Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 330 [Magic body of the devil]

These demon corpses are also powerful physically, their eyes are pitch black, and they punch out with punches, and the fists are covered with demonic energy that rolls like a flame.

The copper Buddha transformed from those Buddhist beads has very thick skin and flesh. There are many demon corpses, usually three beating each other, but when the fist hits the copper Buddha, it makes a dull sound, as if it is on a copper bell. , Every time a punch is thrown, the golden light is lingering on the copper Buddha, and it can't be hurt in a short time, and it is even backlashed by the Buddha's light.

But the more times the body of a bronze Buddha was hit, the more dim the golden light on its body became, and finally it turned into a Buddhist bead and fell to the ground.

When I turned around and slashed back with the sword, the sword body was blocked and opened, and a big hand grabbed my chest. I tiptoed, and my body slid back, but the big hand chased after me, and I could He clearly saw black flames swirling around the five fingers of this big hand, and the nails were sharp.

"The Bone of the True Demon!"

A cold snort!The bone of the real devil in the dantian sea of ​​energy flew out, and hit the palm with a heavy punch, the purple gold fire flickered slightly, the bone of the real devil stood still, and Huang Yuan's body suddenly I took a few steps back.

Even though his physical body is strong, he is definitely not just practicing True Magic Aspect. Now his True Magic Aspect is fighting against Ning Qingyang. Although his physical body is not fragile, how can it compare with my True Demon Bone?

Furthermore, although his True Demon Bone has a strange shape and seems impossible to be eliminated, how can he be an opponent of a thousand-year-old monster? It is only a matter of time before he loses, and I will hold on until Ning Qingyang destroys the opponent The bone of the real devil, that is, the yellow sand giant.

My True Demon Bone danced with both fists, like a windmill. In such close combat, Huang Yuan had no time to cast the secret technique.

How could I miss such a great opportunity?

It's time for Fumojian to open the fifth level of rune circles. I haven't tried it since I practiced the sixth ring of faith. The power of hunting ghosts in my body frantically poured into Fumojian. , the body of Fumojian changed, and golden lines emerged one after another. These lines are so old that even I can't tell them apart.

I stretched out my palm, placed it lightly on the blade, and started sensing.

"Destroy all directions?"

Such a strange name, is this a Taoist talisman, sword energy, or a secret technique?But it looks powerful.

I held the Fumo Sword in my hand and rushed forward. Under my instruction, the bone of the real demon retreated, and a sword was lifted from the bottom up. The blade trembled slightly. It shot out, because the speed was so fast, I didn't even see if the golden thread hit Huang Yuan.

Huang Yuan stopped, and I stopped too, when a huge roar suddenly came from a mountain not far away.

Behind him was a mountain wall tens of meters away. At this moment, a crack of more than ten feet opened, the crack was bottomless, and gravel flew.

I was dumbfounded as I was watching, but Huang Yuan let out a muffled snort, and his left arm was suddenly broken. The wound was very smooth. He immediately thrust the black long sword in his hand into the ground, and grabbed the severed arm at an extremely fast speed. The broken arm was shrouded in a layer of bloody flames, his face was distorted, and he stared at me ferociously.

Although he didn't believe that I could chop off his arm in one blow, he had to face this reality.

That ray of golden light cut out just now, the speed was already extremely fast, he couldn't react at all, I was overjoyed in my heart, but after this blow, most of the golden marks on the body of the sword disappeared. The power of the ghost makes all these marks appear, thus forming the "death in all directions". This kind of attack is very similar to sword energy, but it is similar to the formation method. It needs to be condensed. It is estimated that the power cannot be displayed, and even if it is displayed, it will be weakened a lot.

Seeing that the other party did not run away, I immediately poured a little ghost hunting power into the Demon Subduing Sword, because as long as I hit his body, he would definitely die, as long as he died, the demon corpse and the real demon bones Can't move.

The arm held by him suddenly turned into a bloody light, completely covering his body, and his whole body was slowly burning, and his body was raised inch by inch, and his speed was extremely fast.

In the end, the blood flames on the body were all submerged into Huang Yuan's body. Seeing his current appearance, I was shocked.

His current height is like a little giant, about three meters tall, his muscles are swollen, his skin is as red as blood, his clothes are torn, his facial features have also changed to varying degrees, his nostrils have become extremely large, his nose is upturned, and The mouth is open, inside are sharp white teeth with inverted triangles, and the eyes are extremely black, just like these demon corpses, the most different thing is that a horn has appeared on the forehead, but this horn is only the size of a thumb.

Suddenly, he let out a low growl, and the roar resounded like muffled thunder.

These demon corpses stood still, raised their heads in unison, opened their eyes wide, and opened their mouths. Black demonic energy continued to flow from the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.

The devilish energy was overflowing, rushing towards Huang Yuan who had revealed his real body like a torrent, and a grinning laugh sounded:

"Zhong Yuan, you forced me to show my real body, today I want you to die without a place to die!"

A huge coercion enveloped me, this pressure was huge, like a huge mountain pressing on me.

"Bone of the True Demon, Possession!"

I didn't even care about using the ten-ten-destroyer again, I supported the ground with the Fumo sword, and roared loudly.

The bone of the real devil jumped on my body, crackling, my body also grew a lot taller, and the magic source bead appeared between the eyebrows, and there were strange magic patterns around the magic source bead, but this was just to offset this force. It's just pressure, even the bones of the real devil will be forced out of my body by this coercion, I immediately recite the incantation, and then I stabilize.

These demon corpses had lost their ability to move, and the 36 bronze Buddhas immediately locked their targets on the Huang Yuan demon head and rushed forward.

Huang Yuan swung his giant hand like a cattail fan, and these copper Buddhas were slapped flying one by one, falling to the ground, and the ground was smashed into big holes, the scriptures on the copper Buddhas were scattered, and turned into beads .

Seeing this scene, Huiyang, who was hiding in the dark and had recovered most of his Buddhist power, was already dumbfounded.

Standing not far from me, Ning Qingyang's appearance changed drastically. He was already wearing a cyan robe with long hair and shawls. With a flick of his cuffs, a green shadow shot out, heading straight for Huang Yuan Demon. Then, the emerald shadow changed drastically in mid-air, turning into a green snake more than ten feet wide and opened its mouth to bite Huang Yuanmo's head.

This snake is not a real snake, it should be some kind of means by Ning Qingyang, but it can be seen that this illusionary green snake is very powerful.

Huang Yuan snorted coldly, raised his arm, and with his five fingers together, he actually grabbed the seven-inch part of the green snake. Ning Qingyang still said that his face was expressionless, and with a flick of his finger, the green snake immediately wrapped itself in a huge snake body Live the demon head Huang Yuan.


Ning Qingyang pointed at the green snake rather distressedly, and the transformed green snake immediately burst open. The power of this explosion was no less than that of the Wuji Yin Thunder Bead, and even most of the body of the demon head Huang Yuan was crushed. burst open.

The demon energy on Huang Yuan's body was still tumbling, and his blown body began to heal.

Even though Ning Qingyang was well-informed, he couldn't help but be shocked. This is too weird. The Huang Yuan demon has a physical body, and the power of the explosion is obvious to all, but at this moment he can still recover.

"Impossible, I have already destroyed his True Demon Bone, Zhong Yuan, he can't recover all the time, let's kill him together!"

After Ning Qingyang finished speaking, he flew out with two snake-shaped swords in his hand, and bright sword lights slashed out one after another, like emerald crescent moons slashing at Huang Yuan's body, cutting wounds of various sizes.

Sure enough, these wounds did not coagulate as quickly as before, but unusually slowly.

Huang Yuan snorted coldly, and rushed towards me. His huge palm was wrapped in blood flames, and he slapped me fiercely towards my chest. His body was huge, and this palm was also very strong, and it enveloped me vaguely, making me There is no way to escape, so I can only accept this palm forcefully.

The feeling of uneasiness in his heart was getting stronger and stronger. Ning Qingyang kept waving the emerald sword, cutting scars with deep visible bones behind Huang Yuan, just to inspire him to attack him, but Huang Yuan was determined. He wanted to kill me with all his heart, not only did he not attack Ning Qingyang back, but the power of this palm added a little more.

I raised the demon sword and stabbed forward with all my strength. Now I don't have the extra ghost-hunting power to summon the real clock of Heigang. Even if I summon it, I can't open the four shields.

This sword directly pierced his broad palm, Huang Yuan smiled ferociously, let the Fumo Sword pass through his palm, and the big hand still slapped my chest.

I just felt that I was slapped apart by this palm, and my whole body was hit by the Fumo Sword. I fell to the ground, all internal organs were burned, and the meridians all over my body seemed to be broken. I gritted my teeth and got up. A gust of blood sprayed out, and his brain was buzzing even more, and now he didn't even have the strength to lift his arms.

"Huangyuan Demon Envoy, when did he become so embarrassed? Even his real body was forced out."

A high-pitched voice came from the other side, and a young man in casual clothes came over, holding a golden sword in his hand, with golden magic patterns on both arms, and behind him was There are dozens of dark shadows.

"Hmph, you've seen enough of the drama, help me deal with this snake monster, don't be careless, I will help you after I finish this kid."

Huang Yuan turned his head to look at the young man and snorted coldly.

"Forget it, you owe me a favor, huh? Why is there a little guy there? Golden Demon Guard, go and kill that little guy!"

The young man was one of the envoys of the five demons who rushed over, Jin Mo. The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and his eyes fell on a big tree in the distance. He saw a figure hidden behind the big tree, and ordered again. Dozens of phantoms flew towards Huiyang's hiding place at the same time.

Ning Qingyang didn't care about that much anymore, and flew back, but was stopped by Jin Mo. Jin Mo glanced at Ning Qingyang, and said lightly:

"Your opponent is me."

After finishing speaking, the golden sword in his hand slashed at Ning Qingyang, and a golden saber aura came out from the blade. This saber aura should be stronger than my killing aura. Ning Qingyang dodged the blow , where he was originally standing, a huge crack has been cut open. Seeing this scene, his face is already extremely ugly.

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