Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 303 [Red Devil Messenger]

"Red Devil Messenger! Good, good, I planned to go back to the original world and go to you to settle the score, but you came here yourself!"

I squeezed my fist and looked at the magician coldly.

"Only by the two of you? Is it possible? Where is Black Mountain? I will ask you for the last time. The soul of this body has been completely dispelled by me. I have perfectly integrated and my strength has been restored. Just by the two of you? Green-eyed zombie Very strong, but it's a pity that it's a female doll, otherwise..."

Speaking of this, the Red Demon Envoy laughed again, his eyes were slightly red, and the infinite purple flames around his body were flowing like liquid. When he saw the bone of the real demon behind me, he was slightly taken aback, his brows frowned slightly and he spoke again :

"The members of the Zhong family, how could they practice such advanced magic skills? You went to the Great World of Maha? Which real demon taught it to you?"

"You don't have to know! Even if you know about such a big man, it won't do you any good."

While dealing with him, I secretly recovered my ghost-hunting power. I was not dazzled by hatred and made unwise decisions.

"Hmph, boy, do you think I don't understand? Among the ten true demons, the only one who is incompatible is the good demon. If you have to have friendship with you, then only the good demon, but it doesn't matter. The good demon and the other The nine great true demons have always been in the same position as water and fire, secretly competing, and regardless of whether you are a disciple of the good demons, they will capture you today and bring you into the great world of Maha. I know what you are doing, you It is the reincarnated body of Huang Tian, ​​you have already used the Dao pattern in the palm in the snowy plain."

The red devil envoy smiled grimly, as if everything was under control.

My heart trembled slightly, and I said, "The Plain of the Snow Region? You were in the Plain of the Snow Region? Why didn't I find you? Could it be that you were hiding among the undead in the Kingdom of the Dead? escaped from the hands of a master?"

"Escape? Why do you want to escape? Isn't it courting death to go out? When the ice castle collapsed, I hid in the secret cave for three days and three nights, boy, are you delaying time?!"

Seeing that I was secretly pinching the magic weapon to restore my ghost hunting power, the red devil envoy suddenly became furious, and slapped me swiftly, without giving me any time to explain. Of course, I have nothing to explain.

Since you want to stand, then fight.

The real devil's bone behind him also slapped out fiercely, and the purple and gold flames on the palm collided with the red devil's emissary.


I felt my palm go numb, and I lost consciousness all at once.

Because I am related to the bone of the real devil, his feeling is my feeling. Although the bone hand has not been crushed, but cracks have already formed.

How could this red devil emissary be so powerful, and he must have also cultivated the bone of the real devil, but he didn't use it.

"Zhong Yuan, let's work together!"

Gu Anan rushed forward again, emerald green corpse aura emerged from his body, and his pitch-black nails were extremely sharp, but he was easily dodged by the red devil envoy. After stabilizing, I also rushed over, lying down. The magic sword pierced the opponent's heart, and the red devil's eyes flashed fiercely. He snorted coldly, and actually held the demon-subduing sword with one hand, while knocking Gu An'an away with the other palm.


I can feel his hand holding the Devil-subduing Sword, making a slight chi-chi sound, and the smell of scorched flesh, but the other party didn't let go, but grinned instead: "The old guy Zhong Ziyun's Demon-subduing sword is so In your hands, haha, it takes no effort at all!"

As soon as the voice fell, my tiger's mouth went numb, and the demon-subduing sword in my hand came out, and was snatched away by the other party.

Fumo Sword is my main magical weapon, and this treasure is different from ordinary magical weapons. It can open the rune circle. Although four ways have been opened for the time being, the Fumo Sword itself still contains many secrets. How could it be possible? Really let him take it away?

"The Promise Purple Flame!"

I couldn't take care of it any longer, I jumped over, the real devil's bone behind me was the same, the whole body was full of devilish energy, a raging purple gold flame was burning on my hands, and four palms smashed towards the red devil's body's vital parts one after another.

Seeing the color of my purple-gold flame, the red devil froze for a moment. He didn't dodge or dodge. He grabbed the Demon-Suppressing Sword with one hand, and pressed forward with the other hand. Some mysterious runes appeared from the purple flame in his palm. , these runes condensed into a purple fire shield in the air, and this small purple shield only appeared in an instant, and he didn't even hear him chanting the incantation.


This kind of ability that only the source of faith can display, he can actually do it!

Four palms bombarded the purple fire shield, and a powerful counter-shock force rolled over, and it was impossible to press an inch on the fire shield.

The Red Devil stared at me a little suppressed. The fire shield was formed by the condensing of his Infinity Purple Flame. Naturally, he couldn't be more clear about how powerful it was, but at this moment the fire shield was already showing signs of collapsing.

I was overjoyed, the power of the True Demon Bone is really not easy to underestimate, it can have such a powerful power, what if it is condensed into a demon form in the future?

"Boy, if you only have this ability, give it up, but seeing how lively you are, I still want you to be good."

The Red Devil's other hand's Fumo sword stabbed towards my shoulder, the sword body sank into my shoulder, and a tingling pain came over, he grinned, and sent his palm forward, the sword body sank into my shoulder again, stabbing No more inches into my bones.

"Hey, the real devil's bone has been tempered so hard that it can't pierce it!"

He smiled slightly, his face suddenly sank, and the demon-subduing sword in his hand moved forward again. I let go of the hands imprinted on the fire shield, and held the demon-subduing sword tightly.


Gu An'an slapped the Red Devil's body with a palm. The Red Devil's face changed, and a mouthful of blood spewed out. He stared at Gu An'an in shock and anger, and withdrew the Demon Subduing Sword that was stabbed on my shoulder, and then swung the sword with his backhand. The sword body sank into Gu An'an's chest, and Gu Anan immediately bared his teeth and screamed.

No, Fumojian didn't activate the rune formation now, so how could it cause her such pain?Taking a closer look, it turned out that the sword was stained with blood on my body, and the blade was mixed with blood, which stabbed Gu An'an. Gu An'an's abdomen was burning with thick flames, but she couldn't break free, and her face became abnormal. Horrible, very painful!

I took out the Wuji Yin Thunder Orb from the Vulcan ring, held it tightly in my hand, and said in a cold voice: "Take out the Demon Subduing Sword, otherwise, we will die together!"

"Wuji Yin Thunder Bead?! How could you have such a thing!"

Originally, the Red Devil Messenger still had a look of disdain, but when he saw the Thunder Orb in my hand, his expression turned extremely gloomy. It seems that he also knows this thing, and this thing can pose a threat to him.

As long as it can pose a threat to him, then it is enough!

"No! Zhong Yuan, use the Thunder Orb to deal with this old guy! I don't care! Anyway, I'm already dead, but you will avenge me in the future!"

Gu An'an gritted his teeth and said.

"Didn't you understand? Haven't you drawn out the Demon Subduing Sword yet?!"

I stared at the Red Demon Envoy coldly, a fine layer of sweat had already formed on my forehead, it was really thrilling to play against this kind of old devil.

The red devil envoy drew out the demon-subduing sword, but kicked Gu Anan several feet away. This kick was very powerful, because after being kicked, Gu Anan wanted to get up, but his body was arched and he was powerless. fell to the ground.

"Zhong Yuan, you should be very aware of how powerful this Wuji Yin Thunder Bead is. Although I don't know how you got it, if this thing is detonated now, you will die yourself, and I will only destroy this body. You Knowing that we are the devil, even if we lose this body, it will not be damaged!"

The red devil looked at me coldly, his tone became a little gentle, as if he was comforting me, and didn't want me to act rashly.

"Oh? Really? Give me back my Demon Demon Sword!"

I said coldly, if I have chips in my hand, then I am not afraid, as long as it does not touch the other party's bottom line, I think he will agree to my request.

The Red Devil looked hesitant, but finally nodded solemnly. He glanced at a big tree in the distance, raised his hand, and the Demon Subduing Sword turned into a silver light and nailed to the big tree.

"Remove your Promise Purple Flame Shield!"

I spoke again, and at the same time, the bone of the real devil had retracted his palm, standing behind me, and the distance between me and the red devil was only an arm's length.

"Zhong Yuan, don't be so unreasonable. If I remove the shield, what will you do if you crush the Wuji Yin Thunder Orb? How about this, how about we each take a few steps back?"

The Red Devil snorted coldly, and at the same time he put his other hand behind his back, and stepped back a bit.

"What tricks are you playing?! Take your hands out!"

Seeing that he hid his other hand, I spoke again. The other party is a cunning old devil. If he is not careful, the situation will be reversed. I know very well the power of the Wuji Yin Thunder Bead. It is not a last resort. I will not detonate this cloudy thunder ball.

"Okay, you can see clearly, I will remove the fire shield right away!"

The raised palm of the Red Devil suddenly pressed forward forcefully, and the small shield transformed by Ziyan swelled up, completely protecting him, and he turned around and ran back.

want to go? !The bone of the real devil, break it for me!

Seeing the barrier in front of me, I let out a loud roar, and the real devil bone that I stretched out my hand was filled with demonic energy, and the bone hand turned into a fist, smashing fiercely on these purple flames, and within a breath, I came out With more than ten punches, the fire shield was directly smashed.

He didn't run very far. I poured my devilish energy into the Thunder Bead and threw it forward. Even if I couldn't kill him, I would injure him. I absolutely can't let him run away. The one who killed my grandfather enemy!

The Yin Leizhu was excited by the demon energy, and a purple thunder appeared on the surface immediately, and it went straight to the Red Devil. The Red Devil suddenly stopped, turned around, and the corners of his mouth curled up, revealing a weird smile.

not good!

I let out a low cry, a simple and simple mirror suddenly appeared in the hands of the red devil, flashing it towards the Wuji Yin Thunder Bead, a golden light spewed out, the Yin Thunder Bead turned back and came straight towards me!

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