Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 324 [Extradition Monk]

"Good job, if necessary, I can help you! I like monsters who know how to repay you, and I am the same as you."

Kong Huahua touched the hairpin on her hair, pursed her lips slightly, and showed a sweet smile.

Ning Qingyang glanced at Kong Huahua in surprise, nodded, and the corners of his mouth curled up, revealing a slight smile.

"Don't make trouble, little fox, this is just his one-sided words, but, I decided to believe you, but you must promise me a few conditions when you go there with me, and follow my wishes, so that I can take you with me , otherwise, even if you kill me, it is impossible to break into Kuzhu Temple."

I glanced at Ning Qingyang, and I considered the seriousness of it. If he was a heinous monster who tricked us, the consequences would be unimaginable, but I still believe it a little bit in my heart. Although he bit me, but in the end He still saved me, he didn't have the hostility emanating from the evil monster.

This kind of evil monster is different from ordinary monsters. The former is fierce and bloodthirsty, and will not shy away from it at all, and has no intention of cultivating to achieve positive results in the future. , so he practiced hard and devoured the essence of the sun and the moon. After a long period of accumulation, the evil spirit on this kind of monster was very weak, not like an evil monster.

When going through the catastrophe in the future, the evil monsters have no special protection, basically they will die without a doubt, and they will be blown away by the thunder catastrophe, while the normal monsters can use their accumulated merits to reduce the thunder catastrophe, and they are cultivated. The mana is also very pure. Before turning into a human form, it may not be the opponent of the evil monster of the same year, but as long as it turns into a human form, it will definitely be different, because some monsters who have a good relationship can practice the art of talisman, but This can be regarded as a heaven-defying chance. Few monsters can do this, but the dragon and fox Kong Kong'er I have seen can do it. From him, I feel the power of Buddhism.

Ning Qingyang listened to my words, thought for a while, and nodded.

"First point, you can't appear with your current appearance, and I will take action to help you minimize the evil spirit on your body. Second point, don't talk nonsense when you arrive at Kuzhu Temple, especially when you see the little monk Huiyang. The third point, and the most important point, is not to hurt any monk easily. I know that, except for the abbot, none of the monks in the Kuzhu Temple should be your opponent, so you don’t need to guarantee it. ?”

As long as he can do this, I will feel at ease, because my current ring of faith has not been restored, and the ancient monster-slaying talisman cannot be used, so it is impossible to deal with him.

"I can promise."

Qingyang's handsome eyebrows raised slightly, and he gave me a cold look. His face was shrouded in a layer of blue light and began to change. Soon, the original delicate face became like an ordinary person, and it became a place to be seen in the crowd. The kind of ordinary person who can forget at a glance, the long hair at the back of his head also disappeared and became very short, but he still has a special aura in his whole body. After thinking about it, I spread my palm and said goldenly. The pattern is condensed.

The cover talisman doesn't need many Dao patterns, just three or four. It's just pity for the ghost hunting power I have cultivated in the past few hours.

"Okay, Chen Shaoyang, I will find a way to force you out of the acupuncture needle in your body when you get to Kuzhu Temple. As long as you don't act rashly or try to cultivate, the acupuncture needle will be fine."

Seeing that Chen Shaoyang has been staring at me, I understand what he means, but now is not the time to solve it, we are not out of danger yet, although Huang Yuan and those powerful people from the Fan Kingdom are temporarily frightened, it does not rule out that they are not in Nanhai City. reinforcement.

After getting off the car, I walked to the port, and among the crowd, I reached out and raised the token that Huiyi had given me.

This action immediately caused people around me to stare sideways. I held it up in embarrassment, and then put it down after a minute. I was very speechless about this.

But after a while, a monk in a khaki robe came over, looked at me carefully, and asked, "This benefactor, is it you who holds the order of mercy from Kuzhu Temple?"

I glanced at this young monk who was a bit dazed, and said angrily: "It's not me, or who?"

After finishing speaking, he handed the token in his hand to the monk. The stunned monk took the token and carefully identified it. After a while, a smile appeared on his face, and he clasped his hands together and said: "It is indeed the mercy of our Kuzhu Temple." Order, the poor monk is the extradition monk Wukong, please come with me, all benefactors."

Wu Kong made a gesture of invitation, walked through the crowd, and led us to a small boat. This small boat is very inconspicuous, but very elegant, several feet long, made of ebony, the hull is black and shiny, with a cabin in the middle. There are wooden windows on the side, and the hollow patterns are very delicate. When you walk into the cabin, there is a long table with a red peat stove on it. A casserole is placed on the charcoal stove to emit a faint tea fragrance.

"This benefactor, we will go to the Kuzhu Temple later. If the poor monk guessed correctly, this order of mercy should be given to the benefactor by Senior Brother Hui Yi, and the benefactor should be the benefactor Zhong Yuan."

After we uploaded, Wukong also came up, and when he poured tea for me, he spoke with a smile on his face.

"That's right, it was given to me by the eminent monk Huiyi, and this time I came to Kuzhu Temple, in addition to meeting the little monk Huiyang, I also have an important matter to negotiate with the abbot of your temple."

I nodded without denying it.

"Junior Brother Huiyang likes the benefactor very much, and often makes noises to find you. What the benefactor Zhong Yuan said must be what happened in Nanhai City. In fact, Kuzhu Temple already knew about this incident, but it involved foreign forces. , plus the devil of the Maha Great World, our Kuzhu Temple is also helpless. We originally wanted to contact the elders of the Nanhai Ghost Hunter Alliance branch, but they couldn't be contacted. Not only that, the hunters of the entire alliance branch The ghost masters all disappeared out of thin air."

After Wukong poured tea for us, he stood by and spoke quietly, while looking at the people around him, when his eyes fell on Kong Huahua, his face changed slightly.

"Most of the members of the Ghost Hunters Alliance have already been killed, and I am Chen Shaoyang, the elder of the alliance. Another group of members is currently lurking in Nanhai City. They will not act rashly if they are not absolutely sure of taking back Nanhai City."

Chen Shaoyang took a sip of his tea and said.

Wukong nodded, and said to me: "Benefactor Zhong Yuan, Kuzhu Temple is a place of Buddhism, it might not be too good for this female benefactor to go."

Kong Huahua put his hands on his hips, stared at Wukong, grinned and said: "Why can't you go? Are you afraid that I will stay in your Kuzhu Temple and refuse to leave?"

"Huahua, you misunderstood what he meant, Master Wukong, this little fox is my pet beast, I will keep it under my control, and will not harm the monks in your monastery."

I could see his concerns. This Wukong monk is an extradition monk with sharp eyesight. He has already noticed the slight evil spirit in Kong Huahua's body, so he didn't rush to sail. False or not, the reason why she is said to be a benefactor is that it is not easy to point it out in front of me.

Hearing my words, Wuchen smiled awkwardly and nodded:

"Since there is a guarantee from the current Patriarch of the Zhong Family, then I will make an exception. I believe that the Patriarch of the Zhong Family will not disappoint me. In this case, let's go. Recently, there have been many people from foreign forces in Putuo Port. If we let them keep an eye on it, we will be delayed again."

"Well, how long does it take to get to Putuo Island? I heard that Putuo Island has been covered up by the eminent monks of Kuzhu Temple. It is not easy to enter Putuo Island."

I picked up a cup of tea and asked questions.

"It takes about two hours to reach Putuo Island. Yes, the last time the senior brothers came back from Iceland, they brought a lot of important news. Moreover, the power of the Fan Kingdom is ready to move in the past two years, and they want to use our Kuzhu Temple Power is doing evil in China, so we have to cover the entire island, well, everyone, rest first."

Wukong smiled faintly, left the cabin and walked outside, after a while he rowed the oars, and the boat floated far away.

Just as we were leaving Putuo Port, many people in black tights jumped into the sea from a relatively remote location in Putuo Port, and soon disappeared.

About an hour later, the coast had become a little hazy. I closed my eyes and rested my mind, and I was recovering my ghost hunting power. He took out his own fishing rod from the back of the carriage and brought it to the boat. Now he and Kong Huahua are fishing at the stern of the boat.

The sea can be regarded as calm, without strong wind and waves. There are many seagulls flying low in the sky, and a few even landed on the small boat.

Time passed by, and when I opened my eyes, Wukong had stopped rowing, but was standing out of the penetration, holding the token I handed him before, holding the token in both hands, The mantra sounded in his mouth, and in an instant, a faint golden light emanated from the surface of his body. This golden light was very inconspicuous, but it really existed. After a while, the sound of the mantra became louder.

A big wave suddenly appeared on the calm sea in front of us. Qingyang and I got out of the cabin respectively and stared at the direction of the waves. Seeing this scene, Qingyang showed a cold smile.

Just when I didn't quite understand what he meant, he raised his finger and pointed to the distance, and said, "This extradition monk wants to open an entrance so that we can enter Mount Putuo."

As soon as the words fell, the surrounding waves became bigger and bigger, and the boat began to ups and downs. Chen Shaoyang is an ordinary person now, and he was almost thrown out, but Kong Huahua was by his side, so I was not worried, Wu Kong stood up straight, The token of mercy in his hand was suddenly thrown towards the forward, and immediately the token turned into a golden light and sank into the void in front of him.

Just after the order of mercy submerged into it and disappeared, the sky seemed to be a prelude, slowly pulled away by someone, and a huge island appeared on the originally empty sea.

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