Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 312 [Soul Concentration and Imprisonment]

After waiting for a while, Kong Huahua didn't come back, but his cousin and Jiang He did. After this practice, their strength has increased a lot.

Because they had to rush back to the original world tomorrow, the two found a guest room and went to bed early.

When we arrived, Kong Huahua was late, but she was carrying a gray big sack on her back, which was bulging inside. Seeing our doubts, she smiled and dumped the sack on the ground, and the large gourd leaves were scattered and scattered. Then he clapped his hands, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said, "It should be enough!"

"Enough, enough, enough!"

I broke into a cold sweat, no wonder I haven't come back for so long, this little fox picked a whole big bag of gourd leaves.

These gourd leaves are very fresh, emerald green in color, and one leaf is divided into three petals, which are still stained with moisture.

Throw the leaves on the ground, then untie the cyan robe on his body, and press on the imprint of Mingyin Pei with one hand, sensing the remnant soul inside, after a while, the imprint of Mingyin Pei became extremely cold, Li Qiusheng The remnant soul is ready to move.

"The power of Yin Yin, unseal!"

As soon as the voice fell, the coldness of the jade pendant between the chest disappeared suddenly, and a few extremely faint black lights surged out from the imprint, lingering over the gourd leaves, Pang Xuan.

"Leaving heaven and earth, souls are coming, Li Qiusheng, souls are gathering!"

Li Nianbai suddenly raised the soul-calling lamp in his hand, the whole body of the soul-calling lamp was glowing, a golden light sprayed out, a gust of wind blew up around, just fell on these remnant souls, in the golden light flashed out talismans the size of rice grains, These talismans are in sharp contrast to the Yin Feng, and there is a mysterious power inside, and it is this power that forcibly gathers these remnant souls together.

Under the traction of the mysterious runes, strands of remnant souls began to condense on their own, and Kong Huahua next to her clenched her fists, her beautiful eyes staring motionlessly at the gradually forming figure.

Compared to us, Li Nianbai was already sweating profusely, and even his face was a little distorted.

"Uncle Mo Li, help me, condense my soul!"

Seeing these souls Su Ri'an condensed and formed, but not stable, Li Nianbai's face changed drastically, and he spoke in a low voice.

The faint sound of scriptures sounded, and these mysterious runes suddenly gathered together, all of which were submerged in the remnant soul. Li Qiusheng's faint figure appeared on the banana leaf, and had already condensed again.

The fragrance of pure heart around him made his yin body become more cohesive, and the figure gradually became clear, and the mysterious rune had disappeared.

Li Qiusheng still looks like a thin and weak scholar, Kong Huahua looked agitated, and almost pounced, I stopped her, and said: "You still have a lot of evil spirit, before his strength has not improved, you can't Get closer to him."

Kong Huahua immediately became a little disappointed, and nodded obediently.

The golden light on the summoning lamp slowly receded, and suddenly broke free from Li Nianbai's hand, and fell to the ground, turning into a monk in white clothes. Seeing the appearance of this monk, I was slightly taken aback.

"Emperor, long time no see."

Li Licong, who was transformed by the soul-calling lamp, smiled at me, and then opened his mouth to spit out a black light. This light fell on the ground, and immediately turned into a black figure, and fled to the seat where he was sitting by the window.

"Want to go?!"

Mo Li grabbed the void with his big hand, and the black shadow was grabbed by the neck, kicking and beating in the void non-stop, very angry.

"Black Mountain Devil?!"

After underestimating his appearance, I was slightly surprised, but this demon has no demonic energy in him, and is almost the same as an ordinary wandering ghost. His original appearance is the same as that of a human being, a 20-year-old youth with single eyelids, but His eyes were sharp, his lips were thin, but he showed a sarcasm. After struggling a few times, he said in surprise and anger:

"Since I have already refined my demon body, why don't I beat me to ashes?"

"Yes, but I want to hand you over to Huang Tian and let him deal with it. You'd better not think about running away. Any one of us here can easily beat you to death!"

Li Li let go of his hand, stared at me with a smile and said:

"He is already the same as an ordinary wandering ghost, you don't have to worry about that."

"Nianbai, you are too naughty this time. Although you are here to cast the lamp, do you really think that you can easily take away your father's things? He is also soft-hearted. Forget it, let's not talk, I will go back first. "

Mo Li walked to Li Nianbai's side, reached out to touch his head, and walked out of the room.

The Black Mountain devil glanced out of the window, and seeing me staring at him coldly, he simply sat down cross-legged, staring at Li Qiusheng next to him without saying a word, frowning slightly.

Li Qiusheng didn't consider him to exist at all, and was reminiscing about the past with Kong Huahua. Seeing the unkind gaze of the black mountain demon, Kong Huahua took out a red hairpin from his head and said, "Master, you are now a yin body, and you can possess my hairpin. Get out of here first."

He nodded and did not enter in a hurry, instead, he saluted Li Nianbai and me, and then turned into black mist and entered the hairpin.

"I will rush over before leaving the Monster Catch Sect tomorrow. I will take these gourd leaves first."

Kong Huahua smiled slightly, and three snow-white fox tails appeared behind him, rolling towards the gourd leaves on the ground, and these leaves fell into the sack one after another, took back the hairpin, and went out with the sack on his shoulders.

"Black Mountain, you are the most clear about your current situation. I also believe that you are very clear about the situation in the Great World of Maha, and you know the places where the demon heads of the primitive world gather. We have already met the Red Devil Envoy. It’s okay if you don’t say it, I will naturally find a way to let you say it.”

I glanced at the Black Mountain devil, and remembered how my cousin was possessed by him before, and I felt a lot of anger in my heart.

This guy has killed many ghost hunters, and many ghost hunters of the family have died in his hands. Not only the blood of the whole body is lost, but also the soul is scattered. Scatter his soul.


Montenegro still looked at me coldly and kept silent.

"Zhu Rong, I will put him in the Vulcan ring, help me take good care of him!"

Knocking on the Vulcan ring, the vortex emerged again, a big pale hand protruded from the vortex, directly grabbed Hei Shan's neck, pulled back, and Hei Shan was pulled back into the Vulcan ring.

Zhu Rong is an old man, and he knows what I mean, so I don't have to worry about what kind of troubles can be caused by Heishan who has lost his demon body now in the Vulcan ring.

"Go to sleep, I will sleep in this room today."

Thinking that it has been a long time since I went to the Vulcan ring to practice, I am going to take a look inside tonight.

Li Nianbai nodded, his room is on the opposite side, there is only one corridor away from my room.

Entering the Vulcan ring again, I was stunned. As soon as I entered, there was the scream of Heishan, and there were four red chains of fire in the surrounding space that entangled the limbs of the devil of Heishan, making him unable to move. Move, and when Zhu Rong saw me coming in, he said with a smile on his face:

"Master, this guy is stubborn, and he can't say anything in a short time."

"If you don't say it, then find a way to let him say it."

I stretched out my hand and grabbed around, red light shone in the palm of my hand, a scarlet long whip appeared in my hand, the power of fire element in the Vulcan Ring was unusually strong, as the master, I can drive this whip at any time With a burst of strength, he immediately swung the fire whip at Heishan's body.


The crisp sound of the whip pierced through the air, and it lashed Heishan's body mercilessly. The whip directly cut through his body, but the black mist dispersed, and these places that I scattered began to slowly gather together again.


Heishan let out a scream in pain, his Yin Qi was already pitifully weak, almost none, and the cohesion of his body was provided by Yin Qi, if the Yin Qi dissipated, the entire Yin body would be dissipated.

"Speak or not!"

I looked at Heishan coldly, and said expressionlessly, but he still gritted his teeth and glared at me.


"Speak or not!"

He still refused to open his mouth. After a few puffs, the wound healed more and more slowly. Zhu Rong couldn't help but stop me and said: "Master, if this continues, he will be out of his wits. Leave it to me to deal with it. I have been in the Vulcan ring space for so long, I still have the ability to torture people, you should practice, so as not to waste time."

I nodded and shook my palm, the fire whip turned into dots of fire and disappeared in my palm. Then I sat up cross-legged and stretched out my hand to make a move to the side. In my hand, I directly turned to the page of Tengyunzhishu and started to practice.

A night of hard work quickly passed. When I left the Vulcan ring space, the Black Mountain demon still refused to speak. This demon is quite stubborn. After suffering such severe torture, he still refused to recruit. He couldn't do it, but when he thought of what he had done, these thoughts were immediately left behind.

Those innocent family disciples were imprisoned in the place of corpses, and were sucked by those evil spirits. One point a day, finally the Yang Qi dissipated, their souls flew away, and the blood flowing in their bodies was released for the recovery of the Black Mountain devil. strength.

When we left the Monster Catch Sect, all the people from the sect came to see us off. This time, the location was still in Shuji, but we made an appointment to meet in our hometown. Thinking of the power of interface before, I was afraid for a while, Anyway, no matter where I go in the primitive world, I can go home.

Li Nianbai took us to a hidden mountain forest near the Monster Hunting Sect, and then found a hidden cave.

The magic circle in this cave is the same as the dense cave magic circle in the Mijiang Mountains when we came in before. It is also five round stone pillars with a Tai Chi disk in the middle. He took out the token and began to cast spells while chanting.

And the elite disciples of the Monster Catch Sect did not come with us, even though Wu Huanger and Jin Linglong inside wanted to leave with us, but Heaven has already ordered them to practice hard and come out at the right time to help us , because the strength of their younger generation of disciples is still unable to deal with real demons, so they must hurry up and practice.

Everyone knows how powerful the devil is, especially Wu Huanger. The red devil envoy took away Yan Mingzi's body. He has long been unafraid of the suppressing power of the interface, and he was able to escape from the purple-eyed zombie Mu Li. This strength is evident , the purple-eyed zombie is a master beyond the Nascent Soul level, which is equivalent to our ghost hunter who has the ninth ring of faith, and ghost hunters who can reach such a high-level ring number are only those old guys. Possess the strength.

The formation was activated, and a white light flashed inside. Without hesitation, I was the first to jump in.

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