Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 304 [Shepherd Power]

Seeing the Wuji Yin Thunder Bead rewinding back, I was terrified. I have witnessed its power with my own eyes. An extremely dangerous feeling lingered in my heart. This feeling can only be felt when my life is in danger. Feel that life and death are at this moment!

When a person's life is threatened, he will react instinctively, and now it is too late to escape.

"Bone of the real devil, protect yourself!"

With a low shout, my whole body curled up, my hands held my head, and the whole real devil's bone suddenly jumped on me, turning into a purple gold bone armor to protect me.

"Zhong Yuan!"

Gu An'an's scream was very abrupt, and it turned into a roar. The whole body shook violently, and the infinite cloudy thunder beads exploded on my body, and the violent energy enveloped me instantly, and the roar of the purple thunder arc shook the sky.

I can clearly feel that the armor transformed from the bones of the real devil on my body is shattering little by little, and something is peeling off my body little by little.


There was a buzzing sound in the ears, and the bone of the real devil appeared again in the sea of ​​​​qi in the dantian, but it was much weaker than before. The whole skeleton had become extremely dim, and it was sitting on the purple astrolabe. Pinch the magic formula with both hands, and actively absorb the magic energy emanating from the astrolabe.

The real devil's bone has been severely wounded, if it wasn't for the magic source beads inlaid between the brows that could protect it at the last moment, otherwise it would be directly blown into bone fragments, and my realm would be knocked down directly, really If the bone of the devil disappears, it will be the shadow of the real devil. No, because the bone of the real devil is inlaid with a magic source bead, so the bead of magic source will be destroyed!The consequences were even more serious. Thinking of this, I broke out in a cold sweat.

Losing the protection of the real devil's bone, my body was immediately exposed to the outside. Although I can resist most of the power, my body is a mortal body after all, a body of flesh and blood.

However, at the moment when my True Demon Bone disappeared, I made an instant decision, bit the tip of my tongue, and cast the Zhong family's secret art of body protection.

"Zhong Kui uses the law to protect his body with divine light, and all evil will not invade, order!"

The glaring red light turned into a shield, but soon, the shield was hit by the purple arc that exploded from the thunderball. Chi la, the red light shield resisted tightly for a few seconds, and was also destroyed in the purple arc. The remaining power bombarded my body and directly blew me away.

He fell heavily on the ground and lost consciousness all over his body, but his consciousness is still clear, which is also a great blessing among misfortunes.

"Zhong Yuan, can you still talk?"

Gu Anan appeared next to me and reached out to pat my cheek.

"Yes, be careful of the Red Devil Envoy."

I opened my mouth to speak, and found that my voice was extremely hoarse. There was no pain in my body, only numbness. Now only my head can move. Very rare.

The red devil envoy held the simple mirror in his hand, the golden light on the mirror's surface slowly shrank, walked towards me unscathed, and said at the same time:

"Life is pretty hard. You won't die after being hit by the Thunder Orb, but even if you don't die, you shouldn't be far away from death. If it wasn't for the orders from the superiors to capture you alive, maybe I would have already trained you to become the Red Devil Guard."

Standing in front of me, Gu An'an could only see her back, wearing a long red and green dress, the blood of many lowly half-demons was green, but the blood of those bosses was bright red, staining her body. The blood on my body has dried up. At this moment, when the wind blows, my long hair flutters, and the pungent smell of fresh blood enters my nose.

She only has one arm, and she is no match for the Red Demon Envoy at all, but she is still standing in front of me, motionless, she can hide in the Vulcan ring to avoid the limelight, or escape here, with her green-eyed zombie Strength, the red devil messenger may not be able to catch up with her.

"If you want to move Zhong Yuan, then step over my corpse!"

A firm tone came over.

The Red Devil Messenger paused slightly, stopped, glanced at Gu An'an, raised the corner of his mouth, and said, "Girl, if you become a zombie, your obsession shouldn't be so big, although I don't know why your intelligence is different from ordinary The people are similar, but this is a chance, you have to practice hard, and come to me after you cultivate to the blue-eyed zombie."

"Your Excellency's tone is not small."

Suddenly a male voice came from far away, the voice was faint, without any emotion.

"Zhong Yuan? Is it really you? Why is your whole body burnt?"

Wu Huang'er's voice sounded beside me, a little surprised, and then I felt her little hand poke me, and I didn't see me roll my eyes in protest.

"Injured by the Wuji Yin Thunder Bead, it's not bad to survive. If there is a pill, feed it to him quickly."

Seeing that it was Wu Huang'er, Gu An'an looked slightly relieved, but the man standing next to Wu Huang'er immediately caught her attention.

This man was tall and tall, wearing a long blue robe, his hair stood up and was tied with a silver-white cloth belt, his facial features were cut like a knife, his eyebrows were thick and black, what are sword eyebrows and star eyes?This can be fully reflected from his body, coupled with the sword pinned to his waist, the whole person has a feeling of calmness and prestige.

"Zhong Yuan, you have to persevere. If you die, how can I explain to that brat Nianbai? Before he left, he told me to take good care of you. Come, open your mouth, and eat this ice muscle pill."

Wu Huang'er panicked and took out a milky white bullet, and handed it to me, I opened my mouth to swallow it, then closed my eyes, and began to refine the medicinal power.

"You are also from the Demon Sect? Just right, come one by one."

The Red Demon Envoy smiled, but soon he stopped laughing, because the man's mouth opened slightly, revealing sharp fangs, and even the dark eyes began to change, purple light filled the eye sockets .

"Purple Eyed Zombie!"

The red devil envoy was slightly startled, turned around and fled, spouting infinite purple flames from his feet and flew into the distance. He didn't even make a move, and chose to run away directly. It seems that the deterrent given to him by the purple-eyed zombie is not ordinary.

In addition to the red devil messenger, Gu Anan was stunned. If he wanted to reach the purple-eyed zombie, he had to advance to blue-eyed, then blue-eyed, and then purple-eyed.

"Senior Mu Li, you can't let him escape so easily!"

Just as the Red Devil Messenger was flying into the sky, Wu Huang'er's voice sounded, Mu Li nodded, his body swayed slightly, and while the blue robe was shaking, his big hand grabbed the foot of the Red Devil Messenger, and he pulled it down forcefully, Originally, he wanted to tear off the Red Devil Envoy, but in the end he tore off one of his legs.

Blood splattered everywhere, and the Red Devil Messenger let out a cry of pain, stretched out his hand and swung it down in fright, a ray of red light hit the ground, the red light shrank slightly, and a red flag as high as one person appeared on the ground superior.

The surface of the flag and streamer was covered with vicious grimaces, as if they would break free at any moment.

"Red Devil Guard!"

With a cold snort, a huge red mist overflowed above the flags and streamers, and figures flickered in the mist. There were more than a dozen of these red devil guards, but they all looked half-human, half-ghost, with hideous facial features, and a scar on their foreheads. The small horn that is as thick as the thumb is dark in color, the face is flushed, and the lower body looks like a human being.

Taking advantage of the Red Demon Guards entangled Mu Li, although the Red Devils felt distressed to abandon their own Demon Guards, it was better to lose these Demon Guards than to lose their own lives.

Seeing these demon guards, Mu Li's face was still calm, without any emotion. He held the sword at his waist in his right hand, and there was a loud sword sound, and the snow-white sword lights criss-crossed, and he saw one after another. The heads flew up, and in just a few breaths, the heads of these Red Devil Guards were cut off directly, and Mu Li's sword was inserted back into his scabbard, but unfortunately, the Red Devil Envoy ran away .

These Red Devil Guards are the clones refined by the Red Devil Emissary, they are extremely powerful, but they were wiped out by Mu Li like chopping melons and vegetables after just meeting each other. How powerful this purple-eyed zombie must be, even Gu An An was stunned and forgot to move.

"One-armed zombie?"

Mu Li walked to Gu An'an's side, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, revealing a weird smile.

Gu An'an's expression froze, the other party gave him the feeling that he was a superior, she was firmly suppressed, and even had the illusion that in front of Mu Li, he had no strength to act at all.


Gu Anan stared at the coercion, moved his throat, and spoke in a low voice. At this time, the coercion around him disappeared.

"Girl Huang'er, this is the disciple you said you gave it to me? He is a green-eyed zombie at a young age, which is not bad. Let's go back to the Land of Sealing Demons."

Mu Li glanced at Wu Huang'er, then his eyes fell on Gu An'an, unable to see his emotions clearly.

Wu Huang'er helped me up, looked at Mu Li sadly, and said: "Senior Mu Li, do you think we can leave now? Zhong Yuan was injured by the Wuji Yin Thunder Bead, and his body was shattered, but fortunately, he practiced After he acquired the magic skills, there is a good place in the Land of Sealing Demons to help him recover, otherwise that brat Nianbai would have to sue."

Mu Li walked up to me, took a look at me, grabbed me with one hand, then leaned on his shoulder, stared at Wu Huang'er and said, "Are you still afraid of Nian Bai? I really can't see it, let's go, Although he has taken your Bingji Pill, this pill can only heal the superficial injuries, it is useless for internal injuries, he has practiced magic skills, so is he a disciple of the Demon Sect?"

Wu Huang'er shook her head, and said: "It's not a disciple of the demon sect. Nianbai said that he has cultivated a very powerful ability, but this ability must be supported by the physical body, otherwise the whole body will burst and die, so he cultivated this demon. Don’t misunderstand me by using gong to strengthen your body.”

Mu Li was slightly taken aback, stopped, and asked curiously: "What kind of secret technique is so powerful that you need to practice magic?"

Wu Huang'er glanced around, and there was no one except Gu An'an who followed behind them in a hurry, and then said softly: "The Dao pattern in the palm!"

"The Dao pattern in the palm? Huh? It's so familiar. Mu Bai said before that the Maha Great World was stripped out by the powerful ability of the Dao pattern in the palm. Could it be that the devil who chased you just now came from the Maha Great World? But he How could it be so weak? It shouldn't be!"

Mu Li frowned, staring at me who was carried by him, very puzzled.

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