Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 309 [Tai Chi Cave]

Although the two Taoist boys looked relatively young, they behaved very sophisticatedly. After saluting, they retreated to the two sides, carrying two wooden swords on their thin bodies, staring at me seriously.

Uncomfortable being stared at by these two Taoist boys, I began to urge Li Nianbai to rush to Taiji Cave as soon as possible, because there is still a distance of Zhang Xu from the entrance of the cave.

"Tai Chi cave, without the permission of the suzerain, outsiders are not allowed to trespass."

After walking a few steps, I was stopped by one of the Taoist boys, I scratched my head and said, "Didn't Wu Huang'er give me the chance to enter the cave, logically, she has already handed over her Contribution token, didn't the two fellow daoists receive it?"

"It turns out that you are the Zhong Yuan that Huang'er World said about. A few days ago, I heard that several people joined the Monster Catch Sect. Except for Junior Brother Zhongli, I didn't see anyone else. Junior Brother Zhong Yuan, remember after three days. Come out on time."

The little Taoist boy had a slightly embarrassed expression, and then took out half of the jade block from his bosom, and the other Taoist boy also took out a piece, and the two of them began to chant words and curses in a low voice.

This cave is sealed by a black stone gate. The stone gate looks very thick, and there is a palm-sized indentation in the center. This indentation is the size of a palm print. I looked down again at the jade block in the hands of the two little Taoist boys. , suddenly understood.

It turns out that to open this Taiji Cave, you must rely on these two jade pendants. Without the jade pendants, this Taiji Cave cannot be opened. At least I can feel that the black stone door is not made of ordinary materials.

With the sound of the incantation, fine silver marks suddenly appeared on the black stone door, and the half jade pendants in their two hands also shone with light, one half of the jade block was milky white light, and the other half was black light.

The sound of the incantation suddenly stopped, and the two of them threw the jade in their hands towards the black stone gate. The black and white jade turned into two streamers of light and fell into the concave circular groove in the center of the black stone gate, black and white. The yin-yang fish began to turn slowly.

Between the kisses, there was a roar, and the silver marks on the black stone door flashed suddenly. The stone door opened slowly in two parts, and white lights shot out from inside. Huge heaven and earth vitality gushed out from the door, coming towards you. I was stunned immediately, such pure power, these energies are almost in a liquid state.

"What are you still doing, hurry in!"

Li Nianbai grabbed me and burrowed inside.

"Brother Li, you haven't handed in the contribution token of the sect..."

"What nonsense, this monster catching sect belongs to my father, I can't even go in and play if I want to?"

Seeing two Taoist boys blocking him, Li Nianbai's expression darkened, and he spoke in a low voice.

"Brother, this is the rule, you must make a contribution to be able to enter, otherwise don't blame the brother... oops!"

Li Nianbai suddenly walked up to this little Taoist boy, gave him a slap, and said: "If you have to ask for an explanation, you should go to the suzerain, Zhong Yuan, let's go in!"

After finishing speaking, a strong force came from his palm, and my body felt bound by something, and then my eyes blurred, and I went to another place.

Just after we came in, the stone door slowly closed.

Two Taoist boys respectively caught two pieces of jade, one black and one white. One Taoist touched his head, stared at the re-closed stone gate with aggrieved face, and said sullenly: "Brother, really, if you want to go in, just talk about it." Yes, and hurt people."

"Brother Baiwu, do we still have to report to the suzerain?"

Another Xiaodao boy spoke eagerly.

Bai Wu glared at him, let go of the hand rubbing his head, and said, "Do you think Master Bai has followed the rules of the Demon Catch Sect? Forget it, he has always been like this."


This place is similar to a dense cave. After walking in, the inside is surrounded by white mist, which contains pure vitality of heaven and earth, and there is a big tree with luxuriant branches and leaves not far in front of us.

This big tree needs at least five or six people holding hands to hug it. The leaves are as big as a palm, and the veins on it are very clear. Moreover, the whole big tree emits a faint green fluorescence, and the underside of the tree is verdant. The grassland, the whole dense cave is filled with the fragrance of fragrant grasses.

Around the big tree, there are bright yellow futons scattered, and there are incense burners of different sizes, some of which have sandalwood thick as a thumb.

"These are pure heart fragrances, which can condense one's soul, and they are lit during cultivation, meditating, and guarding the spirit. They are special products of the Qingxin Temple. However, we catch a lot of monsters, and they have been improved."

Li Nianbai took out one and explained.

I observed the sandalwood carefully, it was very tight, and the whole body was black, but there were silver marks on it. I flicked my finger, and a red flame flew out, just falling on the sandalwood, and the sandalwood was covered by it. Light it up and start to burn slowly.

This fragrance is very pleasant, faint, some trivial things in my mind have subsided, and even my mood seems to have begun to change, my dear, I inserted it into one of the incense burners, smiled and said to him: "This is a good baby , Remember when we left, take more Vulcan rings."

Li Nianbai gave me a blank look, and said: "You are for the little ghost, this fragrance of pure heart is much stronger than the fragrance of condensed soul, don't worry, I will be ready, let's practice under the spirit tree, when the time comes , I'll wake you up."

"No problem, by the way, your father said to help you untie the restriction on your body. I know that your talent for cultivation was suppressed before, but after unsealing your seal, what realm have you reached now?"

I began to be curious about Li Nianbai. We are all about the same age, so our talents should be about the same. However, he has many problems, and he rarely practices in front of me on weekdays. Even if he breaks the seal, how strong can he be? ?

But my intuition tells me that he gives me a very dangerous feeling now, and my intuition has never been wrong.

Li Nianbai smiled mysteriously, walked to the bottom of the spirit tree, sat cross-legged, then hugged his dantian with both hands, and slowly closed his eyes. Suddenly, a cyan glow appeared above his head, and the glow condensed on the top of his head It turned into a blue lotus flower. The lotus flower swayed and swayed, possessing a huge coercion. Suddenly, the lotus flower swayed and turned into a fat little Li Nianbai in an instant.

Xiao Li Nianbai has blue lotus flowers under his feet, he is looking at me with a smile.

"How about my Nascent Soul? It's cute."

Xiao Li Nianbai touched my shoulder with his toes, stretched out his fat little hands to scratch my ears, and then pressed on my mask, very mischievously,

I stretched out my palm, and he jumped up immediately, looking at me with his arms around his shoulders, the little Nascent Soul was not wearing any clothes, and I could feel the pure energy contained in the body of this little Nascent Soul, whispering secretly At that time, the little Yuanying flew out of my hand and landed on the top of Li Nianbai's head again. He pinched the magic arts with both hands, and the surrounding white mist gathered on his body one after another, just like a giant whale absorbing water, fast incredible.

God, it's so unfair!Jiang He and his cousin have had such a great opportunity, and their strength has skyrocketed, especially the cousin, but now seeing that Li Nianbai has cultivated Nascent Soul, I have the urge to hit the wall, because Nascent Soul is completely stronger than Jin Dan realm, and we ghost hunters must cultivate the seventh ring of faith to be able to compare with it.

This also shows that Li Nianbai's strength is about the same as those of the Ghost Hunter Alliance, no, it should be even better, the ring of seven beliefs, Zhu Rong in my Vulcan Ring was only a ring of seven beliefs before he was alive, and It's an old guy who lost his teeth, and Li Nianbai is in the prime of his youth.

I have now broken through the watershed and reached the fourth ring of belief. The fourth, fifth, and sixth only need to accumulate a huge amount of ghost hunting power to be able to cultivate successfully. The model of the next ring of belief will be automatically condensed, but it will be different after the sixth one, because it is a bottleneck.

"Jong Yuan, you have to speed up."

Li Nianbai's little Nascent Soul smiled mischievously, and the Jue in his hand moved even faster.

I rubbed my hands, sat down on one of the futons, and put the Qingxin incense in front of me. There are only three days. The second day will be the fifth way, and the third day will be the sixth way. I know that there must be absolutely no such opportunity outside, so we must seize this opportunity, and it will not be these hunters who hit the seventh circle of faith when the time comes. The power of ghosts can solve it, but you must rely on your own epiphany ability, otherwise you will always be stuck on the sixth ring of faith!

Although the vitality of heaven and earth here is terrifyingly viscous, the energy required by the ring of faith is astonishing. I must speed up the speed at which I absorb the vitality of heaven and earth.

Take a deep breath, it seems that you must use the power of the Dao pattern in your palm to bless me!

"The Dao pattern in the palm, the collection of all spirits, all under my control, the spirit-gathering talisman, the edict!"

The palm seemed to be torn apart, and the twelve lines of dao patterns began to condense, slowly forming an obscure magic talisman, which had transformed from gold to green, and I threw it lightly, and the spirit-gathering talisman seemed to become real. falling on top of my head.

I don't need to control it at all, the talisman made a slight trembling sound, and most of the surrounding white mist gathered towards the talisman, and then fell into my mind.

Gather spirits, gather spirits, gather aura from the world, and use it for yourself!This is the magical function of the spirit-gathering talisman, and it is also an ancient talisman!

Seeing this scene, I was overjoyed, because I didn't need to refine these vitality by myself at all. In addition to gathering the surrounding aura, the spirit-gathering talisman can also filter and directly transform these vitality into pure ghost-hunting power to pour into me. mind.

This is simply equivalent to a master giving me enlightenment, and the power of hunting ghosts is endless.

I was naturally overjoyed, and the speed of this spirit-gathering talisman was not slow at all. Although it couldn't compare with the little Nascent Soul on the opposite side, the speed was enough to surprise me.

What's more, I don't have to worry about condensing the ring of faith. I can do another thing, which is to practice the real magic skill. Now that the real magic bone has been recovered, I will continue to practice and will never miss this opportunity. It's an excellent time, and the vitality between the heaven and the earth is so strong here, maybe the real magic skill can break through, maybe.

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