Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 338 [Ghost Face Girl]

I think the reason why these Fanguo ghosts can appear here majestically must be based on something. Even if this is the guest room of Kuzhu Temple, it is not that these ghosts can easily come in. The only possibility is that someone destroyed important things.

Some things that suppress evil things, such as Buddha statues, scriptures engraved on pillars, and walls.

When I came out, I looked around. There were many Buddhist scriptures engraved on the pillars next to me, but all of them were scraped off at the moment, and there were still a lot of sawdust underneath. Not only that, the gate at the exit of the yard also destroyed.

These ghosts stared at me all at once, and did not attack me in time. One of the ghosts was humanoid, wearing a white mask, revealing dark eyes, and above the eyebrows of the mask was a strange figure, bright red, like a whirlpool picture of.

It seems that these ghosts are all commanded by this ghost. In short, this ghost is the most powerful among the dozen or so evil ghosts. Standing there like this, even ordinary people can see it. How serious is this ghost.

Judging from the clothes, it can be seen that this ghost should be a woman, wearing a white kimono, with her hands crossed on her abdomen, standing there, staring at me quietly, it is indescribably weird, I was stared at by her The hairs all over his body stood on end.

Seeing that she didn't intend to attack me for a short time, I didn't rush to summon the ghost messenger, and also stared at her.


Huiyang walked to me with the little fox in his arms, and when he saw what was happening in front of him, he let out a scream, and the little fox in his arms opened his eyes slightly.

The ghost-faced woman was still staring at us coldly, and the ghosts around her began to gather towards her. Those ghosts came to her side, and they didn't know what to say in Fan Guo dialect. The woman nodded, and then stretched out Arm, light white fingers pointed towards our direction, as if giving some order.


A ghost with a huge figure, almost as tall as a building, appeared in front of us. This ghost had a horse's head and a human body, wearing a kimono, and grabbed the two of us with its big hands.

As soon as the huge ghostly aura dispersed, it made the robe on my body rattle. Before I could use my tricks, Huiyang had already walked in front of me, raised one palm, and began to mutter words.

Surrounded by scriptures, these golden cultures are like a light golden bell jar, which is turned upside down to protect us firmly. Only when the golden bell is formed, Huiyang stops chanting mantras.

The big hand of the horse-headed ghost was about to grab us, and the golden bell mask was formed, and it could not avoid grabbing on the golden bell mask. When the palm touched the golden mask, it made a "chichi" sound, The flesh on his hands was burned immediately and began to turn red. He let out a painful cry, and finally had to wave his hands. The horse's face was full of horror and looked at Huiyang, and his body backed away.

"Brother Zhong Yuan, don't worry, I can still deal with these ghosts."

Huiyang's appearance now is very different from before. He was startled by these ghosts before, but now he is able to use timely means to defend against the sneak attack of these ghosts.

"Zhong Yuan, these ghosts are so strange, aren't they the ghosts of our Huaxia Kingdom?"

Jiang He's voice sounded behind me, obviously, he also saw these ghosts.

"The ghosts of Fan Kingdom, although I don't know what they want to do, but we can't let them go away."

I thought for a while, then put my hand on the imprint of the Yin Yin Pei on my chest, and said the summoning spell in my mouth.

Hui Yang next to him handed the little fox in his hand to Jiang He, strode out, and went directly to these ghosts.

The female ghost in the mask stretched out her hand again, there was a lot of screaming around, the wind was strong, and the surrounding trees were blowing and hunting. The bell, like a lullaby, although I couldn't understand this weird ballad, but I listened to the tune, and suddenly a sense of drowsiness came over me.

It wasn't just me, the eyelids of Jiang He next to me also became extremely heavy. His eyelids trembled a few times and sank. Finally, he supported the door frame and fell slowly to the ground. After a while, there was a loud grunt.

Compared with Jiang He and me, Huiyang's situation is much better than ours. He turned around and walked to me, tugged at my clothes, and said anxiously: "Brother Zhong Yuan, don't listen, this is the Fascination Curse." , will put your soul to sleep."

I nodded, but I didn't have any strength to resist at all, and my consciousness became more and more blurred. In the dimness, I felt the arm of the masked female ghost stretch out gently, and grabbed my chest.

Seeing this scene, I was slightly shocked in my heart. I slashed forward with the Fumo Sword in my hand, but heard an exclamation, which vaguely seemed to be Huiyang's voice.

The figure of the ghost girl in the mask began to appear around me constantly, and I had to use the Demon Subduing Sword to slash it crazily, without any rules at all.

Huiyang directly dragged Jiang He into the room, and the little fox in his arms jumped onto the table, with a green light in his eyes, and said, "Zhong Yuan has fallen into the spell of the other party, this is not simple It's an enchantment spell, but it caused Zhong Yuan's mind to go into confusion, and he must be awakened, otherwise he will not be able to distinguish between the enemy and us at all, and his mind may fight us."

Thinking of the scene just now, it was indeed shocking. She never expected that I would stab her with a sword. Of course, I didn't know, I thought it was a masked ghost girl.

More and more masked ghost girls appeared, and they didn't attack. Standing around me, the song still didn't stop.

The power of hunting ghosts that was originally condensed was consumed a lot, I had to force myself to stop, sit cross-legged on the ground, stretch out my hand to cover the mark of the dark pendant on my chest, and mutter something, I must be in a trap now. I fell into some kind of illusion, but I can't see through whether these ghost girls are real or not. Now I can only call the ghost to come to help.

A red light flickered on the mark of the Mingyin Pei, and the phantoms of ghost girls around me disappeared one after another. When I opened my eyes, a black light suddenly shone from the ground in front of me, and dense black figures emerged. Counting carefully, there were twenty of them. On the left and right, these figures showed their true faces, all of them were wearing white robes, official hats, and holding a wooden order book in their hands. There was a faint blood-red mark on their foreheads, which was the same as before. The summoned eighth-rank parade ghosts are the same, the only difference is that these ghosts have different appearances and different heights.

One of them was thin and well-featured ghost guard glanced around, walked towards me, and then gave me a salute, and a sinister voice came over:

"Baisha, the fourth-grade ghost, has met Mr. Zhong Yuan."

"Fourth grade? I was able to summon more than 20 fourth-grade ghosts, but there are so many fourth-grade ghosts in the underworld?"

I glanced at the many ghosts, and was startled, but I didn't show any expression on the surface, and spoke in a cold tone.

Bai Sha froze for a moment, gave me a strange look, and then said: "Master Zhong Yuan, the ranks of hell ghosts are divided according to their strength. You can summon ghosts who are lower than you according to your own strength. There are about fifty fourth-grade ghost messengers, and the other half should not be able to arrive in time."

"Oh, I see, these Fanguo ghosts can be dealt with? If possible, help me catch them all."

I nodded, feeling a little horrified in my heart, more than 50 fourth-grade ghosts, what a powerful force this must be.

When I summoned them, the eerie ballad had disappeared.

Bai Sha turned his head, stared at the masked ghost girl, and snorted coldly: "The ghosts of the Fan Kingdom dare to make trouble in the territory of the Huaxia Kingdom, brothers, catch them!"

After finishing speaking, more than 20 ghost messengers became dim for a while, surrounded them in a circle, and all of them floated in the midair, and each raised the tokens in their hands, and the silver light flickered on the tokens.

"burial objects!"

Seeing these warnings, I was slightly startled. Hei Shan had heard before that these dark artifacts are treasures for restraining those demons in the Great World of Maha, and the ghost artifacts in the hands of the fourth-grade ghost guards are naturally extraordinary.

The masked ghost girl twisted her body slightly, and suddenly turned into a palm-sized white butterfly and flew into the void, trying to escape the blockade of these ghost messengers, and other Fanguo ghosts also became chaotic, starting from the fight between these ghost messengers .

Among them, the silver light on the token in Bai Sha's hand, glanced at the white butterfly, and suddenly stretched out his hand to wave the white butterfly, the silver light hit the butterfly, the body of the butterfly shook suddenly, and turned into the ghost-faced woman again from mid-air Falling down in the midst of it, the sword in Baisha's hand struck again, the ghost-masked girl twisted her body and dodged, a large gray light suddenly shot out from her eyes and covered Baisha.

Baisha seemed to be trapped, and the white robe became faintly visible. I was a little surprised. This ghost-masked woman was able to fight back against the ghost messenger and trapped Baisha. I thought she only knew something like the enchantment spell. .

But I'm not worried about Baisha, anyway, he is also the leader of the fourth rank ghost guard, it is absolutely impossible to be trapped by such a masked ghost girl.

Sure enough, after a while, Baisha launched another counterattack, the white light on his body rose, and the gray mask covering his body instantly shattered. Get up, the next second appeared next to the ghost-masked girl, swiped the token in her hand forward, a silver light flashed, and the ghost-masked girl was entangled extremely tightly, struggled a few times, but there was no sign of loosening.

"Master Zhong Yuan, continue!"

Bai Sha slashed over with his palm, just in time to knock down the ghost-masked girl. I walked up to the ghost-masked girl, stretched out my palm, and said:

"Zhu Rong, the ghost-faced girl's spirit seems to be quite pure, so I reward you two."

As soon as the words fell, a dark red vortex appeared above the ring. Zhu Rong stretched out his pale palm, grabbed the ghost-masked girl without any hesitation, and dragged her in without saying a word.

I secretly squeezed a sweat, this is a bit violent.

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