Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 334 [Treatment]

"It's not me, who is it? Is there anyone else pretending to be me?"

Su Ming patted Li Nianbai's shoulder, said with a slight smile, seeing Li Nianbai made him very happy.

"No, a few years ago, I remember you went to Wuliang Temple after meeting me, why are you here now? Does my father know?"

Li Nianbai let go of Su Ming and asked with a smile.

This Su Ming went through with his father back then, and experienced many life and death disasters. More importantly, this is his uncle, because he and Li Mubai are half-brothers. The Demon Body has been very kind to Li Nianbai since he was a child, treating him as his own, but when his mother appears, he will definitely leave, and he rarely stays in the Demon Catch Sect. He won't care so much about the grievances of a lifetime.

"Hmm... He probably doesn't know about this. I came here just entrusted by Wuliang Temple to take care of Kuzhu Temple. By the way, it seems that you are not the one who told Huiyi to pass me on. If it was you, why not?" Are you not running over?"

Hearing Li Nianbai's words, Su Ming smiled lightly, with an undetectable trace of sadness in his eyes.

"Senior, it's me. I heard from the eminent monk in the Kuzhu Temple that the master of the Wuliang Temple in the Spirit World came here. I was thinking about paying a visit. I didn't dare to be too pretentious, so I invited someone to pass it on. I also ask seniors not to come here. No wonder."

I coughed a few times and opened my mouth.

Su Ming's eyes fell on me, he strode over, and began to look carefully, while Jiang He was still carefully removing the bandages, occasionally pulling the flesh would cause me to grin my teeth in pain.

"Based on your calculations, it should be the third generation. It's pretty good. There are talents from generation to generation, and the Monster Catching Sect is getting stronger and stronger."

Su Ming withdrew his gaze, sighed a little, his face showed a little reminiscence, it was all a team, in us, he saw himself in the past.

"Master Su Ming, some powerful people from Fan Kingdom and the devils from the Maha World have already taken control of Nanhai City. The Ghost Hunter Alliance in Nanhai City will flee or die. Master, please help us."

I thought about it, and felt that it was impossible for him to reject us, so I spoke directly.

"Of course, you are all friends of Nian Bai, but with your current strength, although it is not easy to deal with these people, it will definitely not be too difficult to deal with. It's just that the strong in Fanguo are good at assassination. You still have to deal with them." Be careful, especially you, now is the time of serious injury, some disciples said that these powerful people from Fanguo destroyed the Buddhist archway of Kuzhu Temple, this made Tianneng feel distressed, this Buddhist archway can be regarded as passed down for generations, okay, I won’t say much, since I am in charge of the Kuzhu Temple, these demons dare not make mistakes, but there will always be some omissions, just be careful, I will solve the strong enemy for you.”

Su Ming smiled lightly, and said it lightly, as if it was an insignificant matter.

"Uncle Ming, at least you can arrange a few little monks for us to drive, we just met, we have to catch up, and we need to prepare medicinal materials, hot water and so on."

Seeing that Su Ming was about to leave, Li Nianbai spoke up immediately.

"You kid, don't you want to catch up with your uncle? Well, uncle is joking, I will arrange it, and you can talk slowly."

Su Ming nodded and left here.

"Li Nianbai, your relationship is really deep. First, you were in Jiulongzhai in Yonghe City, and then you were the young head of the Demon Catching Sect in the spirit world. Now you are in Kuzhu Temple, and you know such a powerful person. I will trouble you to take care of him in the future." We little brothers."

In order to relieve the pain in my body, I said with a smile.

Li Nianbai pretended to be profound, and looked at me calmly, but his face couldn't help but he said, "It's right to take care of my younger brother."

"Cousin, can your current yin and yang eyes see through the authenticity of a person, for example, a powerful monster turns into an ordinary person, and the monster aura on his body is completely hidden, or is it another extremely powerful monster?" Hiding your true form, can you see their demon bodies?"

Thinking of what Huang Yuan said at the beginning, I couldn't help secretly worrying, does Zi Luo have another identity?Or, she is one of the top ten true demons in the Maha Great World?This is impossible, how did one of the top ten true demons come to the primitive world and be with my father again?

My cousin threw away the fruit core in his hand, walked up to me, sized me up, and asked in a cold voice: "Of course, if the opponent's strength is not too high, I can still see some clues. "

"If it is a character of the level of a true demon in the Maha Great World, can he see through it?"

I was overjoyed and asked again.

"Yes, let's wait until I have the nine rings of faith."

My cousin gave me a blank look, found a place to sit down, took out another apple and started to chew.

It is almost difficult for me to achieve the ring of nine beliefs now, let alone my cousin, or my cousin thought I was making fun of him, because he is still the fifth ring of belief, and I am the one of the six beliefs. Ring, it is a very difficult process to break through from six to seven, and it needs chance. Of course, as long as you pass the seventh level, you can practice to the ninth ring of faith. Unbelievable change, as for what kind of change, I don't know.

After a while, a few monks from Kuzhu Temple came over to wait for orders. Li Nianbai was also unambiguous. According to what Jiang He said, he returned to the guest room and continued to chat after instructing these monks. Of course, more The most important thing is what happened after I returned to this primitive world.

Regarding the fact that I beheaded the two demon envoys, several people sighed for a while, and they didn't interrupt me until I mentioned Ning Qingyang.

"You said that he is a snake demon who has cultivated for more than 200 years, and that little monk Huiyang is also the reincarnation of his previous benefactor, and also has a big demon enemy? Are you sure he will stay with us?"

The cousin reached out and rubbed the temples on both sides of his head, stared at me with a frown, and spoke coldly.

"something wrong?"

I saw my cousin's expression was a little strange, and asked in puzzlement.

"We are not troublesome enough now. Now that the demons of the Maha Great World are coming out one after another, if they cannot catch you, they will do everything possible to put you to death. Don't you think it is not enough? Want to provoke another big monster?"

My cousin put down his hands and looked at me seriously, as if I had done something heinous.

"Zhongli, don't think too absolutely about anything. Don't forget that this green snake is also a thousand-year-old monster, and its strength is not weak. You should know better than us. When we arrived, he had already The illusioned real body fought with another magician, and he still had the upper hand. He didn't attack with all his strength. You should be able to see it. Zhong Yuan did this to gather his own strength, and he was not at fault. When Huiyang is together, even if the other party has hundreds of enemies, he will not sit idly by."

Jiang He helped me tear off the last bandage, because I was careful, my whole body was tense, and there were already many beads of sweat on my forehead.

Li Nianbai smiled faintly, grabbed a new bundle of sterile bandages, walked to Jiang He's side, and said:

"Jiang He, Zhongli is not wrong. Although we have established many enemies, one more enemy is a threat. Most of our enemies are in the Maha world. It is not so easy to come here, and this big world Monsters are different, don’t be naughty, hurry up and treat them, maybe there will be a fierce battle tonight, these Fanguo powerhouses are also very unique in stealth and evasion skills besides assassination, we don’t know them well, so we have to Be careful, I don't require him to be able to recover to fight against the enemy before dinner, but he must have a certain amount of self-protection power."

"Okay, I'll try my best, just to try the power of the pearl of nature, plus muscle-creating ointment, it won't take long for it to heal, but the bandage has to be changed once a day."

Jiang He put his hand on my body, and began to mutter something, the mung bean-sized natural pearl appeared between his brows, his hands were covered with a faint green glow, and a cool feeling came from his skin When it was uploaded, I looked down at the place where his hands were pressed, and found that the damaged skin was slowly recovering. Although the speed was extremely slow, it was indeed recovering, especially the damaged organs in the body were also recovering. Healed, the severe pain in the body slowly disappeared.

After a period of time, the natural pearly brilliance between Jiang He's eyebrows dimmed, and after sinking into the center of his eyebrows, the light on the palm of his hand had disappeared.

His whole body was soaked as if he had been fished out of the water, and his face was extremely pale.

"Let's just stop there. How can your current power of nature be compared with those mountain ghosts? Before the pearl of nature grows stronger, you should honestly cooperate with your medical skills for treatment. Take a break, and then prepare to treat internal injuries." Chinese medicine, I will look around first, if people from Fan Kingdom enter Kuzhu Temple, they will be able to find it early."

The cousin walked up to Jiang He, reached out and patted his shoulder, and left the guest room.

Under Jiang He's conditioning, my body has improved a lot.

While soaking the potion, my soul entered the Vulcan ring again.

The ring spirit Zhu Rong was playing with the real blue fire cauldron. Beside him was the demon head of Heishan who was bound by fire chains. Heishan's limbs were chained, and he didn't respond at all, with a very hollow expression.

"Master Zhong Yuan."

Zhu Rong stood up, and the real blue fire cauldron in his hand was immediately thrown to the ground by him, and the blue fire in the cauldron was extinguished immediately.

"Why is he different today from the past?"

Montenegro used to be yelling, but now he is honest. Could it be that his arrogance has been erased by being locked up here?

"I don't know about this. He has been like this since you caught him last time. I didn't absorb his ghost power without authorization. Don't blame me."

Ring spirit Zhu Rong took a few steps back and looked at me innocently.

Seeing me coming in, Heishan recovered from the dissociative state. His slender eyes opened, with a sense of resentment in them, and said: "Zhong Yuan, let's cooperate."

"Why do you think so suddenly? Do I know your character, or rather, your current situation makes you have to compromise first?"

Seeing that his attitude has changed so much, I am a little surprised, but since he wants to really cooperate, it is just right, it will be of great help to us, whether it is the information about the Great World of Maha, or the devil who is now invading the primitive world , will be of no small help.

It's just that I'm not sure if he really wants to cooperate, or if he will stabilize me for the time being and seek a way out.

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