Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 320 [Qingyang]


Before I could cast the second rune circle, the dagger pierced the shield of the real clock of Heigang, and the tip of the dagger seemed to be pierced on a hard iron block, sparking some silver sparks.

"The second rune defense circle is activated!"

The mysterious silver rune on the Black Gang real clock flickered again, and another thicker shield emerged again. With these two layers of shields, I can completely resist their sneak attacks, although my demon sword Being caught by the man in the suit is also an excellent opportunity.


The red sword light condensed into a sword dragon, and a huge head formed. Almost instantly, the sword dragon opened its mouth and bit the man's neck in a suit. After being bitten off, a large amount of blood spurted out from the neck, the whole body was trembling non-stop, and finally fell to the ground with a loud crash.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I withdrew the demon-subduing sword and slashed at the strong man who assassinated me. Seeing my companion dying, he also clearly understood the power of the demon-subduing sword, so he didn't dare to take it hard. I jumped back suddenly, and my thin body was already in the air. With my hands raised, dense darts shot towards me. In an instant, there was a loud sound of breaking through the air.

"Ding ding..."

The clear and crisp sounds of Jin Ge crossing sounded one after another. These iron darts have strong penetrating power, but they can't penetrate the defense of the real clock of Heigang. In the end, they were rebounded by this force and opened. There was a triangular iron dart all over the place, but this man was indomitable, and he didn't know how to install so many hidden weapons on his body. The silver light flashed wildly when the outermost shield was hit, and there were faint signs of collapse.

It was Jing Kong Yingzi who confronted Kong Huahua. She knew that she could not fight Kong Huahua, so she thought of ways to deal with Chen Shaoyang, so until now, she has not solved this woman.

"You kid, stay away!"

The empty flower embroidered skirt was rolled up, blocking a bunch of hidden weapons, and bared its teeth and yelled at Chen Shaoyang.

"Can I escape like this now?!"

Chen Shaoyang shrank his head and became very speechless. If he was in the past, he would not be afraid, but now his mind has been planted, and he cannot gather a new source of belief. When he was arrested, he was sealed by this woman again. The pulse needle, as long as the range of motion is slightly wider, the body seems to be torn apart, let alone dodge the attack, so it becomes a living target. In order to reduce the pressure on Kong Huahua, he has tried his best to dodge the attack.

I stood where I was and didn't move, but I wanted to see how much this powerful man of the country still has.

These triangular iron darts shot out densely like rain, and suddenly there was a strange green glow among them. This green glow was very inconspicuous, and it instantly pierced the protective cover.


The outermost protective cover was shattered because of this. I haven't seen what happened yet. The green light pierced the innermost protective cover again, and there was a crisp sound. The protective cover seemed to be like paper, and it also shattered. Yes, but at this time, my body has already twisted away, and I stretched out my hand to grab the green light. An unusually cold touch came from my fingertips. The green awn was thrown to the ground by me.

It was actually a small snake. This small snake was only as thick as a thumb. Its body was green, like amber and emerald. Its body was shiny and its head was triangular. It should be an extremely poisonous snake.

It was my thumb that was bitten. There were two fang holes on the finger, and black blood overflowed. In just a few breaths, my thumb had doubled in size, showing a purple-black color, and I lost all feeling in the palm of my hand, without thinking too much, I immediately stretched out my hand to seal several blood spots on this arm, preventing the venom from spreading upwards.

"Zhong Yuan, be careful, this snake is very dangerous! I can feel that there is a huge evil spirit on this snake!"

Kong Huahua not far away saw me stop, her face changed slightly, and she reminded me loudly.

"Since you know it's a monster, why don't you just catch it? Qingyang's skills are much higher than yours, and the two of you together are no match for each other!"

When Sakurako Jingsora saw the little blue snake, she was slightly startled at first, but then her face became overjoyed, and she spoke a lot louder. Of course, these words were also for me, just to ask me to admit defeat obediently.

This green snake is not actually Yamasa Ichiro's shikigami, but it has reached a certain agreement with Yamasa Ichiro, so it will help them.

The body of the emerald-like snake twisted a few times, emerald light surged on its surface, and a vague figure stood up.

An astonishing evil spirit burst out from the figure's body, and the figure gradually became clear, and a long-haired man wearing a blue robe and silver moiré embroidered on his shoulders appeared.

This man is thin and has a cold face, but his facial features are very coquettish, just like the dragon and fox Kong Konger I saw in the spirit world before, but he has another kind of temperament, that is, he is colder than my cousin Zhongli, Even Ksitigarbha's reincarnation was even colder, a cinnabar the size of a broad bean was dotted between his brows, his eyes looked at me very coldly, a little blood was still flowing from the corners of his thin lips.

From his attire, it can be seen that this demon should be dressed in ancient China, but why help these Fan Kingdom people at this moment?

I shook my head, tried my best to stay awake, and activated all the four rune circles on the Heigang real clock, and then said:

"Senior Qingyang, what is the meaning of this? I have no grievances with you, why did you attack me? And help the people of this country."

Qingyang stared at me expressionlessly, with a slight cluster of sword eyebrows, and then stared at the strong man behind him with a questioning expression, the strong man's face changed slightly, he coughed a few times, and said in his not-so-fluent Chinese language:

"This person killed many of our strong men, let go of Yamasa-sama's shikigami, and please help me kill this person."

"Joke, she is a fox from Qingqiu country, so how could she be the shikigami of your Fan country? Besides, Kong Huahua has already signed a contract with me, and she is my pet beast. You people from Fan country are really shameless. , can you still be shameless if you unite with the devil of the Maha World to suppress him?!"

I gritted my teeth and sneered.

"The people over there are already shameless, so why bother talking nonsense to them, Zhong Yuan, using the ancient monster-slaying talisman, no matter how advanced his skills are, he can't face the attack of the monster-slaying talisman. People from the Fan Kingdom, if it spreads to the demon world, wouldn't they just laugh their ass off?!"

Sora Huahua's voice was a little louder, she stood in front of Chen Shaoyang, and Jing Sora Yingzi stopped attacking her.

Qingyang frowned even deeper, the sea breeze blew, the long hair behind him fluctuated slightly, his thin lips were about to open, but in the end they were still tightly closed, and he didn't see him make any more moves, just standing beside the strong man in that country .

"Qingyang, at the beginning, you made an agreement with Lord Yamasa. As long as we successfully occupy Nanhai City, we will find the entrance of Putuo Kuzhu Temple. Sooner or later we will take over Kuzhu Temple. At that time, you can also see what you want to see If you don’t kill him, then the partnership will be terminated, and you can look for Kuzhu Temple alone, but I heard that you broke into Kuzhu Temple many years ago, came back seriously injured, and never went there again.”

Yingzi Jingsora walked up to Qingyang with strides, and said with a cold snort, her tone was very threatening.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kong Huahua brought Chen Shaoyang to my side. Kong Huahua stared at my swollen thumb, and said with a serious expression: "This stinky snake actually bit you, but didn't you just practice the real devil's facial hair?" Gong, even the blade can't hurt your flesh without a little effort, besides that, you are also poisoned, which is really strange."

"This snake has been practiced for at least 500 years. What's so strange about being bitten? I don't feel ashamed. Did you hear that this green snake broke through the Kuzhu Temple? The mysterious sect that the headquarters of the Ghost Master Alliance is fighting against, and this Kuzhu Temple is a branch of the Wuliang Temple in the spiritual world, maybe there are some big figures sitting in the Kuzhu Temple. Zong’s disciples, they won’t just ignore death, think about it now, how do we escape, you really can’t take two people away at once?”

I opened my mouth in a low voice. The other party, Sakurako Isora, has been negotiating with Qingyang, but Qingyang still has a gloomy face, staring at us from time to time.

Kong Huahua shook her head, and also said in a soft voice: "No, although I have improved a lot in the spirit world this time, I can only take one person with me. Otherwise, I will take you away."

When Chen Shaoyang heard this, he immediately became anxious, wrinkled his face, and said pitifully: "If you leave, I will die."

"Little fox, you take him away. I know the art of soaring clouds, and nothing will happen. Don't worry, I will do what I promised. I will protect your life."

I patted Chen Shaoyang on the shoulder, and I started to comfort him.

"No, Zhong Yuan, how could you make such a decision for an outsider?!"

Kong Huahua didn't understand very much.

"Who is an outsider? Zhong Yuan will be my good brother from now on. When I recover my strength, if he has any difficulties, I will definitely help him!"

Chen Shaoyang glared at Kong Huahua, put his arm around my shoulder, looking like two good brothers.

"Okay, I'll take him away now. We'll meet up at Putuo Port, Zhong Yuan, you must escape."

Kong Huahua stared at me, then grabbed Chen Shaoyang with one hand, and the other hand was empty, a blue light flickered on the palm, a crack opened, and was about to get in, but the crack was closed at once, Kong Huahua was stunned In a second, with another wave of her hand, the crack flashed out again, but when she was about to drill in again, the space crack closed again.

"There is no need to try again. People have already set up formations around them to isolate the outside world. Didn't you realize that we have been fighting these people for so long without anyone noticing?"

I reached out to stop Kong Huahua, and said with a frown.

Kong Huahua picked up a stone from the ground and threw it into the sky with all his strength. The stone hit the barrier and shot back backwards. The void that was originally hit was rippling with a faint earthy yellow light wave, but it was very short. Calm soon returned, just at this moment, a faint figure came from afar.

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