Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 307 [Opportunity]

Slowly peeling off the thin layer of mask on the face, the cool feeling disappeared immediately, and the burning pain appeared on the face again.

Seeing the appearance of the person in the mirror, I was taken aback.

Except for a pair of eyes that are still bright, the facial features are flushed, and the red flesh and blood are completely exposed to the air. Seeing that I am neither human nor ghost, I clenched my fist tightly, and then took a deep breath, Slowly put on the mask again, the flesh on the face did not die, but new flesh grew, the eyebrows were burned off, but the hair was safe and sound, because I was holding my head at that time.

"I found it, but I don't know if it will be useful!"

Li Nianbai rummaged through the box to find a white jade box, which was sealed very well, and there was a "small seal talisman" on it. Dog blood, cinnabar, etc., in order to preserve their effectiveness, this kind of talisman must be used.

However, this talisman looks crumpled, and some of the runes on it are blurred.

I walked over, took a look, and asked curiously, "What is this?"

"Growth muscle cream, Grandma Mo'er specially developed it, it was originally given to my mother, hehe, but my mother has natal Gu, which can keep her face young, so I took this baby away, this muscle growth cream The ointment is refined by mountain ghosts using the pure vitality of nature. The plant essence can have a very good effect. If it is rubbed on the scar, it will be able to remove the scar in less than a week, but it has been many years. And this small seal talisman has lost its effect, so I don't know if it can still be used."

Li Nianbai opened his mouth and blew, the small seal talisman shattered and turned into dust and disappeared.

After a while, footsteps came from the wooden stairs outside. I walked out and saw my cousin and Jiang He walking up. Seeing me, Jiang He waved to me immediately, but saw my face. When he put on the mask, he was obviously taken aback, but he quickly returned to his normal expression.

When the two arrived at Li Nianbai's room, they were equally astonished, the treasures here were beyond their imagination, even the usually calm cousin broke into a cold sweat.

Jiang He put his hands on my veins and began to diagnose. After a while, he waved his hands and said:

"The pulse condition is still stable, but you have to rest well these few days. In addition to external injuries, you have also received internal injuries. During this time, you have absorbed most of the evil spirits. Your body is very weak now. These evil spirits are still there. What remains in your physical body, if not fully absorbed, will affect you, even the body of fire virtue cannot be expelled for a short time, but don't worry, I will prescribe some medicine to help you exorcise, now, take off your clothes, I will Come check your wounds."

I didn't hesitate, Jiang He sniffed, then looked at the open window with a frown, and said to Li Nianbai:

"The window is closed, and the evil wind enters the body, which will aggravate his injury!"

Li Nianbai nodded like a chick pecking rice, closed the window immediately, then clapped his hands, picked up the box of muscle-enhancing ointment from the table, stared at Jiang He and said: "There is a good ointment here, I don't know if it is still available now." If it doesn't work, you have to... Zhong Yuan, you..."

As soon as he finished speaking, his voice suddenly became a little louder, and the room became extremely quiet all of a sudden.

I had already taken off my clothes and it was chilly. Three pairs of eyes stared straight at me, making my hair stand on end. I stood up and walked to the mirror. My whole body was still red, like cooked shrimp, but my body There are a large area of ​​pus and rot, and the only two places on the body that are not damaged are the imprint of Mingyin and the official seal of the city god. Although the appearance is terrible, it is much better than when it was awakened before. cannot look directly at.

"let me see."

Jiang He reached out and took the muscle-creating ointment, opened the lid, and there was a box full of green and slightly transparent ointment inside. He stretched out his finger and rubbed it lightly on his fingertips, and then gently After smelling it, the frown was loosened, and he continued:

"It can be used, but he needs to be sterilized all over his body, and he can't wear ordinary clothes, otherwise it will be bad for the wound. How about it, you can find suitable clothes, preferably sterilized, and the material must be good. Zhongli, you go to boil water , I have to disinfect his whole body, and then apply this ointment."

"Leave the matter of clothes to me. My dad happens to have a precious dress. You are about the same size. This dress is just right for you, Zhongli. There is a bathtub on the first floor that can boil water. I'll just go back."

Li Nianbai nodded, and rushed out without any hesitation.

"This Li Nianbai is very kind to you, he even asked you for his father's precious clothes, and this box of plaster, probably there are not many boxes in this world."

The cousin reached out and grabbed an apple, took a bite hard, and said slowly.

I was slightly taken aback, not understanding what he said. Jiang He next to me chuckled and said to me: "Don't you smell a sour smell in the air? There's a vinegar jar overturned here? Zhong Yuan, don't you?" Is brother jealous with Nian Bai? I guess he is afraid that you and Nian Bai will get closer."

"I don't. He is my cousin, so naturally I will take care of him. Li Nianbai is an outsider, why is he so attentive?! Bad intentions!"

The cousin took another bite of the apple, then gave Jiang He a hard look, and continued chewing the apple, "I'm going to boil the water."

After his cousin left, Jiang He spoke again: "Don't blame your cousin, actually he has no other intentions, he only cares about the people he cares about, but he is not good at expressing his feelings."

"Of course I know. My cousin has a knife mouth and a tofu heart. To put it bluntly, he is actually a bit arrogant, isn't he?"

I grinned and shrugged.

"By the way, have you noticed that your cousin has become different, and his physical temperament has undergone some changes. In less than half a month, he can produce such a big change. That senior Bai Wuchang is really enough. able."

The corners of Jiang He's mouth were slightly raised, and there was only a sincere smile on his face, without any hint of jealousy.

"Aren't you the same? And now you give people a feeling that people are getting closer and closer. Being by your side is like being in nature. Jiang He, to be honest, have you practiced any spells, but I heard from you that you specialize in martial arts."

I glanced at Jiang He, the current Jiang He has undergone earth-shaking changes from before, at the beginning he was a meticulous and serious little security guard, but now it is different, of course, we have become more familiar This is a reason.

Jiang He smiled mysteriously, and said: "It is definitely unrealistic for me to practice those things now. No matter how much I practice, it is difficult to achieve. My master planted a natural seed for me and taught me a simple one. Cultivate exercises, but this kind of exercise must be practiced in a place with flowers, plants and trees, using the power of natural recovery, coupled with medical skills, many diseases that were impossible to cure before can be cultivated."

"Seed of nature? Jiang He, you are very lucky. This time, you have a great opportunity, because the seed of nature is very similar to the ring of faith that our ghost hunters practice, and it is separated from the mountain ghost bead. Essence, she planted this thing for you, so her strength must be weakened, hehe, is it related to Jin Linglong? But I said, Jiang He, it’s good that you have a mountain ghost mother-in-law, and they are very protective.”

I reached out and patted his shoulder, and said earnestly.

Jiang He's face turned red, and he whispered: "Don't talk nonsense, the horoscope has not been written yet, well, you should take off your pants."

I stared at Jiang He with a strange smile, and said, "What are you doing taking off your pants?"

With a straight face, Jiang He said seriously: "Zhong Yuan, I'm not joking with you, do you think the pants you are wearing now will be good for the injury? The upper body is so serious, the lower body is not much better, you don't believe me It’s okay, wait for the thing under you to rot, then I can’t blame me.”

After finishing speaking, he pointed at my crotch with a threatening face.

"Take off...immediately, immediately!"

I broke out in a cold sweat, because the wound was starting to heal, so the skin in my heart would be a little itchy, and I was wearing tight-fitting pants, and when I took them off, the inner thighs were rubbed to pieces, bright red, I touched it, Blood on one hand.

The time for a stick of incense passed, and I lay comfortably in the big wooden barrel. Jiang He stood beside him, throwing herbs into the barrel, and checking the place where I had been soaked by water.

In addition to disinfection, these medicinal materials also have another function, and some excess evil energy on the body is also slowly evaporating in the barrel.

"Cousin, how does it feel to be a closed disciple of one of the giants of the Demon Catch Sect? Did your master give you a magic weapon or teach you any secret techniques?"

Soaking in the wooden barrel, I saw my cousin carrying two barrels of hot water with sweat on his face, and asked with a smile.

My cousin was a little hesitant. After hesitating for a while, he put down the wooden barrel in his hand, took off his eyes and stared at me. Suddenly, his pupils changed. No, besides the left eye, the other eye also At the beginning of the change, in an instant, the eyes have become the same, they are all yin and yang magic eyes, I was slightly surprised.

Originally, my cousin had only one eye that was Yin-Yang Fayan, but now the other eye has also turned into Fayan, but the surprise is still behind. Seeing Jiang He also staring at him in surprise, he suddenly stretched out his palm, the palm of his hand A simple copper coin lay quietly in the middle.

However, I quickly noticed the difference in this copper coin. Although it looked ordinary, it actually contained a huge amount of energy.

Sure enough, the next second he closed the copper coin with the other hand, and stared at me with his palms together, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and suddenly his hands split in two, and the other hand held a small sword made of copper coins , this small sword was strung together with a red thread, just when he thought it was unbelievable, a faint light of stars flowed from this small sword.

"Huh? Such a familiar power. When Xiaobai and I worked together to deal with the ten elders of the Demon Sect, I saw him perform a secret art of the star god thunder. That power is exactly the same as the star power contained in your magic sword." .”

I was slightly startled and said.

The power of stars contained in the magic sword in my cousin's hand is much stronger and more pure than the power of stars and thunder that Li Nianbai used back then.

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