Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 300 [Inferior half-demon]

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, just kidding, we have to take this matter slowly, you go to eat first, you have been in retreat for so long, you must be hungry, come, tell me about your cousin and the others."

Wu Huang'er led the way in front, she seemed extremely active, and at the same time, she frequently returned to her head and asked about her cousin's situation.

I have nothing to hide about this point. I stop and go along the way, and take a look at the scenery of the Monster Hunting Sect. The architectural style of this Monster Hunting Sect is a combination of modern and ancient times. It has a special flavor, although it is built on top of a mountain. , but did not feel that there was a strong wind blowing on the mountain. More importantly, this place is very unusual, because on this mountain, the energy of heaven and earth is much stronger than other places in the spirit world. You can see it on the tree.

Immediately, I made a decision, I must hurry up before going back, and I have to practice hard to succeed.

After eating, I told Wu Huang'er about my cousin and Luo Yue'er. Anyway, as long as it doesn't involve secret matters, I'm happy to tell.

There is still some time before Li Nianbai and his cousin leave the customs. In order to find a suitable place for Gu An'an to practice, Wu Huang'er and I left the Demon Catch Sect and went to the Demon Sealing Land.

"Huang'er, can this demon sealing place work? Why does it sound like a place to seal the devil?"

After going down the mountain, Wu Huang'er took me forward. There are some old trees on both sides with luxuriant branches and leaves. However, the location she led me to can be reached by turning over a few big mountains. After the big mountain, it was almost evening, and I was able to see from a distance the Fengmo Mountain that Wu Huanger pointed to, and this mountain seemed to be somewhat evil, and I could see the black mist shrouded in it from a distance, giving off an ominous atmosphere.

Wu Huang'er blinked, and said with a smile: "This was originally a place to seal demons, but don't worry, this place has long been abandoned, and the evil spirit inside is very strong. For so many years, only General Mu Li guarded this place .”

"General Mu Li? Who is he? Could it be the senior zombie that Nian Bai said?"

After thinking about it, I stared at her and asked, because Li Nianbai mentioned to me about the spiritual world before, but he said that Mu Li seems to be practicing near the Pure Heart Temple, not the place where demons are sealed.

Wu Huang'er nodded, smacked his mouth, and said: "It's him, and Senior Mu Li is already a blue-eyed zombie with unimaginable strength. I guess he will definitely make a move against the Maha Great World this time, and The Gu An'an you mentioned should be just a green-eyed zombie. Besides, she has only been a zombie for a short time, and many zombies don't know much about their knowledge and abilities. Don't worry, Senior Mu Li has a lot to do with our demon-catching sect. , basically as long as we need help, he will shoot."

"Wait, did you notice something following us?"

I stopped, feeling that something was wrong, we had already left the range of the Demon Catch Sect, there were no disciples patrolling here, and the Demon Sealing Land was not far away, it seemed that someone was staring at us now.

"Don't worry, it's just some little guys. These guys are very common in the spirit world. They are similar to the mice in your world. We call them low-level half-demons. Since you don't know, let me explain it for you. Anyway, you I will stay here for a while. These low-level half-demons are actually a combination of monsters and humans. After some monsters with the ability to change form combine with humans, they will give birth to offspring. These offspring are low-level half-demons. They are very cruel. What I like the most is eating human flesh and blood, in fact, some disciples of our Monster Catch Sect were injured by these half-demons, their number is very large, and they rarely act alone."

Wu Huang'er glanced behind us and spoke lightly.

"I know, after these monsters are combined with humans, the remaining children are low-level half-monsters, but you don't..."

I glanced at Wu Huang'er strangely, and said in a low voice, her mother is a complete Ice Phoenix, and her body also contains the blood of the Ice Phoenix.

Wu Huang'er noticed my doubts, she chuckled, the corners of her mouth slightly turned up, and said with a hint of arrogance: "Who is my mother? That's Ice Phoenix, of course I am not the same as these lowly half-demons, here , those low-level half-demons rarely appear in the first generation of descendants, but the second and third generations, because the bloodlines are very chaotic, they are different from monsters and humans, they can easily survive, and they have a monster aura , it’s just that the intelligence is very low, but the group of low-level half-demons following us should have a leader.”

"Then how do we get rid of them? There is still a certain distance from here to the Demon Land."

The other party is so familiar with these low-level half-demons, I think she should often deal with these half-demons.

Wu Huang'er pursed her lips and smiled, and said: "Of course it is to hunt these half-monsters and earn Zongmen contribution points. I have wanted to enter the Taiji secret cave for a long time to practice, but unfortunately the contribution points have never been enough. The suzerain is really not close at all." Human favors, even we all need these contribution points."

After speaking, his mouth pouted again.

Although I don't know what these contribution points are, I know very well that, for example, if the Ghost Hunters Alliance wants to get more benefits, then it has to make meritorious service. I think it's the same reason.

"Where is the Taiji Secret Cave? Can I go in and practice."

The place where even Wuhuang'er is eager to practice immediately aroused my interest.

"Of course you can. After all, you are now a disciple of the Monster Catch Sect, but you haven't registered yet, so you can't calculate your contribution points. How about this? How many low-level half-demons you kill, I will record it on my nameplate, and I will record it on my nameplate in the future." How about giving it to you? Waiting to send Gu An'an to the demon land once, we will go through the formalities in the sect, and then transfer it to you. At that time, let's see if there are any good tasks that can be taken, as long as there are enough Contribution points, you can go to many forbidden places in the sect."

Wu Huang'er smiled mysteriously, then patted my shoulder, and spoke with full temptation.

"Of course, they should be planning to come out now, I already feel some evil spirit."

Looking back again, some heads poked out from behind those big trees, with green eyes staring at us fiercely.

"It's definitely coming out, because if we go a little further, we will reach the sphere of influence of Fengmo Mountain. There are many vicious half-demons there. Every kind of half-demon has its own sphere of influence. So, they're going to do it when we get into the next sphere of influence."

Wu Huang'er giggled, and suddenly with a wave of her slender arm, several icy blades shot out. These icy blades pierced those big trees, and the icy blades collapsed immediately. The powerful Frost covered the entire tree trunk, and in just a few breaths, these century-old giant trees were completely turned into ice trees, and the surrounding temperature dropped several degrees at once.

A piercing scream came from a distance, and people the size of children jumped out of the trees one after another. There are two or three half-demons with a height of more than two meters.

The heads of these half-demons are very weird. They have a beast head, which looks like a wild wolf, but the mouth is not very long, and the whole body is covered with hair. On top of the bodies of several other tall half-demons, there is a Covered by ordinary clothes, they walk upright like humans. As soon as these lowly half-monsters came out, they opened their mouths and roared at us. wearing something.

Except for their walking and body similar to humans, they no longer resemble humans. They cannot speak, and are only full of ferocious killings.

There is a half-demon holding a mace in the middle that looks much better than the rest of the half-demons, and its head is only a half-beast head, its eyes are shining, and its figure looks very strong. The mace is just like this on his shoulder In the morning, he had been staring at Wu Huang'er without blinking, and finally he spoke:

"You are disciples of the Demon Catch Sect, I have met you before."

After finishing speaking, he pointed at Wu Huang'er with a mace, his tone slightly angry.

I glanced at this half-demon, frowned, leaned closer to Wuhuang'er's ear, and said softly: "This half-demon is probably not easy to deal with, and its strength is very strong. Have you seen it? It can hide itself very well." He has a demonic aura, and given his size, he is very powerful in combat, if a fight starts later, you can go directly to the tree."

Wu Huang'er nodded, her gaze shifted, and she said to the leader of the half-demon, "So what if you're a disciple of the Demon Catch Sect?"

"Exactly, a few years ago, my grandfather died at the hands of your demon catching sect, and there was no bones left after being eaten. This time, it's a good time to take revenge."

The half-demon raised the mace, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, his whole body was covered by a layer of green flame, and a thick monster aura emanated from his body.

"Eat? Are you kidding me? Our disciples of the Demon Catch Sect will not be interested in half-monsters like you, let alone eat them."

I'm a little speechless, is this half-demon not clear-headed?He even mistakenly thought that our demon hunters ate his grandfather. According to his form, his grandfather should be a monster in a shape-changing form.

As soon as the words fell, Wu Huang'er tugged at my clothes, and said in a low voice: "Zhong Yuan, we don't only have one spirit beast in the Demon Sect, besides my mother, there is also the dragon, the fox, and the fire phoenix. Xuangui, five-color peacock, I think the only one who ate his grandfather is Huoer, because he likes to eat monsters very much, you haven’t seen him, it’s because he’s not hunting demon sects now, he’s in Nuwa’s tomb. Find monsters to eat."

After listening to Wu Huang'er's words, I suddenly felt cold and shivered all over.

"Today I will dismember you all, eat your bodies, cut off your heads, hang them up, and declare war on the Demon Catch Sect!"

The leader of the half-demon angrily raised his mace and let out a roar, and the dozens of low-level half-demons around him rushed towards us ferociously.

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