Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 339 [Curse]

The ghost-faced girl is in the scroll of the night tour of the ghosts, not only her, but also the dozen or so ghosts around it. Yamasa Ichiro managed to collect a hundred ghosts, but now he has encountered ghosts from the underworld, which is really unlucky.

The scroll of Hyakki Night Walk is a relatively special magic weapon, which can hold hundreds of ghosts, and the ghosts living in the scroll are all subdued by Yamasa Ichiro, and they are also under his control.

One less ghost means less strength, and Yamazuo Ichiro deliberately dispersed these ghosts in order to attract the monks of Kuzhu Temple, and the first ones were these strong men, these strong men were not really here to assassinate us, but mainly His mission is to destroy scriptures, Buddha statues and other things that restrain ghosts in temples.

The strong man who sneaked up on Li Nianbai before couldn't help it, because Li Nianbai's Yuanying was out of his body at this time, and his physical body was the weakest. If he didn't kill him now, when would he wait?Only then was it completely exposed, but the strong man simply couldn't recognize how powerful the Nascent Soul Cultivator was, so he died tragically.

The same is true for these ghosts. Although their strength is stronger than that of the ninth-rank ghosts, they are at most equivalent to the seventh-rank ghosts of the underworld, and the ghost-faced women are equivalent to the fifth-rank ghosts. More importantly, their hands There is no ghost weapon at all, so it is completely suppressed.

After the ghost-faced girl was caught, the silver locks shot out from these ghost orders captured all the remaining Fanguo ghosts. Naturally, I would not be polite, and sent them all to the Vulcan Ring. Zhu Rong and Heishan need to recover their strength , especially Montenegro, with enough ghosts, he can re-cultivate the demon body. After all, he has practiced before, and it is the demon body that is destroyed, not the foundation.

"Baisha, although this Kuzhu Temple is a place of Buddhism, you are also Yin gods. I know that there are ghost messengers in charge. Can you move freely in Kuzhu Temple?"

After thinking about it, I spoke again.

Bai Sha nodded, and said: "As long as you don't offend some of their taboos, I don't think there is any problem. After all, monks will also suffer from old age, sickness and death, and our ghost messengers will also come to seduce souls."

"Well, besides our place now, I think the ghosts of Fan Kingdom have also appeared in other places of Kuzhu Temple, and they need your help. In this way, they can concentrate on dealing with these powerful Fan Kingdoms. As for those ghosts, Bring them all to me here."

Touching the Vulcan ring in his hand, they need strength now, and their strength has increased, which means that my strength has also increased. One more helper will not be too bad.

Bai Sha took a look at the Vulcan ring on my finger, and I put these Fanguo ghosts into the ring, and he saw it too. After a little hesitation, he asked: "Master Zhong Yuan, if these ghosts are handed over to the underworld If you lose your mind, you will be rewarded with a lot of merit and virtue, what are you doing with it? Are you cultivating your own ghosts?"

"You don't need to ask too much about this, I will also find a way to obtain the merits and virtues, so go."

I don't want to reveal too much information and start urging them.

Seeing that I was unwilling to answer, Baisha naturally didn't dare to ask me any more questions, so he honestly led twenty or so fourth-grade ghost messengers to another direction.

I breathed a sigh of relief and walked into the room. Jiang He was lying unconscious on the bed, while Kong Huahua had recovered and stayed by Jiang He's side worriedly. I walked over and patted his hand road:

"Jiang He, wake up!"

Jiang He fell into a deep sleep, and shook him a few times to no avail. I patted his cheek again, but he was still unconscious, and said to Kong Huahua, "Little fox, go get some water."

Kong Huahua nodded, and hurriedly left here.

"Brother Zhong Yuan, the enchantment spell has worked. It is estimated that brother Jiang He has fallen into the enchantment spell and cannot wake up. Even if you soak him in the water, there is no way for him to wake up. "

Huiyang propped his chin with both hands, opened his eyes and spoke.

"Then what to do? Is there any way to save it?"

I frowned, if Jiang He keeps doing this, he will really be like a vegetable, that's fine, now that Li Nianbai and the others haven't come back, I really don't know what to do.

"I don't know too well. I guess I need to use the dream-entry method to enter his dream. His soul is lost, but he is actually in his own dream. As long as someone goes in and wakes him up, it will be fine, but this person must He is very familiar with him, otherwise he might be killed by the things that appear in the dream, and most of the dreams are illusory, if the person who wakes him also falls into brother Jiang He's dream, then he will not be able to come out. "

Huiyang spoke very seriously.

"I see, only my cousin, because my cousin is the most familiar with him, and my cousin has the eyes of yin and yang, and can see through all falsehoods, so he is the best candidate. I am going to find my cousin now, and wait for the little fox Come here, you stay here, don't go out, you know, there is this elder brother, who is probably reuniting with the source of faith, so you have to protect him, you know, I will rush over as soon as possible."

I touched his little bald head and said.

Hui Yang grabbed my arm and said, "No, Brother Zhong Yuan, your injury has not fully recovered, and now there are many dangers outside, it will be very dangerous for you to go out, and, where do you find Brother Zhongli? It's so big, maybe You go out, and he will come back."

"Don't worry, although my ring of faith has not recovered, but I have practiced the magic art, and I will not be far behind. I will be able to find brother Zhongli when I use the Zhong family's secret technique, so don't worry."

I withdrew my hand, stood at the door, bit my finger, and pointed in the air:

"Zhong Kui uses the law, the source of blood, thousands of strands, return to one, look for Zhongli, order!"

A faint red light shot towards the distance, I followed closely behind the red light, and chased after it, the speed of the red light was very fast, after leaving the guest room, it was in the back mountain, I didn't see anything Fan Guo is strong, and the direction of Kuzhu Temple is already full of fighting sounds, and there is a faint flame rising from the direction of the temple.

Skimming through the arched roots, I found that there were corpses of strong men from the foreign country in black. Almost all of these corpses were burned, and some of them died very strangely.

I knew it was my cousin's shot, because my cousin likes to use fire-attributed talismans to attack enemies.

After running for a quarter of an hour, there was a sound of fighting ahead, and the blood in front of him collapsed and disappeared.

Looking through the moonlight, a familiar figure in front of him was holding a mahogany sword in his hand, and a few yellow talismans in the other hand. The surrounding was pitch black, and occasionally the figure would flicker, and a hidden weapon would fly towards his cousin. In the past, the cousin's eyes have turned into yin and yang magic eyes, and he can avoid it every time.

However, my cousin's steps are a little disordered, and the Yin-Yang Dharma Eye in his pupils is running more and more slowly. I know that this is because the Dharma Eye has been cast for too long. If you don't close the Dharma Eye, there will be serious sequelae. Wake up Jiang He, his own eyes will also be lost.

I took a closer look at the surroundings. My cousin was surrounded by a few big trees with luxuriant branches. Occasionally, the branches swayed, and a faint figure shuttled on it. Stay for half a minute, basically stepping on a branch will jump to another tree. Of course, when leaving the branch, you will sprinkle dense hidden weapons.

"What a cunning guy, actually used this method to attack my cousin!"

I snorted coldly, this guy jumps around on the branches, there is no law at all, so it is not so easy for my cousin to find him while dealing with these hidden weapons.

Taking advantage of the darkness, I used my lightness technique and quietly climbed onto a nearby tree branch. Because this powerful Fanguo was concentrating on dealing with his cousin, and he had to hide his body at the same time, he didn't notice my existence.

I took a deep breath, and directly summoned the bone of the real demon to possess me. I stretched out my hand and pulled a handful of leaves. I pinched it with five fingers, and a purple-gold flame burst out from the palm of my hand. With a flick, these leaves wrapped in purple-gold flames shot out, passing through the air like a shooting star. He was shocked and immediately turned over in the air, but one foot was still injured by the leaves covered with flames.

These purple-gold magic fires were not ordinary flames. When they touched the flames, he immediately fell from the sky and let out a scream.

I jumped down from the branch, and my cousin put away the Yin-Yang Dharma Eye, and the fire sword in his hand turned into little flames and dissipated in the air in an instant. He was a little surprised and asked:

"Did you deaf to what I said?"

"Don't teach me now, if it weren't for me, it would probably take a while for you to deal with this strong man. Something happened to us, and there was a sneak attack by the ghosts of Fanguo."

I picked out my ears, and looked helplessly at my cousin who had an admonishing expression on his face.

My cousin's eyes flickered, his brows furrowed, and he said, "Even if you don't make a move, I still have a way to deal with this strong man, but I just want to hone myself, and I don't want to use the Tai Chi diagram my master passed on to me, that's all right. , Fanguo ghosts are attacking you? Don’t you have the seal of Mingyin on your body, can you just summon ghosts?”

"I summoned the ghosts and solved them, but one of the ghosts attacked very strangely. Jiang He was under the spell of fascination. Now he is unconscious and lost in his dream. Someone must go and kill him. Wake up, after much deliberation, I still think you are the most suitable, so I used the Zhong family's secret technique to track you, and I found you here."

I spoke while running on the way back.

After the cousin heard that Jiang He was under the enchantment spell, his face became even more gloomy.

Just as we were about to reach the backyard of Kuzhu Temple, two dark figures appeared in front of us, holding sharp long knives. They stood there motionless, as if they had been lying in ambush for a long time.

"Cousin, you find a way to go back to the guest room, and I will deal with them."

I drew out the Subduing Demon Sword and spoke quietly.

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