Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 301 [Unusual Battle]

"This is the best joke I've heard this year, declaring war on the Monster Catch Sect? Just relying on you guys?"

Wu Huang'er sneered coldly, without avoiding or dodging, she raised her palm gracefully, the palm was full of icy light, and her black hair was flying. There are hundreds of these half-demons, and they are coming from afar one after another. I don't know their strength, but they are condensed at this moment, and they have formed a special momentum, sweeping towards us like a strong wind, and we are like a small boat floating in the sea, ups and downs.

Ice blades shot out one after another, drawing a faint blue ice light in the air, and several half-monsters were directly shot by the ice blades, and their bodies immediately turned into ice sculptures.

These are nothing, after all, Wuhuang'er, the ice blade, can summon hundreds of handles, which can completely deal with these wolf-headed half-monsters. A dark scepter was drawn out, and the scepter was swiped fiercely in the air, and blue wind blades shot out from the scepter. These wind blades were formed by the compression of the breeze, gathering a very powerful cutting force, Colliding with the blade of ice, a large piece of ice crystals were immediately knocked out, and for a while, it actually withstood Wuhuang'er's attack.

"Zhong Yuan, there are a few half-demons on their side who have practiced demon techniques, so hurry up and deal with them."

After seeing those black scepters, Wu Huang'er's face darkened, and she put away her underestimation.

It seems that this time is not easy, the number of these half-monsters is really too much, they are coming like a tide, densely packed, there is no end in sight, and the number is still increasing sharply.

"Okay, these ordinary half-demons don't know how to soar the clouds, you fight on the tree."

I nodded, then glanced at the gradually darkening sky, and immediately communicated with Gu An'an in the Vulcan ring to see if she would come out to help me.

The vortex emerged above the ring, a pale arm protruded from it, and then there was a flash of white light, Gu Anan appeared in front of me, she gave a cold glance, the roaring half-demon, her black eyebrows slightly Frowning, she suddenly smiled, very strangely, before I ordered, she turned into an afterimage and slipped into the group of half-monsters.

Gu An'an's arm is the best weapon. Ordinary swords are not as good as her nails. After becoming a zombie, Gu An'an's various emotions seem to have changed a lot, especially bloodthirsty. Her palms are like ghost claws. Each claw is extremely ferocious, and the move is fatal, either directly breaking the opponent's neck, or the palm directly penetrates through the chest and grabs the heart.

For the green-eyed zombies, these low-level half-demons are nothing at all. Knowing that they can only compete with Gu Anan when they meet that boss, the wolf-headed half-demon leader's mace is waving loudly. , Gu An'an turned into a fist with his palm, and directly resisted the mace.

And my target is those few low-level half-demons who are practicing demon art and are hiding far away. Apart from their bodies being much weaker than ordinary half-demons, they are also their key protection objects. Eliminate them and nothing will stop us from doing so.

I directly summoned the bone of the real devil from the dantian, and a huge purple-gold skeleton appeared behind me. After all, there are so many half-demons here, even if I use the seven-star step, I can't reach the destination safely, so I plan to rely on the bone of the real devil. With the strength of bones, force your way through!

This is also the first real battle after I advanced, and it was just a competition with Wu Huang'er.

If you want to improve your strength, then actual combat is essential, you must fight, hone yourself in the battle, and improve yourself!

Purple and gold flames emerged from the dark holes in the real devil's skeleton, very agile. Most of these half-demons who approached me were unarmed, and some held sticks and blades in their hands. These were very few in number.

Based on the straight line, I headed towards those holding black sticks behind the big tree, and I just activated the first rune circle, the light of subduing demons can completely hurt them, and a sword stabs out, blood everywhere Splash, the blood of these half-demons is not the same as ours, it is a light green liquid.

Blood splashed all over me, with so many half-demons, even my swinging sword became very instinctive, instinctive slaughter, even if there was occasional negligence, the real demon bone behind me would stretch out two bone fists and hit them flying These demigods.

However, I found a strange phenomenon. For example, when I met a half-demon who could shake with me, the bone of the real devil would take the initiative to arrest the half-demon. The skull opened its mouth, and a jet of black devilish energy gushed out. Turning around, this half-demon's body became shriveled, and the killing intent in my heart felt more obvious.

This real devil's bone actually absorbs the essence of the half-demon to strengthen its body, and the speed is even more obvious than when I practiced in my dantian.

I should have been happy at first, but this method has advantages and disadvantages. To put it bluntly, these essences have not been purified at all. I don’t know if he really just absorbed the essence, or even swallowed the other party’s soul. I think there is also the second one, otherwise I wouldn't have such violent thoughts in my mind. I haven't thought of a way to suppress these half-demon souls swallowed by the bones of the real demon, because he ate a lot. There are a lot of thoughts, I can only suppress them temporarily, and I will find a way later.

However, I still took back the bones of the real demon. If I continue like this, if I can't suppress the remaining thoughts of these souls, then my consciousness will be swallowed up, and I will be reduced to a monster that kills thoroughly.

Losing the protection of the True Devil's Bone, the pressure suddenly doubled. After a hard fight all the way, a half-demon was scratched on the back with a blade, but now the half-demon who can perform sorcery is not far away.

"The third rune circle is activated, killing spirit!"

With a strong swing forward, a series of scarlet sword dragons rushed out, directly reopening a passage.

Seeing me approaching, these four wolf-headed half-monsters with black sticks actually felt the heart to retreat, and after sending out a few wind blades, they fled in a hurry.

want to go?It's not that easy!

I put away the demon-subduing sword, took out the true blue fire cauldron, rushed forward, and at the same time summoned three-color fire needles to shoot at these half-demons.

In an instant, there were several screams. These half-monsters were pierced by fire needles, and their bodies burst into flames. In the fire, they couldn't last long at all. Within a few breaths, their entire bodies were crushed. burnt.

Without the obstruction of the wind blade, Wu Huang'er, who was standing on the big tree, sneered, stretched her arms out of the void, covered with silver-white feathers, and then slammed hard, and the dense feathers shot out. It turns out that the penetrating power of these feathers transformed with magic power is extremely amazing, and a single attack can knock down dozens of half-demons.

And the leader who was fighting with Gu An'an fell to the ground long ago. Gu An'an opened his mouth and bit his neck, and began to suck blood, completely ignoring the half-monsters attacking her.

I was still close to Gu An'an, so I immediately drove the flames of the true blue cauldron to attack the half-monster next to me, preventing them from getting close.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the consumption of my ghost-hunting power began to become more serious. There were only two rings of faith left, and these half-demons seemed to be growing unabated. The leaders were all killed. Why? There are so many more?

There is a white jade-like nameplate hanging on Wuhuang'er's waist. As long as a half-demon dies, a green light will shoot out from the body and go straight to the nameplate. Now half of her nameplate has been destroyed. Dyed green, like emerald.

After another hour, the sky had completely darkened, and I only had a ring of faith left, so I had to sit on a tree to recover my ghost-hunting power.

On the tree on the other side, Wu Huang'er was still in high spirits, and used the simplest attack to kill these half-demons. These half-demons were just like what she said, just like mice, pouring out continuously. The people among us The ground was already covered with half-demon corpses, densely packed, very scary.

After Gu An'an sucked the leader's blood, he never sucked blood again, just kept killing. The long white skirt was dyed bright red and turned into a red skirt.

These half-monsters can't be killed at all. After recovering to the second ring of faith, I jumped down from the tree and went straight to the big tree where Wuhuang'er was. When I got to her side, I said:

"Let's rush to this demon-sealed land as soon as possible, or return to the demon-catching sect. It's too unusual. These half-monsters have no leaders, but they are still appearing continuously. It is probably driven by some powerful characters."

Wu Huang'er stopped her hand and returned to her normal expression. After thinking for a while, she nodded.

Just when I was about to call back An'an and leave here, Gu An'an's body was thrown up and hit us like a cannonball.

Wu Huang'er snorted coldly and said, "Grab my body!"

Without hesitation, I grabbed her waist, and then Wu Huang'er flapped her wings and flew me away from the big tree. As soon as we flew out, Gu Anan smashed on the big tree. This big tree At least a few people need to hold hands to surround it, but at this moment, there was a bang, and the waist was broken.

Gu An'an got up from the ground, her face still expressionless, but I saw a little dark red blood overflowing from the corner of her mouth.

She was injured!

Before we could react, the air above our heads suddenly tightened, and a huge pressure swept over. A pitch-black palm fell from above amidst the rolling black clouds.

This black palm was as big as Zhang Xu, completely covering Wuhuang'er and me. Wuhuang'er sank and we landed on the ground. Immediately after her body began to emerge battle armor, Ice Phoenix The battle armor appeared, and Wu Huang'er's momentum suddenly rose, and then she raised her head, and a white light spewed out from her mouth.

Oops, this time we met a powerful character, we didn't even see each other's figure clearly, Gu An'an was hit, and now he launched a fierce attack on me and Wu Huang'er, I didn't hesitate, raised my hand In the palm of his hand, the golden Dao pattern emerged.

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