Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 323 [Story of Ning Qingyang]

The corpses of these strong men from the Fan Kingdom were lying on the ground. The Tianling Gai was pierced through, and their brains were mixed with blood all over their hair. One of the strong men's eyes were round and bulging, his face was full of fear, and his mouth was open. His face was covered with blood, and he looked like he was dying.

Huang Yuan dragged the yellow-skinned gourd away with one hand, chanted a spell in his mouth, and the yellow sand was blown out from the mouth of the gourd. The wind and sand directly entangled the three corpses, and purple magic fire suddenly appeared on the yellow sand. The magic fire began to submerge into the corpse. Seeing this scene, Sakurako Isora was dumbfounded.

The sound of the incantation became louder and louder, Huang Yuan's face showed a dignified look, and the color of the yellow-skinned gourd in his hand gradually turned into a dark purple. The strong man died between the eyebrows.

After a while, the body of the strong man's dead body became hazy, and as the yellow sandstorm poured into the yellow leather gourd, the other two dead bodies were processed according to the law, and they were all put into the gourd. Tie the gourd around his waist, and look at Sakurako Isora with a smile.

"Brother Huang Yuan, how many demon corpses are there in your gourd? It looks quite powerful."

Jing Sora Yingzi stared at the yellow leather gourd on Huang Yuan's waist intently, showing envy.

"Not many, just a few dozen. This magic gourd can cultivate these demon corpses, and all of them are under my control. Even if these demon corpses have broken hands and feet, as long as they are put into the magic gourd, they can all be restored, and they can Attack the enemy again, this time attacking Kuzhu Temple, the demon corpse will come in handy."

Huang Yuan spoke very proudly, then glanced at the distance, then turned to Jing Sora Yingzi and said:

"It's still a while before Saichiro Satoyama comes, why don't we go to the woods first?"

Jing Kong Yingzi nodded shyly, and then took Huang Yuan to the woods. After a while, there were bursts of panting sounds in the woods.


Two hours later, we stopped at Putuo Port, which has a very diverse population and has formed a very small town. This small town is all of antique architectural style, and the pier is particularly lively. Most of the parked boats are fishing boats, and in the port, there are many seafood sellers, and it is very lively with people coming and going.

The car stopped, and my ring of faith has been recovered twice, but it is far from enough.

"Zhong Yuan, can we get out of the car? It's uncomfortable to be with this snake monster. I'm afraid I'll be eaten by him."

The empty flower in the back seat pouted, and protested to me in the front row.

I turned my head, glanced at Qing Yang with a livid face, and said:

"Let's talk first. First of all, let me introduce you. I am the head of the Zhong family, Zhong Yuan, and a disciple of the Demon Catch Sect in the spirit world. The person driving next to me is Chen Shaoyang, the head of the Nanhai City Branch of the Ghost Hunters Alliance. Next to you is Qingqiu Fox, Kong Huahua, who has signed a contract with me. Please introduce your situation, otherwise I will not rashly take you to the Kuzhu Temple. Although I am not in alliance with the Kuzhu Temple, there are also people in the Kuzhu Temple I have an unusual relationship, and I will not bring danger into it, if you insist on going in with me, then explain the ins and outs of this matter, and the reason for me to help you."

Qingyang gave me a cold look, and said in a low voice: "My name is Ning Qingyang, a green snake who has practiced for 200 years."

"What is your relationship with Huiyang, and what is his relationship with you when he practices the Great Sun's Demon Subduing Sutra?"

I asked again, I have to make it clear that if I bring disaster to Kuzhu Temple, the loss outweighs the gain, and the other party also reported his family name as a snake demon who has cultivated for 200 years. is several times older.

Ning Qingyang's handsome eyebrows frowned slightly, staring out of the window, looking at the hazy island in the distance of the sea, his face was full of memories:

"Huiyang is just the dharma name given to him by that kid. In fact, his name is Ning Qingcheng. My benefactor was reincarnated. About hundreds of years ago, when I crossed the catastrophe, he was the one who saved me. He was a little hunter at that time. , most of my snake body was burnt, it was he who healed me, and I was able to successfully transform into a human form. After he let me go, I devoted myself to cultivation, and after I stabilized my human form, I went down the mountain to ask him to repay my kindness, but unexpectedly something happened Unexpectedly, he was already dead, and then I went to the underworld to look for him, but he was reincarnated, and I didn't find him until a few years ago."

"Can you be more bloody? Why didn't a little shepherd boy save you? Why isn't your surname Bai? Or, why don't you have a sister named Bai?"

Chen Shaoyang rolled his eyes at the side, but Kong Huahua was different. He put his hands quietly on his chest, and looked like he was listening very seriously. When he saw Chen Shaoyang interrupting Ning Qingyang's conversation, he gave him a fierce look. Chen Shaoyang Only then shut up.

"He's not a little shepherd boy, he's a hunter. I do have a sister named Bai, and she opened my spiritual wisdom. At that time, she helped me open my spiritual wisdom and taught me the way of cultivation. That's when I went down the mountain. Many years ago, Sister Bai went to another place. Let me talk about Qingcheng. At that time, his family was very poor. He went to the mountains to hunt when he was only eleven or twelve years old, but he could only hunt some hares, pheasants and the like. , The reason why my surname is Ning is because Qingcheng is also surnamed Ning. Unexpectedly, in this life, he is still Ning Qingcheng. He saved me at that time, and he did not appear again for a long time. I found him again after basking in the sun."

Speaking of this, the layer of ice on Ning Qingcheng's face seemed to disintegrate instantly, showing a knowing smile.

"What's next? Keep talking, don't stop."

Kong Huahua has completely turned into a look of worship, and began to shake Ning Qingyang's arm.

"At that time, I swam into the bushes and looked at him quietly. I found that he was hunting hares, holding an iron tire bow in his hand. Being able to pull the iron tire bow at a young age is already very remarkable. He shot the unlucky gray rabbit with one shot. This kind of rabbit basically ate them before I was born with wisdom. Qingcheng happily went to pick up the rabbit he shot, but there was a hungry rabbit. The wolf was staring at Qingcheng. He didn't notice it at the time, and I had to help him out, because this was not an ordinary wolf, but a wolf that had cultivated for 800 years and was about to transform into a human form. It’s just that he hasn’t had the chance, so he has been unable to overcome the calamity and cultivate the human body.”

Ning Qingyang spoke lightly, seeing Kong Huahua listened very seriously, and said again:

"At that time, I had passed through the Lightning Tribulation of Transformation. Although I was healed by Qingcheng and slowly recovered, my strength had not really fully recovered, and this monster wolf was usually my enemy, and there were only two of us in the whole mountain. Afterwards, we lost both sides. It was Qingcheng who found out and shot the wolf monster in the leg with a sword, so it ran away unwillingly. Afterwards, Qingcheng recognized me and picked herbs to help me. I put it on and left in the evening. After several years, Qingcheng never came up again. Later, when I recovered from my injuries, I went down the mountain to find him. After some inquiries, I heard from the villagers that Qingcheng was killed by a wolf. Only after it was bitten to death did I know that when Qingcheng shot it with an arrow, it had already fixed on Qingcheng, and it was all my fault for not protecting him well."


Kong Huahua had been listening intently all the time, when she heard that Qingcheng was killed by the wolf demon, she was holding a bottle of mineral water in her hand, but at this moment, she didn't realize it, and crushed it with one hand.

"It turns out that Huiyang died like this in his previous life."

I spoke thoughtfully, Ning Qingcheng was so nervous to find Huiyang, could it be that the wolf demon is not dead?

Ning Qingyang glanced at me and said:

"The demon wolf didn't die. He didn't transform successfully at the beginning. After learning the news, I broke into the underworld and was injured by the senior ghost messenger of the underworld. But he didn't break up my primordial spirit. Afterwards, he also helped me track down Qingcheng's whereabouts, and then I found out that Qingcheng had been reincarnated, but the senior ghost messenger didn't know Qingcheng's whereabouts, so, for hundreds of years, I searched for Qingcheng's reincarnation. While looking for the wolf to take revenge, I didn’t discover the whereabouts of the wolf until a few years ago. When I found Qingcheng, I also found the wolf. This wolf is not very good, but it is very cunning. , and killed Qingcheng’s family, and threatened me with it.”

"It's so vicious, if I find out, I must beat that demon wolf hard!"

Kong Huahua patted the water stains on her body, and said angrily.

"Although he is low-level, you are not his opponent, but Zhong Yuan can deal with it, if you really have the demon-slaying talisman in your hand."

Ning Qingcheng glanced at me thoughtfully, and continued:

"I have been chasing them, taking advantage of the wolf's negligence, and severely injured him, but I was concerned about Qingcheng's safety, so I didn't pursue them. This damned wolf demon actually left an extremely cold breath in Qingcheng's body. I It's a snake, originally belonged to yin, and this yin qi was sealed by him after spending hundreds of years in his practice. If I get rid of it rashly, Qingcheng will fall into reincarnation again. At that time, the boy I met here, That is, the abbot of Kuzhu Temple, and now the master of Qingcheng."

"So it is."

I suddenly opened my mouth.

"At the beginning, he clearly promised that as long as Qingcheng was restored, I could pick him up, but this guy broke his promise and made it clear that he was young, and it was not good to be a monster with me, so he temporarily stayed in Kuzhu Temple. Duoren, this guy actually hurt me with the Da Ri Fu Mo Sutra! Now listen to you, Qingcheng has also practiced this kind of exercise, isn't it obvious that he wants to use Qingcheng to deal with me! I really thought I was Ning Qingyang These thousand and 200 years have been for nothing? If I hadn’t feared that Qingcheng was in Kuzhu Temple, I would have done it a long time ago and flooded their Putuo Island!”

Ning Qingyang gritted his teeth, green light flickered in his pupils, and he spoke angrily.

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