Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 308 [Meeting]

"This is the Seven Star Soul Suppressing Sword, given to me by my master, and the Star God Thunder Formation under this treasure is much stronger than what that kid Li Nianbai used."

The cousin smiled coldly, took back the Seven Star Soul Suppressing Sword, and with a pinch of his palm, the sword turned into a copper coin, with a red thread running through it, and then hung it around his neck expressionlessly.

His movements are very proficient, as if he has practiced many times, he is already handy.

"Cousin, you..."

Immediately, I was a little speechless. This Seven-Star Soul Suppressing Sword should not be weaker than the Demon Subduing Sword. It was able to arrange such a large formation. I think my cousin's strength should increase a lot in the future, and both eyes are yin and yang eyes. It is probably not the same as before. A notch.

"There is another treasure, my brother Wu Yu gave it to me, but unfortunately it is a one-time consumable."

My cousin turned over his palm again, and the glow in his palm was filled with five colors of light, and five small and exquisite feathers were suspended in his palm. The colors of these five feathers were blue, yellow, Red, black, white.

"Huh? What kind of feather is this? There are five colors of divine light inside!"

My heart trembled slightly, and some memories flooded out. This five-color divine light is specially designed to overcome the five-element magic weapon. The reason why it is said to be a one-time consumable is because it is a gifted five-color divine light that can only be used once. , it will be gone when it is used up.

"Brother's own feathers, his body is a five-color peacock, guarding the Nuwa Palace. When he pulled out a few feathers, he also bestowed a few divine lights inside. At that time, he felt very distressed. Pulling the hair on my body, I think it must be very painful, but there is no way, I am his junior brother, by the way, now that kid Li Nianbai sees me, he should respect me, my second senior brother is his father."

The cousin put away his feathers, smiled mysteriously, and the corners of his mouth curled up, very proud.

"Don't soak it for too long, otherwise it will be bad for the wound. Now get up and wipe it clean, and then apply muscle-creating ointment. Zhongli, prepare some sterile gauze."

Jiang He glanced at my faintly whitish body, and spoke in a low voice.

Before, his body was relatively gloomy and cold, and when the wind blew, his body would tremble uncontrollably. This was the evil wind from his mouth entering his body, but after taking a bath, his body felt much more comfortable.

Jiang He reached out and grabbed a handful of Muscle-Growing Cream and put it in his hand. Instead of applying it on me in time, he muttered something, and an incredible scene appeared. The light green paste-like object in the palm of his hand began to emit a faint light. , Seeing this layer of light appear, I was relieved like a heavy burden, and then evenly applied the muscle-creating ointment in my hand on my body.

The muscle-creating ointment is quite powerful. Just after sticking to the skin, a sense of coolness invaded the skin, and then there was some slight itching sensation. When the body was covered with white bandages, the whole person became a mummy. I didn't let it go, after all, the injury on the face was more serious.

After tidying up, we returned to Li Nianbai's room again.

After about a cup of tea, Li Nianbai happily returned to his residence. At the same time, he was holding a blue robe. When he saw my appearance, he was startled for a while, then smiled and said, "I got the treasure clothes." , besides being able to withstand certain attacks, this treasure garment also has the effect of avoiding dust, it is soft in texture, but it can withstand severe cold and scorching heat, and ordinary blades cannot be damaged by water or fire, you should try it quickly."

I took it, and sure enough, this dress was soft and delicate, and it didn't weigh much at all. I didn't hesitate, and I put it on, and it fit me very well, as if it was tailor-made.

"By the way, Zhong Yuan, in order to express my apology, Sister Huang'er granted you the qualification to enter the Taiji Cave to practice. After the meeting in the evening, you can enter the Taiji Cave to practice. There are only three days. You have to take care of yourself." grasp."

Li Nianbai slapped his head, then spoke to me mysteriously.

"That's right, this Tai Chi cave is transformed by Master's Tai Chi Yin-Yang array, and this cave is where the spiritual veins of the entire mountain are located. Cultivating under the spirit tree can get twice the result with half the effort! Zhong Yuan, I also broke through there, and now I have The fourth ring of faith, you too, you have to take advantage of this opportunity to improve your strength again."

My cousin stared at me with a serious face, and spoke plausibly.


The meeting place is in the conference hall of the Demon Catch Sect. Besides the Tiandu and Dizang that I am familiar with, there are also a few strangers, a man with a gentle face, delicate facial features, broken hair, and a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. , has a very clean temperament, but he wears a lot of rings in his hand, and it feels a little weird. Is this guy an upstart?Or, do you have a special hobby for this kind of baby?Otherwise, why are all ten fingers wearing rings?

Dizang was sitting next to this man, staring at him with his eyes and a faint smile on his mouth.

The cousin walked up to the man, gave a very respectful salute, and said, "Master is good."

master?This man who looks about our age turned out to be one of the three giants of the Demon Catch Sect, Bai Wuchang, that is, a senior with a pair of yin and yang magic eyes. I thought he was a mysterious old man, but unexpectedly it was this look.

Seeing him staring at him, he looked up and grinned at me.

On the other side of Bai Wuchang is the dragon fox Kong Kong'er whom I have seen before sitting. Kong Kong'er is staring at Jizo with a hostile face. Behind him are his two younger sisters, Kong Ling'er and Kong Huahua. When Huahua saw me coming, she immediately waved her hand to greet me.

It seems that all the people here are some important people, even Wu Huang'er and Jin Linglong have never seen them.

After my cousin Jiang He and I sat down, someone came in again.

A handsome man in a red robe walked in. This man was rebellious, his hair was burning red like a flame. When he saw Bai Wuchang, he grinned and trotted past.

Next, there was a tall, muscular man with a curved bow on his back and a tiger skin apron around his waist. He looked around with burning eyes, and then his eyes fell on Kong Konger. Sat down quickly though.

One after another, the meeting officially started after the seats were filled.

Tian Du stood up and said directly:

"What happened to the Morromen in the spiritual world, I will trouble the Junyang parade envoy to tell you."

The man with the bow and arrow stood up, his handsome eyebrows frowned slightly, and said: "The Morromon built an ancient altar and summoned demons from the primitive world, but now they have been completely destroyed by the Righteous Alliance, and there are still many demons." Hidden, but we are hunting, but doing so will not get rid of the root cause, these demons all came from the primitive world, which also proves that the primitive world has been invaded by the demons of the Maha Great World."

"Impossible. I have sent people to guard the seal at the original seal of the Snowy Land in the primitive world. Except for the real devil, there is no devil who is Teng Qing's opponent. How could they come?"

I stood up and spoke.

But just after I finished speaking, I suddenly had a flash of inspiration in my mind, and I faintly had a bad premonition. Could it be that Teng Qing has already entered the Great World of Maha?

"Who is this?"

Junyang's parade envoy narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately shot towards me. Under his gaze, all my secrets seemed to be exposed, and there was no privacy at all.

"The reincarnated body of Huangtian also came from the original world."

Tian Du smiled slightly and spoke.

"It turned out that you guys came here. No wonder there was a fluctuation in the enchantment. When I rushed over, there were no people. Now you are the person representing the original world? Where is there any power to fight against these monsters of the Great World of Maha?" Contest? If you explain it in detail, it may be of great help to us."

Junyang's parade envoy narrowed his eyes and spoke with a smile.

"Now the main force in the primitive world is the ghost hunters, there are ghost hunter alliances, but I don't like these ghost hunter alliances, and besides, there are ice corpses in the snowy land that I can drive, I think It is impossible for the devil to reappear in the Snowy Land now."

I have nothing to hide, and then I will tell you some details about the primitive world.

After a long silence around, that Bai Wuchang spoke up, with a faint magnetism in his voice, which was very pleasant:

"In the end, you are the ones that the primitive world can rely on now, but your strength is still too weak. After a while, I will select some elite disciples from the spiritual world to help you. In addition, there are seals to strengthen the Maha Great World, but leave these to us, your current strength cannot do it, and I will hand over the Taiji Yin-Yang Formation to Zhongli, if you encounter someone who is too advanced Devil, you can put the devil in the formation map, and then drive the big formation to refine the devil."

"But I heard that it is the Taiji Yin-Yang Formation that suppresses the luck of the Monster Catchers. If my cousin takes it away, will it affect the Monster Catchers?"

My heart was slightly shocked, this Tai Chi Yin-Yang Array is a treasure that completely surpasses the Devil-subduing Sword and the Seven-Star Soul-Suppressing Sword, but it is also something that suppresses the luck of the demon-catch sect, and luck is very mysterious and crucial.

"Don't be afraid, Zhong Li is also the one who catches the demon sect. As long as the Taiji Yin-Yang Formation doesn't fall into the hands of outsiders, the demon sect will be safe and sound."

Bai Wuchang smiled slightly and said.

In the following time, they began to discuss some demons in the Great World of Maha, because Bai Wuchang and Dizang personally sneaked into the Great World of Maha and met the good demons, so they got a lot of news.

When we walked out of the meeting room, it was already late. After dinner, Li Nianbai took me directly to Tai Chi Cave.

Taiji Cave is in the cave in the backyard of the Monster Catch Sect, and there are two Taoist boys guarding the entrance of the cave.

"Brother Li!"

The two Taoist boys were very respectful and spoke to Li Nianbai in unison.

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