Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 321 [Huang Yuan]

This person is dressed very casually, with printed short-sleeves on his upper body and beach shorts that are very representative of Nanhai City on his lower body. He has a straight hairstyle and mediocre facial features. A palm-sized yellow leather gourd, in addition, seems to be carrying a backpack.

When Sakurako Jingsora saw the person coming, she immediately stopped talking with Qingyang, but trotted all the way to the young man, grabbed his arm with both hands, pressed her chest against it, kept rubbing, and said coquettishly:

"Brother Huang Yuan, you are finally here."

"What's the matter, little girl?"

The young man showed an evil smile, and kept rubbing Yingko Isora's plump breasts with one hand, and asked in a deep voice, ignoring the ugly expression on the face of the strong man from the country, but when Qingyang saw this person, A snort came out of his nose.

"This kid killed many of our Fan Kingdom powerhouses, and let go of Lord Yamasa's future shikigami. Brother Huang Yuan, you managed to catch this monster. Wouldn't it be a pity to leave now?"

Jing Kong Yingzi’s voice was whiny, and I felt my hairs stand on my head for a while, and my heart was horrified. Isn’t this man named Huang Yuan Huang Yuan, one of the five envoys of the five demons? Huang Yuan should be the only one left among the five envoys. Jin Mo , although Montenegro is not dead, but has done nothing, can it be possible to escape from the sky in the Vulcan ring?

The strength of this Huang Yuan is estimated to be far stronger than the other three familiars, otherwise it would be impossible to quietly arrange a magic circle in front of us to seal off the surrounding space. I think that's how Kong Huahua should have been caught.

Sure enough, when Kong Huahua saw this person, anger burned in his eyes, and he gritted his silver teeth and said:

"Zhong Yuan, this is the person who caught me. He should still have the Demon Suppressing Talisman in his hand. What should I do?"

"The demon-suppressing talisman only works on monsters, not me, and what he uses is not a real demon-suppressing talisman, it can only trap you little monsters. The real big monsters cannot be suppressed by his demon-suppressing talisman." What can be suppressed, his demon-suppressing talisman can barely be regarded as a small-town demon talisman, and the number will definitely not be many, you can rest assured."

Few people know the talisman of the demon-suppressing talisman now, but the Shanggu Town-monster talisman is the real demon-suppressing talisman.

"Don't worry, since I plan to give her to Ichiro Yamasa, I won't break my promise. The surrounding space has been sealed off, and she can't escape. It's interesting that there are such advanced snake monsters in the original world."

Huang Yuan stared at Qingyang, smiled strangely, and strode forward.

Qingyang still stood there motionless, as if isolated from the world, everything that happened here had nothing to do with him.

"Huang Yuan, do you dare to fight with me? Among the five demon messengers, Heishan has been scattered, leaving only a trace of soul. The red devil messenger, Lu Ji has been killed by me. You want to end up with them, big You can try."

I stared at Huang Yuan coldly, hoping to frighten him and make him retreat.

There was a smile on the corner of Huang Yuan's mouth, he didn't get angry at all, and said slowly: "I know, but even if you didn't get injured by beheading the two of them, you still lost a lot of ghost hunting power. May I ask, how to deal with me? Summoning ghosts Sent here to help? They won’t come out in broad daylight. Do you think this is the great world of Maha without day and night? You hand over the soul of Black Mountain, and then give me the real clock of Black Gang, and then give this fox The demon stays here, I can get you out of here safely, how about it? Don’t forget that you are poisoned now, and only his saliva can detoxify you. Even if you can suppress it now, it is only for a while, and you will be with me later Do it, and you will die from poison."

"Alright, since you want to do it, let me try my tricks! The bone of the real devil!"

With a low shout, the real devil's bone in the dantian suddenly opened his eyes, the golden pupils carried a murderous aura, and soon appeared behind me. With a pounce, I attached my body, and for a short while I felt my body swell.

This is the first time for me to use real demon possession, and this is also a last resort. One is to strengthen my own strength in all aspects, and the other is to increase my body's resistance, hoping to suppress the snake venom.

After the bone of the real devil merged into my body, I felt obvious changes, especially in my arms, and the center of my brow was aching. At this moment, the magic source bead was actually inlaid on my forehead, and the magic source bead was covered with strange purple and gold magic patterns. In addition, the strength of the whole body is soaring, I can feel that I can break the boulder with one punch now.

"Magic skills? You..."

Chen Shaoyang was slightly startled, and stared at me dumbfounded, with a look of horror on his face.

"Don't worry, he's just practicing magic skills to strengthen his body, he's not like those real devils, don't you care as much as those old guys at the headquarters of the Ghost Hunter Alliance?"

Kong Huahua glanced at Chen Shaoyang with contempt, and Chen Shaoyang said helplessly: "Of course I won't, as long as my heart is upright, I won't look at this matter from a worldly perspective. Don't discredit me in Zhong A good impression in Yuan's mind."

After speaking, he winked at me.

"True Magic Physique? You are actually able to cultivate such advanced magic skills. Just now, I saw that your real magic bone has already begun to take on a human form. It is already very remarkable that you can cultivate to the sixth level of magic power at such a young age." , is just right to be my magic guard, Sakurako, is this monster joining forces with us, if not, then get out of here."

After Huang Yuan finished speaking, he stared at Qingyang and snorted coldly.

He doesn't want any uncertain factors to exist. This monster poses a great threat to him. Now there is only one monster-suppressing talisman left. This monster-suppressing talisman is to be used on Kong Huahua. The reason for this decision is that First of all, Qingyang should not be hostile to these people from Fanguo. Second, with Qingyang's strength, he is not sure whether his demon-suppressing talisman will work.

Seeing that Huang Yuan was about to make a move, Jing Kong Yingzi looked overjoyed, turned around, and said to Qingyang: "Qingyang, let's go, when we capture Kuzhu Temple, we will contact you. At that time, we will Please don't be timid!"

Qingyang was a little hesitant, with an uncertain expression on his face.

"Capture the Kuzhu Temple? A joke, relying on you? The Kuzhu Temple is a branch of the Wuliang Temple in the spiritual world. Maybe there are big figures sent by the Wuliang Temple to sit in the town. Others can slap you to death. You still want to capture the Kuzhu Temple. If you want to laugh your ass off, you think they're easy to bully because they don't hide from the world?"

After I finished speaking, I burst out laughing, and the flowers next to me were trembling with laughter, and they cooperated very well. Chen Shaoyang nodded desperately, took my words and continued:

"Yes, they just heard that the Kuzhu Temple has a great influence on the Huaxia Kingdom. Whether it is in the ghost hunter family or among ordinary people, they want to use the Kuzhu Temple to control the people of China. It is simply delusional. They can't do it now. Find the way to the Kuzhu Temple, because the Kuzhu Temple is covered by the super array, and now even the island is covered, so I probably don’t want to pay attention to them.”

"Why do you know the situation of Kuzhu Temple so well?"

Qingyang, who had never made a sound all this time, raised his brows and spoke. His voice was quite magnetic, but it was already cold, and at the same time, there was an irresistible majesty in it.

"Of course I know, because I have been in contact with the monks of the Kuzhu Temple. I heard that you broke into the Kuzhu Temple and returned with serious injuries. I think the only thing that can hurt you is the Sutra of the Great Sun Fumo. I don't know what you are. When did you go, but I advise you not to go now, because in addition to the abbot of Kuzhu Temple who will teach the Great Ritual Demon Subduing Sutra, there is also a young monk Huiyang who has also comprehended this technique. It will hurt more."

I don't think there's anything to hide about this. It's a pity that he was so profound in the way he was lost in the Kuzhu Temple, and I don't want him to go to the Kuzhu Temple to make trouble.

"Huiyang...Huiyang also practiced the Great Sun's Subduing Demons Sutra, this damned little guy, he promised me not to let Huiyang practice this Sutra, so I allowed him to enter the Kuzhu Temple, unexpectedly he still practiced! "

Qingyang gritted his teeth, his eyes flickered fiercely, his whole body was surrounded by green light, and a huge monster aura shot out, making everyone around him take a few steps back, only Huang Yuan stared at Qingyang with a horrified expression.

"Why? Do you know Huiyang? What's wrong with practicing this highest secret art of Buddhism? This requires a connection with Buddhism. Even the monks in Kuzhu Temple can't succeed in practicing."

I am a little puzzled, even I wanted to practice this technique at the beginning.

"You don't understand at all. In this case, you must know Kuzhu Temple very well. Take me there, or bring Huiyang out. I can help you detoxify the snake and help you repel them. How about it?"

Qingyang took a deep breath, trying hard to suppress the anger in his heart.

"Qingyang, why are you doing this, let's talk about it!"

When Yingzi Jingsora heard this, she became anxious. Qingyang is the strongest fighting force on their side. Now she regrets that the strong Fan Guo brought him here, because even Yamasa Ichiro has no way to subdue Qingyang. Make a deal with him.

Hearing Jingsora Sakurako's words of shock and anger, Qingyang didn't take it seriously, instead he stared at me, waiting for my answer.

Huang Yuan's eyes flashed fiercely, he reached into his trouser pocket, took out a yellow talisman, and threw it at Qingyang suddenly. The speed of this yellow talisman was so fast that it stuck to his chest almost within a breath. on the forehead.

Huang Yuan's movements were quick, and just as I was about to say a reminder, the opponent's talisman was pasted on Qingyang.

No, Qingyang couldn't bear it so he was shaken, the snake poison on my body needs him to be able to remove it.

"Little fox, you deal with the remaining strong man and Yingzi Isora, and I will deal with Huang Yuan, Chen Shaoyang, take this opportunity to tear off the demon-suppressing talisman on top of Qingyang's head, as soon as this talisman is destroyed, our form will be destroyed." It will be reversed!"

I can't take care of so much anymore, Huang Yuan saw my motive, sneered, and said:

"Do you think you have a chance?"

After finishing speaking, he pointed his toes and went straight to Qingyang. He had a red steel needle in his hand. Seeing the appearance of this steel needle, he looked familiar, but I couldn't let me think too much, because this steel needle went straight to Qingyang. Qingyang walked away with a frown, this guy was determined to let Qingyang's soul fly away.

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