Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 297 [Girls]

"Sister Huang'er, I don't allow you to say that about my little junior brother. He has the fragrance of medicine on his body, unlike that Zhongli, who is cold and doesn't like to talk."

Jin Linglong jumped out from behind Kong Ling'er, pouted and opened her mouth, her face was bright red, extremely cute.

"Little Junior Brother?! How many days? You're so affectionate. Don't forget, I brought your little Junior Brother back. Since you like him, why don't you dare approach him? Every day you hide in Rushi What does Auntie do behind her back? Hey, Sister Linger, since your sister Huahua has a husband, why don't I introduce you to Jiang He? Although Jiang He smells like medicine, he is quite upright and has a good figure. !"

Wu Huang'er saw Jin Linglong, who was usually extremely introverted, blushing and thick-necked at this moment, and suddenly felt teasing in her heart. This girl grew up with her, although she was several years older than her, but Jin Linglong's parents spent a lot of time on this introverted character, but it didn't get better. Now that she has this opportunity, how could she miss it?

Kong Ling'er stuck out her tongue, and when she saw Wu Huang'er winking at her desperately, she immediately understood, and said, "I can think about it."

Jin Linglong pursed her lips, a layer of mist rose from her eyes, and said, "Sister Huang'er, sister Linger is a fox fairy, it's impossible for her to like a mortal."

"Sister Yue'er, it's not right for you to say that. I got married a hundred years ago, and my partner is still a mortal."

Kong Huahua added fuel and vinegar to the side and said.

I glanced at Jin Linglong whose cheeks were already red like apples, and smiled slightly, this Wuhuang'er has a sharp mouth, I thought she was as cold and unkind as Luo Yueer before.

"You all bully me, Sister Huang'er, don't you like my former brother? I heard that you fought side by side before, why did you forget him?"

Jin Linglong seemed to have caught Wu Huang'er's trick, and immediately counterattacked.

Wu Huang'er rolled her eyes, raised her red lips slightly, and said, "That happened more than ten years ago. Now that I've grown up, I've almost forgotten about it. Don't change the subject. By the way, Zhong Yuan, Jiang He probably doesn't have a girlfriend."

I coughed a few times, thought for a while, and said, "Jiang He doesn't have a girlfriend, but my cousin should, maybe, maybe have someone he likes, but it's a pity that she is a snow mountain girl, and we are leaving the spirit world of."

"Snow Mountain Girl? I really want to go to the meeting. Now Zhongli is Uncle Bai's closed disciple. You don't have to leave the spirit world in such a hurry. I will go to my parents branch and I will leave here with you. Your interface, I have always been curious, it is said that my parents met at that interface.”

Wu Huang'er shook her small fist and nodded.

"Jiang He is leaving here too? But he has only learned a little bit about my mother's medical skills. Although he has put in a lot of effort in the past few days, he practiced with Uncle Lu Fei in the morning, and then with my mother in the afternoon. Can you let him stay Here, return to your interface after a while? And Uncle Mu Bai said, your interface is not safe now."

Jin Linglong pursed her lips and said in a low voice.

"No way, Jiang He's people are in the spirit world. Sister Linglong, do you really like Jiang He?"

I looked at this little girl with a slight smile. Although this little girl looks weak, she is a disciple of the Demon Catch Sect after all, and her strength is absolutely extraordinary. If she goes with us, then we will have another help.


Jin Linglong's face, which had returned to normal, became extremely red again.

"Sister Yue'er, don't hesitate. Come to think of it, no matter how powerful Jiang He is, he is just an ordinary person. If he is in danger, who will protect him? You have to be clear, there are many places in their interface now. The seals are loose, and you have inherited your mother's half-mountain ghost body and your father's gold yuan body, so you can completely protect him."

Wu Huang'er walked up to Jin Linglong, patted her thin body, and comforted her.

I was startled and said, "The body of Jinyuan? The body of Jinyuan among the five elements?"

"Yes, the five-element physique will only appear in one in 1 people, and sister Yue'er is."

Wu Huang'er spoke very proudly.

"He...he is the body of fire virtue, and the body of the five elements. I didn't get too close to you just now. That's because the aura contained in our bodies is different, and you should be clear about it."

Jin Linglong blinked at me with her big bright eyes.

"No wonder, hehe, the body of fire virtue, I heard from my little brother that you have also practiced magic skills, why don't we make gestures?"

Wu Huang'er came to my side and smiled mysteriously.

"No, although I don't know what kind of exercise you are practicing, but I think it has something to do with the power of ice. Aren't you bullying people like this?"

I shivered slightly, and I sensed a dangerous aura from Wuhuang'er's eyes. Apart from the power of ice on her body, I also felt other breaths. This power of ice and the power of Luo Yue'er Compared with the power of ice, it seems to be even stronger. Snow Mountain Girl is an elf in the snow, and if she can be stronger than the ice breath on Snow Mountain Girl, isn't that the God of Ice?

No, this Wuhuang'er is a mortal body. When I took a closer look at her eyebrows, I always felt a little familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere before, but I couldn't remember it for a while.

"Come on, the people who catch the demon sect are very boring. The last time I went to practice near the demon gate with my little brother, it was also boring. Those demon gate brats ran away when they saw me. Don't worry, I won't reveal my real body , and, regardless of whether you win or lose, I will give you benefits. Of course, if you lose, you will definitely have to pay something back, but don't worry, I just want to know some information about your cousin Zhongli, and about that snow mountain girl That's all, how about it? You are not afraid of me, a weak woman, are you? "

Wu Huang'er pretended to be very hurt, and said slowly.

"Benefits, what benefits?"

If the other party says that I lost, I just need to know some news about my cousin and Luo Yueer, that's nothing, cousin, I will try my best to win, trust me!

"This treasure is a feather of my mother's body. Don't underestimate this feather. My mother is not like me. She is a real ice phoenix, a spirit beast in the world. This feather has There are many miraculous effects, why, are you excited?"

Wu Huang'er blinked and showed a sly smile.

"Ice Phoenix?! Feather?! Well, I promise, where shall we compete?"

I rubbed my hands, this Ice Phoenix Feather is very tempting to me, I have obtained Kong Konger's golden bone hand before, with such a powerful ability, now if I have Ice Phoenix Feather, maybe I can also have it inside. Some of the attributes of the power of ice, it is estimated that if you go to the land of snow in the future, you don't need to use the cold protection formula to resist the severe cold.

"Of course it's in the martial arts arena. I guess Jiang He and the others are over now. After we finish the competition, we can just have lunch."

Wu Huang'er waved her hand and strode away from here, I followed closely behind.

I have already decided that Wu Huang'er is definitely a violent girl, but compared with Luo Yue'er, I think Wu Huang'er may be more suitable for her cousin, after all, she is a human being, although there are spirit beasts in her body of blood.

Sure enough, when we arrived at the training ground, Lu Fei was already explaining something to his two disciples, and when he saw us coming, he immediately waved.

"Girl Huang'er, don't you want to compete with Zhong Yuan? If the disciples in your own sect don't compete with you, you will find outsiders?"

Lu Fei looked helplessly at Wu Huang'er standing on the martial arts field, and said.

Wu Huang'er put her hands on her hips, and said angrily: "Uncle Lu Fei, you are really mean. I am of the same generation as you, and I call you uncle, which is polite, but you hide your son Lu Wu in the Nuwa Palace. What do you mean? Only Lu Wu is willing to be practiced by me, you took him away, my hands are itchy, what should I do?"

Hearing Wu Huang'er's conversation, I suddenly felt that there was more danger, especially when Su Xiaoxiao was staring at me pitifully.

"My aunt, please spare my son, please, please, Zhong Yuan, you can compete with her, let's watch the fun, okay, but don't hurt anyone."

As Lu Fei said, he walked towards me, and when he got to my side, he clung to my ear and said softly:

"When you compete with girl Huang'er, be careful. It's best to fight in close quarters. Although she has the blood of the ice phoenix, her physical body is only slightly stronger than ours. Just don't let her have the opportunity to use the power of ice."

"Don't worry, Senior Lu Fei, I am free."

I nodded and walked to the Martial Arts Arena.

I don't know who it is, but the disciples of the Monster Catch Sect have already surrounded them one after another. These disciples don't look like members of a sect at all, and there is a monk among them, who is chubby and on the same level as Heipang.

"Zhong Yuan, be careful of Sister Huang'er's ice power, and her magic weapon."

Jin Linglong waved her hand at me and opened her mouth to remind me.

magic weapon? !This girl, too, with her status, how could she not have a magic weapon?I started to take it seriously.

At this time, Jiang He's eyes fell on Jin Linglong, trotted over, and leaned close to her, showing his white teeth, and said, "Senior Sister, come with me to Master's this afternoon?"

"OK, all right."

After Jin Linglong finished speaking, her neck turned red again, and she didn't dare to look up at Jiang He.

"Okay, let's start, you have to be careful."

Wu Huang'er looked at me very calmly, and two icy flames appeared on her naturally drooping hands. I remembered Senior Lu Fei's reminder, tiptoed, and rushed towards him.

"Are you a martial artist?"

Wu Huang'er was slightly startled. Seeing me flying over, she quickly regained her composure and said, "See how your strength compares to that of my little brother."

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