Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 299 [Qing Ming]

When this weird man saw the demon-subduing sword coming, he just slapped forward with one hand, and a golden light suddenly appeared in his hand. A sound, and then the entire blade was shot flying, and fell into the ground next to me. Most of the blade of Fumojian was submerged in the blue stone bricks, stirring up large pieces of gravel.

And at this moment, I was finally able to control the demon-subduing swords around me. The more than ten demon-subduing swords that flew out shot back one after another, and merged with the real demon-subduing sword. Normal, other than that, I recalled my real devil bone, after the real devil bone disappeared, it reappeared in my dantian qi sea, still stepping on the astrolabe, countless devil qi poured into the real devil bone Gather up and go.

Staring at the void, Wu Huang'er turned into a human again. Seeing the man appearing, her face was slightly pale, but she spoke very respectfully:

"Uncle Qingming."

The two fell from the sky, and Wu Huang'er said: "Zhong Yuan, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. It seems that I have been lax again recently. I will give you what I promised after dinner."

"no problem."

I nodded, Wuhuang'er is a real girl, I'm not afraid of her repudiation.

"Uncle Qingming, why are you here?"

Wu Huang'er withdrew her gaze, then looked eagerly at the weird man next to her, and became cautious when speaking, but her eyes moved differently, and finally stopped at the exit of the Martial Arts Field. From this appearance, she probably wanted to find the right time slip.

"I met your father."

Qing Mingjun frowned slightly, and spoke in a cold voice.

"Ah? Father? Where is he? He has disappeared for several years. If my mother knows his whereabouts, he must be pulled off a layer of skin."

Wu Huang'er opened her mouth in surprise and joy, and looked at Qing Ming expectantly.

Qing Ming shook his head, sighed, and said slowly: "Do you still remember before we isolated the spirit world? At that time, we stayed in Yonghe City for a while."

Wu Huang'er nodded seriously, blinked her eyes, and asked curiously: "Uncle Qingming, don't be a fool, did my father provoke another woman to come back? Did he come to me for help? "

Qing Ming shook his head, and said with a cold face:

"No, he wants you to find your brother."

"Brother? I have another brother?"

Wu Huang'er glanced at Qing Ming strangely, her face full of disbelief, even though her father was like an older child, it was impossible for her to do such an outrageous thing, if her mother knew about it, it wouldn't be Jane It's as simple as kneeling on the washboard.

"That's right, your father told me about this. It's inconvenient for him to leave the spirit world now, and all I know is that his name is Wu Tianxing. It is said that he was fostered by a ghost hunter. He was born in Yonghe City 20 years ago. Next, all right, you all go away, I have something to talk to him."

Qing Ming frowned slightly, and suddenly pointed at me.

"Ksitigarbha reincarnated?"

After Wuhuang'er and the people around had dispersed, I opened my mouth tentatively. The opponent's strength is unfathomable, and it seems to be superior to Longhu Kongkong'er. Li Nianbai told me about the monster catcher. Some experts, and this person's appearance is very consistent with the Grandpa Qingming he said, and he just opened the Fumo Sword with his palm, I felt the power of Buddhism, this Demon Catch Sect is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon ah.

"It seems that the boy Nianbai has revealed a lot of news to you. Yes, I am indeed the reincarnation of Ksitigarbha. I never expected to see you again, and the mystery of your womb is gradually being solved. It is time for you to know some things. gone."

Qing Ming glanced at me, his face was still cold, and he spoke expressionlessly.

"You're talking about the Great World of Maha? I heard that you went to the Great World of Maha. How is the situation there now? Is there any sign of Styx waking up?"

Thinking of this great enemy in the past, I feel very flustered. Even if he breaks the seal now and his strength has not recovered, it is not something I can deal with now.

"Not yet, but the top ten true demons in the Maha Great World have already begun to act. Among the ten real demons, there should be your old acquaintances. You should know the good demons. Except for the good demons, the other nine The real devil is ambitious and difficult to deal with. This time we entered the Great World of Maha, I left Bai Han there to help the good devil secretly, but I heard that the rest of the devils are loyal to Styx and have been guarding the sealed place Around, don't let anyone get close, those real demons are very powerful."

Qing Ming glanced into the distance, then spoke with a slight frown, with a very indifferent expression.

"How does the real devil's strength compare with yours?"

In fact, I have long expected that these real demons are not simple. The five familiars sent down alone are powerful. They have generally become stronger, and even if they face each other again, they dare to fight.

Qing Ming thought for a while before opening his mouth and said: "Every true demon has different abilities. I think with my current strength, I should be able to deal with two real demons. If it is a tie, then I should be able to deal with three. You Don't worry, Styx, I will fight with you, and even the entire Monster Hunting Sect will accompany you to face it. I am very clear about the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, and this is also to end the karma of the year. It was you who led Styx out. Nether Blood Sea, and sealed him, now, we will fight side by side."

"My memory is not very clear. The strength of the top ten true demons is so powerful. It seems that I have to strengthen and improve my own strength. By the way, you have to be vigilant secretly. If Patriarch Styx comes out, it is definitely not listening to the truth." Divine beasts can resist."

Although Styx has not broken the seal now, I believe it will not be long before he breaks the seal. After he breaks the seal, the first thing he does is rush to the sea of ​​blood. As long as the sea of ​​blood does not disappear, then he will not be destroyed.

"I know this. After a while, I will return to the Nether Blood Sea with Wuchang and guard there, because this time we went to inquire about the news and found that many demons sneaked into the blood sea and took the blood inside to bring back to Maha. Big world, I think it should be Styx's attention."

Qing Ming withdrew his gaze, and spoke with a cold gaze.

"What about the spirit world? When I entered the spirit world, I heard that they had built an altar to summon the devil from the Maha World. Although it cannot be a real devil, it is still troublesome."

He was imprisoned in the cave before, and Su Xiao had a novel at that time, and the disciples of these magic sects were generally extremely tall, and they were a big threat.

Qingming sneered coldly, and said: "Don't worry about it, the sky will guard here, but it's the original world, you have to be careful, it's the most primitive world, and all the entrances that have been stripped out are all there. In that world."

"Well, I don't worry about what you said. When my strength reaches a certain level, I will go to the Maha World in person. Of course, in addition to the Maha World, I will also go to the Mountain and Sea Realm, and even Qingqiu Country , with our original world alone, we can't fight against these demons."

I smiled. I have already thought about this plan. Dealing with Styx is not just for myself. In my impression, I still have a certain understanding of Styx. He has great ambitions.

"Your main task now is to improve your own strength, because in the end you have to fight against Styx, and the demons in the Great World of Maha are not a problem. The only real threats that can pose a threat to us are the top ten true demons. Find a way to gather all the power of the spirit world, and even use the power of the witch clan. This time, the magic door of the spirit world must be completely wiped out, so that no future troubles will be left. Okay, it’s getting late, I have to go to Wuchang once , and see how he is doing."

After Qing Ming finished speaking, he strode towards the gate of the martial arts arena.

"Ksitigarbha, wait a minute, how is my cousin?"

I stopped him immediately, I heard that my cousin has become Bai Wuchang's closed disciple and is practicing Yin-Yang Dharma Eye, but I don't know exactly how long it will take.

"Don't worry, he will be back soon."

After Qing Ming finished speaking, he took a step forward, and his body appeared in the very far void, with a golden lotus faintly appearing under his feet.

After leaving the martial arts arena, Wu Huang'er was already waiting outside the door. Seeing me coming out, she walked over carelessly, came to my side, and said, "Take out your hand, this feather was given to me by my mother." , Of course, I don’t need it, this feather can resist the power of ice, and there are many incredible effects, but don’t be complacent, I know you still have the secret box press technique that you haven’t used, but I am the same.”

I stretched out my hand, and she took out a snow-white feather and put it in my hand. The weight of this feather was not small, and it looked light, but it was a bit heavy in my hand, and it exuded cold ice. I am very satisfied with the power, and put it directly in the Vulcan Ring.

"By the way, Wu Huang'er, is your brother really named Wu Tianxing?"

After putting away the feathers, I asked, I am no stranger to Wu Tianxing.

Wu Huang'er shook her head in confusion, and said after a while: "I don't know, because I haven't seen him before, why, do you know Wu Tianxing?"

"Of course I know him, and I know a lot of news about him. I can tell him, and I can also tell you about my cousin and Luo Yueer. By the way, do you have a dark place here?"

I touched the Vulcan ring, but there was Gu An'an in it, she came here to practice, I have to give her a good place, so that I can leave with peace of mind.

"A land of evil spirits? What are you looking for in a land of evil spirits? Do you want to cultivate demon guards?"

Wu Huang'er was slightly startled, everyone in the Monster Catch Sect already knew about my magic skills, and it's not surprising that she knew about it.

I shook my head and said: "No, because I had a good friend who was killed by a disciple of the Demon Sect. Nian Bai and I worked together to turn her into a zombie. Now in our world, places of evil spirits are very rare. She now It has evolved into a green-eyed zombie, and it must be cultivated in the dark place of the spirit world."

"Green-eyed zombie? That's great, where is she? I've played against me, and I'll definitely take her to practice in the dark place."

Wu Huang'er rubbed her hands excitedly and raised her eyebrows at me.

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