Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 298 [Wu Huang'er's Competition]

When I got to Wu Huang'er's side, I didn't expect that she didn't dodge. I slapped her shoulder with my palm, and when I was about to hit her, she suddenly moved away from her shoulder. I immediately changed the posture of my palm and turned back.


Wu Huang'er's palms faced each other, and a huge force of ice surged from her palms. The huge Zhang Li pushed me back. After standing still, she raised her eyes and saw that her palms were covered with frost. And already lost consciousness, Wu Huang'er stared at me very proudly, and said with a smile: "Hurry up and use your true skills, I know you are the body of fire virtue."

I squeezed my palms hard, and the purple gold flames burst into flames. The frost on the palms disappeared completely in the flames, and they were completely evaporated. With a look of laughter, his body swayed slightly, and the silver gauze skirt suddenly flickered with icy light, and a layer of silver ice-colored armor and skirt emerged one after another. A light heart guard, and a hip-length battle skirt under the waist. The battle skirt is completely composed of silver feathers, especially behind, there are two long silver feathers hanging down from the waist, like the ice and snow god of war.

"Zhong Yuan, be careful, this is Sister Huang'er's Ice Phoenix Armor, which belongs to another form, even in close combat, you must be careful!"

Jin Linglong below shouted loudly again, Jiang He turned his head, smiled slightly and said, "Thank you for reminding Zhong Yuan."

Jin Linglong's cheeks flushed again, completely ignoring Wu Huang'er's contemptuous look from Wu Huang'er on the martial arts arena: "You girl, turn your elbows outward! See how I will deal with you later, sister!"

Of course, Wu Huang'er was not really angry, her eyes fell on me again, showing a playful smile.

"The Bone of the True Demon!"

Feeling the huge pressure from the other party, I had no choice but to display the newly comprehended True Demon Bone, and the purple-gold demon fire danced above my body, and the skeleton in the dantian disappeared at once, and when it reappeared, it came behind me.

A purple-gold skeleton about Zhang Xu was standing behind me. As soon as the skeleton came out, purple-gold flames burst out from the black hole, staring fiercely at Wuhuang'er.

As for me, the strength of my body has skyrocketed. This real demon skeleton is basically one with me, but now that I summon it out, it is like two people fighting Wuhuang'er.

"The body of the devil?"

Among the crowd, the fat monk suddenly spoke in a slight surprise, his eyes narrowed into slits, and his brows frowned slightly.

And at the entrance of the Martial Arts Field, there was a tall man standing at some point. The man was wearing casual clothes, his facial features looked very sunny, and he also had a crew cut, but his face was extremely cold, with an air of calm and prestige. I feel that these two completely different states appear on one person, which is extremely weird, but the people around have not noticed him, and he has a completely repulsive expression. In addition, the man's chest Slightly opened, revealing a simple jade pendant inside.

Seeing that I had summoned the bone of the real devil, the man also frowned slightly, with a hint of memory showing on his face.

Wu Huang'er waved her plain hand, suddenly a bright light flickered in front of her, and a series of icy blades emerged.

These icy blades are incomparably solid and white all over, but blue ice flames are emitting from the blades, and the surrounding temperature has dropped below. This layer of frost began to spread outward.

I didn't think much about it, Wu Huang'er was about to perform the secret technique, and immediately took out the true blue fire cauldron from the Vulcan ring, held it up with one hand, and muttered something, purple, gold and blue flames burst out from the fire cauldron, Although it consumes a lot of energy, Wu Huang'er is not an ordinary character, and her strength is definitely higher than that of Li Nianbai, so I have to cheer up.

Three-color fire needles emerged in front of me. The scorching firepower dispelled the oncoming ice air a lot.

Seeing the true blue fire cauldron being displayed, Wu Huang'er was a little surprised, and then with a flick of her wrist, hundreds of icy blades began to buzz and tremble, and with her wave, these icy blades flew out in unison, Light blue rays of light streaked across the air, as if even the void was frozen.

"go with!"

I let out a low growl, and the hundreds of three-color fire needles condensed in front of me also shot out. At the same time, I immediately put away the true blue fire cauldron, took out the Fumo sword, and directly turned on the light of the Fumo sword, followed by the three-color fire needle. After the fire needle, fight out with the sword.

The bone of the real devil on the back seems to be stuck to my body, as soon as I walk, it will go, and as soon as I stop, it will stop.


Dense explosions resounded in the martial arts arena. The two are completely different powerful forces. It seems that they are both in between. I am a little shocked. My three-color flames are different from ordinary flames. Yue'er's ice blade can't easily destroy my three-color fire needles, but Wu Huang'er did it. Relying on my strong body and under the protection of the real devil's bone behind me, I broke through this explosion area , went straight to Wuhuanger, but when I got here, I found that Wuhuanger was gone.

When I was looking around, there was a dangerous aura coming from above my head. When I looked up, Wuhuang'er was already floating in midair, holding an ice-colored long sword in his hand. This long sword seemed to be made of crystal. Cheng, gleaming under the reflection of the sun, seeing me looking up at her, Wu Huang'er smiled, flicked her wrist, and slashed down with her sword.

Zhang Xu's huge silver sword energy pierced the sky, and slashed at me with lightning speed. In a hurry, the bone of the real demon behind me made a move in time. It was the first time I saw him make a move, with both hands With the last move, the silver-white sword energy hit the bone of the hand and exploded like a gesture of support to the sky. When the sword light dissipated, deep scratches were left on the hands of the bones of the real devil. At the same time, the palms of my hands At the same time, blood seeped out.

"The third rune array is activated, killing spirit!"

I flicked my backhand, red light shone on the blade of Fumojian, and the crimson sword dragon made of sword energy circled up with a resonant roar, heading straight for Wuhuang'er.

Wu Huang'er was slightly startled, and her face became a little dignified. I didn't see her make a move. Just when the sword dragon was about to pounce, she opened her red lips, and an astonishing white light spewed out from her mouth. This white light The speed is extremely fast, it pierced through the sword dragon and came straight to me. Although I had been prepared for a long time, I found it very difficult to hide. In this white light, I saw a milky white bead , since there is no way to avoid it, then let's face it.

I slashed hard, and another burst of killing energy surged out. This time, the sword dragon was much stronger than before, and it directly swallowed the bead, and the red dragon began to roll violently in the air.

Wu Huang'er's face had turned pale, but she became more and more excited. Immediately after she spread her arms, the ice light flickered on her arms, and two huge white wings replaced her original arms. The dense ice-colored feathers shot towards me.

These feathers are feathers transformed by the power of ice, not real feathers, but the piercing power is extremely amazing. The bones of the real demon behind me began to bombard with palms, resisting these feathers. A lot of ice feathers landed on the ground around me, and immediately shot out deep pits, and the cold air burst out of the deep pits.

No, I won't be able to hold on for long if this goes on, and now she has stimulated the power of the blood in her body, and while the real devil's bone can still resist, I sit up cross-legged.

"The fourth rune formation is activated, the magic sword formation!"

Stretch out your hand and thrust the Demon-Vending Sword forward. There are green runes on the sword body. The Demon-subduing Sword began to change. The twelve Demon-Vending Swords surrounded me in a circular shape.

Because it takes a certain amount of time to activate the demon-subduing sword array, so now I completely rely on the bones of the real demon to counter Wuhuang'er.


The red sword dragon in the air was shredded by the white beads from the inside to the outside, and the sword energy scattered around, and everyone tried to resist it.

Wu Huang'er opened her mouth and took a breath, but the bead didn't enter her mouth. She glanced down solemnly, no longer hesitated, and let out a sharp cry from her mouth, her whole body had already begun to change. appear in the air.

A huge coercion swept down, her wings fluttered unintentionally, and the cold wind overflowed.

"It seems that I still underestimated Zhong Yuan's strength. He actually forced out Huang'er's whole girl's real body. I don't think there is any suspense about the outcome now."

Lu Fei is even as powerful as an Ice Phoenix.

"Master, maybe, Zhong Yuan's box-pressing secret technique, Dao pattern in the palm, has not been displayed, so how could there be no suspense?"

Jiang He whispered beside him, with a very confident expression on his face, as if he was the one who was competing.

The twelve demon-subduing swords are exactly the same, with emerald green and lingering runes, and now they have the fourth ring of faith. The consumption of this demon-subduing sword array is no longer a big deal. shock.

The opponent even displayed his real body, it seems that he is going to do his best.


I stretched out my hand a little, and the surrounding emerald demon sword hummed loudly. I used this move to deal with the elders of Bingcheng, but now it is much more powerful than before.

Emerald light criss-crossed in the air, slashing towards the ice phoenix. Of course, I couldn't really hurt Wuhuang'er, so I controlled the sword energy.

The ice phoenix flapped its wings slightly, and an ice-colored mask appeared on its body. The mask was transformed from countless runes, and when the Demon Subduing Sword hit it, it immediately made a crisp sound.

This ice mask is so powerful that even the sword array can resist it, but even so, Wu Huang'er can't attack without authorization.

For a moment, we became a stalemate, completely competing with our own strength, I was consuming my ghost-hunting power, while she was consuming mana, and we had to see whose power was exhausted first.

"You guys can stop now, this time the competition, Huang Tian wins!"

The strange man who had been standing at the door suddenly made a sound, and saw him stepping forward, and he blamed himself in the middle of the air. He was under our attack, and seeing the demon sword stabbing at him, I was terrified. After a jump, he quickly pinched Fa Jue, wanting to take back these demon-subduing swords, but it was too late, his chest was about to be pierced, but the next scene surprised me.

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