Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 329 [Battle against Huang Yuan]

"Well, I see, you go back first, I will go to Tianneng to discuss how to deal with this matter."

Su Ming's face was warm and moist, the golden light in his eyes dimmed, he reached out and grabbed the ruler and stood up.

Hui Yi nodded, saluted again, and then hurriedly left the secret room and came to the guest room where we were staying.


Ning Qingyang carried Huiyang into the house, and Huiyang was holding a Putuo Spiritual Fruit in his hand, but both of them looked unhappy.

"Just now, the bell in the temple rang again. Did someone enter Putuo Island again?"

I opened my eyes and asked.

Before the two came in, the bell rang again, but it was different from the previous bell, this time it was struck very quickly.

"This is not the curse of the demon bell, but an early warning. Someone has broken into Putuo Island and has attacked the disciples outside the temple. Apart from summoning the disciples to return to the temple, this bell has another point, that is, to make everyone prepare , It’s really strange, how can people from outside break in even though there is a large formation protecting the island?”

Not long after they came in, Hui Yi came up on his heels, and opened his mouth with a slight frown. At the same time, he took the Putuo Lingguo from Huiyang, took a closer look, then walked to the bed and placed it in front of the little fox. , the little fox sniffed his nose, and then took a bite. Immediately, the juice splashed, and the room was filled with a faint fruity fragrance.

"When we came in, those Fan Guo people had followed quietly behind. The reason why we didn't notice it was because they were lurking in the bottom of the sea, and the poison in the little fox was also poisoned by them in the sea. I think they wanted to If we want all of us to be poisoned, it’s just that these sea fish are only eaten by the little fox, let’s see if she’s still greedy in the future.”

Qingyang spoke with a livid face.

"From the bottom of the sea? Could it be that they are all proficient in avoiding water? Forget it, nothing can be redeemed now. If we hadn't come in, these outsiders would not have been able to enter Putuo Island so easily. The Huang Yuan Demon must have come in. I am now The power of hunting ghosts has also recovered a lot, and if you fight hard, you can still seriously injure this demon, Huiyang, come with me and see how your cultivation of the Great Sun Fu Mo Sutra is going."

I stood up, walked to Huiyang, and touched his head.

Huiyang clenched her small hands tightly, and her immature face showed anger, and said: "We must wipe out all these monsters. When I went to the medicine garden, I saw that the brothers who guarded the medicine garden died tragically. There, I will go with you."

"I...I'm going too."

Ning Qingyang gave me a strange look and let out a long sigh.

I grinned, I have seen Huiyang's Buddhist secret technique in the Snowy Plains, the Da Ri Fu Mo Zhen Sutra is very effective against the devil, at least it can reduce Huang Yuan's strength for me.

But Ning Qingyang will definitely take the initiative to ask for Ying when he sees Huiyang, but Ning Qingyang is a thousand-year-old demon after all, and it depends on his mood if he wants to help, so I didn't ask him, but directly asked Huiyang, Wherever Huiyang goes, Ning Qingyang will go there.

"It's not good, senior brother Huiyi, the formation protecting the island has collapsed, and the eyes of the formation on the island have been broken one by one. Abbot Tianneng asked me to come over and inform you that senior brother should lead the monks to fight against the enemy."

A monk ran in, panicked, with a monk's stick in his hand.

"Ok, I know."

Hui Yi nodded, then turned to me and said, "Benefactor Zhong Yuan, you have to be careful, the main formation of Mount Putuo has been destroyed, the opponent must be a powerful person."

"I see."

In fact, I already had a premonition in my heart that the one who destroyed the eyes of the main formation should be the Huang Yuan Demon Envoy, and it is impossible for those people from Fanguo to break the eyes of the formation.

In any case, this battle was unavoidable. I walked up to the little fox, stroked its fur, then put her clothes by the bed, turned and left the room.

"Huiyang, you should know where the eyes of the main formation are."

After walking out of the door, there is a place similar to a courtyard outside, and we are standing in the middle.

"Of course I know, but it's a long way from here."

Huiyang patted his bald head and replied.

I smiled, and immediately pinched the Yin Jue and performed the technique of soaring clouds, and soon a layer of white clouds appeared under my feet. Huiyang shouted amazingly, and immediately jumped up. He came up hesitantly.

Baiyun rose from the Kuzhu Temple and headed straight for the eyes of the main formation. A blue light shone in Ning Qingyang's palm. After a while, two snake-shaped long swords appeared in his hands. The long swords were only as wide as a thumb. There is no blade, the body of the sword is covered with cyan scales, and the tip of the sword is the head of a triangular snake. The eyes are like rubies, emitting a strange red light.

Huiyang took down the string of Buddhist beads from around his neck, and played with them in his hands. The Buddhist beads contained the power of Buddhism, and they should also be a magic weapon. Besides the scriptures engraved on these beads, there are also A statue of Buddha is carved, which is somewhat similar to those on the Buddha memorial tower.

I took out my demon-subduing sword and stood ready.

Teng Yun's speed was very fast, and he arrived at this place almost only a few minutes later. As expected, there was Huang Yuan below, and all the stone pillars behind him were broken, but he did not see the monks of Kuzhu Temple.

When we arrived this time, Huang Yuan also saw us, and directly raised the yellow gourd in his hand, a gust of yellow sand was blown out, and I immediately descended, and there was a faint feeling in the yellow sand. A dense crowd of figures emerged, and thick devilish energy emerged from these figures, and the devilish energy was connected into one piece, which was extremely astonishing.


Huiyang pointed angrily at a few bald figures not far away, and said loudly, if Ning Qingyang hadn't stopped him, he probably would have ran out.

"They are no longer your senior brothers, but were turned into demon corpses by the Huang Yuan demon head, and they will only obey Huang Yuan's command."

Ning Qingyang's faint voice sounded.

"That's right, they are all my demon corpses, Zhong Yuan, haven't you reached the realm of mastering demons, show your demon guards, let's compete."

Huang Yuan's hearty laughter came from the opposite side.

"You think I'd do something so heinous as you?"

If it is really for the sake of refining demon guards to kill people, I can't do it. If I do, I will become a real demon.

"To deal with these demon corpses, why does Brother Zhong Yuan need to take action? You have killed so many brothers in my Kuzhu Temple, and I will not let you go."

Huiyang was panting heavily, with a stubborn face, two thumbs circled the Buddhist beads in his hand, and began to mutter words, and in an instant, golden light overflowed from the Buddhist beads, Ning Qingyang saw this layer of golden light, Instinctively stepped back a few minutes, but he gritted his teeth and froze in place.

The sound of the incantation became louder and louder. Huiyang stretched out his hand and threw the Buddhist beads in his hand scattered in all directions. These Buddhist beads fell on the ground and immediately jumped crazily. After a while, they turned into tall bronze figures. There are many scriptures engraved on the person's body, the facial features are blunt, and the face is expressionless. If you count carefully, there are 36 scriptures.

After finishing the performance, Huiyang's face turned extremely pale in an instant, and he fell to the ground as soon as his feet softened, but he was supported by Ning Qingyang.

Huiyang's weak voice sounded: "36 Buddhist Vajras, form formation!"

The 36 Buddhist Vajras uttered a loud shout in unison, and the momentum was astonishing. They immediately transformed into a large formation in front of us, and most of the surrounding yellow wind and sand were blown away by this momentum.

It's amazing, I looked at this little guy with some surprise.

Although these 36 Buddhist King Kongs are all transformed from Buddha beads, these beads contain the power of Buddhism, and they have also been blessed by Huiyang with the Great Sun Buddha Demon Sutra. Huiyang unexpectedly recruited 36 Buddhist King Kongs at once.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Huang Yuan stopped laughing. Although his demon corpses were half as many as these Buddhist King Kongs in number, most of them were demon corpses that had just been transformed from corpses. Will it be too strong?

Soon, these demon corpses fought with the Buddhist King Kong, and Huang Yuan roared:

"The Bone of the True Demon!"

Pale golden sand suddenly spewed out from where his navel was, each of these sands shone with light, and condensed in mid-air, turning into a yellow sand giant with a height of two feet.

"Zhong Yuan, leave this bone of the real demon to me. You have not fully recovered your ghost-hunting power when you deal with Huang Yuan's demon head, so be careful!"

Ning Qingyang glanced at me, then shook his body slightly, passed through the battle group with the two snake-shaped blades in both hands, and went straight to the place where the real devil's bone was, crossed the two swords in his hands and slashed , two emerald lights cut out like a cross.

The yellow sand giant was chopped off immediately, turning into yellow sand and falling down, but Ning Qingyang didn't show any joy on his face, but stared at the yellow sand solemnly.

Sure enough, these yellow sands condensed again and turned into yellow sand giants again, and with the wave of the palm, each piece of yellow sand turned into the size of a fist, and went straight to Ning Qingyang.

Huang Yuan snorted coldly when he saw Ning Qingyang make a move. He had an extra black long sword in his hand, waiting for an opportunity to hide in the dark, wanting to make a sneak attack.

"Huang Yuan, your opponent is me, the third rune circle is activated, killing spirit!"

Holding the demon sword in hand, I slashed out with a single sword. The scarlet sword dragon made a roar almost like a dragon's chant, and rushed to bite Huang Yuan, while I followed closely behind, using the technique of lightness, from the top of these demon corpses. Skimmed over.

Of course, I hid Huiyang in a hidden place nearby before I walked away. Although we had successfully entangled Huang Yuan, I was afraid that those powerful people from the Fan Kingdom would suddenly appear.

Huang Yuan frowned, looking at the dragon in the air, his body suddenly seemed to be nailed to the ground, and he remained motionless, letting the red sword dragon bite down.

The whole person seemed like a sculpture, when the sword dragon bit his neck, the whole person collapsed like a bubble.

"Oops, blindfold!"

I was slightly startled, my back felt cold, and without even thinking about it, I slashed fiercely with my backhand sword.

This blinding technique is actually to deceive the enemy, making people mistakenly think that what they see is the real scene, but it is not. I think Huang Yuan has been lurking since the moment he used the blinding technique, and launched a fatal attack on me. s attack.

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