Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 332 [Interrogation and Sneak Attack]

On Putuo Island, at the archway in the middle of the Kuzhu Temple, this Buddhist archway that once deterred many ghosts and ghosts, except for the stone pier, all the beams and wood above it have been broken and scattered scattered all over the ground.

The ones who destroyed this ruined archway were the strong men of Fanguo led by Ichiro Yamazuo. They were human beings.

Under the ruins of the Buddha archway are hundreds of strong men from the kingdoms. The leader is a short, middle-aged man with a mustache on both sides. Covered with a white cloth, with a red sun in the center of his forehead, a long knife pinned to his waist, and a paper fan in his hand, looking gloomy at the monks who came down from the mountain one after another.

This person is Yamasa Ichiro, and next to him is Sakurako Isora in black professional attire. Sakurako Isora turned sideways and said something with an extremely angry expression.

"Are you saying that these devils in Huaxia intend to rule the entire world?"

Yamasa Ichiro glanced at the excited Isora Sakurako, and asked calmly.

Sakurako Isora nodded and continued:

"Well, yes, this time we cooperate to control the Kuzhu Temple, in fact, we are also eradicating a big enemy for them, because these monks' Buddhist secret arts are firmly restraining these demons. These demons want to truly control the Huaxia Kingdom. The enemy is the alliance between Kuzhu Temple and Ghost Hunters, Mr. Shanzuo, isn’t that Jin Mo’s devil just now a good proof, he tricked us into destroying this Buddha archway, and he took the devil guard away, I know , he must be going to deal with the Huang Yuan demon, but if we destroy this Buddhist archway, people from Kuzhu Temple will definitely come to us directly, and we strong men are proficient in assassination techniques. Our original plan was to kill these monks one by one. To kill them all, I never expected to confront the opponent head-on."

"Sister Yingzi, what's the use of talking about it now? These monks have already come down, but we are not familiar with the terrain here. I'm afraid it's impossible to hide. Now the Buddhist archway has been destroyed. Therefore, there is only one battle, and I heard that besides the abbot of Kuzhu Temple, there are more than a dozen powerful eminent monks, and these eminent monks have all gone to the Snowy Plains to participate in the battle, and their strength is unfathomable."

Next to him was a young man in casual clothes. This young man was wearing a round cap. He was short and thin, with small eyes. When he was talking, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light appeared.

"Kimura, don't talk about it, let's retreat first, and we will act again at night. I will naturally have a way to get our people out of here. At night, I will use the ghosts in the Hundred Ghosts Night Scroll to help you deal with those eminent monks, and I will deal with the bitter bamboo personally. Abbot of the temple."

Yamasa Ichiro grabbed a few small black balls in his hand and threw them violently on the ground. Immediately, these small balls burst open and turned into a cloud of white mist covering these strong men.

The monks rushing down from the mountain were shocked and angry when they saw that the Buddhist archway was destroyed. They all roared and rushed towards these powerful Fan Kingdoms.


"Little Fox!"

Seeing that Kong Huahua was knocked into the air, she moved her body a few times before being unable to move, I was shocked.

But I have a connection with her, weak but still alive.

Huang Yuan slowly withdrew his fist, not showing any joy in defeating Kong Huahua, as if it had been reasonable for a long time.

"Tell me, who gave you the Wuji Yin Thunder Orb."

Huang Yuan stared at me coldly, and soon came to my side, holding my chest with his big hands, and said in a cold tone.

"I made it myself."

I looked at Huang Yuan with a smile, he wanted to know, but I didn't tell him.

"Hmph, little yellow-haired boy, you want to trick me. Only a true demon can refine this infinite Yin Thunder Orb, and it's up to you? Which real demon gave you the Yin Thunder Orb? Tell me, maybe I will spare you!" Life."

Huang Yuan stretched out his hand and slapped me hard on the face. Even though I was protected by a golden mask, my cheeks still hurt from the slap, but this time, my concealment technique was broken.

Seeing that I was wearing a mask, he was slightly taken aback, stretched out his hand and grabbed my mask, and seeing the burn marks on my face, he grinned grimly:

"It turned out to be an ugly monster, haha, no wonder he didn't dare to show his true colors to others. You must have stolen the Thunder Orb."

"Want to use the aggressive method? Do you think I stole it? Since you said that only true demons can refine this dark thunder orb, then I will go to the Great World of Maha in person. Could it be possible that with my strength, I can make it in the real world?" Stealing the Thunder Orb under the eyes of the devil? Even you can’t do it, well, you can also mistakenly think that this is the magic envoy bestowed by the real devil, and I secretly cast it from these magic envoys, yes, I am the Yin Thunder Orb that was snatched from the three envoys of Black Mountain, Lu Ji, and Red Devil."

I smiled and looked at him coldly, the more he wanted to know, the less I would tell him.

After listening to my words, Huang Yuan's grinning face turned gloomy, his dark eyes stared at me, and white mist overflowed from his nose. As soon as he let go of his palm, I fell down, and his palm turned around to pinch my neck. No, it should have grabbed my whole head, and passed on in a tone without a trace of emotion:

"Don't play around with me anymore. We, the envoys of the five demons, don't have the Thunder Orb in our hands. Is there a real demon that has come to the primitive world? Tell me, which real demon is it?"

I could hear a tremor and panic in his voice.

When Zi Luo handed the Wuji Yin Thunder Orb to me, he said that he had refined it by himself and asked me to use it only when I was saving my life, but Huang Yuan kept claiming that only true demons could refine the Wuji Yin Thunder Orb. Is it Zi Luo who lied to me?Or is this not the real Thunder Orb?

"Even if you search my soul, it's useless to me. I really haven't seen any real demons. You demon envoys are the highest-level demons I have ever seen. Well, this Yin Thunder Orb is the one I have in the Blood Soul Sect. What you got may be refined by the elders of the Blood Soul Sect. Don’t you think this elder of the Blood Soul Sect is a true demon? If that’s the case, why did you disband the Blood Soul Sect? And it’s because of the Black Mountain Devil, the Black Mountain Magpie Chao Jiuzhan, if that elder is really a real demon, how can Hei Shan be allowed to cause chaos?"

I said, avoiding Zi Luo, and I don't want her to get into trouble.

Huang Yuan showed a thoughtful look on his face, and his brows were tightly frowned, as if he was thinking about the authenticity of my words.

"Huang Yuan, what are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you kill that kid? We have to return to the Great World of Maha!"

Jin Mo's dull voice came over, and then there was a fierce explosion. Ning Qingyang had already transformed into his real body, a huge green snake more than ten feet thick. The green snake was as thick as a bucket, and the blue scales shone faintly The streamer opened his mouth wide, revealing the sharp fangs inside.

The pale green light ball in the mouth of the snake began to condense quickly, and after a while, it turned into dark green and spewed out directly. The light ball with the size of a head shot towards Jin Mo, even though Jin Mo had transformed into a demon body, He didn't dare to take it hard, instead he avoided it. The dark green ball of light exploded on the ground, making a loud roar immediately, and a huge deep pit appeared.

Judging from the confrontation between Jin Mo's demon body and Ning Qingyang's real body, Ning Qingyang has the upper hand. With a twitch of the huge snake's tail, a deep ravine can be smashed on the ground, and the golden sword before was cut on the snake's body. On top of it, there was only a little golden light splashing out, and the sound of golden spears clashing, which could not break through the scales on the snake's body.

That's why he urged Huang Yuan to kill me quickly, and then work together to deal with Ning Qingyang.

Jin Mo may not know it, but Huang Yuan has already made up his mind to bring my body back to the Maha World, because his current True Demon Bone has been destroyed, and his body has been seriously injured by me over and over again. The reason why he was able to persevere until now was entirely at the cost of his own life, using some kind of extremely powerful secret technique to support it, but this kind of secret technique had a time limit.

"Boy, I will take away your soul, and your physical body will also become my new demon corpse. This is a good explanation for you."

As soon as Huang Yuan's voice fell, I felt my neck tightened slightly, and my huge palms were closed, and my head was about to be crushed.


An extremely dangerous feeling passed in front of me, I fell heavily to the ground, and the hand holding my head also fell to the ground suddenly.

I took a look at the arm, it was severed again, the wound was smooth.


Huang Yuan looked around in shock and anger, besides me, there were only Ning Qingyang, Zhu Rong and Huiyang, the little fox had passed out, they were all entangled by their opponents, so what Rescue possible?

And the wound was so smooth, as if it had been severed by a sword light.

This time, his wound did not heal automatically, and a faint golden flame was slowly burning from the wound, preventing his wound from healing. When he discovered this scene, he was naturally shocked and angry.

"Your Excellency sneak attack from behind, don't you think it's despicable!"

Huang Yuan spoke angrily, and the voice rolled out to the surroundings, and the surrounding branches were shaken slightly.

Except for the two big groups, no one responded to him. Huang Yuan gritted his teeth and grabbed me with another big hand.


A golden light emerged again, cutting off his arm directly, like cutting tofu, but Huang Yuan didn't react at all, and took several steps back in horror.

Taking a closer look at Huang Yuan, the power of the secret technique he used had already begun to weaken, otherwise the golden sword light would not have cut off this arm so easily.

"Who is it!"

Huang Yuan's hands were cut off, he panicked completely, and began to mutter, the yellow gourd around his waist automatically flew out, pouring golden sand from it, and the sand automatically condensed at the place where his broken arm was, replacing the original The chopped off arm.

"Your grandpa! You dare to move the person that I am covering, and you are getting impatient, Zhongli, the magic eye array will fix him, and he will be blown away if I don't kill him with a sword!"

A shout of anger came from afar, and then a cyan cloud moved from far to near. I was relieved to see three familiar figures above, they finally rushed over!

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