Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 306 [Say goodbye to local tyrants]

After staying on the altar for a few days, this time I really set foot in the Demon Sealing Hall. I have been practicing on it before, and I already feel that the evil spirit is very strong, but the real Demon Sealing Hall is inside the altar, so the evil spirit is naturally far away Far better than the outside.

Going down, there is a revolving stone staircase, which spreads all the way down, and the more you go down, the darker the surroundings, but this level of light is completely enough for me and other practitioners, and it takes about half a cup of tea , we just left the stairs, and the surrounding is bitingly cold, which is a bit colder than the Yin Sha place on Yanshan Mountain, because I have practiced the real magic skill of tempering the body now, but I still feel that it is cold here Incomparable.

A few clusters of faint green flames lit up in the distance, flashing and flashing, and from the dim light, one could barely see the scene of the main hall.

Seeing this scene, I was shocked. There are quite a few stone houses here. The stone houses are very small, about as tall as a person. They are covered with talismans, but most of the talismans in the stone houses have been destroyed, and more The stone house has been turned into stone blocks. In addition to these stone houses, there are several large stone pillars inside. All these stone pillars fell on the ground. I walked over and found that these stone pillars are not ordinary stone pillars. In addition to the runes engraved on them, There are also carved dragons.

All this looked so bleak, Wu Huang'er stood beside me, quietly watching all this.

On the stone house not far away, senior Mu Li and Gu An'an were sitting respectively. Gu An'an had already changed into a long white dress, her long hair was draped over her shoulders, and the palm print on her chest had disappeared.

Seeing us coming in, they all opened their eyes.

"Jong Yuan, how are you?"

Gu An'an's voice came over, and then she got up and came to me, looked at me carefully, then stared at my face, and opened her mouth curiously.

I shook my head and said in a low voice: "It's not completely improved, but it's almost the same. The injury on the face is more serious than imagined. By the way, this time I'm here to say goodbye to you. We have to leave as soon as possible." The spirit world is gone, you can practice hard here."

Gu Anan was taken aback, pursed his lips, and said in a deep voice: "Let's go? Don't you stay for a while, I won't leave here for a while, at least I won't leave until I reach the blue-eyed zombie or higher level here."

"Well, you practice hard, and one day, we will meet again."

I smiled slightly, and I don't know how long it has been since we parted this time and saw each other again.

Gu An'an nodded, thought for a while, and continued: "If you meet Wan Zhou, please send me a message and tell him not to wait for me. It is impossible for zombies and people to be together. Besides, our lifespan It's different, as long as the zombies don't encounter a catastrophe, they will live forever. The Xu family still counts on him to pass on the family to receive them. Remember, ask him not to delay yourself, otherwise, my conscience will be disturbed. Besides, ask Mrs. Amu to go to Xu's house, or You help me arrange it in your village so that she can take care of her for the rest of her life, Mrs. Amu has been with our Gu family all her life, but unexpectedly such a big change happened, our Gu family is sorry for her."

"An'an, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. I will do what you want me to do. You stay here and practice. You must listen to Senior Mu Li. If you encounter something that you can't solve If you have any problems, then go to catch the demon sect for help."

Thinking of this, I couldn't help seeing the kid who fought with me at school back then. Xu Wanzhou had many girlfriends. The one I remember was Fu Shuangshuang. It happened that Gu Qingqiu of the Gu family killed Fu Shuangshuang. Gu An'an had an unexplainable relationship, and couldn't help feeling a headache. If Xu Wanzhou was told about this, would he still love him again?

Wu Huang'er and I left here, turned back to the Demon Catch Sect, and passed by the place where we fought with the half-monsters. All the corpses there were gone, and the smell of blood in the air had dissipated completely.

"There's nothing to be curious about. Most of the corpses of these half-demons were swallowed by those corpse-eating beasts. Let's go."

Wu Huang'er smiled indifferently, and quickened her pace again.

I haven't practiced the technique of soaring clouds, or even the technique of lightening my body. I was already sweating profusely when I reached the top of the mountain.

"Little Yuanyuan!"

Li Nianbai's voice of surprise and surprise came from the mountain gate. Li Nianbai was still wearing a cowboy outfit and carrying an ebony sword at the gate of the Monster Catch Sect, while his cousin was standing beside him, holding half a sword in his hand. Apple, while eating, gently pushed half of the glasses on the bridge of the nose.

Glancing at Li Nianbai, I felt a slight shock in my heart. I haven't seen him for several days, as if something has changed in him, and I can't explain it clearly for a while.

"Why are you wearing a mask?"

Li Nianbai reached out and grabbed the mask on my face, Wu Huang'er cleverly stood in front of me, said with a smile: "This is a gift from me to Zhong Yuan, don't move around."

"Sister Huang'er, you are so partial."

Li Nianbai pouted, looking unhappy.

"Jong Yuan, what happened to your hand?"

My cousin walked up to me with a few steps, his expression turned cold, he threw away the apple in his hand, and grabbed my hand directly. There were burnt marks on my hand. Although it improved a lot, it was not just a few days To be able to recover, even with the best medicinal pills, it will take a certain amount of time.

"Ah... this hand... Zhong Yuan, have you been burned? Take a look!"

Li Nianbai let out an exaggerated scream, and picked up my other arm. Seeing this, Wu Huang'er couldn't hide it any longer. She stared at her cousin with a complicated expression and apologized, and took the initiative to say:

"A few days ago, we planned to send Gu An'an to Fengmo Mountain. On the way, we encountered an ambush from a half-demon. Originally, we could deal with these low-level half-demons, but there are a lot of low-level half-demons. There is a demon behind them controlling them. I ran to the land where the demons were sealed to seek help from Senior Mu Li. When I came back, Zhong Yuan couldn’t move. According to Gu An’an, he used the Yin Thunder Orb, but was killed by the Yin Thunder Orb. Backfired, I was seriously injured, if it wasn't for the protection of the real devil bone, I would have died a long time ago."

Hearing Wu Huang'er's narration, the two of them gasped. The power of this Thunder Bead is no small matter. Compared with the grenade in the primitive world, it is much more powerful.

Li Nianbai's face became extremely serious, as if he was a different person. He stared at Wu Huang'er coldly and said, "Sister Huang'er, why did I ask you in the first place? If I had known, I would have asked Jin Linglong for help. She's here, at least Xiao Yuanyuan won't be seriously injured!"

"Forget it, it's all because of my negligence. I didn't expect the Red Devil Messenger to have the kind of magic weapon similar to the reentry attack. That's why I was injured by my own Thunder Orb. She really did a good job. This mask can help me restore myself scars."

Seeing Wu Huang'er standing there with a depressed face, I opened my mouth to make a relief.

"The red devil among the five demon messengers? The murderer who killed grandpa?! Where is he now?"

The cousin was slightly taken aback, and then spoke in a cold tone.

"I have fled back to the original world we are in, but I was injured a lot. Nianbai, do you know who is the Red Devil? That Yan Mingzi who entered the spirit world with us has actually been possessed by the Red Devil for a long time, and he has already taken him away." The original soul."

After thinking about it, I said.

"What do you still care about now? Zhongli, go and call Jiang He over, Zhong Yuan, you come back to my room with me, there should be a lot of things in it, and your injury has improved, Sister Huang'er, you and I Father said, we will have a meeting tonight!"

After Li Nianbai finished speaking, he directly grabbed me and walked into the sect. He turned around and turned to a wooden building near the cliff. This wooden building has three floors and looks antique. There are many flowers and plants, the flowers are in full bloom, and many birds inhabit here. Behind the wooden building, there is a cliff, where the surrounding scenery can be seen at a glance.

We directly entered Li Nianbai's room through the wooden steps outside, the inside was very clean, but when he opened the door, I was already shocked by the door.

The color of the door panel is yellowish, but it is full of dense silver runes, all of which are large protective formations, layered on top of each other. This seemingly inconspicuous wooden building has stronger defense than those cement buildings Not just a star and a half.

The inside of his room is very tidy, and there are many things in the room, especially those things on the bookshelf.

Fist-sized night pearls, and corals as red as flames, I opened a wooden box casually, and the treasures inside were shining brightly, and they were all gemstones of different sizes. I swallowed my saliva and stared at him dumbfounded. ,road:

"You...you are a big local tyrant!"

"Do you like it? Just take it if you like. These are all given to me by the seniors of the Demon Catch Sect and the seniors of the Daomen. These things are just for viewing."

Li Nianbai looked at these things on the bookshelf with disgust, then he took out a wooden box from under the bed, opened the box and started to rummage.

Anyone here can take out any thing and sell it, and he can get a lot of money. He even disliked it. After all, having a father as the suzerain still has a lot of support. I reached out and took out a marble-sized bead from it. , this bead is blue in color, and it contains a strong power of water element. When I rubbed my hands together, I suddenly exclaimed:

"Avoid water beads?!"

Hearing my scream, Li Nianbai raised his head and glanced at the water-proof bead in my hand, his eyes slanted, as if I was someone who had never seen the world, and said: "What to make a fuss about, isn't it just a water-proof bead? There are also fire-avoiding beads and dust-avoiding beads inside."

I squeezed a cold sweat, put the water-repellent beads back into the treasure box, and then walked to a wall, where a mirror was hung. The mirror was about half the height of a person, oval, inlaid with silver edges around it, and the mirror surface Very clean and spotless.

Through the mirror, I saw a tall figure with a golden mask on his face. I slowly reached out and took off the mask, because my body was seriously injured by Yin Leizhu, and I lost consciousness at that time, and my face was even hotter. It hurts, I want to see how my face has been destroyed.

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