength and the Jiang family's unique fighting skills. Barely supported.

Their fights are very exciting, it's dazzling, every move is very simple, not showy, but very strong, although their movements are very fast, but now I can see clearly, gradually, Jiang He The fist is also covered with a faint white air flow, unlike internal force, which cannot be discerned with the naked eye.

Gang Qi!Jiang He has cultivated Gang Qi? !

No, it's not the real Gang Qi, it's just superficial. Compared with the real Gang Qi, it's still very different, and the energy it contains is very different.

On the other side, there was a tall young man with handsome features. The young man was very sunny and grinning. He clapped his hands and shouted loudly, "Jiang He, come on!"

Who is this person?

I stared at this person with some doubts. Without a doubt, he is a disciple of the Demon Catch Sect. From the perspective of physique, he should be a martial artist like Su Xiaoxiao.

When I was looking at this person, his head turned slightly, still smiling, nodded at me, and then walked towards me slowly, we were separated by a martial arts field, and he actually walked directly through the center However, the energy emitted by the two when they were fighting couldn't hurt him at all. It seemed that his movements were very slow, but within three breaths, he came to me and said:

"You are Zhong Yuan?"

The voice is hearty and bold.

I nodded and said, "I am Zhong Yuan, who are you, senior?"

"Lu Fei, he is now Jiang He's master. I am teaching him the secret skills of our Lu family. If you are interested in worshiping me as a teacher, you can continue to watch. If you don't have this plan, then you have to leave here first. It's a secret skill, it should not be passed on, only my disciples can learn it, huh? Your physique is very good."

Lu Fei started to walk to me, and began to pinch me, and the more he pinched, the more excited he became.

"Zhong Yuan!"

The fighting sound stopped, Jiang He saw me coming out, his face was overjoyed, and he came straight to me, Su Xiaoxiao followed behind him, saw me staring at him, grinned, and said with a smile:

"I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. When you performed the magic power, I really mistook you for a disciple of the magic sect, and your magic power is very advanced."

"It's okay, if I were you, I might be more impulsive, maybe I'll do it."

I waved my hand, and Jiang He was fine, so I felt relieved.

"How is your health? I heard from your cousin that you have been in a state of retreat after taking the Nine Turns Great Return Pill. Today is the third day, and you finally woke up."

Jiang He put his hand on my pulse gate and began to diagnose me.

"Three days? So fast?! Where did the cousin go? And Xiaobai!"

I was slightly startled, I didn't expect the time to pass so quickly, but I didn't feel the process was long at all, it was just a snap of the fingers.

"Several giants of the Monster Catch Sect have returned from the Great World of Maha. Your cousin has been accepted as a young disciple by Bai Wuchang. Now he is leading him in retreat to guide his Yin-Yang Dharma Eye, while Xiaobai is being accepted by Bai Wuchang as a disciple. His parents took him away, as if to remove the flying seal on him, the two of them will not come again for a short time, well, I won't tell you more, in the afternoon, I have to go to the other two seniors to learn medical skills, Brother, let's continue."

Jiang He let go of my wrist and spoke to Su Xiaoxiao next to me.

I left this training ground, Lu Fei looked at me reluctantly, I knew that he wanted me to stay.

Now that I have practiced True Magic Physiognomy, and it is a method that strengthens my physical body step by step, I don't need Gang Qi at all, and of course it is impossible to stay here as a disciple.

The air here is very good, and the energy of heaven and earth is very abundant, surrounded by birds singing and fragrant flowers, this time I came to the spirit world, originally it was for my cousin, now that the Black Mountain devil has been driven away, now I just need to find Li Mubai, let him condense Li Qiusheng's soul, We're almost going back too.

After feeling the approximate location of Kong Huahua, I went to that place. I don't know how Kong Huahua is now, three days have passed.

Kong Huahua's location was in the backyard, before he entered, he heard a playful sound.

When I walked to the door, besides Kong Huahua, there was also Kong Ling'er, and the girl in the silver dress I met when I escaped from the sphere of influence of the Demon Sect. Besides, there was also a girl in a green dress. The girl has big eyes and long hair vertical to her ankles, like an elf in nature. Here, I didn't find Kong Konger's whereabouts.

"Zhong Yuan, have you come out? Come quickly, let me introduce my good sister to you, sister Kong Ling'er, you have met before, this is sister Wu Huang'er."

Seeing me appear, Kong Huahua immediately stretched out her hand and shook it at me. After I walked in, she pulled the girl in the silver skirt and spoke.

"We met once a few days ago."

The corner of Wu Huang'er's mouth curled into a faint smile, not as cold and threatening as before.

I nodded, and landed on the girl next to me. This girl was a little timid. When she saw me, she stayed behind Kong Linger a little dodgingly, sticking out half of her head, her eyes dodging.

"This is sister Jin Linglong. Because his parents miss her other brother, they are nicknamed Yue'er. Sister Yue'er is my master. Don't be shy, what are you doing hiding behind?"

Kong Huahua carelessly pulled her out, Jin Linglong faltered and said, "Hi, I'm Jin Linglong, you can call me Linglong, or you can call me Yue'er like them."

"I'm Zhong Yuan, hello, by the way, little fox, where is your brother, let you go so easily?"

I glanced around, and always felt that Kong Konger was standing in a certain corner, and would attack me at any time.

"What else can I do? I married a mortal privately without permission. The elders will definitely punish me. My brother treats me very well. Naturally, it is impossible for me to go back and suffer. Besides, if I stay here, there will be more There are important things to do. When my father entered the Great World of Maha, I would not believe that he died so easily. His aptitude is unmatched by anyone except his brother, and our Qingqiu country is good at space magic. He should I'm just trapped, I must go to the Great World of Maha to rescue him, now my brother is with Bai Wuchang and the others, don't worry about me signing a contract with you, don't worry about my brother, he Isn’t it the same? Signing a contract with others, you still have the nerve to say me.”

Kong Huahua pouted her lips, rolled her eyes, and snorted coldly.

Kong Ling'er beside him covered his mouth and laughed lightly when he heard the words.

"How long will it take for the Sovereign to come out? I also want to use his soul-calling lamp to condense Li Qiusheng's soul."

I nodded, it seems that I was worrying too much.

"It may be that Nian Bai will leave the spirit world with you, this time Uncle Li and the others will completely lift the seal on him, so that he has the power to protect himself, but I guess it should be within a week. "

Wu Huang'er glanced at me and said aloud, his eyeballs rolled slightly, thought for a moment, stared at me again and said: "Zhongli is your brother?"

I looked at Wu Huang'er in some surprise, and said: "He is my cousin, why, did something happen to him?"

Wu Huang'er shook her head, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, with an inexplicable smile, and said: "Nothing happened, I just think this kid's personality is very weird, which suits my appetite, by the way, does he have a daughter?" friend?"

"Sister Huang'er, you are too direct, they are going to leave here."

Jin Linglong next to her pursed her lips, both sides of her face were reddish, her eyes were a little dodgy, as if she wanted to say something, but she was embarrassed.

"So what, Sister Yue'er, don't you sneak by your mother's side every day to watch that kid named Jiang He? He smells like medicine, and I don't know what you like. It's better to be Zhong Li, how courageous it is." .”

Wu Huang'er raised her head with a smile in her eyes.

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