Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 302 [Devil Chasing and Killing]

"The universe is in your hands, the Dao pattern in your palm, exorcism and demons, orders!"

The Dao pattern emerged, and struck the sky with an extremely ferocious palm.

The bead sprayed by Wuhuang'er hit the giant black hand, but it didn't penetrate the giant black hand. Instead, it was slapped back by the giant black hand, but when the giant hand touched the milky white bead, the palm Immediately, a layer of faint frost was covered in it, and the frost spread very fast, and the giant hand was also affected by it, and the falling speed was a bit slower. Wu Huang'er stretched out her hand with a pale expression, and the milky white bead fell. into their own hands.

The surface of the bead has been covered with a layer of black air, which is eroding the bead. Wuhuang'er frowned slightly, opened her mouth full of distress and blew, a burst of white light spewed out from the mouth, and this white light rolled over the bead. After sweeping away the black air, the bead returned to its normal color, and then she swallowed the bead without any hesitation, and her complexion returned to normal. Obviously, this bead is very important to her, not simply for defeating the enemy baby.

The dao pattern has turned into a dazzling golden light, and it hit the giant black hand fiercely. A golden rune flashed out from the palm of the giant hand, and then spread slowly. Finally, the entire huge palm was covered with cracks, and it exploded in the air. .

However, there was no flesh and blood flying as imagined. After the giant hand exploded, it turned into countless devilish energy and scattered around.

This is just a secret technique cast by the opponent, not a real body attack.

"Zhong Yuan, we have encountered a powerful demon, and now we are far away from the demon catching sect, we can only rush to the place where the demon is sealed, and leave quickly!"

Wu Huang'er was not happy when she saw the black mist formed by the splitting of the giant hand in the air, but her face became more tense.

"An'an, let's go! Huang'er, you lead the way!"

I nodded, she was right, now I can only hope to meet that General Mu Li in the Demon Sealing Land, and fight against this great enemy together, because dealing with these low-level half-monsters has already consumed most of our strength , so now he can only run away. Before, Gu Anan was killing more and more fiercely, but after being hit, he seemed to be injured a little.

Wu Huang'er and Gu An'an's speed is very fast. Compared with them, I am lagging behind. Although I have already practiced the fourth level of true magic skills, and my physical fitness has improved a lot, but with them Compared with them, they are still much weaker. Even if they use the Seven Star Step, they are still left behind by the two of them.

The giant black hand that was shattered by the Dao pattern in my palm disappeared, and a vague black shadow appeared among the group of half-monsters. I held back in a hurry, and found purple flames emerging from that figure, because it was blocked by the flames, I couldn't see the specific appearance clearly, but when I saw the familiar Ziyan, I was slightly taken aback.

This... Isn't this the Promise Purple Flame!

The other party is really a devil!Is it the head of Morromon?Or a demon from the outside world?However, it is not an unusual role to be able to practice such advanced magic skills.

"Zhong Yuan, don't stand still, hurry up and run!"

Wu Huang'er's distraught voice came from the front, and I didn't dare to be distracted anymore, because that demon had already started to come towards us, he was not running on land, but flying in the air, Wuji Ziyan was flying in front of us. It sprayed out from under his feet, propelling him to fly forward at an unusually fast speed.

Can you still use Promise Purple Flame like this? !

I immediately mobilized the devil energy from the sea of ​​dantian qi, and the infinite purple flames condensed from under my feet. Sure enough, my body became light and light, and when I increased the infinite purple flames, I lifted myself up in the air, and sped forward crookedly. Go, it took me a while before I got the hang of it. Flying is faster than running, and soon I caught up with the two of them.

But what shocked me was still behind. The monster was thrown not far away by us, but at this moment, he was slowly catching up.

As soon as we were fast, he was fast, and when we were slow, he was slow, as if a cat was catching a mouse. Seeing this scene, my heart was completely chilled.

"Huang'er, quickly change your real body and go to Fengmo Land to ask for help. An'an and I will hold him back!"

Although I can use the Promise Purple Flame to fly now, the consumption is also extremely astonishing. These purple gold flames are all transformed by magic energy, and they can't last long at all. They can only be used as a temporary escape tool, and only Wu Huang'er is familiar with this place. Feng Moshan, and her speed of transforming into a real body is unmatched by anyone, so she is the most suitable person to ask for reinforcements.

"Zhong Yuan, be careful with this devil, he has a higher level of magic skills than you, don't confront him head-on!"

After Wu Huang'er ordered a few words, she let out a loud cry, and a dazzling silver-white brilliance radiated from her whole body, and in an instant, an ice phoenix shot away into the distance.

"An'an, you have fought this devil, what is the opponent's strength?"

I asked.

Gu Anan shook his head and said: "I was already numb to killing at that time, and I also believed that these low-level half-monsters could not cause harm to me. The other party was attacking me. If it is an ordinary person, this palm is enough to kill."

I squeezed a cold sweat secretly. Gu Anan endured this palm and was directly knocked into the air, and even the big tree was hit and broken in the middle. From this, one can imagine how powerful this palm is. It won't be like this, but a palm directly, passing through the heart.

"We've already thrown off those lowly half-demons, and now there's only this demon left. If we keep running, we'll be caught up sooner or later. Why don't we fight? Or you can go back to Vulcan ring to recuperate."

I stopped, and the demonic energy in the distance was getting closer and closer, and it would take half a cup of tea to catch up.

Gu An'an glanced at me, and said with a cold expression: "Zhong Yuan, I'm already dead, and besides, can you do it alone? Since we're going to fight, let's fight. It's not the first time we've fought side by side. You How is your ghost hunting power recovering, can you still use the Dao pattern in your palm?"

I felt the ring of faith in my mind, and I used up a lot of the ghost-hunting power of the last ring of faith, not to mention the Dao pattern in the palm, and I couldn't even use some of the simplest secret methods. At most, it will be able to activate the first rune circle of the Demon-Destroyer Sword, the Light of Demon-Destroyer, and it is only enough for me to support it for half an hour.

"I can't use it anymore, but don't worry, I can still fight. At any rate, I have also practiced the fourth level of True Magic Physique!"

I sank into my dantian, communicated with the bone of the real devil, and after a while, the bone of the real devil appeared behind me. Little by little, the purple gold bones on the entire skeleton became harder, and some special energy was produced to wrap him around him. I turned my head and took a look at the skull, which was already covered with a layer of human skin. , although it still looks scary, it is much better than before.

It seems that devouring so much energy and soul has made him evolve, but it will take a long time to become a real demon, and it needs to be cultivated well. The most important thing now is to eliminate those complicated thoughts in my mind, otherwise The consequences could be disastrous.


Gu An'an's eyes flickered with a faint green light, staring at the front, her eyes have been slightly narrowed, only when encountering a strong opponent, Gu An'an will be so cautious, suddenly she opened her eyes and looked at me, and stepped forward with her toes , his body turned into an afterimage and rushed out, and a faint voice floated from the front.

"Zhong Yuan, run away quickly!"

These words came to my ears, and they exploded like a roar.

If she hadn't met an invincible opponent, how could she say such a thing?

This demon dared to challenge the Demon Catch Sect, he must have extraordinary power, otherwise he would be sent to death if he came, I suddenly became extremely flustered, because I had a strong bad feeling, and my feeling had never been wrong.

The demon appeared and fell from mid-air, and Gu An'an had already started fighting. He punched the demon fiercely. My opponent slowed down slightly, and even avoided it. Appearing behind Gu An'an, he slapped out a palm. Gu An'an's body swayed slightly, and hurriedly dodged the palm, but before he could recover, the man slapped out again, hitting Gu An'an's chest.

Gu An'an didn't have time to hide, and was directly knocked out, his body fell heavily on the ground, creating a big hole, but Gu An'an quickly got up from the hole, his face was unusually ugly, and his chest was faintly collapsed , there is a palm print, as if embedded in the flesh.

He rushed to Gu An'an's side with big strides, and said, "You should go back to the Vulcan ring, you can't deal with him, if you are not a zombie, you would have been pierced by him long ago."

Gu An'an gritted his teeth, slowly retracted the two fangs in his mouth, frowned, and said: "But you can't deal with him, he is very strong."

"Want to escape? Let's see how you escape! Where is Black Mountain, hand it over, otherwise you will never even think about leaving here today!"

A familiar voice came out of the devil's mouth with a hint of sinisterness. Hearing the sound, I was stunned, and then the devil withdrew the Promise Purple Flame from his body, and his true face emerged.

"why you?!"

I tightly grasped the demon-subduing sword in my hand, and spoke in a hoarse voice.

This person is not someone else, but the Yan Mingzi we met in Ningde before, the disciple who left the Taiqing sect for many years, he is still wearing an old Taoist robe, with a bun on his head and a wooden stick pinned to it. Hairpin, but there was a devilish look on his face.

I don't know whether he is transformed by the devil now, or Yan Mingzi is possessed by the devil, just like his cousin before.

"Hey, of course it's me. I've been waiting for you for a long time, but I didn't expect that we would be separated when we entered the spirit world, but it doesn't matter. Heishan is going with you. Where are you now? We have made an appointment Why did he not show up at the meeting at Morromon, and what happened, if you don’t want to end up like your grandfather, then tell me obediently.”

Yan Mingzi snorted coldly, and Wuji Ziyan appeared on his body again.

"My grandfather?! You...you are the Red Devil's messenger?!"

I was slightly startled, the other party was familiar with the Black Mountain devil, and he was so clear about my grandfather, if he guessed correctly, he should be the Red Devil among the five familiars, and it was the Red Devil who killed my grandfather.

"That's right, you are smart, even though you are possessed by this bad old man, you still recognized him."

The red devil messenger stared at me with a strange smile.

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