Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 331 [Lord Protector]

"Old man Zhu Rong, hurry up and protect Huiyang for me?!"

I patted the Vulcan ring, coughed a few times, blood overflowed from the corner of my mouth, and fell on the Vulcan ring.

Now I don't know what method to use anymore. The power of hunting ghosts in my body is slowly recovering. Yi Cai was not slapped to death by Huang Yuan's real body. If he hits me a few more times, even if he can't hurt my flesh, the internal organs must be shaken apart.

A fiery red figure leaped out from the Vulcan ring, it was Zhu Rong, he was holding a true blue fire cauldron, and while running towards Huiyang, he shouted loudly:

"Demon bastard, let's see how grandpa will deal with you!"

Although Ning Qingyang didn't know who this old man was, he was relieved to see that I had summoned him, and began to concentrate on dealing with this demon envoy named Jin Mo.

It can be seen from Jin Mo's tone that his strength is not weaker than Huang Yuan, but Huang Yuan is stronger than the other three demons.

In particular, the golden sword in his hand is extremely sharp, and it doesn't have the slightest magic energy when it is cast, but the knife energy of the most rigid and yang. This kind of energy has enough lethality for both ghosts and demons. .

Although Zhu Rong was protecting Huiyang, Ning Qingyang's thoughts had never left Huiyang, so for a while, it was even a tie, and it seemed that it was impossible to tell the winner in a short time.

Golden saber energy and green sword shadows criss-crossed, and deep ravines were drawn on the ground, earth and rocks splashed, and the roar shook the sky.

"Huang Yuan, do you know that the devil of Black Mountain is in my hands, if you dare to go any further, I will break his soul!"

From the Vulcan ring, I caught the Black Mountain demon, hoping to use this demon to restrain Huang Yuan and save my own life.

Hei Shan is now a ghost, coming out of the Vulcan ring, and when the sun shines, he immediately yells, and when he sees Huang Yuan, he immediately yells:

"Huang Yuan Demon Envoy, save me, my demon body has been refined and cannot withstand the scorching sun, help me!"

Sure enough, Huang Yuan became hesitant when he saw Heishan's painful and distorted figure. His huge nostrils let out a cold snort, and some white mist spewed out. His big copper bell-like eyes stared coldly at Heishan. After a while, he opened his mouth and said, "Zhong Yuan, do you really think you can blackmail me with him?"

"Huang Yuan, what do you mean? Don't you want to save your life?! We are all five demon messengers under the devil's seat. How many years have the five of us been together? I have saved your life once and now, you Don't forget!"

Hei Shan stopped struggling, and looked at Huang Yuan in disbelief, obviously not believing that Huang Yuan would say such words.

"Hmph, do nothing to save yourself? You still have the face to go back to the Maha World with this appearance? I wonder why you are still caught when you are in this state. Do you still have the face to survive? He kept it. You, it doesn't mean that I will keep you, if that's the case, then, die! Completely, the soul is gone!"

Huang Yuan grinned ferociously, and walked forward again, his big hand like a cattail fan scooped down, the pungent smell of blood came to his face, Heishan stared at Huang Yuan with gritted teeth, his face full of resentment, even though he was unwilling, but now he could only I can close my eyes and wait for death.

I threw Heishan into the Vulcan ring again, rolled to the side, and dodged the palm. The place where I was standing was hit by this giant hand, and a deep pit with five finger marks was immediately formed, and the sand splashed out The stone hit my body, causing a faint pain.

"The devil is the devil, fight each other!"

I secretly held two Wuji Yin Thunder Orbs and looked at Huang Yuan coldly.

Maybe I'm already vulnerable in his eyes, but he doesn't know that I still have the Thunder Orb in my hand, so it must be a big loss for him.

"Aren't you humans? The devil is also a human being. Zhong Yuan, you grow up too fast. If you continue like this, you will threaten the real devil of the Maha World, so you should die! "

Huang Yuan smiled ferociously, and stretched out his hand to pull out the black long sword that had been stuck on the ground before. This long sword is now held in his hand, like a small toy, but after holding it in his hand, black light surges, and after a while, It turned into a sword several feet long.

With a flick of my wrist, the remaining Thunder Orb in my hand slammed at Huang Yuan, and I turned around to run away.


The air wave generated by the huge explosion energy behind me directly lifted me several feet away, and then I fell heavily on the ground. Immediately, there was another surge of energy and blood, and I spewed out a mouthful of blood again.

Raising his head barely, the black long sword in Huang Yuan's hand had been blown into two pieces, and half of his body disappeared, but he was still able to move. He walked towards me with strides, and the ground began to tremble slightly.

When he got to my side, he grabbed down with his big hand, directly pinched my body, and grabbed it.

Half of his head has disappeared, and the black demonic energy diffuses from the wound, and the other half of his face is abnormally ferocious, with his mouth open, he asked:

"Where did your Wuji Yin Thunder Bead come from! Tell me!"

The sound sounded almost like a roar, which shocked me to the point of staring.

"Why should I tell you?!"

I bit the tip of my tongue to wake myself up a bit, and looked at Huang Yuan Demon coldly.

"Don't say yes, well, let you taste the pain of soul refining!"

Huang Yuan smashed me to the ground with all his strength, stepped on me with his big feet, and hung his palms on my body, black light lingered in his palms, suddenly these black lights fell down and completely shone on my body, but as soon as he touched the road The treasure clothes immediately bounced back one after another.

"I didn't expect you kid to have vestments to protect your body, hehe, you can protect your body but not your head!"

Huang Yuan's slightly surprised voice sounded, and he moved his big hand towards the direction of my head. The black light instantly enveloped me, and a strong breath flooded into my mind.

My brain suddenly felt like a needle prick, and it began to tear violently. I hugged my head, trying to stop the black energy, but it was useless at all.

Suddenly, I felt my body tense slightly, I didn't know what was entangled, I pulled it hard, and left the magic hand, I opened my eyes, and saw that I was wrapped by a snow-white tail, Kong Huahua stretched out his hand to grab me , pale, and swiped forcefully into the void with the other hand.

A cyan crack flashed out, and Kong Huahua dragged me into it without saying a word.

"Want to go?"

Huang Yuan slashed out with a backhand palm, and a giant black hand emerged around the crack in space. This giant hand slapped the crack in space with five fingers burning with black fire, and even twisted the crack directly. Its power has been reduced by half, but it still presses on us.

Kong Huahua gritted her teeth, threw me far away, and drank coquettishly:

"Zhong Yuan, let's go!"

I felt myself being dragged by a gentle force, and I fell ten feet away. After Kong Huahua threw me out, I lost the chance to escape. Facing the devil's palm, I slashed out with a palm without hesitation. It is covered with a layer of cyan flame, which is formed by the condensed demonic energy of the sky.

But how can she compare with this devil who has lived for many years?

Kong Huahua was hit by this demon palm, fell down not far away, moved a few times, couldn't get up again, her body shone slightly, and turned into a silver-white fox. Behind her, three snow-white fox tails stood upright. Her body was no longer petite and exquisite, but as tall as Zhang Xu, with blue lines between her brows and a pair of green eyes, staring fiercely at Huang Yuan.

Huang Yuan glanced at Kong Huahua lightly, and said with a sinister smile: "A 300-year-old Qingqiu fox also wants to stop me? When I kill Zhong Yuan, I will eat you too! Now, get the hell out of here!"

"Still leaving?!"

Kong Huahua's voice became extremely cold, I supported my body with the Fumo sword and climbed up, glanced at the Jin Mo demon envoy who was fighting with Ning Qingyang, Jin Mo also transformed into a demon body to fight Ning Qingyang , The strength of one demon and one demon is also between brothers.

And those golden demon guards who besieged Huiyang have been successfully intercepted by Zhu Rong, and the true blue fire cauldron has turned into a water tank, lying in front of Zhu Rong. Colored flames flew out and landed on these demon heads.

At the same time, Huiyang also stood up and began to pick up those Buddhist beads one by one around, and did it again, turning these Buddhist beads into bronze Buddhas again, which relieved a lot of pressure for Zhu Rong. After all, Zhu Rong is a ghost Well, it's daytime again, and if he was asked to deal with so many demon guards, he would die.

All of a sudden, the surrounding area was surrounded by demonic energy, evil energy, and Yin energy, and the power of the Buddhist sect ran around, and all the surrounding trees were blown off by the air waves.

"I can't leave, if I leave, Huiyang will be killed by those devils!"

I know very well that if I leave, Zhu Rong will be bound by the Vulcan ring, and will automatically return to the ring, losing his resistance. How can Huiyang deal with so many demons?

"Haha, don't go, it's just what I want!"

Huang Yuan's body, which was injured by the Yin Thunder Bead, has recovered half of it. At least his head is intact. Seeing the empty fox real body standing in front of him, he grinned grinningly, opened his mouth and sprayed, a jet-black beam of light sprayed out, the huge silver fox jumped to the side.

The original location was immediately pierced by the black beam of light, and as soon as the white mist dispersed, the ground began to melt rapidly as if sulfuric acid had been poured on it.

Huang Yuan strode towards me like a shooting star, and the three fox tails behind Kong Huahua lashed towards his body like whips. These fox tails were very dexterous, fast, and powerful. Unable to catch.

I took a deep breath and began to check the situation in my body. This time, since I advanced to the sixth ring of faith, I was injured the most. The power of hunting ghosts is now hopeless. I took out the feather that Wuhuang'er gave me.

"Magic Flame Bodyguard!"

Huang Yuan let out a low growl, black and red flames emerged from his body, and the fox's tail lashed at it, immediately burning him.

The silver fox seemed to have made a big decision, jumped up and bit Huang Yuan's head with a big mouth.

"Beast, courting death!"

Huang Yuan snorted coldly, and punched out with a punch, hitting Kong Huahua's abdomen. Kong Huahua let out a mournful cry, and landed not far away. The huge fox's real body immediately shrunk to about a foot long, unable to move.

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