Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 333 [Master Su Ming]

It was none other than Li Nianbai, his cousin Zhongli and Jiang He.

Before, I was planning to use the child Gu in my body to find Li Nianbai, but I overlooked one point, he was actually using the mother Gu to find the child Gu, and this time just happened to come here, if it wasn't for the island guard formation on Putuo Island that had been captured If it is destroyed, they may not be able to come in. Of course, if the formation is not destroyed, so many things will not happen.

A black-and-white yin-yang formation appeared under Huang Yuan's body, and the formation slowly flowed under his feet, overflowing with a deadly black-and-white aura, firmly restraining him. After struggling a few times without success, Huang Yuan showed a look of horror on his face, and immediately the yellow sand The big hand turned into a fist, and smashed crazily at the Yin-Yang formation below.


Accompanied by the flying of yellow sand, there was a loud noise, the yin-yang formation was just shaken slightly, and then it returned to its original state, still turning, without shaking at all, firmly fixed him there, a golden light came from above the blue clouds in the distance Lasing out, as fast as lightning, tearing the void, the power of this sword is astonishing, the power of destruction is not weaker than the fifth rune magic circle activated on the Volatile Demon Sword.

A dark ebony sword is wrapped in the golden light, the golden marks on the sword body are connected with the surrounding golden light, and it slashes down from the void, like chopping melons and vegetables, from Huang Yuanmo. The head was cut up and down, directly splitting Huang Yuan in half, and the internal organs flowed out on the ground. A faint golden flame emerged from the split place, which was burning slowly.

The blue cloud in the sky fell down quickly, my cousin glanced around, the yin and yang in his eyes became calm, he raised his hand to pick up the golden mask on the ground and walked towards me.

And Li Nianbai stared at Huang Yuan who had been split in half, with an evil look on his brows, and when he came to me, there was a hint of surprise in his words:

"How did you become so weak? You can't even deal with a monster."

I looked at him weakly, and replied very speechlessly: "I would say that I killed two demon envoys half a day ago, and the power of hunting ghosts has not recovered yet. Oh no, the demon envoy Jin Mo is about to escape!"

Glancing at Jin Mo who was fighting with Ning Qingyang, I yelled, he had retracted his magic guard, tipped his toes, turned into a cloud of black clouds and shot towards the sky, the huge green body transformed by Ning Qingyang The snake also regained its human form in an instant, and ran towards where Huiyang was.

"If you run away, just run away, don't talk, exercise your skills and adjust your breath, and keep your own life as the main priority."

Seeing me shocked, Li Nianbai said.

"Zhong Yuan, why are you still injured so badly with your precious clothes and body protector? The five internal organs have been damaged to varying degrees, and now they must be healed."

After Jiang He checked my body, he spoke.

"Little Fox, go and see how Little Fox is doing. She was poisoned before, and she came to save me just after she was detoxified. Now that she has been beaten, she shows her real body. I feel that her breath is getting weaker and weaker."

With Jiang He's support, I barely stood up, feeling cramped in my heart, and coughed lightly.

This treasure garment is indeed invulnerable, but ordinary penetrating power cannot defend against it. Huang Yuan's palm is like beating a cow across a mountain, and I am this unlucky cow.

Huiyang had already walked over with the little fox in his arms. It looked at me weakly, the corner of its mouth was stained with blood, and the lower abdomen and the three tails behind it were scorched black, which was shocking.

"Snake demon?"

Li Nianbai glanced at Ning Qingyang, Ning Qingyang didn't hide the demonic aura on his body, with black hair flying in the back of his head, he stared at Li Nianbai coldly.

If it is said that his presence can make him feel dangerous, it is Li Nianbai. This is the first time I have seen Li Nianbai make a move after being promoted to the Nascent Soul realm. Apart from being strong, he is still powerful.

"Brother Nianbai, this is my Uncle Ning. Although he is a snake demon, you can't bully him."

Huiyang hugged the little fox and stopped Ning Qingyang. He knew that when Ning Qingyang fought with Jin Mo, both sides suffered a lot of injuries.

"Zhong Yuan, I know that my mother also gave you a Nine-Turn Great Return Pill, take it quickly."

Li Nianbai frowned slightly, and said.

I shook my head and said: "My own body, I know very well that I can't die yet, but the little fox is in danger, so let her take the Nine-Turn Great Returning Pill, and I can slowly recuperate."

He took out the Nine-Turn Great Returning Pill from the Vulcan ring, walked to the little fox, opened her mouth, and entered it.

"Stubborn, if we hadn't rushed over in time, you would have died long ago. There are still many things I want to ask you, but now is not the time to talk, let's go back to Kuzhu Temple first."

Seeing that I gave the elixir to the little fox, Li Nianbai said very unhappy.

With my cousin behind my back, Li Nianbai directly summoned Qingyun, and after the few of us went up, we moved Fa Jue and went to Kuzhu Temple.

When I arrived at the guest room, Jiang He checked me carefully again, and at the same time helped me untie the precious clothes, which were still wrapped in white gauze, and most places showed red and yellow blood stains, especially on the chest, and there was a big footprint, Jiang He helped me peel off layer by layer, some bandages had already been embedded in the flesh, and a piece of flesh was torn apart with a light tear. I grinned in pain, cold sweat broke out on my forehead, and Jiang He was also shaking his wrist beside me.

"Jiang He, can't you move lightly?"

My cousin frowned, asked with a frown, and at the same time reached out and took out an apple and stuffed it into my mouth.

"It's already very light. This time, no matter what, you won't be able to participate in martial arts with others. Originally, the injuries on your body were lighter than those on your face, but now it's fine. It's the other way around. From now on, you should stay safe and try your best to Don't move around, these torn off are dead skin, don't worry, what are you two still doing in a daze? Wooden barrel, clean hot water, Huiyang, take the little fox elsewhere, she can't control her evil spirit now, impact on patients."

Jiang He glanced at the little fox. The burnt fox tail on the little fox had recovered to its original state, and a faint silvery-white radiance shrouded her body. Because she had taken the Nine-Turn Great Returning Pill, she only needed to take care of herself. , not only to recover from injuries, but also to improve a lot.

"It's great, I can finally have fun with the little fox."

Huiyang stared at me cheerfully, then happily ran out the door, Ning Qingyang followed closely behind.

But Huiyang buried his head and bumped into a young man, leaned back, and the man's arm quickly stretched out to support Huiyang.

Huiyang raised his head, saw the young man, let out a cry of surprise, but immediately hugged the little fox and saluted the man, and said respectfully: "Huiyang met Master Su Ming, I was too impatient just now , so I contradicted the master."

"It doesn't matter, Huiyang, where are you going with this Qingqiu fox? It's very chaotic outside the temple now, those Fan Guo people are hiding, it's very dangerous for you to go out like this."

Su Ming looked at Huiyang with a faint smile, and patted his head.

"It's okay, Uncle Ning is protecting you."

Huiyang smiled shyly, not daring to be too presumptuous. After all, this master Su Ming, even his master Tianneng abbot, should be treated with respect, let alone him. Although he is small, Huiyang is sensible very early. These people already know a lot about the world.

"Don't go out. Your Uncle Ning was injured. There are also many Buddhist restrictions in the Kuzhu Temple. For monsters, it will cause a lot of harm. Although he has profound morals, he can't avoid it. How about it, You should stay in the temple, don't go far, except for some Buddhist forbidden places, you can go wherever you want, I will give him a layer of restriction, so that these Buddhist lights can't be harmed, how about it?"

Su Ming glanced at Ning Qingyang with a smile, and said softly.

"Really, that's great."

Huiyang immediately reached out and tugged at the corner of Ning Qingyang's clothes, pulling him in front of Su Ming.

Ning Qingyang showed a look of defense. He couldn't see through the man named Su Ming in front of him, or he couldn't feel the human aura from him. He closed his eyes and couldn't feel anything. He just opened his eyes , only to see the existence of Su Ming.

"What on earth are you, are you a human, a ghost, a devil, or a Buddhist disciple?"

Ning Qingyang looked at Su Ming coldly, and asked in a deep voice, this was the first time he had seen this kind of existence after practicing for so long, and he couldn't help feeling a little shocked.

"Half Buddha and half demon, when you are happy, you are a Buddha, and when you are unhappy, you are a demon."

Su Ming smiled slightly, his expression was wrong and gentle, making people want to get closer. This kind of atmosphere made Ning Qingyang slightly stunned. He had never felt this kind of breath before. Only by Huiyang's side can he feel at ease. After thinking for a while, he said:

"it is good."

Su Ming nodded, walked up to Ning Qingyang, stretched out his slender palm, and placed it on Ning Qingyang's chest, because snakes are cold-blooded animals, even though Ning Qingyang has cultivated for more than 200 years, he still cannot change this coldness Physique, and when Su Ming put his palm on his chest, it was unexpectedly warm, which made him recover from the injuries he had suffered.

The faint sound of scriptures sounded, and a layer of faint golden light on the white palm rippled like light waves, centered on the palm, and scattered towards Ning Qingyang's body in all directions. Gentle power enveloped him, and his blood was almost Boiling up, his whole body was lazy, reminding him of an afternoon many years ago.

That day it swam out of the dark cave and enjoyed the afternoon sun. It was this feeling that made him very comfortable, so he completely let go of his guard.

This warm force gradually faded away, and finally his injury healed. He opened his eyes, but he didn't see Su Ming, and a look of disappointment flashed across his eyes.

"Uncle Ning, Master Su Ming has already gone to look for Brother Zhong Yuan. Since we don't need to go out, we will take a stroll in the temple. If we meet Master, I have to explain it well and let you resolve the conflict."

Huiyang held Ning Qingyang with one hand, hugged the little fox with the other, and ran forward.


"Why do we have to do this kind of thing by ourselves, let those monks do it, I still have a lot of things to ask Xiao Yuanyuan before I come out, and such a big thing happened, it would be great if I was there."

Hearing Jiang He's order, Li Nianbai seemed a little dissatisfied and opened his mouth, while his cousin also stood aside, staring at me, biting the apple in his mouth.

"Nianbai, why are you still so willful? Your father wasn't like this when you were your age."

There was a hearty laugh from the door, Su Ming stepped over the threshold and walked in with a smile.

"Ah...my eyes are not blurry, Uncle Ming?"

Li Nianbai was already slightly, seeing that the person's eyes widened, seeing that it was really Su Ming, he ran over quickly and hugged him tightly.

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