Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 311 [Mother]

"Is what you said true?"

Kong Huahua touched the tears on her face, and stared at me tearfully.

"Of course, am I going to lie? There are still things that have not been resolved in the underworld. If the devil in the Maha Great World wants to get blood from the Nether Blood Sea, then he must go through the Underworld. The ghosts and ghosts in the underworld are the secrets of the Maha Great World. How could those mortal enemies of the devil get the blood so easily? If it weren't for the secret help of someone from the underworld, it would be absolutely impossible for them to get the blood so easily and help Styx break through the seal, so I will go to the underworld."

Hell must go sooner or later, it's just a matter of time.

"Gathering a soul, what a big deal? I'll come, since Senior Kong Kong'er told you, but didn't tell me!"

Li Nianbai was standing beside his father, reached out his hand to grab it, and took off the soul-calling lamp directly. Li Mubai looked at his son with a complicated expression, and said, "Nian'er, I will lend this soul-calling lamp to you." You have fun, remember to give it to me after you use it up."

After speaking, he patted Li Nianbai who was in a daze, then turned and left.

"Can you use it?"

When Kong Huahua saw the small and exquisite soul-calling lamp in Li Nianbai's hand, he was shocked, walked over and asked.

Li Nianbai patted his chest, grinned at the corner of his mouth, and said confidently, "Of course I will, Zhong Yuan, undo the seal on your chest and let Li Qiusheng's remnant soul come out."

I nodded, it was already night, but the yin energy was not too strong, and there was still some residual heat on the ground that hadn't dissipated. The other party was not an ordinary ghost, but a remnant soul. If the surrounding environment is not suitable, it should be dissipated immediately.

"Xiaobai, let's go to your residence. Remember to bring out some Qingxin incense. The ground should also be filled with gourd leaves. Gourds can isolate the aura, and gourd leaves can also isolate the yang energy of the ground. It is best not to have a windy place. If the wind blows, his remnant soul will be blown away."

If you want to successfully condense the soul, you must first protect it well, and when I sealed Li Qiusheng's soul, it was already on the verge of disappearing at that time, so I need to be more careful.

"Yes, just do as Zhong Yuan said, what are you still doing in a daze, I'll go find gourd leaves, you wait for me!"

Kong Huahua looked agitated, and glanced into the distance, and the three fox tails behind her suddenly stretched out. While shaking slightly, she suddenly aimed at one direction and stretched out her white palm, and with a low shout, she swiped out with a sudden palm.

A cyan crack appeared immediately where the palm passed by, and with a shake of her delicate body, she disappeared into the crack, and the moment Kong Huahua disappeared, the cyan crack gradually closed.

Arriving in front of Li Nianbai's wooden building, he found a purple-clothed woman standing in the front yard, holding a treasure box in her hand, looking around. When she saw Li Nianbai, she ran over immediately.

"Nian'er, take it quickly, don't let your father find out."

This purple-clothed woman is none other than Li Nianbai's mother, Na Sheng.

Na Sheng stuffed the treasure box into his son's hands, reached out and touched his head, and said with a look of reluctance, "You really decided to leave tomorrow?"

Li Nianbai pointed to my Vulcan ring, then handed me the treasure box, and replied: "Well, I'm leaving tomorrow."

"Have you ever firmly remembered the secret technique that your father gave you? And Qingming, remember to put away the treasures given by Wuchang and the others, and save your life. The things in this treasure box were given to you by your grandfather."

Seeing me stuffing the treasure box into the Vulcan ring, Na Sheng's eyes lit up slightly, and said with a smile.

"Okay, I know everything, you go back to sleep."

Li Nianbai began to urge him.

"Bear boy! You don't want your mother to stay here so much? You go back to your room first, I have something to talk to Zhong Yuan about."

Na Sheng tapped his head lightly, with a displeased expression on his face, Li Nianbai quickly got into the wooden house, and began to prepare the incense.

"Senior, what can I do for you?"

Seeing Li Nianbai walking away, I asked.

Na Sheng sighed, stared at me with flickering eyes, and said, "Zhong Yuan, I know that you and Nian Bai have a very good relationship, just like Mu Bai, Lu Fei, Su Ming, and Bai Han back then. But Nianbai is different, he has been spoiled by us since he was a child, a loving mother with many losers, but his nature is good, although sometimes he has a young master's temper, and he has many shortcomings. Baby, it may be because I suffered a little bit when I was a child, so the seniors of the Demon Catch Sect and even the rest of the spiritual world care about him. If he offends you in any way, I, the mother, will take care of him. Apologize to him first."

"Senior, don't be so talkative. No matter how many shortcomings he has, we are also good brothers. There is no doubt about it. You are right. Although he sometimes has a young master's temper, I can accept these."

I smiled slightly, thinking back to the time when I met Li Nianbai, that behavior was simply outrageous, besides serving meals in front of him, he also had to fetch water to wash his feet, treating me as his slave, without even realizing it look.

However, Li Nianbai's character is very pure, without scheming, and very straightforward, he is what he is, although he is a bit ambivalent, but I am willing to make friends with him and be a brother.

Na Sheng nodded and continued: "One more thing is to urge him to practice more. He is very playful. This time Mu Bai unlocked the seal for him. His advancement speed is too fast. Although he has a good foundation since childhood , but I am afraid of accidents, so on weekdays, we must consolidate and consolidate, no matter what method is used."

I nodded. In fact, practicing too fast is also risky. If you don’t know it at the beginning, you will suffer later. Why don’t I?

"By the way, here are some recipes he likes to eat, as well as his usual preferences. I have written them down. If he is unhappy, you can use the contents to coax him. I'm sorry, I made you laugh. "

Na Sheng handed me a note, which was densely written in elegant fonts. I couldn't help admiring this mother, who cared about her son in every possible way.

"He came back this time, he has grown a lot, and he was able to advance to the Golden Core realm even though his ability was sealed. I think a large part of the reason is because of you. I don't have any good things, so this is for you. "

Na Sheng suddenly took out another jade box and handed it to me. I opened it, and inside was a small book with a blue cover. Besides, there was a small box on it.

"It contains some small secret techniques for cultivation, such as the technique of soaring clouds, the technique of lightening the body, the technique of holding one's breath, the technique of attracting the wind, and some small techniques, all sorted out by Mu Bai. Inside this box is the last nine-turn The Great Returning Pill is given to you now."

Seeing some doubts on my face, Na Sheng spoke with a slight smile.

"I can't accept something so precious."

I was slightly shocked. The little secret techniques she mentioned are actually very useful. Among them, the technique of soaring clouds is at least much faster than our walking on land, and the technique of light body can also be used to perform Among them, the more important thing is this Nine-Turn Great Returning Pill. I took one before, which directly allowed me to break through the bottleneck.

"Why are you being polite? If you don't dislike me, then recognize me as a godmother. Anyway, you and Nian'er are like good brothers."

Na Sheng smiled again, seeing me handing her something, she waved her hands again and again, refusing to take it.

I didn't hesitate, and immediately kowtowed three times to her on the ground and called her godmother.

The face of Sheng was full of joy, I thought for a while, and said: "Mother, Xiaobai likes to tease me very much, he said that I have been bewitched by him, please check for me."

She froze for a moment, and tapped a finger on the center of my eyebrows. After a while, she withdrew her finger in surprise, and her face became very strange.

"What's wrong? Could it be that the godmother can't get rid of the poison he planted?"

I broke into a cold sweat secretly. When I was playing before, he planted the poison for me, saying that I would be disobedient in the future, so he would drive the poison.

Na Sheng shook his head, and said: "I have been poisoned by Gu poison, but this kind of Gu poison is not harmful to human life at all. This kind of Gu is called Mother-Child Concentric Gu, and what is planted on you is Zi Gu, and I miss my son. Possessing the mother Gu on the body, this kind of Gu insect is not harmful, but beneficial, because no matter where the child Gu is, the mother Gu can be found, and vice versa. I miss my child because I often get lost, so I am on you Plant this Gu."

I listened, and then nodded in a sudden realization.

"Zhong Yuan, what are you two still chatting about? I've already arranged Qingxinxiang. Mom, hurry home and sleep. My dad is already warming the quilt!"

Li Nianbai's laughter came from the attic.

Na Sheng blushed slightly, glared at his son, and then left in a hurry.

As soon as I went up, Li Nianbai stared at me with his arms folded, and said, "What did my mother tell you?"

"It's nothing, I just want her to help me get rid of the poison you put on me, so you won't be able to play tricks on me in the future."

I had an idea, and laughed.

Li Nianbai was stunned, staring at me with a changed face, and said: "Zhong Yuan, this is a mother-child unity Gu, not a poison that harms people, I got it after a lot of trouble, I put it on you, just want to When you are in danger, it has no other meaning to be able to find you as quickly as possible, and you were expelled by my mother."

Seeing his anxious appearance, I smiled and was deeply moved, because Li Nianbai's combat power is much stronger than mine, and he will fight against any opponents he encounters, and he also knows that I am the target of the Maha World .

"Just kidding, I just want to know about this poison, are you ready? Take me to see the venue?"

Li Nianbai heaved a sigh of relief after hearing what I said, and then led me into one of the rooms.

This room is regarded as a guest room, with a large space. There are several incense burners on the wooden floor, and a few incense sticks are inserted in each incense burner, and then the windows are closed tightly, airtight.

After setting up these incense burners around the city, I clapped my hands, very satisfied, and then I just need to wait for Kong Huahua to bring the gourd leaves to condense my soul.

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